OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good morning before I head out. Had another on-plan day yesterday and feeling motivated.

    Bert, glad you have a handy husband and found a contractor who will be a joy to work with. That is not easy!

    MaryLynn, I'm with you. Many people have great success pretracking but I'm not one of them (being on my own may contribute to my ability/choice to be flexible about what & when I eat. Have a great day, everyone!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    yes it has been 10 days since you've heard from me. I buckled down and told myself i had to stay focused to finish the book! So I'm happy to report that Fall With Me is in the hands of GF- who has said she's read chapter 1 and hooked... I rewrote it twice over the holidays. Constant tweaking. I cried through many pages - but it is the best one yet.
    My OMG- Water for this week. I have slacked terribly.
    I got on the scale and gained 4 pounds in December so if nothing else the water will help me stop snacking.
    Janet- which is your surgery?
    Karla- congrats on the skinny jeans ^5
    Patti- sorry you missed the cabin this year- is Edd better?
    MaryLynn- check in when you can
    Bert- I chuckled that your minister references Star Wars. I have always believe May the force be with you- is a strong reference to God.
    Suzi- Did I miss where you are off to next?
    Need to run but I'm back in the saddle and watch out 2017! Its the year of US
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Looks like we are all off and running for 2017. On plan day for me yesterday and aiming for day 2 today. I got my shopping done in record time, despite everyone having the day off and they were shopping too. Exchanged a sleep shirt and socks my DIL gave me at Macy's first. The clerk did the exchange and another clerk bagged up both sets and handed them to me when the first clerk walked away to do something else. When I pointed out that I should only be getting one set I thought she was going to cry when she thanked me. Lesson for the day, kindness always matters. Off to Mom's and then the gym tonight, it is going to be ugly and brutal but I have to get back into it, I miss it so much.
    Thanks for asking about Edd, he had a bit of a relapse on Sunday but took it easy yesterday and is nearly completely back to himself today.p

    Cindy, so happy to have you back. Your absence was definitely for a good cause. If you cried I j know I will be sobbing!

    Bert, Edd hates plumbing but is pretty good at it, I still put bowls wherever he works just in case. Glad your contractor turned out to be just what you needed.

    Janet, you are going strong and I know you got this. You are one determined lady! I am trying to channel you as I get back on track.

    Going to look for a new diet book Eat Clean, Stay Lean, the Diet by Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, RD. She is a Dr of public health and nutrition, registered dietician and American college of sports medicine-certified exercise physiologist. I just saw her on Kelly and I think she has a great no nonsense approach.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I DID IT and I didn't die, lol. There were only 4 of us in TRX tonight and all have not been there since before Thanksgiving, just like me. I whined, I moaned, I begged for mercy.....none shown, but I made it and feel pretty danged proud of myself. Tomorrow will probably be another story but for now I feel good.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! I'm up early again. Between my back and knee, I just can't get comfortable if I lay in bed too much. I'm up and moving, and feel better. Yesterday, the kitchen sink backed up when I was using the garbage disposal. I was so thankful that the contractors were here. It wasn't anything that Mike did. :D It was food from the garbage disposal that clogged the pipe. I try not to use it too much. My contractor told me to frequently run hot water down each drain. I'll remember that tip. Today I will try to match the bathroom paint and will have to paint around the new shower and one wall. I'm so hoping it will match good enough that I won't have to paint the wall behind the toilet. Wish me luck.

    I'm also heading to campus today to get help in their online program. They want me to update my courses, but when I did, I got another faculty member's info in my course they assigned me. Go figure.

    Today is "Sugarless Wednesday". I saw this on the news, and I'm going to try my best to comply. As you know, I have a horrible sweet tooth. Breakfast is tracked. Have a great day, everyone.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    I shed 1.4 pounds of water yesterday and I logged in as a loss as I'm weighing myself daily again. I also woke up feeling empty so that is a good sign for me- but not ravenous.
    Patti- good for you with TRX-
    Bert- you can also throw and alka seltzer down with hot water, it helps to keep things running smoothly- and your bathroom sink too. Great cleaners of pipes. I don't use for my human consumption :)
    I forgot to tell you that the day after Christmas I slipped and fell on the ice at best buy. My left hamstring has been giving me fits since then with lots of trigger points between my lower back and knee. I'm working them out and the muscle is finally responding so I'm being careful how I move. I have used the Simply Fit board I got for Christmas and I can do 6 minutes- not as easy to balance as it looks on TV but I do feel it deep in my abs and sides- not in a bad way tho.
    I hope everyone else is doing well. Need to get moving.
    Until later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2017
    A quick hello before errands (snow due & KY drivers freak out so plan to stay in for a few days).

