OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, glad Meg knows we are here for her. I am seriously less than an hour away. I know you will miss her and worry about her. It really made me bristle when you said he was starting to weasel out of taking care of HIS son. I hope she sticks to her guns on this one and goes with you. This is an important trip for all of you.

    Work was going along fine and then at 6:30 the floor cleaners show up. We had no idea they were going to be there. This means getting everything off the floor that isn't permanently fixed to it. Chairs, floor pads (one of which is about 30 feet long and it took 3 of us to lift) huge crates full of fleece (30 of these had to be drug into the stock room). Plus all fabric had to be tucked up so it wasn't near the floor. If we had know we could have been working on some of this stuff all shift. Oh well, 13k steps and a great workout. Now I am off until Friday, yippee!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Monday. Today is our last cold day and we will be warming back into the low 70's!! yeaaaaa!!! My poor body doesn't like the heater on, my eyes are dry, my nose is dried up inside and my lips are chapped! Geez. Plus, my skin is so dry. Sorry to be such a whiner this morning. I took action and put saline in my nose, put my Dr. Murad lip moisturizer on and drops in my eyes first thing this morning. I will shower shortly and put my skin cream on.

    I am so STOKED about my successful day yesterday. I tracked all day as I ate, I ate low fat and I drank all my water!!! I feel so much better too! Day 4, here we go.

    OMG Goal for this week - add strength training dvd x2.

    Patti- You seem to be really enjoying your employment. You have never been afraid of physical labor and I am positive they are very blessed to have you in every way. I really need to invest in the task lighting they sell there, but oh so expensive.

    Janet - Did you watch or record the Golden Globe Awards show last night? I almost texted you. The Crown was nominated several time. The actress won for the young Queen Elizabeth II. I was surprised our show This IS Us didn't win though. I look for them to rack up on the Emmy's though. I loved the last "deep" statement Meryl Streep made on her very political and poignant speech, a quote from Carrie Fisher "take your broken heart and make Art out of it".

    I had the most wonderful weekend with JJ and Izzy. Izzy thoroughly enjoyed church with Bennie and talked so much about Jesus. I'm going to look for her a child's bible when I go out tomorrow. She loved the puppet that glowed in the dark too. Glenn and I enjoyed a nice evening too *kitten* I continued to baby him and chastise him for still trying to do too much.

    I'm going to stay at home today. I want to make sure Glenn doesn't over do anything.. Plus, I just want to take it easy myself. I never got back to my sewing, so I want to find the time today for that. First, I am going to get my WW soup going.

    Success is not a race, be patient.
    Success leads to success.
    Success is always a work in progress.
    Success doesn't come to you--you go to it.
    Success is a journey, not a destination. Focus on the process.
    Some people dream about success... while others wake up and work hard at it.
    Success is achieved and maintained by those who try-and keep trying.
    Everyday is a good day to SUCCEED!
    If at first you don't succeed-try, try again

    That is US ladies, we keep trying, we don't give up on ourselves!!

    Have a great day!!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning dear friends-
    I logged in for 7 days in a row- whew what a feat that's been a very long time. I'm going back to hypnosis tonight and I woke up to feeling slightly empty- up 0.2 this morning but as we know the body does funny things- I'm not getting upset. I know I'm doing much better.
    The knee is killing me yesterday- to much up and down stairs on Saturday.
    The whatever right behind the knee is SO tight and feels like a ball. I'm working on stretching it but it's the knee clicks that are uncomfortable. It will get better
    Patti- lack of communication stinks but so happy you got in 13k- enjoy your week off down time. Do something with Mom-
    Karla- so glad Glenn has you for a nurse. You're also taking good care of you. So pleased to see that.
    Does anyone know when Janet is having her surgery?
    I know it will be a very long recovery for her.
    Need to get hopping- hectic Monday at the day job.
    but never fear I'll be back and us the OMG girls- never give up! We're made of tough stuff.
    BTW- my goal is to log in all 7 days again this week and weigh myself daily.
    Bye for now
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, is UNdecorate the church. It doesn't take long, and I must say, I'm glad the decorations are coming down. They are beautiful, however.

    I went to my seminar on Friday to meet students and attend a faculty meeting. I'm an organized person, and it simply drives me nuts to when meetings, procedures, etc aren't thought out and directional. Oh well, I'll just go with the flow.

    Our bathroom is finished and looks great!

    OMG for this week: Eat more protein each day.

