Histamines, inflamation and biohacking experiment starting



  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Now I am powerful confused. I repeated the soup at night with added nori, chicken n courgette. Even had a tiny bit of avocado n tomato with lettuce. No reaction. Argh! Not simple reacts everytime deal. V odd.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    But that's how histamine works, right? You have to pass a threshold, so even if you have higher histamine foods you may not react. Also I read that histamine reactions take anywhere from 2-24 hours to exhibit, as opposed to food intolerance or allergy which can be immediate.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @DianaElena76 thanks for pulling me out of denial. Was trying to get a causal reaction link set up and although I had read that , I guess I did not want to hear it!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    Back on with my more common reaction, ie about 15 mins after food. I tried a bit of mum's strawberry cheese cake. She really wanted me to eat half. I said I truly could not because strawberries are high in histamines. I complied and had 3 tiny bites. Over period of 15 mins. Just as mum felt bad for eating so much cake and anounced that I was not doing my part, so I should eat the rest, I sneezed. A lot. I explained that is exactly why I can't eat it. Took her seeing me with eyes watering n puffy for her to finally see why I kept saying No. When we got home I had egg n veg curry but the curry paste was a few days old and now my sinus' are back blown up again. Looking like an unhappy puffy chipmunk I am now having a rest with mum seperately reading upstairs. I need the break so kind of good plus mum can see that I am not making this up or making choices just to be a pain in the rear. (My family thinks a little odd, I guess)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Food intolerances run in my family. Those of us who pay attention are considered odd by those that don't. Those that don't pay attention are considered odd by those of us who do! I think all families consider other members "odd". And sometimes family is a pain in the rear but we love 'em anyway.

    Pay no mind to others. They are odd too! Continue with your experiments. I am sorry that it does not seem to be clear cut.

    My 'odd' brother, the physicist, thinks his histamine reaction is caused by old things; cheese, bread, some veggies the culprits so far. He has been muttering about his idea of what is growing which causes the problem. I will pay attention next time. He was dismissed as odd because he was ignoring lactose and gluten intolerance. But maybe he is on to something because it is a histamine reaction rather than gut reaction. I will ask.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    Thanks @dasher602014 I love your reflection on odd- all a matter of perspective! I will be interested to hear results from your odd brother.

    I tend to steer clear of dairy and gluten at the moment. Trying to simplify my potential list of causes! My reactions tend to be more hayfever like than the runs or other digestive issues that my gluten intollerant friend has. Today I had fresh wild salmon and lettuce. Yum. No adverse reaction. Yay.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Here is another thing to ponder: do you live with potted plants? in an old house? there could be dust and mold all around that just add to the problem. A friend said her whole family felt much better after she got rid of her potted indoor plants. I am allergic to dust, but live in an old wooden house. I can't get away from the sneezing. :(
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Young cheese and metwurst tonight. Low carb good, risk of histamine moderate. Couple of eggs n some chicken too. Achooo. Sore throat, sneezing. Back to basics tomorrow and no hint of histamines again for a few weeks.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I have found a threshold for certain foods. I can have fresh tomatoes, but canned will give me a headache, and runny nose the next morning. Same with onions! Have been testing with just enough for flavor, and a compliment to the meal, instead of thinking of it as a "side dish", and haven't had anymore problems. (Theres that moderation that some folks preach! Lol!). Had some cooked zucchini last week, and suffered a terrible migraine! Once again, will be watching amounts to prevent the side effects in the future!

    Watching you test yourself, trying to figure this all out, has been interesting! I realize I've been doing the same since I figured out that foods were triggering my symptoms. Have been, unsuccessfully, treating chronic allergies for years, with medications that never worked! I'm glad I got to this point to figure it all out! Really dislike the wasted time (and wasted liver response!) from taking all of the medications/nose sprays......when the cause had been missed for years!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well .... heard back from my brother.

    I think he has given up figuring out the histamine reaction. He gets lip swellings now and again and no real cause has been found. It isn't so often now that he is on a lower carb diet.

    For the family intolerance tummy troubles, his research has led him to mycobacterium avium.



    In my cruising the web, I found this site.


    Some of the comments were familiar and interesting to me.

    So, certainly nothing definitive. Still experimenting here too.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited May 2016
    Apologies for going dark for a week: Mum's been visiting so Miss congeniality here has been sharing meals that are not good for me, in an effort to keep mum happy (she cant leave food and the servings are too big to finish so clearly that's my problem). Net result I can confirm tomatoes are an issue for me and carbs make me want carbs. My feet have got more sensitive to cold and I have a monster headache. Mum in Ireland gor a week. Husband informed me that our ensuite shower drain clogged up due to the hair I lost in the week she has visited so far. I want to be strong enough to say no but mum has a way of making her request so begnine. Just a simple sandwhich is all i want. No idea how hard that makes life for my low carb choices. Pretty confident histammines are an issue. Will report more specifics later.

