Let's Count Up to 16 Weeks of Strength Building



  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    edited March 2016
    My workouts today: a variation of SL

    OP: 5x5 @ 50 lbs. - I tried doing 3x8 @ 50 but could not progress to 8 reps, so I did a SL 5x5. I think my arms will be sore tomorrow.
    DL: 5x5 @ 125 lbs. - I'm screwing up my numbers doing 5x5s instead of 3x8s.
    Assisted Pullups: 3x8 @ level 14. Moved up one level.
    cardio: Biked to and from work a total of 6 miles. I was supposed to run a 4 miler but didn't feel like it again. I have a 10 mile race scheduled the day after we get back from Amsterdam. That's going to be fun <note sarcasm>. LOL!
    extras: 2 planks at one minute each, leg raise for a one minute.
    weigh-in: NO LOSS! NO Gain either. I know, I know! Don't look at the numbers and it has only been a week since IF.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Today's Workout

    Barbell Squat 55 lbs x 10
    Bench Press 45 lbs x 8 - tried to inc by 2.5 lb, but couldn't do more than 5.
    DB Single Arm Row 22.5 lbs x 8
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Today's Workout

    Bench Press 45 lbs x 8 - tried to inc by 2.5 lb, but couldn't do more than 5.

    I think 5 is pretty darn good. But the fact that you could only do 5 means you pissed your muscle off -- now it will fight back by getting stronger if you insist on trying to make it handle 8. :)

  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Sixpacklady, Dcresider, I think it's interesting that we are all petite.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    DDHFree wrote: »
    Today's Workout

    Bench Press 45 lbs x 8 - tried to inc by 2.5 lb, but couldn't do more than 5.

    I think 5 is pretty darn good. But the fact that you could only do 5 means you pissed your muscle off -- now it will fight back by getting stronger if you insist on trying to make it handle 8. :)

    Yes, I am hoping so. Actually I am thinking of running a 4 X 6 reps for a few months when we start our next 16 week cycle to build up my strength and then go back to 3 X 10.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    DDHFree wrote: »
    Sixpacklady, Dcresider, I think it's interesting that we are all petite.

    Yes, we are petite. But I am sure we will look different even at the same weight, depending on where we carry most of our fat. I carry my most fat in my belly. I am ok with my rest of the body, now only if I could spot reduce :)
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Here's to the petite ladies in this group (and of course the others ladies too). I carry most of my weight in my tummy, thighs, and hips, although in the past few years I feel like my fat has shifted all over. I'm a slight pear shaped with heavier legs. I'm hoping to become leaner by the end of the year. This is my second week of IF and I really haven't seen a change/loss but will keep at it. Also, I'm PMSing so I'm feeling quite moody and puffy.

    Workout of the day:

    Cardio: Biked 6 miles to and from work, and run 4.5 miles (finally)!
    Food: I'm still within my macros. On cardio days I get extra calories to eat.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Mine seem to be evenly distributed but I tend to lose the most from my stomach first. So we will all definitely look different. That's why I want to be achieve MY best body and not try to look like anyone else.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Week 12
    Routine: Workout A

    Set 1: 80 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 80 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 80 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 80 lbs × 6

    Bench Press

    Set 1: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 60 lbs × 6

    Bent Over Row

    Set 1: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 60 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 60 lbs × 6
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    Workout B
    Deadlift 85 lbs x 10 reps (3 sets)
    Pullups - did negatives and band assisted pullups
    OHP 37.5 lbs x 8 reps (3 sets)
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    DDHFree wrote: »

    Yes, I am hoping so. Actually I am thinking of running a 4 X 6 reps for a few months when we start our next 16 week cycle to build up my strength and then go back to 3 X 10.

    I really like doing the 4X6. I think you will too. I'm planning to reevaluate at the end of 16 weeks and see if I need to make any changes. But I really like the way it's going so far.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Happy Friday ladies.

    I think I'm going stick to the SL 5x5. It's easier for me to do and I can increase weight slowly.

    SL Workouts

    Romanian/straight legged deadlifts: 5x5 @ 125lbs. - Skipped doing squats
    Bench press: 5x5@80 lbs. - It felt heavy but managed to finish all 5 sets.
    Bentover Rows: 5x5@75 lbs. - Kept at this weight because I could feel my neck pulling.
    cardio: bike to and from work - 6 miles. No run today.
    IF: Good so far. Holds me accountable on weekdays. I'll be taking a break on weekends.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Good work ladies! Stay focused and committed over the weekend.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    12 Weeks Complete and 4 more to go for phase 1.

    Weight: from 130.2 lbs to 128.4 (loss of 1.8)
    Total fat loss: 7.6 lbs.

