Daily Exercise Thread



  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Started the day off with the scale looking like i lost some....that's good for a Monday after a holiday weekend! This has motivated me.....I plan on the gym tonight after work...I will check back in later, probably around 8:30 ....
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 6....day 1.......60 min of on program
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks for logging Michelle and good job on the loss. Mondays always suck for me in that respect.


    4.4 miles with Loxley
    3.5 miles solo
    134ish mins all together


  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    No Miles Today. Too much work to do with the event preparation sadly.

    I'll try again tomorrow.
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 6 day 2.....50 min on program and then a mini talk and walk w my bestie, babs <3
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Tim! Hope you are enjoying some great weather! We seem like we usually get the same type of weather and its soooo nice here! I went back and read your summer walking challenge and decided..."why the heck not!" So you now have a walking buddy....i will still be doing my 16 week couch to 5k and I will use the miles I get from the machine I use. I avg. 1.75 miles for a 45 min workout...but when I go tonight I will be sure to get a better idea. We usually camp most of the summer and if I use a pedometer I just might surprise myself. :p I plan on still rewarding myself at the 8 week mark and that was a pedicure...it will come at just the right time! My left calf is hurting...its feeling like a knot is in it...I need to start stretching...I just hate it...o, well....my scale is continuing to go down,,,,slow, but that's ok....I will talk later :)
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 6. Day 3. 60 min on program....
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    No miles again today... I was making signs and stuffing ticket packages all day. The weather has been nice but I have not been able to enjoy it... The days are going too fast and I'm running out of time to get things done for next Saturday. I'll get out tomorrow though as Loxley needs a couple good walks.


    That is some awesome news Michelle. I'm looking forward to May 22nd even more now. I assume you'll be setting your own goal. I would never suggest 500 miles in 90s days to anybody that has any kind of life to live outside of physical exercise. It's hard enough for someone like me who doesn't have a family and has very few obligations. I'm very happy to have you on board though. This will be a summer to remember. :):):):) Thanks for the cheer up.

    In other news... the bride and groom for my wedding stopped by my place tonight with some news. The wedding has been moved from the end of October to Mid-July. So this was not the greatest news for my weight-loss plan. I'm thinking it's still possible for me get below 200 by then. I'm on maintenance calories until I start the challenge on the 22nd. That gives me just under two months from then to lose 19 pounds. We'll see what happens... it's not very realistic but it's something to reach for.

    Oh and thanks for logging :)
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    I can not believe the wedding is moved up! I get being out straight with things like that. I have been in my fair share of weddings, hosting bridal showers and baby showers. It's so much work, but it's fun when all the work is done and you can enjoy the events. Don't worry about being under 200 for the wedding, just do what you can....u have been doing a super job.
    As far as my walking goal, I am just gonna go with the flow, not really sure how many miles I could do ..maybe I will see how long it will actually take me to hit 500 miles....lol..(could be winter again..haha) .I went to the gym tonight and it seems like I am tracking at a 30 min mile on the arc machine......have a good night :)
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Went to the gym.....lifted weights for my arms , did about 4 machines.....week 6 day 4. ...35 min....really feeling the endurance kicking back in....hoping to try to advance on my program next week....more running less walking...
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    2.2 miles outdoor with Loxley today.

    Thanks for logging your gym program.


    outdoor I walk 3.5-3.7 miles an hour. I usually walk faster with Loxley with me cos she pulls pretty much the whole time.

    The goal just really keeps me motivated to do it. Whatever works for you is best. I know I said this already but I'm happy to have you aboard. :)
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    I am glad to be on board too. I have done challenges before and really like them and it keeps me moving. Well, here we are at another Monday. I had yet another crazy weekend. Had a 70th bday party for my dad and tried to be good....but, I had maybe a little too much fun...lol :p i don't even dare check the scale today, so I killed it at the gym today hoping to do some damage control. I upped a level on my program because I was feeling that my endurance was increasing enough that I could try it....it went very well.....so
    Week 7 ....day 1. 51 min, 1.75 miles....
    Also did about 30 min of upper arm strength training....

    And a shout out to anyone who may be reading, why not join me and Tim....we are going to be doing a walking challenge starting May 22!
    Happy Monday ! Have a great day!! B)
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    I am glad to be on board too. I have done challenges before and really like them and it keeps me moving. Well, here we are at another Monday. I had yet another crazy weekend. Had a 70th bday party for my dad and tried to be good....but, I had maybe a little too much fun...lol :p i don't even dare check the scale today, so I killed it at the gym today hoping to do some damage control. I upped a level on my program because I was feeling that my endurance was increasing enough that I could try it....it went very well.....so
    Week 7 ....day 1. 51 min, 1.75 miles....
    Also did about 30 min of upper arm strength training....

    And a shout out to anyone who may be reading, why not join me and Tim....we are going to be doing a walking challenge starting May 22!
    Happy Monday ! Have a great day!! B)
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Took a friend to the gym with me today....hoping she joins....but anyway, I did my program: week 7. Day 2. 45 min....I braved the scale today and see I stayed the same.... So I will power thru and try to get some more weight off this week....I am down 4 lbs in 2 weeks....I would love to keep that going...we shall see :o I will have to be very good all week! o:)
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    Hey guys! Haven't been on here in awhile :p . Took a few weeks off from mfp but stuck with food ( mostly haha!) and exercise goals. Looks like you guys have been sticking with it!
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Hey Kandi! Great to see u posting again.....u inspired me to start strength training....I have been doing 2x a week, really stepped out of my comfort zone at the gym. hope all is well with u.... :)
    And a shout out to my friend Tim....missing your posts...even if it's just to check in....I hope I still have a walking challenge buddy, we start this Sunday!!! I need to go get my pedometer......ttfn!
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 7 day 3. 45 min on program
    25 min strength training
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome back Kandi. :)

    Thanks for all the logging Michelle and congrats on the weight loss.
    I'm am 100% in for the Sunday start. I'm actually pretty excited to get going on this. I'll be logging daily once the challenge starts.

    The weather forecast is looking good for next week so I should be able to get off to a good start. Keep up the good work... :):):)
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    That's awesome Michelle! Soon you will start feeling so much stronger and become addicted to it :D
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    On your marks....get set....GO!