3. Daily nutrition accountability



  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Doing great today !!
  • krce
    krce Posts: 213 Member
    Today is turning out to be "meh". Especially veggie-wise. I'm committed to eating on plan for the evening & only eating what I've planned. I think tonight is going to be one of those nights where I just go to bed early in order to stay out of the kitchen!!!
  • Nuari2016
    Nuari2016 Posts: 68 Member
    Doing fine, mainly because I slept until 2 PM :o darn you head cold & cough of doom! Really needed the rest though, been feeling dreadful. I'm trying to space out calories evenly for rest of day, may even finish a bit under limit.
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    Nuari2016 wrote: »
    smurphy90 wrote: »
    Yesterday I was happy with how I ate... until I tried to go to bed. Old habits die hard and I couldn't sleep, woke up and pigged out right in the kitchen... probably eating around 400-500 extra calories (that I didn't log, out of shame, of course) in only 10 or so minutes.

    I have days where I simply must gorge on something (I call them my "tape worm days", it's like I'm a bottomless pit). I've started keeping cantaloupe & other melons in my kitchen - you can eat an entire cantaloupe and it's only around 200 calories, depending on how big it is. And holy moly are you full when you are done, whew! Maybe, are there any foods you enjoy enough and are low calorie enough, that you can point your insomnia munchies towards instead and thus limit the overall caloric damage?

    I do keep a lot of fruits in the house (I've started eating fruit after dinner, where before I would have eaten a candy bar or potato chips or some other junk food.) My favorite daytime munchies are pickles and fruit. When I get these insomnia munchies though it's nit just that I want to eat... It's that I want to eat a LOT of super heavy things. It helps that I don't often keep those foods around. Mostly the problem arises when I've made one of my favorite foods for dinner, which I'm totally fine with... But if there are any leftovers, I can easily eat 1-3 servings of those standing in my kitchen at 3am. I've started to get better at only making enough of any meal for two servings (one for me and one for my boyfriend).

    Last night I had a munchie feeling at 4 am, but I WAS able to satisfy it with a pickle and one of those laughing-cow type soft cheese triangles, so not much damage done. Keeping the right food in the house is definitely a must for me!

    All that being said, I was pretty happy with my day today. I ate several junk foods that I don't normally eat (because I don't normally want them) but kept the portions low and did balance it out with light and balanced full meals. And I was able to come in 125 calories under my goal (even disregarding the walk that I had to take to get to a doctor's appointment. Yay for choosing to walk over taking the metro!)

    So... good day overall.
  • 1cand0it2
    1cand0it2 Posts: 169 Member
    pretty good day, under calories, but still need more fruits and veggies.
  • Nuari2016
    Nuari2016 Posts: 68 Member
    smurphy90 wrote: »
    Last night I had a munchie feeling at 4 am, but I WAS able to satisfy it with a pickle and one of those laughing-cow type soft cheese triangles, so not much damage done. Keeping the right food in the house is definitely a must for me!

    And I was able to come in 125 calories under my goal (even disregarding the walk that I had to take to get to a doctor's appointment. Yay for choosing to walk over taking the metro!)
    Sounds like you are developing some great strategies, with limiting leftovers and temptations in the house - and I forgot about pickles, I'm glad you mentioned them! Going on my next shopping list :) Hang in there and keep on kicking the late night munchies' butt!
  • animalrob37
    animalrob37 Posts: 92 Member
    300 calories under. I'm not hungry. I should have had a bigger lunch though because I was hungry between lunch and dinner and a little woozy.
  • Tata0716
    Tata0716 Posts: 65 Member
    krce wrote: »
    Today is turning out to be "meh". Especially veggie-wise. I'm committed to eating on plan for the evening & only eating what I've planned. I think tonight is going to be one of those nights where I just go to bed early in order to stay out of the kitchen!!!

    Good for you for sticking to plan!! :)
    I do this too!! Some nights are SUPER early to bed nights lol

  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    Resisted my cousins birthday cake!

    Good job!
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    I came in under budget again today. :)
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    Under my goal again yesterday, I even managed to treat myself to a chocolate bar and remain under all the necessary targets :smile:
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Resisted my cousins birthday cake!

    Yay!!! Turning down cake is a major win with me haha

    Under my calories though not all healthy choices. I love my family but I miss my veggies and fruit.
  • BarneyRubbleMD
    BarneyRubbleMD Posts: 1,092 Member
    did good today (diet day 4).
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Mad_Medusa wrote: »
    Resisted my cousins birthday cake!

    Yay!!! Turning down cake is a major win with me haha

    Under my calories though not all healthy choices. I love my family but I miss my veggies and fruit.

    I won't be resisting my own birthday cake next week though ;)
  • Nuari2016
    Nuari2016 Posts: 68 Member
    Under my goal again yesterday, I even managed to treat myself to a chocolate bar and remain under all the necessary targets :smile:

    Awesome Possum!!! I think that describes a healthy diet perfectly - you *can* still have the occasional treat as long as you 'budget' for it!
  • Nuari2016
    Nuari2016 Posts: 68 Member
    Day started off badly - slept through alarm and was running late, so couldn't eat breakfast. In the past I would have went through a drive-thru for something quick, but luckily today I wasn't hungry so there was no temptation at all to confront (thanks, head cold!). When I got home I ate a richer lunch than I've been having, to avoid the problem I had yesterday where I could barely fit in 1200 calories before bedtime. Surprisingly, I really didn't like it - I've gotten used to eating bulky but lower calorie foods, and so this meal is sitting like a lump a bit in my stomach. Anyway, I think I'll be ok today but I'm really looking forward to getting back to my usual routine!
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Today was going so well, but then I got stuck at work due a someone digging through a gas pipe and bringing the city to a standstill. I am still poorly and just wanted to get home and lie down, so I've been comfort eating crisps and chocolate cornflake cakes :(
  • Nuari2016
    Nuari2016 Posts: 68 Member
    Today was going so well, but then I got stuck at work due a someone digging through a gas pipe and bringing the city to a standstill. I am still poorly and just wanted to get home and lie down, so I've been comfort eating crisps and chocolate cornflake cakes :(

    Oh no! Being stuck at work stinks, doing so while under the weather is awful :( Hang in there best you can til you can have a lie down. Is there anyplace you can stow the comfort nibbles to get them out of easy reach, and maybe go have a cup of tea instead? Hope you feel better soon!
  • smurphy90
    smurphy90 Posts: 71 Member
    I did alright today, coming in under my goal. My carbs have been higher than I would like though. I try to stay at 20% calories from carbs, but that hasn't been happening the last few days since I've had some ice cream both days. I'm pushing my boyfriend to finish the B&J pint we bought yesterday so I don't have any more. :wink:
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Nutrition pretty good today however sodium intake was up .. Under calories ..