
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Gorgeous pics Susan ! No wonder you didn't wanna come back!
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Those are wonderful! I certainly don't blame you for not wanting to come to reality. I am so glad you had a great time. 4 more wake ups and then I will be driving to my little island!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Check your suitcases tonya - the word "island" may have Susan and the rest of us hiding in there!!!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member

    But don't worry about the excess baggage fees....

    Since we're all so skinny now.... giggles......:laugh: :laugh: :glasses: :bigsmile:

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Did you say Driving, Tonya? So we don't need to squeeze in the suitcase? Let's see, 5 passenger seats, a trunk, and room to be tied up top...Let's go Ladies!!!!
    Seriously, though, Tonya, I know you are going to have such an awesome time, and you really deserve it :-)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    All of you Ladies are welcome to come for a the other week is for me:blushing:
    Susan, I am going to try and get Derek to show me one more time about uploading pics so I can show you around "my" island. If not be on standby.....

    We will be leaving around midnight Friday night and hopefully arrive in time to see the sun come up over the beach. On August 3rd we have a day trip planned to the sponge docks in Tarpon Springs. It was recommended by a co-worker so hopefully it will be a great time. The rest of the time will be relaxing and just soaking up the environment. There have been over 300 sea turtle nests laid on the island so far this year and now we are getting into the hatching time. On my early morning walks I have seen the volunteers excavating nests that have hatched and actually seen live babies being rescued. It's such an awesome site to see these tiny little things and then to know how large they become. There will be bike rides and beach walks and we will have a great time. The kids will be coming down on the 3rd or 4th and then staying the rest of the week. I am looking forward to spending time with the grandsons, they have been so busy will ball this summer that we haven't seen much of them.

    Hopefully I have trained the temp well enough and there won't be a mess when I get back. Written instructions and two weeks of "being me" should count for something right???????

    Ok, she is coming in the door so that means no more computer for me today.....:sad:

    Have a great day everyone and it's only 72 more hours until I am on the BEACH!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    One night on the isle of Manhatten doesn't compare to the Coronado or Florida vacations. I am jealous! But Tonya have a wonderful vacation you have earned it.
    But life is good. I seem to be over the mindless eating relapse, thanks for all the supportive messages. My son and DH are halfway through their road trip to Salt Lake City where Greg will remain to start his new math fellowship. And excitedly our youngest, (the graduate) got a job, a real job with health benefits as a financial analyst. She went on an interview for a temp slot, but she wowed them in her interview and was sent for an interview for a permanent job and she starts Aug 5! Ever since she got the job, I keep singing “welcome to the real world”. I had the most fun buying a “starter professional wardrobe” I went to 3 Goodwill stores and a consignment shop. She will be as well dressed as any of the professional women I saw at lunch time in NYC. I could do a commercial for shopping at the Goodwill, but I don’t want a lot of people getting the treasures before me. It seemed surreal to buy size 4 pants and know the only issue would be whether they need to be hemmed. That is not an experience with which I am familiar. Buying pants was always a struggle for me, even when I was in high school and a size 13. I used to have a harder time getting pants that were long enough. I like to think that the reason is that so many women wear heels that the pants are longer. The alternative is that I am getting shorter, which I don’t like as an alternative! Of course while I Goodwilling, I had to snatch up a few size 12 finds for me. I saw some things that I thought my other daughter would like but she does not like me to shop for her, so I am hoping to take her to my fav Goodwill store soon.
    Two NSV’s today. First I had a big meeting today in Annapolis, so I was trying to decide what to wear and picked a light weight silk suit that I bought years ago, but it never fit. I saw a woman that I had not seen in years, but I speak to on the phone for work on a regular basis. She did not recognize me and like the Katy Perry song basically said “oh, oh, oh.”
    NSV #2, as soon as I got to my office there was a fire alarm. After walking down 5 flights and waiting 15 minutes in the heat, I walked back up the 5 flights and did not even breathe heavy! At the start of this journey I would wait until the elevator was available because I couldn’t walk those steps. Next I was at the point where I could walk up, but I would be breathing so heavily, that I would walk to the stairway at the other end of the building on each floor to catch my breath. So it felt great to have a fitness NSV reminder!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Wow, Janet, life certainly is good! Congrats on your son getting a math fellowship and your daughter landing a great job and on your NSV's !
  • 53isgreat
    53isgreat Posts: 1
    Hello all,
    I just joined your group today and rejoined myfitnesspal. I am gaining weight again after losing 60lbs. on weight watchers 4 years ago. So my " ignite the light" is just getting back in the routine of exercising and eating right. After several life challenges like menopause, daughter's wedding, huband's job struggles I lost my focus. But a good vacation and some down time has got me back interested.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hi 52! Just wanted to welcome you to the mad hatters!! It's a fab group of women all around our age who know what our struggles are with weight loss and life at this stage if the game lol! So glad to have you aboard and look forward to getting to know you and encourage and support you in your goals!! Our only "rule" is a great sense of humour And no criticism....we all get enough if that from our outside world so we believe in positive attitude and support and encouragement and celebrating every victory - and that small changes lead to big results ! Abd it's great when your struggling with something to know at least one if the hatters has been there done that and got the t shirt lol! Welcome again and feel free to add any of us as friends!! Snoozie
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Janet - ditto on what seehe said lol. I forgot I sent mine via PM to you rather than posting so ill piggyback her here lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    i'M a little behind on some replies so im going to try to get some in while scrolling back thru :bigsmile:

    Tonya - tomorrow night you'rel eaving.. sounds like you are going to be getting a lot of exercise in while you're away!!! and so glad you will have the grandkids for a bit and also some time off for just you and R!! Hope Derek can show u how to get the pics up cant wait!!! So excited for ya!!

