
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member

    I LOVE that song. The second I read your topic for the month the song started playing in my head!

    Seehe you have THE best pictures always… your photos always say what each one of us feels. Thank you! Also, I had no idea you lived in Tucson… I apologize I never acknowledged that, I live in Glendale; my brother lived in Tucson before he passed away. We should meet sometime!

    Snooz, Happy Anniversary. I am so proud of you. And I voice the same words of every other mad hatter here, YOU have been our strength, our support, our coach, our mentor and our friend throughout this adventure. Thank you.

    Susan, CONGRATULATIONS on the health report. No diabetes’s; you have worked so hard and you deserve much praise.

    It’s been a strange few weeks/month for me again. Thank you all ladies for the congratulations on the “last treatment” day. Yes I have come through, though that week was probably my worst. My sister just finished up her last chemo treatments as well. She moves on to her radiation schedule in probably a month. We’re still not sure on that one. I go next week for my one month follow up, blood, stats, etc.

    The house build is moving very slowly. They say they "might" break ground the end of this month, but we'll see. Actually, the longer they take, the better for us, save more $$ and clean up the credit report a little more. We had what we're calling the "great flood" at work last month. We had a water main break and it spewed 19 thousand gallons of water throughout our floor and the floor below us. Approximately 20 of us staff and faculty had to be moved to other areas on campus. It’s been odd not having a home, but work must go on.

    I have been exhausted and total lack of motivation these past couple weeks. It’s been tough too because my daughter started looking for her wedding gown and I just don’t have the drive to go. I’ve only missed one, but, of course, that’s the one she “found it”. She’s not actually ordered it yet, so she promised to let me see it before she does.

    I did have an un-welcomed visitor show up at my “door step” I wanted to ask you ladies about… Since we are the Menopausal mad hatters… has anyone of you experienced spotting after you've “finished”? It was a year in April when I finally stopped. These past weeks I have spotted like 3 times, enough to have to wear a light day pad. Is this normal, do I need to see my gyno, or do you think my oncologist will be able to tell me something next week?
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Sorry Leslye... still waiting for my 1 year mark....

    But in my humble opinion - check with they gyno / oncologist...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I just had my regular period one month .....then never again lol. And nothing after it.... just stopped. But a good friend if mine has twice hit 8 months then 12 months and whammy .. Full blown period again both times. nOT a happy camper!! I think she also had a few episodes of spotting enough to send her to the doc - I think they did an ultrasound just to make sure. But with all you've been thru treatment wise I think would be best to get to whichever doc u can see soonest and if it continues should take a trip to the rodeo doc (stirrups ).
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Leslye- I sent you a message concerning my own experience. Glad to hear that it was nothing for Snoozie's friend, so who knows, but best to get these things checked out and "take a trip to the rodeo" as Snoozie suggests :-)
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Well hello Hatters,

    Leslyle - I am the odd ball out as I still get the monthly visitor so I have no advice other than seconding what the other hatters stated.

    The picture of doing the happy dance brought a smile to my face and a laugh since that's exactly how I always see Snoooze dancing.

    Susan great report !!!

    Carol you are getting closer and seeing that it helps keep my focus. The scale has been so slow recently that I need all the motivation I can get.

    So got the official letter of requesting that I resign from my position yesterday, certified jr high teacher applied and since I am only certified to 5th grade that obligates the school to hire them. Not sure what I am feeling I was just beginning to get a handle and now this puts me back to looking for a position in the middle of summer. I enjoyed not having that to deal with last year but keep reminding myself that God never closes one door without opening another. But guess this means I don't have to worry about lesson plans during the break just need to start contacting area schools to find out who has openings.

    On the plus side while my scale hasn't moved much lately I did run into a friend I had not seen in a while at the store, as she did a double take she ask " what I had done with the other half of me" Very nice NSV.

    For those of you that are envious of the garden I am sad to say that the green beans where a flop :( not sure what happened but they just did not produce as expected. We dug them up this past weekend and have already planted more yellow squash and zucchini. We are beginning to get peas and have hopes they will produce better than the beans as they look much healthier.

    Hope everyone has a great rest of the week
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    You're welcome... but you know the closer we get the harder it gets..... soda and chocolate are my frenemies... so walk, run, and dance your _.$$ off... giggles.... :laugh:

    Sorry about the "resignation memo" - but you know what they say... one door closes and a window opens....:flowerforyou:

    Loved your NSV....


    We received our official "decision to furlough letters"... which means more work and less money.... :grumble: for me.. since I'm the one inputting into our electronic files.... ugh....

    Hopefully stress eating won't rear it's ugly head... but hey more time to "move it move it move it" and sleep in right...
    and the upside is I found out we should be eligible for unemployment....fingers crossed... losing about $600 per month... the hat is being passed....