    Carbs beget carbs!
    Goodness you're learning so much. Hope you survived the visit.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    @SamandaIndia here's a BlogSpot - ve a list of foods eaten each day (meal plan)
    The Low Histamine Chef - she also has a closed FB group you might want to join.
    You are a mine of information, thank you.
  • FitToLead
    FitToLead Posts: 275 Member
    I have a number of food intolerances, and histamine reactions, and drug allergies. Cant drink alcohol at all, coffee, dairy, cheese, yoghurt, fermented foods- tho I take the point that I might want to play with that to improve the state of my gut, and a bunch of other things.
    I have found it amazing over the years to have stopped having asthma, sinus problems, acid reflux, low energy, brain fog, and severe multiple chemical sensitivities from a combination of dietary changes, and mindfulness to calm any psychological stress.
    I have more energy now than I had in my 20's, even though that was 30 years ago. I will follow some of the links in this thread to see how else I can heal my body to work better- while dropping weight:)
  • kmn118
    kmn118 Posts: 313 Member
    I am seeing almonds, almond milk in those things you mentioned as causing reactions.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    I was a B**** this morning, feeling listless and sad. Ate appropriately, or so I thought. BPC then lunch of egg n Fried courgette in butter. Granted the courgette/ zuchini had been in the "crisper" a week but felt firm. Like @karlottap Headache etc. Husband suggested I finally give up and take an antihistamine. Wow did that change my personality! So much happier and healthier outlook. Even felt up for attending a friends baby shower! Unbelievable how much food affects my mood!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    @sabine_stroehm and @dasher602014 thanks for support here. I am mentally and physically in a happier place for mum visiting. I sure had my momments, like this morning where my mind or body are processing my life history and choices but better for it. I now acknowledge what my mum can and can't do plus where I need to own something and where I need to ensure mum's pity party does not manipulate me into solving her issues (ie the whole food sharing business -ugly conversation but happier end of visit thanks to as Dr Phil says "do not reward bad behaviour")
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited May 2016
    I admit to hitting a frustration wall. Whilst mum was here I noticed french pastries and bread do not trigger my sinus reaction. Tomatoes, spinach, avocado and a week old zuchini, numerous sauces, pepper, chocolate, nuts, yoghurt, cheeses, lets face it, dairy :( , seafood, metwurst, sausage, bacon, olives, pickled or fermented foods, seeds, coffee, apples (have not tried other fruit as too high in sugar), processed foods, anything that is not fresh etc

    On a low carb diet I end up with a choice of fresh white fish, chicken and at a stretch red meat (a lot is aged before we buy it so not suited), egg? kale, lettuce, broccoli, cauli and butter plus almond milk.

    Yesterday I just figured live with the inflamation and sinus headaches and eat carbs because this is getting ridiculous. I have to eat something. Not a well girl today. Aside from headache and Michelin woman level inflamation (wow my ankles look silly), my body aches and put on >2lb in a day.

    Self pity and indulgent behaviour over, need to go back to discipline of fresh food. Going to go back thru websites for recipes and look for further inspiration.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Yeah, for the first couple of years having to be gluten free I thought the same way, "Ah just forget it and live with the consequences and eat what I want." Boy, what a mistake. Now I don't even go there. My body remembers the horrible consequences. Even though it is very difficult for you, it's always best structuring your eating around what is healthy for YOU, and just be resigned to a limited food choice list. In the long run you will be glad. Sending you hugs, because I really empathize!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Thank you @canadjineh, much appreciated.

    My girlfriend described her body like a unique world in which millions of cells are merrily living their lives. Am I creating the right environment to keep them happy. Aside from laughing at my visualisation of some cells partying on Ibiza, it helps me care more for my body, like I would a friend, rather than getting angry at it for something I can not control
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Been there and done that too. My weak spot is people pleasing. So if you prepare something with things in it I cannot eat, I will eat some. And will pay for it. I feel like forgetting about losing weight, often. But I know this is not an option.

    Sounds so much like my brothers problems, @samandalndia, where it seems to depend upon freshness. He thought maybe a preservative or molds. I think maybe a bit from column A and a bit from column B. He cannot manage red wine. I can. But I had trouble with a swollen lip problem when I over indulge in grapes (not that I do anymore). He has better luck with grains that are not wheat and so do I. I am not eating bread at all at the moment but if I do, it is from a loaf than was baked that day at the bakery (that makes their own dough - not frozen from a general supplier and then 'finished' at the shop, like our grocery stores do), and I freeze immediately. I take one piece at a time from the freezer. My brother has adopted this too.

    Our food is so tampered with now, it is very hard to pinpoint. All I can suggest is finding a direct from organic farm co-op or other fresher and less tampered with places to buy. My brother buys often to keep things fresh and does not vary from his meal plan so things get used up when bought. We both buy from butchers with good 'traffic' rather than a grocery store and freeze immediately if not used that day. Aging of meat before we buy doesn't seem to disturb but length of time "on display" or in our own fridges does. I also wonder about the 'red' dye they use to make it look pretty. Seeds and nuts can do it too because they get 'old'.