    Susan your island pics were beautiful.... I can totally understand fighting tooth and nail against coming home!!! But .. being selfish we're all glad you're back lol!

    Tammy - broken tailbone?? omg you poor thing!! I have whacked it before and the pain was unreal.. i cant even imagine what is like for you!! Please take care of yourself until you're 100%.... and dont let the injury get you down as far as the exercise.. i now how hard you were working at it so this has got to be a big sucker punch in the gut too.. but remember weight loss is 90% what we eat not about exercise (that's good for all our parts of course).. but this won't impede your progress so don't get too stressed on top of the pain k??? and we're here for ya to help out along the way..

    Janet - speaking of injuries.. OW on the ball to the nose... my eyes are watering just thinking about it!! do you have black eyes today too as a result?? and yes its an automatic 100 extra calories burned!!!

    Time2 - sounds like with your colleague away you're doing double duty... hang in there and pop in when you can.. we'll be thinking about ya even if we cant see ya!

    Been a little quiet in here lately ... we're coming to the end of the month too so any suggestions or thoughts on a topic for August ladies??
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    OK, one last thing... I'm claiming an NSV (and I have Seehe to thank for part of it lol)

    As you all know I was pretty devastated by my blood sugar results a few weeks ago and it really messed with my head for a while.... I'm almost 100% back on track and Susan has been sharing with me lots of great information from her incredible success in beating diabetes and it has helped a lot, and made me dig out a lot of info i had gotten from the nutrition classes which were offered thru our company free of charge a few years back...

    As well, my doc told me at that last visit I needed to start strength training to help with the blood sugars (as it burns the sugar off in a different way apparently... well not eactly but somethihng to do with how your body metabolizes the sugar is different in ST than walking or cardio) however I have been very resistant to starting it because i've never liked exercise and the one time i tried working out as such i ended up in physio for 3 months from any injury... so mentally and emotionally i have been dragging my feet.. plus i dont have a clue where to start or even what ST is really...

    anyway.. while dredging up the long forgotten info from the classes I remembered in the past fewd years our firm has really gotten on the bandwagon for "wellness" for its employees.. lots of seminars on shift work and sleep, substance abuse, nutrition, and fitness.. (yeah I sorta forgot all about THAT part lol) so this morning I took a deep breath and called the unit and said ok im an employee, here's my story, can you help me? and lo and behold... they said absolutely!! So tomorrow morning Im going in to see their trainer who is going to give me some kind of a movement test and some kinesiology tests to see what i can do and what limitations i may have at this point, and will set me up with a beginning training based on using my body weight apparently rather than machines or free weights at this point... and its all free thankfully! :bigsmile: They are all certified trainers there with various specialties apparently, so although I'm nervous , I'm also pumped that I finally got up the guts to make that call and can hopefully start on the next phase of my fitness goals with someone who knows what they're doing (as opposed to me lol).. I'll keep ya all posted but my NSV is overcoming my fear and STARTING!! aND getting there is because of all the support from you all (and a special thanks to Susan!)

    IPOM!! :drinker:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Hat's off to you,Snoozie hats-off-salute-smiley-emoticon.gif for getting the courage to make that call and lining up your evaluation! Proud of ya! And how wonderful it is that you have access to those services! You are going to be Iron Woman before you know it LOL

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Welcome 53isgreat! I know how easy it is to lose focus with all those special occasions, but good for you for jumping back on the wagon!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Lol love the pic of iron woman Susan! But That will be even further down the road than Janet's yoga challenge to me! The visual of which is still giving me nightmares lol!!
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Snoozie I am so jealous! I'd love to have company paid support on this journey we are all on. I am self-employed so that doesn't work for me. Or now that I think about it I guess it would be company paid. lol! In any case take advantage of that opportunity. IPOU for taking that first step. Sorry about the sucker punch. Maybe that's what helped you make that call...
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Welcome 53 and sounds like some good things were distracting you. Please share your struggles and successes here. Most likely one of us has been there done that and if not we are good listeners.
    Snoozie, you need to share the wisdom from the personal trainers. Your company is so wise to invest in the health of its employees. The state has a wellness program and so far it is limited to informative emails and a "Biggest Winner" competition. I have never liked those competitions. I am really trying to convince every cell in my body that this is a forever change and not a temporary diet that will last until a certain date or point on the scale. I also think anything that encourages quick weight loss encourages rapid regains.
    HATTERS- what are you going to do to be moving this weekend?
    Tonya I already know will be splashing in clear blue waters. I have a tennis match on Saturday morning (after the farmer’s market) and then think I will get up early Sunday for a long hike.
    My quilting muse has awoken after a long rest. I finally finished a wedding quilt top for my nephew almost but not quite a year after his wedding, now my brain is suddenly bursting with ideas. I think I will spend part of this beautiful weekend taking my sewing machine outside on the deck. I have not done that in years! That is assuming that I make it through tomorrow morning’s tennis match without injury.
    Hatters have a wonderful weekend!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    August 19 is National Aviation Day in honor of Orville Wright's bday , so perhaps a theme centered around flying or soaring or achieving your goals , or perseverance would work. Or August 5th was Neil Armstrongs bday , so we could do something along the lines of shooting for the moon, or the first Sunday in August is both friendship and forgiveness day, or second week of August is smile week , so we could do a daily acknowledgement of something we did that made us smile and or feel proud or grateful. Btw I would stay clear away from August 16 th which is roller coaster day !!!!LOL
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member