OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Bert, hope you enjoyed your day at home. As for breakfast, I developed an egg sensitivity/allergy so my go to is oatmeal or blt without mayo. I'm good without it.

    Janet, Asian chicken salad sounds delicious. Did you get your errands done?

    Patti, I do have fb but tend not to post much anymore. Maybe an OMG private FB page is in order 😉😃 Hope your friend is doing well. So sorry about your sister. That would totally be my sister so I understand. I'll send it to you in Messenger.

    Well tomorrow is mom's 75th birthday so me, Adi and baby Luis will be going to visit her after noon when Adi gets out of pre-K. I need to run out to get her a little something to celebrate. Maybe a balloon and flowers. She doesn't do anything so she's hard to shop for. It will be luis' nap time so he may end up staying here sleeping with Kati while we go but we'll see. Either way I'm going to see Mom.

    No working on the house till Saturday when it cools down. Just too darn hot this week for me to be in the house. We have a window unit in the kitchen but we're pretty much finished in there aside from flooring and trim. We did buy a couple windows today and an exterior door.

    Have a great night!!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I definitely enjoyed my day at home; however, I forgot my PT session! We rescheduled for next week. I'm so glad she's understanding. Today, I'm cleaning the house. I need to straighten things up and then go through closets, cabinets, etc. to get items ready to donate for our church rummage sale in a few weeks.

    I'm not working outside today as it's already hot and humid, so it's an inside work day for me. I've been reflecting on September 11 and how our country came together during this horrible time. I feel so sorry for the lives that were lost that day.

    Paula: Hope you had a great celebration with your mom. For me, a great birthday gift would be for the kids just to come visit and perhaps do some things for me that is getting more difficult for me to do. That would be the perfect gift. I was so happy when Greg and Carrie helped get the fire pit ready.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just got back from the hospital. My GFs husband is deteriorating rapidly. They found cancer in his spinal fluid and treatment is not on the table as he would not gain anything from it. They are working on getting him to the inpatient hospice here in town. I was in the room when the palliative care Dr came to talk to her and so glad I got to hear what he had to say. She has all her family surrounding her and for that I am so very grateful. Prayers for his peaceful passing to a place without this horrid disease.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited September 2019
    They are putting Kerry on hospice to get him more comfortable. His pulmonary doctor said Monday his disease was progressing. I am alone with this news as Glenn left today with his cousin for an overnight trip to New Orleans. I’m okay with it as he will get the oxygen tank he’s been wanting for when he’s struggling and any other equipment. I interviewed the sitters and the First Ladies were super. I’m having chest pains this has upset me so, but no one said life was easy.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla and Patti: so sorry to hear the news about Kerry and Patti ‘s girlfriend’s husband. It’s so sad.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Thanks Bert- any news on your Fridge? I love my LG fridge. It’s the knock-knock one with the glass door. It is cafeteria style with the double doors up top and freezer below.

    Hanging in there.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Patti, I'm so sorry about your gf husband's situation. Hospice is wonderful at keeping them comfortable till the end. Many prayers!

    Karla, so sorry to hear about Kerry. My thoughts and prayers are with you. How is he doing with the news? Has your dad returned? Does he or your brother know as of yet? So sorry you are going through this alone at the moment. I'm sure Glenn wishes he were with you during this time. (((Hugs)))

    Mom was in good spirits, she got to see baby Luis and Adi, I took some mini candy bars, a puppy in a dog carrier that barks when you squeeze it's paw and a birthday balloon. She didn't even know it was her birthday.

    Came home put baby Luis down for nap and he woke up with a 102.2 fever poor thing. Hopefully it doesn't come back. Adi was playing on the hoverboard and hurt her knee. Thank goodness her mom was here to care for it, not that I wouldn't have but I'm glad she was here as I have the kids all the time it seems like so nice when their moms are here lol. Kati won't be working as many hours starting next week so she'll be around more and I'll have more time to myself.

    Have a good night!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I haven’t told Kerry and he wouldn’t understand anyway. He will be ecstatic about the oxygen tank and I hope he is safe with it.

    Patti- I am sure this is the best for your friend’s husband too and her. I know how she feels about not wanting to let go. I feel guilty about hiring sitters. It’s all so stressful. I remember when you went to Birmingham to care for your nephew, they wanted you, not some agency, I understand.

    Paula- You are a treasure to your family.

    Today is grandparents day and Monica is sitting with Kerry so I can go be with Izzy. Friends for 32 years.

    Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Started my day with a clingy baby cause he's sick. Him and Kati went to lay down I went to Kroger got prescriptions, something for dinner and a few other things. Got home and baby Luis was awake but not himself so he sat on my lap and I rocked him back to sleep. Poor baby woke up with fever so I gave him some ibuprofen then a bit later he started vomiting, projectile vomited. I thought he was finished so I lay him down to clean him up and he started again so I rolled him over he filled a towel, gross I know, sorry. I went to wake Kati cause he wouldn't stop and there is no way he had all that in his little tummy. He finally stopped, Kati picked him up while I cleaned floor and got things put in laundry. He went back to sleep about 3 and is still sleeping.

    Got some housework done while he's been sleeping. Poor Kati works tonight and hasn't gotten much sleep but it's a mother's life.

    Karla, so glad Monica is sitting with Kerry so you can enjoy time with Izzy.

    Waving hi to all 👋👋👋

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another hot one today. I have a couple of things to do outside this morning, but will probably stay inside most of the day. I'm planning to go to the gym and then the grocery store for a few items today as well.

    Hope all is well with everyone. Have a great day!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I'm traveling with Greg and Carrie to watch Jillian play in a soccer tournament. It should be a beautiful day; however, I'm taking a lot of sunscreen and bug spray. I was outside yesterday while grilling steaks and got several bites. They have been bad this year, especially in August.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all, my dear friend's husband passed away yesterday right after his son arrived from NC. I believe he was waiting for him. His decline was mercifully quick and painless, for him. He was well loved and we will be planning a celebration of life for him in the near future. Thank you all for your prayers.

    I am going to a lunch with a group of my old UHC cronies today followed by a Mexican dinner at the Eagles tonight and then tomorrow will be going to Columbus to have dinner with my dear friend and ex roommate from my years in Denver. I will be taking a crockpot of chicken and noodles and some crusty bread plus some fruit for dessert. They are staying at a Comfort Suites near the airport and there really wasn't any good restaurants to order from. We thought it would be nicer to just eat in the room where we could just hang out and not have to mess with a restaurant. Haven't seen her and her husband in several years, they live in Arizona and don't come east very often. She is in town for her 50th high school reunion. So glad I stayed home from the river.

    Have a blessed weekend, hug the ones you love an extra time.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Paula, hope tiny Luis is better and hasn't passed anything along to you, Adi, Kati, Luis, Alex, or Diego. I trust everyone is staying hydrated.

    Karla, we know you are doing everything in your power to ensure that Kerry is comfortable and loved every moment; it's sacred time and that's what counts.

    Patti, condolences on your friend's passing. Regardless of circumstances, a huge void in her life. You and your other friends will be there for her, and that will make all the difference.

    Bert, hope you can stay somewhat cool when possible today. This summer is endless and has been extremely buggy here too - I usually don't have a major problem at home but have had many more bites than usual - skeeters love me.

    Diane and Cindy, thinking of you every day.

    It's James's birthday so I'm taking him to Bonefish Grill for dinner (his choice). He's insisting that we use a freebie coupon he got after he called then about the terrible service we had during my birthday dinner. I have some small gifts for him, which I need to wrap while he's on a golf course.

    Hugs to everyone. Stay cool!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Bert, agree with bugs this year. They are crazy here too. Good idea taking bug spray. Have fun at soccer tournament.

    Patti, sorry about your friends husband. Glad he didn't suffer. Have fun visiting your friends!

    Janet, Happy birthday to James! Hope you two have a great time!

    Kati finally took Luis to the doctor this morning. His fever just won't stay away. He has an ear infection which is causing the fever. Poor baby has been so miserable, we thought it was viral but it's not so it is not contagious which is awesome!

    Had a very long night of pain. My leg and hip was so bad I couldn't lay still. Still hurting today but not quite as bad. Need to stay on top of my meds today.

    Have a great weekend. I'm just laying in bed because of my lack of sleep and pain.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. Well looks like Glenn and I will be able to steal away tonight. Kerry seems stable this morning although I had my doubts as he slept so late this morning, which is the first time ever.

    Patti- So sorry for your friend’s loss, I know she was struggling with the realization of it all. Have a great visit with your Denver roommate, is this the Carla from the story you told? lol.

    Paula- Good thing he was taken to the doctor and not contagious!

    Janet- Hapoy Birthday to James! I love the raspberry cream brûlée at Bonefish and the Bang Bang Shrimp of course.

    Beet- Have a good trip and family time.

    I’m so looking forward to time alone with my sweet Glenn. He always supports me as I take in family members that need help. God love him. His Nebraska family just left this morning and raved over my cooking and baking. I even impressed myself on a white cake with butter dream icing all made from scratch.

