What's your motivation?



  • amyniehaus86
    amyniehaus86 Posts: 3 Member
    My health is definitely my biggest motivator. I recently found out I have diabetes and gluten sensitivity. I had low-carb'd before then just to lose weight and had great results. Now my goal is to make it a full time thing. I'm a single mom of two and need to be around for my boys. <3 In the past 6 years i've really let myself go weight & health wise and I need to get myself back on track!!!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @ladipoet sounds like you have lost more than you currently weigh! Awesome and Inspiring.
  • cairnsmom
    cairnsmom Posts: 93 Member
    Health is the big motivator now. Spending retirement managing health problems has zero appeal to me. I want to enjoy time with the people I love, participate in volunteering opportunities, and be active in my church. God has given me a wonderful blessing to be able to do those things, and it's my responsibility to do my part. The vanity stuff is fun and is a bit of a motivator in its own right. But in the end, it's taking charge of my health that keeps me going...or gets me back on track when a detour occurs.