

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    lsabeIIe wrote: »
    The weeks results have to be tabulated by Melodie & are usually posted as an announcement on Thursday or Friday. She'll list the winning teams in points & also which team had the biggest weight loss.

    Thanks for this clarification @cjborkowski !

    The scale finally went down today! 2 lbs so that means 1 lbs a week! Awesome! My news feed says 1.8 but that is because of my previous weight entry. From the beginning of this challenge, it's exactly 2lbs! (Yeah, every 0.2 is important! :mrgreen: )

    Yeah!! Good job Isabelle!!! Totally get the every 0.2 counting. Mine only went down 0.2 from last week to this week, but I'm hoping it's all muscle. :smile:
  • Lykkelig_o
    Lykkelig_o Posts: 22 Member
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Lykkelig_o wrote: »

    Thanks for the share Olena. Hope to try this sometimes. I am trying to start many new habits and it is super hard to begin a good habit. Wish it was that hard to start a bad one. :smile:
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    It's a great article.
    Making the best of our motivations peaks and allowing ouself not to be perfect is a way to success IMO.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Ok, I'm in the process of working on the spreadsheet. Borrowed/stole the template off of team 5. Still working on the next few weeks. So since I'm doing a lot of copy and pasting you will notice that many of the challenges still have info from previous weeks. I will change the details as we become aware of them. Maybe hold off a bit until I get the ok from the team 5 person and Melodie.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Ok team! Here's the scoop. 2883 miles to the land of the Green! That's 151 minutes for the week for each of us! That's only an average of 22 minutes per day per person!!! Last week we averaged 370 minutes per person in the week. That was 52 minutes per day average per person. So we should be able to do this no problem if we just keep up our pace from last week!
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    Are we still waiting for approval from team 5 person or we can start logging ?
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Unbelievable! I haven't had much success scale-wise last week. I've worked out more than ever, stayed under my calorie goal (even had a calorie deficit of between 750-1000 each day ). What's with that ? In the past when this happened I would have given up but not this time! It will come! Slow and steady wins the race, right? I'm going to tell myself it's water retention and muscle, right? I have been doing Erin O'brien's workout videos every morning,cardio on the bike and zumba every evening. Gotta be building muscle in there somewhere right?
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    lsabeIIe wrote: »
    Are we still waiting for approval from team 5 person or we can start logging ?

    SmashleyM914 said it's okay to use it! So grateful for that! She also said she would check on it tomorrow to make sure I moved it over ok. But I think I've got it working. Even got a little lesson from my hubby on how to add a few helpful functions! I think we can go ahead and log your minutes.
  • lsabeIIe
    lsabeIIe Posts: 566 Member
    edited March 2016
    leannev68 wrote: »
    In the past when this happened I would have given up but not this time! It will come! Slow and steady wins the race, right?

    Exactly! We know it, yet, it can still be so frustrating!

    But you've still lost 1.6 lbs from the beginning and this is GOOD!
    I mean, i don't know how tall you are but you don't seem like you have that much weight left to lose, so I think your overall result is there and good. The fluctuations will always happens.

    Hang in there! You're doing an awesome job! I support you! We all support you! And you are worthy of the name of this team ! Don't let the scale ruin you mood! ;)

    Oh ! And that new spreadsheet is amazing !
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Thanks Isabelle.
    So I'm trying to send a message to each of you about the spreadsheet and I guess there's some sort of mechanism in place to deter spam or something because I just got a warning saying I'm not allowed to contact more than 5 new users every 10 minutes!!! Too funny.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    So, in case I go to bed before they allow me to send the rest: here's the message I'm hoping each of you will get from me...eventually!
    Ok, so I think I've got this spreadsheet thing figured out. To make it easier to tabulate at the end of the week, please log your score (#'s only, no words), under the challenge columns. You are welcome to log each day if you want; just keep changing the score or you can wait until the end of the week to put in your final total under each column. For example, if you logged your food for the first day, you can enter a 1 under that column, and then if you logged on the second day, you can change your 1 to a 2 and so on. My hubby taught me how to enter a function that will keep a running tally for each column. This should work as long as you just put numbers; no words please this time!