    Cindy, OUCH! Take care of yourself, & congrats on the loss. Have also shed water since 1/1 too. Patti, knew you could still rock TRX. Brava! Hope the job is a bit calmer in the new year - so glad you like it well. Bert, good luck with paint. Glad disposal's OK too. More later - ate very little yesterday on purpose - not too hungry, trying to reset system. So far, so good ...
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey all, feeling only a little sore this morning. We did an intense upper body workout last night and I thought it would be much worse. I also braved the scale. No holiday gain! 2 days tracked and going for 3. Yesterday I had a sandwich for lunch and the bread I love is a sugar free whole wheat but it is 100 cal per slice. I cut the crusts off, don't like them anyway, lol. When that was done my 2 slices became 1 1/4 (90gms down to 55gms) love my digital scale. Work today and then off until Saturday and Sunday. Will get my other 3 classes in at the gym on Thursday and Friday. I am feeling like me again.

    Bert, glad your contractor was there to help. The biggest lesson I learned with the disposal was to run plenty of water every time you use it. I also clean my coffee pot once a month by running white vinegar thru it. I put a cup of baking soda in the garbage disposal and then pour the hot vinegar on top. It keeps the pipes clean and your disposal smelling better.

    Cindy, sorry for your fall but it sounds like you are doing all the right things and you are not letting it stop you. Yeah on a loss!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies!! Long day yesterday up to UAB eye hospital , I don't know if I can tolerate these new upper plugs. As she warned, it is keeping my eyes running water. Geez, can't win. Not dry, but runny now.

    Cindy- So sorry for your fall, but yea on your loss!!

    Patti- Good for you for back at what you love and hooray for tracking!!

    Janet- Good for you on three days of low eating and getting your groove back!

    I am on the wagon today too! I had my egg white omelet and turkey sandwich for lunch. Will setup my new Garmin tonight and get some activity going. Boy, doesn't all this feel great!!!!!

    My father is in a touchy state. He had some squamous cell carcinoma cells removed on his face yesterday. Today he had the plastic surgery. This triggered his vertigo. I wish I could go but Glenn has his surgery on Friday. Keith is doing great taking care of him. I will keep you all posted on both.

    I'm so glad we are all doing so well.

    Truck on!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! I'm up early again this morning......I certainly wish I could figure out why I can't go back to sleep after getting up with Molly. My mind just starts wondering and either reflects the previous day or starts thinking about what lies ahead this day. I need to figure out how to go back to sleep; however, breakfast is tracked, and painting will definitely begin this morning! :)

    Cindy: I've never heard of putting Alka Seltzer down the drain to clean pipes.....I'll give it a try.

    Patti: I need to clean my coffee pot more often. I'll give that a try with the baking soda.

    Yesterday was a great day for my eating and exercising. I got in 12K steps and was under calorie alottment. I tried to do Sugarless Wednesday, but caved in to Hot Chocolate at my friends' house. I have a funny story about my new hairdresser. She is going through a divorce and proceeded to tell me her story......the more she talked, the more curling irons she used.......I was praying I wouldn't look like a poodle before I was done as I needed to go to campus to get some courses clarified. She kept saying that she wasn't done talking and then picked up another iron! :o