    Have a great day everyone! Congrats on everyone's success stories.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy- Janet's surgery is on my birthday, January 17th.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Karla, thanks for the successful comments. I bet Glenn is loving the attention but know it is hard to keep a good man down. The Ott Lights are fantastic and well worth the money. You can use your 50% off coupon on them. If you don't get them already you can load their app, sign up for email notices on their webpage and sign up for text messages. If you haven't signed up for text messages yet just text the word FUN to 56266, then reply yes to the text they will send immediately. Your first text will have a 20% off your entire order that will be good for 2 days. Then you will get about 5 texts a month. You can also sign up for their mailing list in store, if you haven't done it already. There is a big sale starting Thursday. All no pill fleece will be 70% off, great time to stock up since most of the fleece is $10-13 regular price. Flannel will be 60% off. Time to get your sew on!

    Cindy, glad to have you back daily. Do not let that knee go unchecked if it continues to swell and click with pain. That could be a tendon issue and those are best treated early. You may have twisted it when you fell. In the meantime, ice alternating with heat and gentle stretching but not to the point of pain, plus NSAIDs taken round the clock if you have no problems with Advil or Aleve.

    Bert, taking down Christmas always makes everything look bare. I just put my meager decorations away yesterday and it just looks so plain now. For a creative person I am unusual in that I crave order in the workplace, just not in my workroom, lol. Hope they get more organized in the months to come at your school.

    Big plans for me today. Laundry (in now), making a Korean BBQ marinade for ribs I am going to put in the pressure cooker tonight and exchange the slippers. Do I know how to live or what?


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Great tips for the coupon and discount on the light!! I will look into that. I am signed up for the texts and coupons via email. I will go check those out. Yes, you really know how to party. Good luck on the slippers, I'm afraid they are all picked over after the holidays as that is a big ticket item for a gift for Christmas.

    My soup is already starting to smell good.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, thanks for asking - yes, I'm celebrating Karla's birthday oddly. Day-to-day variations on scale frustrate by lack meaning. Patti parties with slpper hunting and I party by fixing what goes in them. Patti, never hear of Ott Lights but I switched all my bulbs to daylight LEDs - BIG difference! Bert, working on getting decorations down here. Karla, glad Glenn has you to help him & chide him if he overdoes.

    Leaving soon to take a friend to lunch for her birthday - will try to make OK choices. VERY busy week here but will check in at least once a day. Have relost a few pounds so hoping to stay on track through the winter. Later!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, Ott lights are wonderful for crafting. They give a true light without glare. It really helps with color selection and any close work like sewing and needle work. I have a small desk lamp that has made all the difference when I am working on scrapbooks and cards. Yeah you on your lost pounds. You are on a roll. Have you found a knee roller for use after your surgery?
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Yes, Patti - bought a knee scooter from Amazon. I still own a walker from knne replacement if I need it. Had a great lunch but this is not a good eating day. But after nine good ones I will do all I can to get back on track tomorrow! Will look up Ott lights - hoping to get back to doing some needlepointing this year (heaven knows I have projects lined up!

    Hope you've all had a good day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Great, productive day here. All errands done and back home by 3:30. Korean BBQ ribs in the pressure cooker were amazing! Lots of laundry done too. I got my Christmas present from Mom in the mail, she paid and I ordered. It is a machine for paper crafting and I can't wait to give it a try. Found some slippers and praying they will do the trick. Not exactly what I was looking for but if she is happy with them I will be too. My last resort is going to be to try and make her some booties.

    Janet, good deal on the knee roller. I think that will be better on your back than the walker. Have you practiced with it yet? If not I think you should.

    Until tomorrow dear friends
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, I've used a knee scooter before and will practice. Walker will not br used for at least three months -- am not allowed to put ANY weight on my left foot for at least three months, so, oddly enough, walker is aspirational! Actually hoping I will be able to go straight to a boot, with or without cane, and skip walker entirely.

    Have fun with your new crafting machine - fingers crossed that your mom likes the slippers - they have spent too long as your personal "grail quest."
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I've refreshed my hypnosis and was reminded of many "trick" I forgot about eating low glycemic and more frequently but smaller meals. Started my day with a banana and a few nuts. Mid morning I'll have some raisin bran etc- I forgot lunch so I'll have some yogurt in the mini fridge- with granola.
    Can you tell I stoke up on breakfast foods at work? I also bought a bag of smart food with sea salt so if i need to much with some nuts I can.
    I have dinner in the crock pot, some chicken and will make a sweet potato, salad and cooked veggie- I'm feeling the mojo-
    Janet- I didn't realize you did needlepoint- that might be great while you are recovering...
    Patti- I have great booty type slippers from LL Bean- a little pricey but very comfy, warm and non slip - just a thought. I've had mine for YEARS.
    Karla- hope Glenn is feeling better today
    Suzi- say your post on your new baby online- too funny, play then oops.
    MaryLynn- Are you experience much snow/rain this winter?
    Need to run- but I'll be back
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. So happy there is a warm up in temperatures for this week; however, they are prediciting possible freezing rain..... :o Mike has an appt today to get Social Security started. He's getting excited about his retirement......then it's off to get preparations completed for his knee procedure on Thursday.