    And I now feel your pain, to those of you who can only access the spreadsheet from a computer. Got a new phone this weekend and now I am unable to access the spreadsheet from my phone. Good news, bad news I guess. Good thing is I can now see clearly with my larger computer monitor, bad news I have to wait to get to my computer to log in.

    Still finalizing our week score with Melodie (she has an awful lot of us newbie leaders to train) so stay posted. I really think we did very well. We ALL did the roadblock dance and we went way over the miles needed! However, we also have one of the largest teams, so I'm not sure if they will adjust for that to keep it fair. In any case, we continue to be the most awesome team out there!!!! Go Team One!!!!
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    Yesterday at my meeting I have to wear a skirt and I grabbed a 1x black skirt. I am the secretary so I sit behind a desk during the meeting. I went to walk to pick something up and my skirt fell off. Luckily I had a slip on and the one man at the meeting was talking to someone and did not see. The skirt goes into the too big pile. A pile that keeps getting bigger.
  • leannev68
    leannev68 Posts: 482 Member
    Yesterday at my meeting I have to wear a skirt and I grabbed a 1x black skirt. I am the secretary so I sit behind a desk during the meeting. I went to walk to pick something up and my skirt fell off. Luckily I had a slip on and the one man at the meeting was talking to someone and did not see. The skirt goes into the too big pile. A pile that keeps getting bigger.

    Oh my gosh Gayle! That has to be one of the best NSV stories I've heard in a while!!!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Leanne, you couldn't have posted your scale frustrations with any better timing. Thanks to you and Isabelle's posts, I am trying to pull myself back from the cliff edge. My scale is not cooperating at all this week and it is getting so frustrating!! So far I have been able to tell myself it will go down the next day and it is just being delayed but this morning was too much. I too in the past would have thrown my hands up and given in to temptation. Instead now, I will just keep working at it and know that it will eventually catch up.

    Gayle, huge congrats!! That is so awesome!! It feels so good when clothes are too big you finally have to give up on them!! Here is to your continued successes!
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I understand about the scale thing. I had my husband stand on ours to make sure it wasn't stuck. I have noticed my jeans are looser so maybe with all the exercise I have lost some inches? I need to measure. Great job on the spread sheet, it looks great!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Yesterday at my meeting I have to wear a skirt and I grabbed a 1x black skirt. I am the secretary so I sit behind a desk during the meeting. I went to walk to pick something up and my skirt fell off. Luckily I had a slip on and the one man at the meeting was talking to someone and did not see. The skirt goes into the too big pile. A pile that keeps getting bigger.

    LOL love this!! Time for some shopping!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    To all those with scale issues, please do keep moving in the right direction. I know exactly how discouraging it can feel, but we must always remember that weight loss isn't linear. Sometimes you get a big loss, sometimes, small, and sometimes none or it goes the wrong way all together. But every day you're making changes, earning small victories and big one. You're on the right road, so don't let the scale push you off of it.
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    I felt that way in February when I was sick. It seems to be going better now. The scale is not the only measure of success.
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    Yesterday at my meeting I have to wear a skirt and I grabbed a 1x black skirt. I am the secretary so I sit behind a desk during the meeting. I went to walk to pick something up and my skirt fell off. Luckily I had a slip on and the one man at the meeting was talking to someone and did not see. The skirt goes into the too big pile. A pile that keeps getting bigger.
    Too funny! I wish I had taken measurements before this challenge, my pants feel a bit more comfortable. I have lost, but I'm sure it was mostly water gain from a bad week before the challenge started. I only get on the scale once a week so as not to get discouraged. I'm feeling very sore today, think it's from the abs workout. Anyone else? (I love how she says,"Okay lovies") And the seven step Irish dance is making me realize how uncoordinated I am on the dance floor. Will keep working on it, it's a good laugh for the teenagers, if nothing else. thanks Leanne for all your work on this.