Meticulous May?



  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Did better yesterday (stayed under on carbs). Still holding onto some water from the overage Wednesday, but I'm sure that will be gone in a day or two. Doing well today.
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    much better day today - although a little higher on carbs than I had been it was a concious decision to see if it helped me stop bingeing - so far so good, so think I am going to have to have a little play around with my carbs for a while to get the level right - still getting the stomach ache though after eating so may need to have a think there too to see if it is something I am eating that is causing the problem
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    SW (Dec '15) 247
    SW (5/1/16) 198.2
    CW (5/13/16) 193.2
    GW (5/31/16) 193
    GW (Dec '16) 175

    Carbs: <20
    Food choices: good
    Exercise : didn't get to the gym ... gotta get back in the grove!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    SW: 153.4
    CW: 134.2
    Calories: Under
    Carbs: Quite over
    Exercise: Had a day trip today, got in a little over 8k steps but pretty exhausted so I didn't make it to 10k.
  • SarahKratos
    SarahKratos Posts: 58 Member
    Stronglifts weight lifting routine A
    Walking 3 miles we had a flashback to winter weather with sleet and strong winds.

    Diet was good. A little over on calories.
  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    Ok so I log for a couple of weeks which I've just done, move things around a bit, lose some weight, then I can't be bothered to log, I know what will happen, I'll still lose weight for a few days then start to lose track of good & not so good macro choices then the weight will stagnate = argh ! how do you keep logging ?
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited May 2016
    andysport1 wrote: »
    Ok so I log for a couple of weeks which I've just done, move things around a bit, lose some weight, then I can't be bothered to log, I know what will happen, I'll still lose weight for a few days then start to lose track of good & not so good macro choices then the weight will stagnate = argh ! how do you keep logging ?

    When logging I make it part of my morning routine. While I'm having that first cup of coffee, I log in and enter what I'm having for breakfast (generally just the coffee, so that's easy, lol), then enter that night's dinner (I plan dinners ahead so I always know what we're having), put in what I'm thinking I will have for lunch. Then, at least before bed, I go back in and make any adjustments (modify amounts if needed, add in any snacks I might have had, delete anything that I had planned to eat but didn't, etc). Doing this only takes a few minutes, twice a day.

    That said, I don't usually log at all (I'm just doing this challenge for fun). After being LCHF as long as I have, I have a pretty good idea of what foods I can eat without restriction (certain foods are self limiting for me), what foods I can have daily, but need to watch portions and frequency (foods that are LCHF friendly, but easy for me to overeat), and what foods I really need to strictly limit or avoid altogether. I find as long as I'm eating mainly those self-limiting foods, everything falls into place.

  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Tired of my own excuses and poor choices. Can't for the life of me figure out why I've lost a handle on this after so much success. I am mystified by my behaviors and reactions sometimes. anyway... new day, clean slate. No excuses, no pity pot. It is what it is. Even if I don't like it. gonna suck it up and do what I can to change things. What else is there to do? Wish me luck or send good vibes - I could sure use them right about now.

    Good luck :-)

  • olivebeanhealthy
    olivebeanhealthy Posts: 127 Member
    I had a bite of a friend's pizza that I'm not able to be meticulous about. Very happy with myself that I stopped at a bite. A whole slice was definitely an option.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Tired of my own excuses and poor choices. Can't for the life of me figure out why I've lost a handle on this after so much success. I am mystified by my behaviors and reactions sometimes. anyway... new day, clean slate. No excuses, no pity pot. It is what it is. Even if I don't like it. gonna suck it up and do what I can to change things. What else is there to do? Wish me luck or send good vibes - I could sure use them right about now.

    Good vibes on the way!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    SW (Dec '15) 247
    SW (5/1/16) 198.2
    CW (5/14/16) 193.8
    GW (5/31/16) 193
    GW (Dec '16) 175

    Carbs: <20
    Food choices: good
    Exercise : YES ...gym today. gonna make it two in a row tomorrow.

