OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. We are home! Got back yesterday afternoon followed by massive unloading, and then a quick trip to see Elise (and Brad and Rossanne, of course) before her dinner and bedtime. We will see more of them this weekend for her second birthday! and I will have her for the day on Friday, her actual birthday.

    I stepped on the scale this morning with a bit of trepidation - while we have been getting good exercise this summer, it wasn't as much as the last two years, and I ate whatever we felt like. Well, I don't remember the exact number when we left, but it was within 2-3 pounds! So I am happy.

    I have read all, but am trying to catch up with mail and bills this morning, so will wait for personals until tomorrow. I also want to finish out the blog for the season today.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm checking the flight status for my flight to Charlotte NC and then to Augusta this afternoon. I only have an hour between flights to change terminals. I know Lindsey is excited as she texted me several times to see what foods I like. <3 I bought the twins some clothes so she can have something to open at the shower. We already bought a dresser for them, but I wanted to have something for her to open. I need to repack my suitcase as I just got home yesterday from Chicago.

    Have a good day everyone! Glad you're back from your trip, Diane!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good evening,

    Not much to report from my side. Kids are all getting sick...back to school back to the ick. Baby Luis is worse than the others but he's not horribly I'll, no fever. Cough, and stuffy nose in the house so we all know that means I'll be sick soon since I seem to catch everything that comes around.

    Kitchen will be done soon, just some touch up painting and flooring need installed, everything else is finished. Luis got the floors replaced in bathroom, framed out the walk in shower installed the sink and medicine cabinet in the bathroom. It still needs new drywall on walls, cement board, shower needs tiled as do the floors and plumbing needs finished, then we'll move on to the dining room. It's getting real girls!!! Lol

    Hope you all had a great week!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Well I made it to Augusta. Long day of traveling. Lindsey gave us a scare toddy as she started having contractions. Turns out it was false labor. The babies are fine. Whew!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good morning, and happy Friday! Lindsey and I are running errands today and I’m not sure what else we will do. Justin is working today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    quick stop to say hi and let you know I am thinking of you all.

    been doing some minor chores and enjoying this last few days of vacation. boat is fixable for just under $300, that was a major shock. pig roast tomorrow and then back to the real world on Sunday.

    Diane, so glad you are home safe. sounds like you either ate better or were more active than you thought but no matter, awesome results.

    Bert, so glad you are enjoying time with Lindsey and seeing that she is truly ok.

    Paula, hope if you get "it" you will get a mild case. Luis is really moving right along. if the rest of the house is as nice as the kitchen you will have a gorgeous place. It is so nice to have handy men in the family. Have you chosen tile for the shower yet? we used the 12x24 tiles and used the new premium grout that never needs sealed. It turned out gorgeous and so easy to clean. A contractor friend of ours told us he always puts Rainex on the shower wall tiles. The water rolls right off and helps keep it clean. we put it on ours back in March and it is still repelling water and soap scum. I just squeegee it down before I get out of the shower. Just a thought.

    karla, hope things are finally settling down with Kerry and your dad and you.

    Janet, are you golfing with James now that it is a bit cooler? how is you sweet Theo?

    Cindy, hope your trip to Maine was everything you needed it to be and more.

    My gfs husband is going home from the hospital today. not sure how she will manage but she refuses to put him in a skilled facility, even for a short time. We are all on call 24/7 for the duration

    time to finish my coffee and contemplate my day
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all,

    Keith came up Wednesday and took our dad back to Panama City for a couple doctor visits and stay at his house. It is much quieter here with just Kerry and I. It has gotten quite busy with the physical and occupational therapists coming twice a week and the nurse once a week. The therapist are really helping Kerry with some exercises and recommendations on safety features for my bathroom, which we have already done. Kerry is seeing the neurologist next week I hope as they are trying to move his visit up from the 19th. I have some numbers to call for some sitters so I can get out to the office and train my replacement and just for the relief. My dad is just so ornery. He had gotten better since he got his new hearing aids though.

    Diane- I have thoroughly enjoyed your travels. I can’t wait until Glenn and I can travel again.

    Cindy- I, too, hope your trip was pleasant.

    Paula- We have had the school bugs hit too, boy what they bring home.

    Patti- Thank you for thinking about me and my brother and dad. I have my hands full, but it’s what sisters do.

    Janet - This change of thyroid med really agrees with me so far. I am feeling really good. I love both my new internist and endocrinologist. They are on top of things!

    Today is cleaning and linens day for the pool house too. We have guests coming from Nebraska for a week tomorrow. Uggghh.Glenns cousin and her son. At least my dads bedroom is available and the pool house for her son. They will be visiting relatives in Mississippi some too, so I won’t be entertaining them the whole time.

    I better get back to chores.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Karla, I bet you will be extremely relieved to get a break once you get sitters for Kerry. You must be exhausted. Is your dad with you permanently? I can't even imagine caring for 2 people. I was exhausted with just my mom.