    Hi to Diane and Cindy.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Karla, enjoy your evening alone with Glenn. Hope you have a great time. Glad Kerry is stable. Did Kerry get his new oxygen tank? If so that could be why he slept so late today, maybe he finally got a good sleep.

    Making ww Tex Mex meatloaf for dinner. Using a few weeklies today as I enjoyed a kit Kat lol. I slept most of the day away. I did manage to go to the blue house cleared out and painted part of the laundry room, took doors off the cabinets in there and cleared out things that were left in cabinets. My right leg is giving me fits so I came home took muscle relaxer and slept lol. Just now making dinner at 7pm 🤣
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello friends. It is hot and disgustingly humid here! I went for a walk and ended up all sweaty. John is working on the land this morning - he took 5 liters of water with him! After church this morning, I went through the book shelves weeding out so I would have room to unload all the travel books from Charly. Shortly I am headed to a baby shower for one of Brad and Rossanne's friends, that I have also become friends with. I made her a pair of the car seat blankets.

    I will be rejoining WW this week. I am totally out of control on my eating and need some inspiration to get under control again. Is anyone here interested in talking more about our weight loss journeys, or are you all sort of in a limbo stage for a while?

    Karla, glad you were able to get away for a while. I know you both needed a respite.
    Paula, how many houses do you have/are you renovating at once? Seems like you are always doing something.
    Patti, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's husband. Seems like he went downhill so quickly that I'm sure it was a shock.
    Janet, how was Bonefish this time around? I seem to recall you had issues there the last time you went.
    Bert, everywhere we went this summer people said this was the worst year for bugs in many years. I tried a new repellent that really worked well this summer - Repel lemon eucalyptus. I was skeptical when I bought it, but it worked well! And is DEET free.
    Waving to Cindy.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all, we are back and it was very nice, just not long enough. Lol.

    Kerry ended up not being put on Hospice as he doesn’t have Part A Medicare benefits as his Hospital benefits are covered under his SSI disability coverage. They do have hospice but much more stringent guidelines. He is seeing two specialists this this week, plus his PCP, so maybe with all these new diagnosis’s it may help. He is stable at the moment and the agency said they will keep him on Home Health and keep getting records until he qualifies. They have ordered his records from his doctors and hospital in Panama City too.

    Diane- I am in on talking about weight loss. I have gained going through this thyroid surgery, which is typical the doctor said.

    Paula- Will you rent or sell your other house, or did you own it?

    I better go check on Kerry.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    Sorry I've been absent since before vacation- it was nice but def different. We've had the MRI which showed nothing, but since then I've learned with FTD the changes to the brain are pin pricks and don't present the change like Alzheimer's. I've read the dr notes from the memory clinic from last year and most recent and on Friday I read the neurology notes. They are leaning toward Fronto Temporal Dementia- which is rare and really bad.
    I'm struggling to gain a foothold in my emotions.
    Much to plan either way as there is something terribly wrong- the only good point it explains all of his horrid behaviors to me over the last few years. It is classic FTD.
    I met a physiologist on Saturday at a book event in the Albany NY area- she was sitting back to back to me and I had the opportunity to talk with her. It just so happens the clinic she works at specializes in this - so I learned much in a short bit of time.
    Bottom line- things are going to get very bad. Not sure who might have seen 60 Minutes last night but they had a story on this disease. I didn't get to watch it all as Rick still doesn't know.
    I hope we have confirmation today. It is terminal and a short time frame - anywhere from 2-13 years and I have no idea where we are in progression as there are generic stages, Mild, Moderate and Severe and it follows its own pace in each person. Talk about flying blind.

    Sorry to be such a downer but you have all been here for me I wanted to bring you up to date.
    Diane- in answer to your question I logged for the first time today in WW- so I'm up for discussing the plan- and actually it may help me stay more focused. I'm going to try and check in each morning.
    I'll accept all prayers possible for strength and patience.
    Hugs to all

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm happy to report a loss, finally! I've been focused on changing up my breakfast. Plus I've eaten fruit and salads more regularly.

    Fridgegate is almost to an end. We are to receive the new fridge next Monday!

    I went to Jillian's and Cole's soccer games this weekend. Jillian played better the second match. Cole did a great job yesterday and scored most of the goals for their team. I head to Chicago on Wednesday to visit two students in the area. Dylan has a game Thursday night, so I'll be able to go to that.

    Cindy: Carrie's mother has Frontal Lobe Dementia for several years. It's sad.

    Diane: I'm definetly in for discussing our weight loss journeys.

    Waving hi to Karla, Patti, and Janet. Have a great day, everyone!
