Binge Eating Support Group Conversation Thread - 2016



  • ripley821
    ripley821 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I've struggled with binge eating for years on and off (sometimes worse than others). Right now I've been struggling with it the most on weekends. I find I'm more likely to stay on track when I plan out what I'm going to eat ahead of time, get enough sleep, and exercise at least a few times during the week. I tend to be an all or nothing person, plus after I binge I tend to feel hungover/like I have the flu and don't have energy to do much.

    I hate binging because it interferes with my weight and health, friendships (I've definitely cancelled plans after not feeling well becasue of a binge), and wallet, but I still usually turn to it when I want comfort.

    Hoping to get back on track!
  • KMatovina
    KMatovina Posts: 16 Member
    Howdy! I'm Kate, 33 out of Florida. I have struggled with weight and binge eating for years and am making a new attempt at my weight loss for good this time. I have been looking in particular for a binge eating support group to go somewhere when my friends and family who love me just really don't get how hard it is to not eat something.

    Lately I've had more good days than bad. I stay in the deficit with my calorie counting and I've slowly been adding exercise back into my weekly routine. I'm making better choices all around with the foods I eat throughout the day and am maintaining a consistent amount of exercise each's been an especially slow start back to the exercise. Still, those days arrive when I just want what I want and I don't care at all how bad it is for me or how much I'm going to regret it after I binge. I'm trying to keep those at bay as much as humanly possible.

    I look forward to supporting you all and getting a little support from you here and there when those hard days to resist fresh Krispy Kreme donuts when the sign is lit up to tell me they just came off the line, or I'm hungry in the grocery store and reeeallly want those snack cakes I know have absolutely no place in my dieting efforts. Hope you all enjoy your weekend!
  • silviamartins
    silviamartins Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there, I’m new to this group :smile: I’ve always struggled a binge eating. There was a time I had it under control and felt amazing! I want to go back to that feeling, but once I became a mom I gained more purpose and lost control! Why can’t I be that mom that is too busy to eat lol???
    -The kids always want to snack, than I end up snacking.
    -They don’t finish their food and I eat it, so that it doesn’t go to waste.
    -when I play with them, time moves very slowly and I end up eating from boredom :neutral:
    - when I have a tough day, I feel like I earned my treat
    - Kid’s birthday parties and events rarely has healthy food

    Those are just some of the reasons why this stage of life is sooooo much harder! Ugh! I love my kids though :)
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi. I've been a MFP member on and off for years. I've lost many battles with my weight but I haven't yet lost the war because I'm back to try again. Now it's getting more urgent. Health issues are beginning to raise their heads. So here I am. Looking for and hoping to offer support as we all struggle with the extra dieting burden of binge eating. It's very difficult for those who eat normally to understand binge eating. At best they see it as a weakness and at worse sheer gluttony. Here, I know I'll find understanding.
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    @vampirequeen1959, there’s a monthly binge-fighting challenge thread in this group that you may wish to follow.
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi. I've been a MFP member on and off for years. I've lost many battles with my weight but I haven't yet lost the war because I'm back to try again...
    Hi! I’m in a similar place - I’ve been on here for almost four years, but haven’t been able to lose and keep off weight. My goal is losing thirty pounds, but whenever I’ve managed to lose a few pounds here or there I eat them right back on and then some. I eat a lot of healthy foods, but I eat WAY too much of them - I get in real trouble with nuts, nut butters, protein bars, dried fruits, fruits, grains (but I try not to eat grains) and even stuff like beans and tofu. I need to stop seeking comfort, happiness, and flavor from food. I want to fit back into my skinny clothes again!
  • find1ng_balance
    find1ng_balance Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Charlotte, I'm 25 years old, and I've been struggling with binge eating since October 2019. Before that, I was actually I am approaching being overweight. I don't feel like myself in my current body, and I hate the feeling of binging. I would really like to stop binging to gain confidence in myself and to start building a social (and perhaps romantic) life!

    I am hoping to find some friends here for support, insight, and encouragement!
  • alligatorob
    alligatorob Posts: 770 Member
    I am Rob, a 67 year old man living in Northern Utah. I have been a binge eater all of my life, and only recently been able to control it. I have lost a lot of weight, ~200 lbs in all, and have been binge free for about a year and a half. However I know the urge has not left me, and I know I am never more than 5 minutes away from a binge. I believe that will be true for the rest of my life. I am trying to find a way to live with it.