    Patti, we did purchase tiles for shower. They are 6x6 tiles so it'll be a bit more work to install. Live the rain-ex idea. I'll definitely have to get some. My husband wants to to a concrete floor in the shower so we shall see how that turns out lol. He just doesn't want to take a chance on the water getting through the tiles/grout and ruining the wood floor underneath. We'll be using same tiles on bathroom floor that we're using in shower because we got such a great deal on them. I did buy epoxy grout so it won't need sealing but man that stuff is expensive. We'll use it in the shower and regular grout on floors. I can buy a sealer later to seal floor but it'll be ok for now.

    My legs are really bothering me today. Not sure why, maybe my body is getting the "ick" cause my MS always acts up when I get sick. Took Adi to school, me and baby Luis picked her up then we went to get a few things, came home, put baby Luis down for a nap and now I'm laying in bed. Not sure I'll get anything else accomplished today but we'll see.

    Have a great day!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone - Seems we're all busy and doing OK. Good news overall.

    Paula, listen to your legs and the rest of you. I know it's lots of work but having Adi and little Luis to make you smile is a blessing.

    Karla, happy that your thyroid meds are working better for you. I hope to get another adjustment this fall - feeling a bit sluggish again. Good luck with Kerry's care - seems like you've found excellent medical care for him. What a relief.

    Cindy, thinking of you in Maine - one of my favorite states. If only I could afford to live there ...

    Bert, sounds like the babies are doing well in there - soon you'll be able to cuddle one in each arm!

    Diane, welcome home! Elise is two already - and what a cutie she is! Such a fun age - exploring everything and taking it all in, repeating stuff and asking questions. Enjoy every moment.

    Patti, good thing the boat is fixable - campfire weekend is always a joy. Milk every minute for the laughter and great memories.

    Not much new here - going to get back to my laundry and such. Sending a hug to each of you.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Happy Sunday all. My good intentions to dive right back in here flew out the window this week. We have been non-stop since we got home. Between tons of laundry, cleaning Charly4 out, going down to the land to see how it fared over the summer, having Elise all day Friday for her birthday, celebrating at her party yesterday (low key, just a few friends), and back to church today the time has been full. This week I have my fall training at the wetlands sanctuary to get ready for field trip season, a grandma day, and we are going to the Hershey RV show on Friday. I also have some baby car seat blankets to make for a shower next Sunday.

    We are getting ready to sell Charly4. It will be sad to see him go, but we always said we were going to do three or so years of half time traveling, then sell it, so the time has come. We need to get him spiffed up and put a flyer together before Friday, then get ads placed other places as well as maybe see what a dealer would offer us. All that entails fixing the nagging repairs on things we have just been dealing with, as well as getting him really clean. So lots more work.

    I was mistaken about my weight. The Wednesday scale hop was lower than the rest of the week by about 3 pounds. So I probably gained five this summer. Still not too bad. But I need to get my head back in the weight loss game. John wants to lose about 15 pounds before his knee surgery in November, so we can work at it together.

    Karla, my heart goes out to you for all you are going through with Kerry. It is just so hard to try to get everything in balance, and find the right care givers and combinations of meds. And that is with a compliant patient! I can only imagine how much harder it is with him.

    Paula, the kitchen looks great! Do you have any idea when you might be moving in? Will you be selling your current home? Hope you are feeling better by today.

    Bert, enjoy your trip. I'm sure the nerves for the new mother are high, with such a high risk pregnancy. I'm sure everyone is thankful she has made it this far. When is her due date?

    Patti, I'm sure you were thrilled to hear the boat is repairable! We are so enjoying getting out on the water more, even in our little kayaks. I'm thinking of your GF and her ill husband. Would she be able to get some respite caregivers in, if she is not willing to consider a rehab/nursing facility?

    Cindy, I've lost track. Are you still in job limbo, or have you made a decision?

    Janet, all those little errands and things sure do fill a day, don't they?

    And now the big news I'm finally allowed to share: I'm going to be a grandma again! Brad and Rossanne are expecting a BOY in January! We are thrilled. We've known about the baby since they came to visit us in Maine at the end of June, but just found out the gender this week. (And just got permission to tell.)


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, and welcome to a new week. We got home late afternoon yesterday and after unloading and going thru the mail it was time to chill and watch a little football, disappointing but fun game for my Bengals vs the Seahawks. Now for the mountain of laundry, grocery shopping and hopefully getting some face time with my gf. Her husband is very, very ill. Still in the hospital and they are still unsure of what is going on. He is unable to swallow, still confused and getting radiation daily. They want to put a tube down to feed him but he is having none of it. They will try again today and put mittens on him. He has a 24/7 sitter which makes things a lot less stressful for my gf. They are going to do a spinal tap today looking for something to explain his profound weakness and continued confusion, they don't think it is the brain tumor that is causing it. They are no longer talking about discharge in the foreseeable future. She is still planning to take him home and will not consider any other plan. Time will tell and it is not time to discuss it. I am deeply worried.