    Measurements: Loss inches from abs, chest, thighs, calves, hips. Did not lose from neck. Arms actually increased or measured inconsistently. I supposed it’s possible given that my biceps are definitely bigger.

    Deadlifts from 93 to 100 lbs (+7)
    LAT Pulldowns from 55 to 65 lbs (+10 lbs)
    Shoulder Press from 43 to 45 lbs. (+2)
    Squats from 80 to 80 lbs (deloaded and now back to 80)
    Bench Press from 58 to 60 lbs (+2)
    Rows from 60.2 to 60.2 (deloaded and back up to 60.2)

    I am very happy that things are progressing albeit slow for some successes and a little faster for others. But progressing nonetheless.

    I was planning to report my same 129.4 lbs which I hit 3 weeks ago. I was just so thrilled to be under 130. But I awoke this morning and hit new low of 128.4. The FAT loss is so weird. I was not expected to see anything since 1) just ended my cycle and 2) heading into ovulation week. I bloat during both of these phases. But without fail, after ovulation there is always a loss; however, it obviously happened before this time. I thought I had a predictable cycle going on but maybe not.

    Last assessment I mentioned how fat I still looked at 130.2. Well, things are really starting to turn around. I can finally wear a tank top again and people not know I have a pooch. I still have it but I have been sucking in my stomach for as long as I can remember – and I am sure I will continue to do so. However, my body fat was so high that even sucking it in did not give the illusion of a flat stomach so I have been hiding in big sweaters all winter and now very loosely fitted tops. Although I still have about 10 to 12 lbs of body fat to lose, things are getting back and I am very pleased.

    One challenge that I have is that I still love my cookies. But I have learned that if I eat the organic low fiber junkie kinds, that I eat way too many and I have to compensate by either eating less the next day or doing extra cardio. So now I try to be very cognizant of that and either decide to do one of those things or get off my butt and make some amazing healthy, high protein cookies. They taste great, they make me full, and they are so nutrition that I can and have eaten them for dinner. But I need to keep them on hand because my 3 year old daughter loves them too.

    I can honestly say that I can continue to do what I am doing for life as I do not feel deprived and I enjoy my workouts. But let me be very real and say that I sure as heck would rather have more calories to eat but I take comfort in knowing that I can increase to maintenance level + workout calories once I reach my goals.

    Nothing too AMAZING but I am stoked about my shoulders so here are couple of snippets as promised. The light spot is from the camera. Also, one shoulder is higher than the other because I was doing my best to hold the phone in 1 hand. I am not posting an embarrassing before picture.


    Let's keep going ladies!
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    Great results @DDHFree ! Keep it up! :smiley:
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    sucampbeN wrote: »
    Great results @DDHFree ! Keep it up! :smiley:

    Thank you sucampbeN!
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Week 13
    Routine: Workout B

    Set 1: 100 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 100 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 100 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 100 lbs × 6
    Notes: I think this is my 3rd week at this weight but I've decided it's necessary. I actually want to increase and feel very much that I can because I LOVE deadlifts -- it's my favorite of all the exercises. However, I had been feeling an unusual feeling in my lower back. I talked about it in another thread but basically not painful at all and wondered if it was DOMS. However, found it suspect because I've never felt it before. To confuse things more it was always gone after a day or so. At any rate, I'm doing both my squats and deadlifts very carefully to see if I feel it again. I didn't with the squats but I really had to tweak my form as I suspect the squats were the cause. So I practice the same caution with deadlifts this morning -- making sure I was not using my lower back to help me pull. It felt much better and once again thanks to Alan Thralls new videos on doing deadlifts. So far, I don't feel anything and last time I felt the feeling just a few hours after working out.

    Lat Pulldown
    Set 1: 65 lbs × 6
    Set 2: 65 lbs × 6
    Set 3: 65 lbs × 6
    Set 4: 65 lbs × 6

    Shoulder Press
    Set 1: 46.1 lbs × 4
    Set 2: 46.1 lbs × 4
    Set 3: 46.1 lbs × 4
    Set 4: 46.1 lbs × 4
    Notes: Only increased by 1.1 pound and could only do four reps each time. Will keep trying.
  • sixpacklady
    sixpacklady Posts: 582 Member
    That is really impressive progress @DDHFree . We can definitely see the changes in your shoulders and you look lean. Most importantly, you are seeing this as a lifestyle change and that is something we all should aim to learn.
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Thanks sixpacklady! I can't believe it but I was down another .2 lbs this morning. Because my losses are slow and infrequent, I get excited about any new low that I see. :)
  • DDHFree
    DDHFree Posts: 502 Member
    Correction, I should have said "I am not posting MY embarrassing before photos". I am certainly not implying that others are embarrassing because I love seeing those amazing before and afters. I just feel this way about my own. Who knows, I may eventually get up the nerve to do it. LOL.