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm going to try to repeat what I did yesterday to get in my steps and eat below calorie allowance.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I am weighing in daily to stay focused so you'll see updates on the home page with the "news"
    I'm not focused on the number but the routine of focusing on ME-
    I had a huge salad for dinner with some leftover meatballs. A little odd but I had made them with oatmeal so they were a clean choice. Again, trying to eat clean.
    The leg is starting to feel more stable under me so I'll get back on the fit board this weekend. It really uses all your leg and core muscles. With a bad hamstring not the smartest idea to add new stress to that muscle.
    Karla- sorry for runny eyes- you just can't catch a break.
    Janet- good for 3 days strung together. We take this journey one step at a time.
    Bert- so you never said, did you look like a poodle? great on the steps my Fitbit died.
    Patti- muscle memory is a beautiful thing. I chuckled about the crusts being cut off.
    Please say a prayer for Megan, she has reached an all time high in her weight and I'm so very worried about her health. I've never seen her look so unwell. I'm worried sick but I know there is nothing I can do for her.
    Did I tell you the girls and I are flying to my mom's for a weekend this month- we're surprising her for her 80th birthday. We leave on the 20th and back on the 22nd it will be quick but she'll be overjoyed to see her girls. I almost blew it last weekend - but recovered quickly.
    Well time to get back to the desk job.
    I'll check in again.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello from snowy Ohio. After looking out the window I started trying to find excuses to skip the gym. None of them viable, so I am up and dressed, breakfast done and tracked. Just need to clean off the car and warm it up. The roads are clear and my gym is only 4 miles from here, all major roads. I even told myself I could stay in if I did a DVD, but I told the trainer last night I was going to be there today and asked her to bring me a copy of something she posted. So I truly have no excuses. Another good day under my belt. Work was brutal, don't know way so many people were buying fabric but we never got a break. There were 2 ladies that had 3 carts full of fabric. They wanted everything on every bolt. So no cutting but it had to all be unrolled and then rolled back on the cardboard. It took over an hour to get it done and their bill was over $1000. They were buying for a charitable sewing group that make blankets, pillowcases and other items for our veterans, sick children, hospice and needy babies. The other lady I worked with was the one waiting on them. Everyone waiting was mostly patient, especially once they heard what their cause was. They also handed out cards to those interested and got a few new recruits for their cause.

    Bert, loved your hairdresser story. How DID your hair turn out?

    Cindy, love having you back in the fold. Sending prayers for Megan. Are things still stressful in her marriage and with the stepson? Your Mom is going to be over the moon with your surprise. Now you just have a few weeks to keep it a secret.

    Janet, how are things with you? Is it snowing for you? I know how much you love it.

    Karla, sorry that the eye saga continues. Will the running slow down as your eyes get used to the plugs? Saying prayers for your dad and wishing Glenn all the best for a successful surgery and a speedy and permanent fix.

    Need to start shoveling and cleaning the car
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Let me just say that taking 6 weeks off really showed in class today. I did not give up, just slowed down a bit on some of the cardio stuff. Now to make it thru TRX tonight without excessive whining,,lol.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    On old computer so short post. Patti, mojo will return fast. Bert, brava! Karla, Glenn ready? How's your dad? Cindy, I know you worry but are wise enough to stay quiet and just love her. Very happy for your progress - ditto for Bert.

    Endocrinologist moved up due to cancellations. Stressful. Fought (again) for dosage change. Hair loss again + low energy + some unearned weight gain = problem! Got condescending weight lecture based on her presumptions about what I eat. Really hurtful. Will seek 2nd opinion when healed. But have lost 3 since 1/1, according to her scale.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited January 2017
    Janet, I am so angry on your behalf for your endocrinologist's condescending attitude. I totally agree with getting a second opinion. Nobody knows your struggle or your body better than you. How dare she make such presumptions! Picture me as the Cowardly Lion....."put em up!"
    Yeah on the 3 pound loss, I know you worked hard for it.