    Diane, so excited for your new baby boy coming in January. Still reeling at how big Elise is getting. Seems like babies are popping up all over in my family. My grandson is having another boy in February and my granddaughter is having , a sex to be determined, baby two weeks after my grandson. My SIL(actually my DILs brother but still family) is having a boy in October to make them a family of 5. I didn't realize you were planning on selling Charly4 but should have seen it coming when you bought the property. Will you be getting another smaller camper for shorter ventures? In any case it is great to have you back.

    Karla, how long is your dad staying in his home? I know you will worry about him while he is there. Did he get signed in to your local VA?

    Janet, I know you are enjoying these cooler evenings and it won't be long till you get it full screen I me. I admit I am ready for fall. It is my second favorite time of year. I love the color changes, bonfires and wearing shoes, lol.

    Paula, hope you are not sick from what the kids are bringing home. Can't wait to see the bathroom when it is finished. The expensive grout in the shower is worth every penny. We also went with grout and sealer on the floor. Will admit I haven't been as vigilant with the sealer on the floor and honestly don't see any problem with it. We used gray grout with gray tiles so it doesn't show dirt or wear.

    Cindy, keeping you and Rick in my heart. I know the appointment will be difficult. We are here for you.

    Bert, so excited for you to be with your family and getting to see Lindsey and the twins to be.

    Better start doing something.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, what wonderful news! Honestly, I had wondered whether it was camera angle or a baby in the shots of Elise at the park with Rosssnne. Elise will be a terrific big sister. Gotta run see you tomorrow!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Actually Janet, the pictures are of Carrie and Elise at the park. Carrie is overweight, but not pregnant. Rossanne looks pregnant but not much for being 20 weeks - still wearing her jeans! But mostly yoga pants lol.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I’m home! Exhausted! They delayed my flight from Augusta to Charlotte by 46 min! I got my activity points in because I had to walk from Terminal E to Terminal B! I got there in 20 min. There were only four of us left to board the plane. I’m so glad I made it. Mike and I went to lunch and I ordered a much needed cocktail!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Diane, how exciting! A new grandbaby! I love mine to pieces. Congratulations! Hope you are getting settled now that you've been home. I'm sure you're exhausted just from catching up from your vacation.

    Patti, so sorry to hear about your friends husband. I hope they find answers and that she does get to bring him home. I hate seeing people suffer but I'm sure he's getting the best care possible.

    Bert, sounds like you definitely got your steps in at the airport. Take time to rest and relax.

    Went to house yesterday, Luis was working in bathroom while I was cleaning kitchen, peeling on paint tape etc. I'll try sharing a video of the kitchen but not sure how it'll turn out on here lol

    Today I'll have Adi and baby Luis. Kati has to work tonight so she'll need to sleep.

    Have a great day all,
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Guess it won't let us post videos. I'll share more pictures when I get more lol
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm staying home will feel good to stay home. I have a church committee meeting this evening, but that is all. I'm going to work in my flower gardens, unpack, and just enjoy being home. Molly is certainly happy I'm home. She hasn't left my side!

    Lindsey goes to the doctor today. She is to go twice a week now. I feel she will have the boys in a few weeks. We shall see.

    Today I've decided to "tweak" my breakfast food. What does everyone eat at breakfast? I need some new ideas.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, hope I didn't offend with my remrk on the photos. My bad.

    Bert, you've earned a somewhat leisurely day. Enjoy.

    Patti, bet you'll be with your mom today and will have a blast.

    Karla, read your FB post about Kerry - sending up many prayers.

    Paula, kiss the little ones' heads for me.

    Cindy, hope things are going well there.

    Not much to report here. Had lunch with friends from the neighborhood to bid one farewell as she moves to Arizona. Had the light Asian chicken salad, which is always tasty. Several errands loom here - should probably pack up the shoes that didn't fit, make my list and get going. Cheers!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies, I am still doing laundry from the cabin. Mostly sheets and towels. We will be going down again on Thursday and there is one couple coming. They got the dates wrong for the pig roast, lol. I have some sewing to do on the cover for the boat, otherwise I am hoping for a quiet few days. Taking mom to get her hair cut today and then we will catch up. My sister did a poor job of checking in on her while I was gone. She went several days without milk,eggs and cottage cheese. My sister took her grocery list and promptly forgot all about it. Mom had to call and ask her to go to the store. Geez I was only gone 9 days! Going to see my new, crazy Dr tomorrow so I can get refills for me and mom. As soon as I get what I need I am searching for a new doc and will be writing a review on this one. She is a total nut job. I was going to see about a flu shot while I was there but I don't trust her medical assistant to give me a shot. My gf got some terrible news yesterday and is waiting for the final reports on the spinal tap before telling us what is going on. She was too upset to talk yet. I am so worried for her, she is hanging on by a thread at this point.

    Bert, enjoy your home day and relax a bit. So excited for the upcoming birth of the twins.

    Paula, are you still on FB? You could share the video there. Enjoy your sweet grand babies

    Karla, sending prayers for Kerry. My sis has pretty severe COPD from 50 years of smoking too. She is on oxygen and has been hospitalized several times. She finally quit smoking after her last scare when she almost died.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane and Cindy.