Lottie's Fitness Journal



  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Well hello happy Friday. I wanted to try something new on DVD so put a new one in and NO sound. So I'm sending it back to Amazon. I tried a different one. It was walking with upper and lower toning included. It used weights so I'm anxious to see how I feel tomorrow. I ate well today and have been drinking water like crazy. Weighed again this morning and it came down some.

    I noticed today that my left knee has swelling down to my shin. So if it doesn't come down by Monday I'm going to the doctor. I thought I could home treat but I didn't even exercise yesterday and today wasn't too active either. I'm going to go grab my pack of frozen veggies to put on my knee. I hope you all have a great evening :|
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Well I thought I was going to veg today because of my knees. Then I thought to myself no you need to get off your but. So dogs and I went out and walked. Started to get nervous when sun started going down. Made it back in plenty of time though. Love "Map my Walk". Weighed again today and still going down. Only 1.3 pounds for this month so far. I was hoping for more but at least I've lost. Official weigh in Tuesday. Need to keep drinking water :'(
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Borrowed this from one of you but I love it.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I love it. I'm going to "borrow" it myself. Thanks for sharing
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Another beautiful day in Kentucky can't believe this weather in February. I went on a walk outside. Did 3.7 miles in 66 minutes. Not bad with a bum knee. I didn't eat enough calories today. The thing I don't like is how it adds the calories back in for exercise. My nutricianist wants to see food calories. Oh well I'll see what she says Tuesday. Didn't sleep good last night was still awake at 4:00AM. Was a little down so that may have had something to do with it.

    Well weekend is over. Hope you all enjoyed it. Trying to go to sleep now hopefully will be sawing logs in a few minutes. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    That is a really good pace! With the nutritionist wanting to see food calories, if you use the View Full Report link at the bottom of your food diary page (on the website), it very clearly separates food from exercise. Plus, you can choose what dates to view and it's printable.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Thanks @jilliancreates I didn't know that.

    Well today I had to take an exercise break knees were hurting. I did take the dogs for a walk. Well had taxes done today. My husband always did this, but I did it all by myself. Got a little teary eyed when he spoke about Floyd. I'm learning so many new things.

    My weigh in is tomorrow. I'm so nervous that even though I worked hard, it won't show. I know I shouldn't let the scale rule me but when you're on this journey positive results keep you going.

    My knee kept me from meeting my exercise goals for the month. I'm going to need to make new goals for March. After my meeting with my nutricianist I'll post my new goals.

  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    I also just figured out that you can go to the Reports link at the top of the website and choose a report type. Net Calories has the exercise subtracted out. Calories does not. It gives it to you in a bar chart, rather than the full on list of foods like the link on the food diary page.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Like you said, don't worry about the scale. I love that pic you posted previously. I'm going to type one out for me and post it above my scale :) I know the scale not showing much of a change is frustrating, but remember that this is a long-haul journey, not an overnight one. I hope your nutritionist can help you adjust your goals.

    thanks @jilliancreates for the chart info. It'll be interesting to look at after my weigh-in today, too.

    I know you can do it!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Well here it goes. Only lost .8 lb in a whole month. Of 29 days 17 of them I was below 1200 calories. So here is what nutricianist and I have come up with for goals.

    1. Eat no less than 1100 calories but preferably
    1200 calories a day.
    2. Need to exercise 30-60 minutes a week.
    3. Get 8 hours of sleep.

    She says if I do this I should lose 1/2 to 1 lb a week. I did take my measurements today. I can't figure out where to write them down in this app.

    I'm not sleeping. She told me if you don't sleep you have trouble losing weight. After reviewing what food I've ate and she said I'm doing ok with my %'s of fat, protein and carbs.

    Also got bad news from H&R Block someone used my husband social security number on their tax return. We went through this last year and had to wait six months for my refund.

    This year is not starting out good for me. I didn't think it could get worse than last year. Maybe this will be it. I was so upset today I cried. I don't want to feel like this anymore it's bad enough I'm still kissing Floyd, but to have all these things keep coming up is killing me.

    Sorry I'm "Debbie Downer" today. Will try to be better tomorrow.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Sending you lots of hugs. I'm sorry to hear about your tax troubles. Better to find out now I guess? Still, what a pain.

    Adding more exercise should help with the sleep, but isn't a 100% cure. If you don't already I'd try some light yoga with prayer/meditation to help you drift off and, obviously, no caffeine after 6PM. I know you're going through a lot so sleep must be difficult. Give it time and be patient with yourself. We're all rooting for you and cheering you on. Loving yourself is an unmeasurable quantity for weight loss, but an important one.

  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    No need to try to BE better. Feel better, sure, but there is nothing less than good about having emotions. I only can imagine what you go through after losing Floyd, and I think I'd be having the same challenges you do. I'm sorry to hear about your taxes too. It sucks waiting for a refund, especially if you've been counting on getting it sooner than later.

    To add measurements on the MFP app, on the left column menu list, go to Progress. At the top left is says Weight. Press that and you get the options of Neck, Waist, and Hips. Click the one you want and press OK. Then in the top right corner there is a + sign to add a new entry.
  • mimi2974
    mimi2974 Posts: 40 Member
    Sorry, Lottie. It's tough when we try to keep control of things we can without seeing the results. A loss of weight is a loss. I certainly understand frustration without seeing a number to equal your efforts. Keep at it! Overall, the trend is the scale is moving down.

    Sucks about your taxes. Don't waste any of your energy thinking about the disgusting people who prey on people in these situations. It's disappointing to say the least.

    You're doing great. Despite the obstacles, you will continue to pull through!


  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member

    Thanks @mimi2974, @jilliancreates , @quzzdragon . I met a friend for lunch and I'm over "feeling sorry for myself". In grief group we made a collage about our husbands or wives. I decided to do one for weight loss. I still haven't replaced refrigerator so I'm using the one in the garage( we used to use for pop). So I put the poster on the door to the garage. It's a reminder!!

    I did sleep better last bight. I made a doctor appointment for a physical. I will be talking about my sleep and my knees. Maybe this is what I need.

    No exercise today. I will be doing a DVD tomorrow it's cold again in Kentucky. Knew it was to good to last. It could snow in April here not usually but it has before.

    I'm sending love out to all of you. The support you all give reminds me that I'm not alone in the battle to be fit , this site is tons better than some other weight loss programs that cost a lot of money.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Wow... that's a fantastic collage! Makes me want to get crafty! :) Glad you're looking at the positive side and working towards improvement with your doctors.
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Well did a 4 mile walking DVD. Now that got me sweating. Then I swept, vacuumed and mopped all my hardwood floors. I feel accomplished today. Plus my house smells good. It snowed here today didn't stick to the roads it looked pretty on the grass. Tomorrow I go get hair cut and color. So I'm glad I'm friends with my beautician and we spend time talking. Sort of like "Steel Magnolias ". Hope everyone had a great day!!!!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member

    I know now why I didn't like weighing everyday.. I keep going up and down everyday. I doesn't give you a feeling of accomplishment. I don't know why it's going up and down. I'm trying to figure it out.

    Today was a rest day on exercise. Hope you have a great start to your weekend.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Are you weighing at the same time every day? If it's fluctuating a lot, maybe try switching to weighing once a week? I think I'm going to start weighing on Mondays since I tend to cheat more on the weekend - it'll keep me honest.

    Have a great weekend!
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    I like weighing every day so I can see how crazy the scale is. It can go up or down 2-3 lbs in one day. Know that can happen, I don't get too excited whether it is a big or small number. But, you are definitely more important than than any.