    Yesterday's eating was ok, but I ate both lunch and dinner out. I don't like to do that, but it happened.....I was under calories according to MFP. My protein intake was good, so I'm happy about that. That is my OMG for this week. I'm getting frustrated on the scale. I'm trying to take Patti's advice not to weigh everyday, but it's difficult.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before I head to mom's. Up too late watching football and then couldn't go to sleep because I was too stimulated,lol. On the edge with my calories yesterday but still on plan and tracked. TRX tonight!

    Cindy, bet you feel good and in control after your "tune up".

    Bert, I have done the daily weigh in and find that it either makes my day or ruins it and yet I still struggle with wanting to get on the scale daily. I have to keep reminding myself that our weight can fluctuate up to 2 pounds in either direction on any given day at any given time. I saw something the other day seemed so simple and I am going to try it. Instead of taking my measurements (another way to obsess) just take a piece of ribbon, wrap it around your waist and cut it so it is the exact size of your waist. Then monthly try it again and make a mark on the ribbon where it overlaps or cut off the excess and put it in a Baggie. You can date it if you want. This way there are no numbers involved.

    Waving hi to the rest of the troops, back later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - very busy with de-Christmasing and prepping for surgery. House is a wreck but organizer comes this evening and can carry boxes to the garage. Cleaner comes tomorrow - weekend will be stocking up and getting the things I need organized. Picked up 24 four-packs of my favorite low-carb protein shakes I had Walmart order for me.

    Yesterday was a food bust but today is another day!

    Patti, did the slippers work? I'm with you on daily weighing. For me, it only increases stress & frustration.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Finally....slipper success. I bought fur lined moccasins and it turns out she loves moccasins! Who knew, I have never known her to own a pair. Had I known that the whole ordeal would have a slam dunk. But we both had a good laugh about it. Caught up on Nashville and our usual weekly chatter.

    Janet, will you be in staying in the hospital for a few days after surgery? Is your cat sitter friend going to be there to help out afterward? I do so worry about you doing this alone. O know you are strong and have been through so much worse but wish I could help out in some way.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, congrats on successful slipper aquisition! There will be a night or two in the hospital and my cat sitter friend will be here daily to scoop litter and put dow fresh food, bring in the mail and help out as needed.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear friends. I was wore slap out after the late game watching Monday night and early to work on Tuesday. I laid down and had a light supper. I did awaken enough to watch This Is It at it's new time, 9pm for me. Always a tearjerker, but always enjoyable.

    Patti- Doesn' your mother have Indian blood in her? I see her tiny self loving those moccasins. I bet you are enjoying your week off to visi with her, get to the gym and just overall relax!!

    Janet - Our service people do become such good friends of ours. My housekeepers have been with me for many years, my hairdresser is a sweet lady that I have gone through a nasty divorce with. I rewarded them for their services at Christmas. My hairdresser absolutely adored the purple/lavender throw and coffee chocolates I gave her. I felt like I could have done a little more for my housekeepers though. I gave them cash and Lindt chocolates. They are a bit of country girls, so the expensive chocolates were not a big deal to them, but can clean and organize a home like no tomorrow. What is on your agenda for this week? I know you are stocking up on items you will need in the home while you are convalescing. You know we will all be there in spirit. Did you and your Organizer get the boxes put away?

    Bert- Eating out is always challenging even when you pick the stock grilled chicken salad. You never know exactly what all they put into it, even upon appearance. LOL. We are heading towards warmth nicely down here. We hit 60 yesterday and will get in the 70's today and up to 77 by Friday.

    Cindy- I'm so glad that Meg is planning to continue to join you and Em for the trip to your mother's. Bonding time is so very important. I know it is difficult to be so far away. When you say the SIL is trying to wiesel out of responsibility for his son, was he wanting to leave him behind? What is he final decision? I know the poor child must feel the vibes coming from his father, very sad. Do you ever have the child over by himself? Spend the night? I know it's kind of late now, but I have built a safe haven for all my grandkids in my home so they know they have a loving person on their side and place to come if they are ever in danger. Even my step-grandchildren, which most of mine are.