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Leslye, I haven't had a period since 1997. I did have an "issue" with endometriosis that caused me to bleed. I was scared to death because I knew I wasn't supposed to be doing that. When seeing the gyno he asked me if it hurt to have sex....I was so embarrassed, I told him I didn't get it very often and when I did I was so excited I didn't know if it hurt or not..lmao hence the divorce not long after!

    Tammy, the "memo" is hard but I know you will find something wonderful.

    Carol, My BIL is going through the same thing. Not fun at all. Sorry:cry:

    Yesterday was Zach's service. Hard to watch his 3 kids mourning their father especially after he had come so far after being shot 7 times by a disgruntled co-worker.

    John is still holding his own and telling Loretta how much he misses her after waking up from a nap. They have a love and bond that is so strong. He can barely speak but the love shines through.

    Have a great day my friends and don't take this life for granted.

    love you all,
  • Leslye125
    Leslye125 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning hatters.

    Thank you all for your advice. I will be scheduling an appointment with my gyno soon, just to be on the safe side. I see my oncologist a week from today and I will probably touch base with him on it too.

    Tammy and Carol, I am so sorry to hear about the “letters” you have received. Our university went through a furlough a few years back. Of course we hated the drop in pay, but boy did we LOVE the days off. It was SO hard to have to come back to 5 day work weeks. :grumble:

    As everyone else has stated, doors close, but others always open again. Have faith and I will be praying for you both.

    Tonya, my heart goes out to you with the service and your loss. I know that the family is in deep agony and none of this makes sense now. I pray that God gives you all understanding and peace.
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Tonya, I am reaching out with a virtual hug, what a difficult time for all of the families.
    Tammy, You have put your heart and soul into teaching those students and I am sorry that they will not benefit from all that you would have given them in the future! Your share your faith so openly that I am confident that it will pull you through whatever the next changes will bring.
    Leslye, my menopause was surgical, so I can only say that the last time I was spotting--her name is Beth. I don't think I would have the patience to build a house at this point in my life, my answer to most anything would be "whatever-just get done"
    Carol, don't count on the unemployment, I know that there are lots of people trying to structure things so that you will not be eligible. When we were furloughed (4 years in a row) we had to take only one day a pay period to avoid any potential for unemployment.
    I listen to books during my commute (average day total 2.25hours) and I really need a happy happy book, I like novels. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Janet, I would recommend the Game of Thrones series but they are definitely not a "Happy" series. I read Safe Haven just before the movie came out but that is the last I have had time to read. I am hoping to have a little time to read on the beach in a few weeks so I would be interested in the responses you get.

    Have a great day everyone, it's Friday and only two weeks till my vacation!:bigsmile:

    I have so much to do between now and then I think the time will fly by.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    I'm back to work as of yesterday for a week and puter is on its last legs so apologies reduced to using my phone most of the time so excuse the brevity and the typos!!

    Tammy - Janet said it perfectly - so many kids will lose out without you and im awfully sorry you have to start the hunt again.... i have no doubt you will find something and hopefully will be a better spot for you emotionally and mentally... !! Sucks comploetely tho you have to find a position again tho...

    Carole - readjusting to a financial change in income is tough!! Admittedly the free time you gain will be lovely too.. but definitely gonna be a challenge til you can adjust.. hang in there!

    Leslye - so glad youre gonna check in with both docs... not something you wanna let go!! Big hugs!

    Tonya.. counting the days baby!!!! So happy you're gonna get some R&R with hubby.. and dont blame him for hoping you get the whole 2 weeks alone LOL

    gAIL - GLAD YOU ENJOYED YOUR extra long weekend and getting together with your high school pal!! Way to use those extra minutes from the early wake up to rev your engines too!!

    Susan - how excited are you on your trip?? TAKE MEEEEE pick me please lol...

    Janet - know you've been struggling with stuff and a busy work sched on top - PM sent. Hang in there girl - remember Christopher Robin's words.. you're smarter than you think and stronger than you know!! As for "happy" books.. sent one suggestion but assume you are looking for fiction and something along the lines of when you finish it, you're left happy and thinking "what a lovely book?" Will dredge up my memories of working at the bookstore and see what i can come up (altho I specialized in children's books lol.. i can recommend a few happy ones there for sure!

    Well its Indy weekend here and its gonna be crazy busy traffic wise with road closures and crowds as work is located less than a kilometre from the track.. but on the positive side, its evening shift so i can walk in the mornings, and only 7 shifts then another 2 weeks vacation... so i shall cease my howling like a dog turned out in the night and instead be happy!!

    Have a great weekend Hatters!!! and don't forget to "ignite your light" whether mentally, physically mentally or spiritually... you're a FIREWORK!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Off to Coronado Island in the morning-yipee!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Bring an extra credit card ...with me stuffed in your suitcase the excess baggage fees are gonna be huge lolol. Have a fabulous time Susan !!!!!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    We're leaving for two weeks at the beach tomorrow. We're going to the Outer Banks, NC., but I'm still jealous of Susan's trip to Coronado! Have a great two weeks, Everyone!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    To everyone for the wonderful words of encouragement and support for the new adventure in the fall this year, thanks so much :)

    Carol: I completely feel for the financial change as that is what concerns me about my own situation of having to look for a new position.