    @elize7 Good Luck It's hard to get back on track but totally worth it.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    decent day. stayed up late to get my 10k steps in. calories were reasonable. carbs were technically within my new revised limits but percentages were off (since i ate below maint cals).

    weight was up again this morning. need to get the baked goods and ice cream out of this house again! just made myself a batch of coconut chia pudding. it's been too long. need to get my variety back in of LCHF foods; i've been getting bored and that is dangerous when there's tempting carbage around for the fam.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    @elize7 Thank you for posting... it's given me the courage to post myself

    I have fallen off the wagon HARD. Literally a complete meltdown.

    I don't even know why or how, but I know that it starts with a little bite of (generally) whatever I'm feeding my daughter (she's 1). And then it spirals.

    I'm not going into details as I don't want to dwell on it, but it seems like most of May for me has been a downward struggle.

    I'm picking myself back up and trying again, at the very least I need to get a grip on the binging as my husband is away on tour (he plays in a band in his spare time) for 2 weeks in June and I don't want my go to response to be to order takeaway and eat desserts.

    Well done for all those meticulously logging :)
  • Jan93L
    Jan93L Posts: 178 Member
    Logging most everything even, oops. Grain , even low carb wraps sets off cravings and BG rise. Got below 150 last week and then got off track and bounced up. 3 lbs . Been all weekend getting it off again. Not below yet , but getting there. Feeling lonesome and discouraged .
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Thanks to all for comments, luck, and good vibes. It helped!
    Day one of egg fast completed. Let the peeing begin! Who knows maybe I'll get a little whoosh out of this setback - like a Phoenix rising out of the fire...
    Good news is, I feel recommitted, don't feel hungry, I love that's the plan. Not sure how many days I'm going to do yet. Also made the decision to cut out all sweeteners while on the egg fast at least, to see if that helps with cravings. Now just waiting for the return of the "oh so bad, but oh so good" keto breath. Lol.
    Along with this particular stage in my journey, I have resigned myself to stop seeking valedation in romantic pursuits. They don't seem to be going anywhere, so maybe it's not time yet, and the stress of putting myself on the market was harshing my mellow (as we used to say) and keto took a back seat. So for the moment that is off the table, and I'll be trying to work on increasing my practicing of self love. Seems like that is usually last on my list; maybe, it should be first.
    Have a great day, fitness pals. And thanks again for being there.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    SW (May 1): 146.4
    (May 9): 145.2
    CW (May 16): 145.2
    GW - 138-145

    Saw 144 earlier in the week, but had a carb overage one day, so no official loss this week. But no gain either, so I'll take it. Averaging a half lb per week this close to goal is pretty expected anyway. Did great yesterday. Today might be harder (planning Chinese food for dinner and pot stickers are my kryptonite... My carby, carby kryptonite, lol). But if figure if I eat very low carb the rest of the day to fit it in, drink plenty of water, and do very low carb tomorrow, I should be able to enjoy a few with minimal repercussions :D
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Half a month in and I've forgot to check in here! Oops. I've logged every single day consistently however! I'm in a weird place right now where I'm kind of ok with my weight but would be more ok with about 5 more pounds or so lost. I'd like things to be a little firmer. I'm staying keto but not keeping my calories quite as low and I've really gotten into a good exercise habit. I have added some things like full fat greek yogurt and berries because these are things I'll be having on maintenance, I'm just fitting them into my daily carbs. So far so good.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    @elize7 You and I should get together some day and have a good laugh. I think I've checked out every dude on every online site in our area at our age. <sound of dripping faucet> LOL. I think we need to move to Alaska.
    From personal experience, I get more validation from a good workout and steam at the gym or a long walk.

    I wish I had eaten breakfast today. Nothing but carbage at work and I've got the munchies. Sipping on tea but it's not helping. Didn't bring my lunch or my avocado. Totally unprepared for today, but I will muscle through it.