    Boy am I sore now! Making myself get up and move every hour so I don't get even stiffer. The roads here are slick and now that the sun has gone down it is going to get worse. So I decided to skip the gym tonight for multiple reasons. Not sure I could actually do the class. Not as tough as I thought I was,but I will do my Zumba/Pilates in the morning and call it a good first week back to the gym. I have to work Saturday and Sunday, so will at least get my steps in for those days. Tonight is the return of the Blacklist and date night, we sure know how to party here.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2017
    Thanks, Patti. Getting told to "eat a lot less bread and pasta" steamed me because I rarely eat either (nor rice). But am trying to relax tonight. Your soreness is an oddly good sign though. Recording Blacklist here - thinking it's an Advil PM night for me (Bert, have you tried a "PM" or good old bendryl? Going to have an apple and yogurt because I'm hangry but well within my limit to put on-plan day 5 into the book. Have decided I can allow myself up to three slightly higher calorie days a month to keep my body confused and account for eating out and holidays. Starting to get my brain back into the gear it needs to be in for me to lose. You are all my daily inspiration!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just spent over an hour on live chat with Kohl's. I ordered some slippers for Mom (along with a few other things)They were on sale, plus I used my Kohl's cash and 25% one day only online discount on Christmas Day. I got the rest of the order a week ago and have been awaiting the slippers to give to Mom tomorrow. Opened the package and it was an NFL t-shirt, the Cardinals no less! Yeah those two things are similar. End of the whole chat session, I have to send the t-shirt back, at their expense, and reorder the slippers. Not happy. So going to have to run out and buy her some at another store. It has not been my week in the shopping department. I still have to make another trip to Macy's to return the previously returned nightgown! Hoping I can use the car tomorrow afternoon to get it all done. Not a happy camper, but in the grand scheme of things I know these are just minor irritations and I will be over it n a bit.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Welcome to Friday- it is a NON LR day this week so I'm a MarCom chick instead.
    Watching the scale inch down each day I the cookie monster has left the building. Amazing how quickly the cookies are falling of me- lol
    Again I know it is a lot of water from the muscle inflammation as well as not eating to excess.
    Refocused and feeling better about my health.
    Looks like Meg might be moving to Ohio- the husband is going out there for an in person interview tomorrow. She said the town is desperate so I'm sure he'll get the offer and jump at it. So they'll be moving- now only time will tell if she bags Mom's for the move. Since they want someone in place by third week of January.
    So anyway-
    Janet- find a new doctor. I hate that she is SO mean to you.
    Patti- sorry about the shopping woes- I know its your favorite thing ;) .
    Karla- when is Glenn's surgery?
    I guess I need to focus and keep the day moving.
    Talk to you all later.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. We are at the hospital. They have started the IV and we are waiting for the surgeons. I surely hope this will resolve my poor baby's issue.

    Cindy- Congrats to your new resolve and watching the scale decline in the right direction.

    Janet- I know you will seek a new Endo after your Orthotic surgery and one that is caring and understanding. One that will listen and take the time to get to know you. The idiot had no idea how little you really eat!! Or what you eat. Nor did she ask before she accused, makes me sick. Thank you for your kind words this morning.

    Bert- Are you using your containers? Still going to the gym? I plan on doing my first DVD when I get Glenn home and comfortable. I love our new arrangement in the living room and hope to move some furniture in my front dining area this weekend.

    Cindy- I forgot to mention, Meg moving to Ohio is quite a jaunt from you. But if best for the family? Keep us posted.

    I had scale shock this morning! It wasn't my ideal time to weigh so I will weigh again tomorrow, but I know what I need to do. Get moving! Get that water level up!

    I'll post later how Glenn is doing.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from the tundra. It is 8 degrees and a feels like temp of -2, with a high of 15 expected! Have I told you all I don't like winter, lol. Edd is running a few errands this morning so the car will be warmed up for my trip to the gym. He will need the car again after I get home but am hoping to get to the store and Mom's this afternoon. I still have a $10 Kohl's cash to use so will see what kind of slippers they have in store. Waiting for an email from them for pickup of the tee shirt. Going to try Cornish hens in my new pressure cooker tonight. I am going to treat them like chicken wings and is them in a wing sauce and then crisp them up in the oven after they are done. Wish me luck.

    Karla, have good thoughts for Glenn and lots of prayers for his surgeon and team.

    Cindy, don't downplay the weight loss as just water. Pounds is pounds, no matter what it is made of. I'll bet you didn't cut yourself a break when you gained it by saying it was just water. Celebrate every ounce because you are working to get it off. If you don't I will. Where in Ohio is Meg moving. Maybe they will be close enough to me that I can help out in some way. I can't stand in for you but maybe it would be nice to have someone on her side nearby.

    Janet, I am still fuming over your endos treatment! I am surprised you held your tongue.....or did you! Is your surgery the 16th? Don't forget I am nearby if you need me.

    Bert, did you get any of this snow or just the cold? What is next at the church for you?

    Getting ready for the gym, just waiting for my car to show up.