    Mary Lynn- How are you and Myron? You two so remind me of the love Glenn and I share. The devotion to each other and the time passing on. I so look forward to the time when neither of us have any employment strains on us. If you don't mind me asking, what age are you and your dear Myron at? I can't remember if I ever know..

    I have updated my tracker and I received the ugly message for not eating enough for yesterday, as I only made 706 calories for the day. lol. I had gone slightly over for Monday, 1215 calories, so I am okay with that. I am working from home for just a few hours today, watching my dear Glenn. I want to continue to declutter from my re-organization after Christmas. Glenn and I both love the new living room arrangement. Now to re-do the front and back dining areas. My house is all open in a big circular design. Not large, but open. I have too much furniture in it, which makes it look too crowded. I am trying to move it around as to have it look less crowded. Wish me luck.

    TT: It is mid-week. How are you doing on this week's mini-goal? Or you on task? Need do a little tweaking?

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I wanted to share this article one of my other weight watcher ladies shared on my Facebook group I belong to. I know you all will have the same reaction we all did.

    Just have to share a (kind of long) story that happened at work today...

    A table came in today - a mother & daughter. The daughter looked about my age (30s) & (I hate saying this but it's necessary for the story) she was a bigger girl. She also seemed super self-conscious from the minute she walked in. The hostess sat them at a 2 top table which is a half booth - booth seat on one side, the other seat is just a chair. These tables suck because there are 9 of them in a row & you are literally on top of the table next to you. I noticed that while the mother slid into the booth side, the daughter was standing with this look of complete panic just looking at the table & the ones next to it. I walked up & asked if everything was ok & she just looked at me almost in tears & asked if they could sit somewhere else. My heart absolutely broke for her because she was just so upset, so I told her she was welcome to sit anywhere she like. She apologized a million times for "being such a pain" on top of thanking me a bunch & they moved to a bigger table.

    I walk up & get their drinks. The mother orders a soda & the daughter orders water with lemon. The mother asked if the daughter wanted an app & the daughter declined. I noticed the mother roll her eyes at that, but thought nothing of it. I take their food order - mother orders mac & cheese with a side of tater tots while the daughter asked for a garden salad with chicken & our lightest dressing on the side. This time the mother rolls her eyes again & says "why did you bother coming to lunch? If you want to eat rabbit food, go out & dig up some grass"

    I was completely taken back & the poor daughter just looked so sad, but stuck with her order. I bring their food out, I check on them, etc etc. Just before I drop the check, the mother gets up & tells her that she's going to smoke & she'll meet her in the car. I walked over to clear the plates & the daughter (who has had her eyes on the table the entire time) says to me "thank you for not laughing at me"

    I paused & went "excuse me?" And she finally looks up at me & goes "thank you for not laughing at me...About having to move tables or my order. I know it probably looks strange to have someone as big as me order a salad with chicken. It's like oh how cute, look at the fat girl pretending to be healthy" I was stunned & had to take a minute before I responded & told her "I'm not here to judge anyone for anything. We all have our own thing going on. I'm just here to bring you what you want or need. If you want a garden salad with chicken, I don't blame you...Our salads are delicious!" She finally smiled & said "I just joined Weight Watchers & this is my first week. I promised myself that this was the year I finally get healthy & I don't care if anyone supports me, which as you can see I don't really have support anyway"

    At this point, I lit up (I love meeting fellow WW peeps!) & I said to her "I'm on Weight Watchers too! And for what it's worth...I'm proud of you! It takes a strong person to decide to take charge of their life like that, so you keep doing you & to hell with what anyone else thinks!"

    She got all teary eyed again & I'm a giant sap, so I told her that if she started crying, I'd start crying which made her laugh. I also told her that her lunch was on me & made her promise to come back in & visit me so she can keep me updated on her progress. She gave me a huge hug before she left & promised that she would.

    It brought tears to my eyes to share this with you guys because it just made me so sad that her own mother wasn't even remotely supportive & that she thought I would laugh at her. If she happens to be on Connect & comes across this...I meant what I said! You have my support & I know you can rock this journey! And for anyone else who may feel like this girl at any point on their journey...Same goes for you! I'm here for you & I'm proud of any & all steps you take to become a better you! Keep on keeping on!

    Can you believe this poor girl's mother? geez,