    So far I have just managed one day at a time to eat well and not binge. Guess I will keep doing the same, today anyway. I need support to stay binge free and this group appears to be a good place to get support.
  • lcaseymnvb
    lcaseymnvb Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Mike I am 17. Earlier this year in May I was shredded I weighed about 130 pounds on my 5'9-5'11 and was around 8-10% body fat. I really wanted to lose 5 pounds which was hard I had severely cut out food, and I could not sustain this. I then started binge eating on all the junk food I missed out on. Within a span of under two months I have put on twenty pounds. I don't how to overcome this. I need to get back in the habit of tracking calories. My main goal now is to build muscle while losing fat.
  • Pnny123
    Pnny123 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I am new here, looking for help with binge eating. I am learning little bits here and there as I explore this site - like learning about triggers. Hadn't thought of triggers in terms of eating before. I am 51 and have struggled with food all my life, learned how to do so from my Mom who also struggled with food. All of my siblings struggle with food as well. I'm looking for tools and support to help me get off this rollercoaster of a ride with food. Every day its the same thing - I start the day with the best of intentions and by about 2 pm my intentions are all messed up. Help is appreciated.
  • stargazerkittykat
    stargazerkittykat Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm an OA member my name is Lydia, I'm abstinent for a year and a half now with 30 lbs lost, still a long way to go. Was in another weightloss group, but decided to go here because it's easier to monitor hidden trigger foods like salt and sugar. I eat because of emotional issues, though one day at a time, I'm working on that. Happy to connect with anyone.
  • respira_e_rinasci
    Hello everyone!I'm Francesca….I'm a 32 old Italian woman.
    I've been fighting with my weight and my emotional eating since I was 7. I'm now in a low point in my life where my weight influences my sleep, my daily routine, my mind. I know I have to stop eating this much but I cannot stop the anxiety.
  • Ebonie_owlwehn
    Ebonie_owlwehn Posts: 32 Member
    So glade to see this group. I am a binger and binged yesterday after food pushing by someone else. I’m on orlistat which helping with my relationship with food via consequences but also with food pushing via the orlistat does not let you digest 30% of the fat. I’ve had issue in past with chewing food and spitting it out. As well diaretics, speed, efergin. Just started to exercise again started with exercise for my flat feet resently and now added some yoga. Have in the past well still do on anything.. tell myself you can’t have or can’t go or can’t do Till You … what ever it may be. Ie in past I would not allow myself to go out unless I’d had breakfast did at least 120min exercise and did all the housework. Newest thing of late is telling myself it’s ok I can leave a bit, I don’t have to clear my plate. I have some new routine habits. Water 9 cups a day. Feet exercise, yoga exercise, portion control containers, breakfast, lunch, no snacking, no cake one bite will trigger me to binge. Bit of a train wreck but doing best for me. Looking forward to having a special place where I can talk about how bingeing make me feel before and after how thors emotions can be a rollacoster.
  • nyxxie2509
    nyxxie2509 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I’m 33 and have had BED since I was 12. I also have BiPolar Disorder and other smaller issues that kind of create a perfect storm that led to my heaviest weight of nearly 400lbs. Therapy has been a daily part of my life for over half my life, but last year a new psychiatrist started me on a newly approved medication for BED that has helped me tremendously. I lost 100lbs over the past year and was able to deal with the negativity of BED better. Still, there are NO support groups in my area and I’m in desperate need of support from people who get it.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 346 Member
    So glad you found this group. Welcome. Congratulations on your success. I have schizoaffective disorder and find medication and therapy, as well as giving myself grace, has really helped me.
  • msmichlle0607
    msmichlle0607 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! My name is Michelle ! I’m a proud food addiction as we’ll binge emotional eating disorder survivor. I battled since age 12 years old -32 years old . I have 1 year fully recovered. I am 33 years old. My 1year Anniversary was June 21, 2022 . This is an addiction that was not easy to beat . I still learn more and more about myself each day. It is very mindful because of when my emotions are there I have to be noticing am I eating with intention of the emotions or am I genuinely hungry. This is something I do on an everyday basis.
  • CrazyMermaid1
    CrazyMermaid1 Posts: 346 Member
    Congratulations Michelle. What a major accomplishment. Keep up the good work.