Daily Exercise Thread



  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    4 miles walked.....
    496 to go! :D
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 1: 0 Miles
    Total: 0/500 90 Day Miles Walked

    I got off to a great start... lol. I was hungover yesterday. Getting ready now to play some catch up. Have a great day.
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Must have been the buck and doe party...right,,,,lol B) Hope you had fun!
    Glad for this challenge because I was ready to push a bit harder at the gym....my issue is always with time. I just can't be one of these people who can be at the gym for hours....but I am striving for 2 miles when I do go ....and I just downloaded a pedometer (that is pretty accurate) onto my phone. I read 2000 steps is one mile....so this is where my miles could start adding up because I do sooo many errands and running around. (I just don't consider it excersise).

    Today week 8 on program!!! Yay!!! It's reward time!!! Getting a well deserved pedi this weekend coming up! Guess I need another reward...hmmm...have to give that one some thought.

    I did 30 min of upper arm strength training then onto my machine and I would NOT get off that machine until I hit 2 miles...haha......so, as I said...this challenge is pushing me.....but man, I wish I would start seeing that darn scale move more....funny tho, all weekend I was pulling up my yoga pants which I don't remember having to do that a few months ago...hmmm...

    2 miles so far today, but I will post tonight to see what new pedometer says...

    6 miles total so far
    494 to go!
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    1 more mile
    7 miles total
    493 to go
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 2: 4.9 Miles - 84 mins
    Total: 4.9/500 90 Day Miles Walked

    This was a walk with Loxley in the morning and a solo walk later in the day.


    The last couple months (March and April) I was a part of a challenge thread on this site and... a lot of people do in fact count every step they take throughout the day as part of the challenge. My sister also agrees with that method where I personally only log exercise miles for the challenge... I don't think there is really a right or wrong answer. :)

    I'm glad you're feeling the extra push and enjoy your pedi this weekend.
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hey Kandi....love the new pic!
    Good job Tim!

    Week 8. Day 2. 1 hr on my machine doing couch to 5k
    2 miles
    9 miles completed 491 to go
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 8. Day 3. 45 min on machine
    2 miles
    11 miles completed 489 to go :)
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 3: Nothing (Resting up for Day 4)
    Day 4: Nothing (Deck Staining all day, it was actually a pretty good workout but no miles were walked so I couldn't Log anything in the challenge)

    Total: 4.9/500 90 Day Miles Walked

    I'm already dressed to go with Loxley so I will for sure have a little more progress by the end of the day today. Don't worry too much about me though... I'll be able to catch up no prob. :)
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Lol...u r a walking machine Tim! I was only a little worried that u may leave the thread and I won't have a walking buddy! U r definitely keeping me moving! I know u r busy w the wedding tho....staining the deck sounds aweful, but I bet it looks great!
    Week 8. Day 4. 1 hr. 2 miles....left knee starting to hurt....rest day tomorrow....so glad it's Friday!

    13 miles walked 487 to go
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 5: 2.2 Miles - 38 mins

    Total: 7.1/500 90 Day Miles Walked

    I also did 4 hours of staining this afternoon. More to do tomorrow as long as it doesn't rain.

    Thanks for logging Michelle and don't push too hard. :)
    Enjoy your day off.
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Day 6: Nothing - Took the day off but... I regret it now
    Day 7: Nothing - Stained All Morning then I helped move furniture for my sister in the afternoon (Again... A good workout but no miles to log)
    Day 8: Sick (Whole family had it... was not a good time)
    Day 9: Still Sick


    Yikes... Sorry for not logging for so long. Things have not been going as smooth as I had hoped. I hope things are going well Michelle.

    I'm staining again today and tomorrow but I'm hoping to still get some miles logged with Loxley during that time.

    Have a great day. :)

  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Hey Tim! I am sick too....I got sick Sunday and it just keeps hanging in there.....I hope u r feeling better soon. This will pass and we will get back at it! Rest up :|
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Still sick :/
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Slowly getting better...the plan is to start back at it for Monday....i feel myself slipping with my eating so I am going to try to get that back under control....I am missing my workouts....school is coming to and end and I will find myself with a completely different schedule. I need to get my head back into this....talk later!
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Ok.....back on the wagon, needed an extra week to feel better. I hate feeling like I am starting over ...and my eating bad habits slowly crept back....I am going back to logging and all my healthy foods....today my goal is to get to the gym to get my 2 miles in....I will post later....
  • genesisv9285
    genesisv9285 Posts: 1 Member
  • ChaplainLinda
    ChaplainLinda Posts: 5 Member
    I haven't exercised for a long time. It's very hard for me to get motivated. But, I'm motivated now! I'm going to start with a simple yoga Sun Salutation each morning. Ready go!
  • ChaplainLinda
    ChaplainLinda Posts: 5 Member
    "Thanks for reading and Good Luck on this journey everybody. I also hope to hear from some of you soon on this thread. If not… I’ll just use the thread to talk to myself until 2017. No Biggie. :p "

    You can talk to me. I will be here!