    Leslye : do keep us updated after seeing the docs.

    Janet: Remember to take time for you even if its but a few minutes. It is so important to keep our focus.

    Snoozie: The husband is soooooooo jealous that you are so close to the race (its the being a retired race driver in him :wink: )

    Susan and Tonya: wishing you both wonderful escapes filled with lots of rest, relaxation, and special memories. Hope you both have a wonderful time.

    As for Safehaven we watched it this weekend and it was great and a happy movie. We watch series usually one at a time and have Game of Thrones but have not began to watch it as of yet.

    Well I have peas to shell and get ready for the freezer, safe travels to those taking off and wishing everyone a GREAT week.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters...

    I've been a little MIA over the weekend... I needed to take a little sabbatical to regroup and get my head on straight.

    On Friday I got my lab results (get em done every 3 months) and i had worked particularly hard since April to kick up my effort. my doctor was thrilled with my results:

    cholesterol being down to 2.3 (from 4)
    my triglycerides were fine
    I was down 4 lbs in weight from my last visit
    my blood sugar was down to 6.7 (from original diagnosis at 8.4)

    So while the doc was very happy with my progress, I was totally psyched and pumped to hear my A1C (blood sugar) number because that has been my #1 goal 1 so I was rather impatient while she was going through all the other numbers just waiting for the "big reveal". So when she said "your A1C is 6.7 - I'm happy with that", I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach and slammed me into a wall - because it was UP from my numberthree months ago.. ??? I have that number memorized (and written down due to mentlepause moments lol) I was completely blindsided and honestly, devastated .. it was UP? I couldn't believe it and made her re check it again on the labs... and while she tried to tell me she was happy as long as it was under 7, I was angry. And as the day went on I got even angrier and resentful and all the other emotions that you can think of.. I felt "wronged" lol.. I had worked SO hard and the stupid number went up?? S needless to say I was in a miserable mood at work the rest of the day and it just got worse so by the time I got home at midnight I was ready for a full on pity party lol.. So I had a good cry and decided to give myself the weekend to have a full on emotional meltdown and let all the anger and other stuff have its way. I figured if I put a time frame on it and allowed myself to be miffed, I wouldnt end up packing it all in.

    . For two whole days I wallowed ... and ate everything I could put my hands on lol.. And then I was able to accept that obviously I was doing something wrong...or a combination of wrongs... and I spent the next day going over my diaries and researching all the different theories on eating to lower your sugar levels (and there are some whackjob ones out there let me tell you!) Anyway... I'm going to change things up a wee bit over the next few months and test some triggers so my diary may look a little wonky, but my head is back in the game full on, and I will be continuing onwards toward all my goals, and fully supporting all of you iagain n your own progress! And that freaken number WILL be down in October!!!! :bigsmile:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I'm really sorry Snoozie that you got sucker punched. I know how devastating that is, so I am glad you took the time for yourself to express your anger and frustration and act out so that you can now get back in the game. You rock at this- look at all you have accomplished with that awesome cholesterol triglycerides, weight loss and improvement from the 8's to the 6's for your A1c. I admire your determination and have complete faith that you will succeed in finding out what works for you. Diabetes is not for Wimps, that's for sure, but you are one tough cookie!!! There is hope- it will get better. (((HUGS))) ~Susan
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Tyvm Susan (and the pm msgs ladies ). But more importantly you"re back from the island - wasnt sure u were gonna come back!! Details I want details and pics ! I finish my shift in about 4 hrs then on vacation so can't wait to hear and see all about it!!!! Did ya being me a present did ya huh did ya ??? Hahahha
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Been busy here at work training my fill in for the two weeks I will be out. Busy at home moving stuff from the neighbors house that they Cassie and Derek for their new house. We are looking at the end of August for a closing date...Yay! I don't know what I am going to do with the other 3 bedrooms upstairs but I am sure we can find a use for them. I will have plenty of guest rooms for a Hatters meet up! In 9 more days my behind will be on the beach wiggling my toes in the sand!

    Have a great day everyone
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I had such a wonderful time at Coronado Island and tried to share a few pictures right when I got back, but they wouldn't upload until today, but better late than never :-)
    We stayed at Glorietta Bay Inn, the former mansion of George Spreckles, Sugar King, who originally owned the island:



    Which is right across the street from the famous Hotel Del Coronado (anyone see the movie Some Like It Hot which was filmed there?)


    Which has the most fabulous beach where I got to partake in a yoga class


    help build sand castles


    and enjoy some food and mai tai's with my husband on the ultimate patio bar and grill with live entertainment


    We also got to enjoy a great performance of "Carnival" at a small local theater and visit the museums in Balboa Park


    It was sooo hard to come home!