Tiffany's Progress Tracking



  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was kind of a sleepy day and one of the kids is sick so I chose to listen to my body and rest more...didn't workout in the morning slept in instead, did walk at lunch but had to go a bit slower than usual since I think I sprained my ankle, didn't do weights in the evening, went to bed early was off since I got into the chocolate and didn't track what I ate...bad Tiffy, no biscuit!!! Tomorrow is another day!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    edited March 2017
    Wednesday - morning bodyweight workout, walked at lunch, no evening workout, fell asleep on the couch...welcome to shark week day 1, super was mostly on point...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wow, I missed a few days...

    Thursday was good, plenty of walking plus some bodyweights and yoga.

    Friday was good, little bit of walking, lots of bodyweights and some stretching.

    Weekend was spent out of town and I was supposed to do weights, but did plenty of hauling mulch and pulling weeds and sanding instead...did get some stretching in Saturday, but I should have done more yoga last night because today I am stiff and my back is a bit unhappy...ah well, I'm sure I can get some stretching in on my 9am conference call...I'm getting good at cube workouts!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday - was good...other than drinking 4 glasses of wine (had to finish up the bottles)...I did manage to get my walking in, plus some yoga - and hubby even did yoga with me, I think that's his first workout this month!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was good - overslept so no morning workout (again, this is a dangerous habit), got walking done, got weights done, it was super cool on food too!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Wednesday was solid - no AM workout, but did workout at my desk while on conference calls...I brought in a 5# and 3# weight so I could even get some upper body strength training in...I think I'll try to keep this trend, it keeps me more attentive...walked at and pilates in the evening...went to bed was on point...measurements this weekend, the scale has been mean so maybe the tape will be nicer!!!

    I did notice that my legs are looking incredibly muscular, more than usual, so I'm definitely still trimming some fat from them...not really where I WANTED it to go from, but still a good sign...
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Think I might try Leangains...

    I did manage to find my Love & Peas protein powder...I have ordered some Sun Warrior which is lower carb and hopefully will taste better - I ordered 3 different flavors in packets, so if it sucks I can at least give away the ones I don't like since they will still be sealed.

    If I'm going to hit my protein goals it's going to take like 2 shakes a day PLUS eating plenty of eggs and tuna and nuts...<sigh>...veggie life problems...HAHAHA
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    The April Calendar - starting P90X3 for are in July, so trying to use that as motivation, need to look good in those vacation photos...kind of having a hard time getting motivated by that this year...

    Training days: 2008 cal, 123 protein, 45 fat, 222 carbs
    Rest days: 1339 cal, 123 protein, 83 fat, 75 carbs

    We will see how this goes, I don't know how much of a pain it's going to be having different targets on training and rest days and my rest days are pretty active so it's not a perfect fit for my life...I'll probably need to try to track on here or maybe in my workout calendar a check or X if I hit or miss my targets...

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited March 2017
    I tried the different calorie targets before with exercise vs rest days, it didn't work for me. Hopefully it'll be a different story for you.

    I can't believe it's almost April already. Ugh. haha
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    So far it just seems like a pain in the neck, but I'll give it a shot...I'm usually super hungry on the day after weights, so I'm kind of hoping eating more on weight days will offset that so I don't feel all grumpy the next day...for me the protein target will be the hardest to hit...

    Thursday was awesome - still missed the morning workout, but got extra walking in, plus weights, plus some upper body and stretching while on conference was too low...tried to up my protein with some old pea protein shake I had laying around - it was SO NOT GOOD...I threw it out...did not taste good at all...which might mean it was bad from hanging around in the cabinet, or might be why it was hanging around in the cabinet in the first place because I don't remember enjoying it the first time around...hopefully the SW will taste good...or at least be somewhat's only 1 scoop instead of 2 - that has to make it easier to deal with, right??? :smiley:
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    It is a pain which is why it didn't suit me very much. It is much easier just to have one calorie target to hit but maybe it'll help with the grumpiness so it'll be worth it for you!

    Can you just double up on your current protein sources? I saw that you mentioned nuts, they're mostly fat which isn't bad but it may have you running out of calories a little faster depending on how much you have which in turn will give you less room to get in more protein sources. Just a thought.

    Awesome Thursday! I do think needing less of a protein powder does make it easier to deal with because it's easier to mask the taste if it's bad! haha I'm horrible with protein powder, I've had the same container for at least 2-3 years and it expires this June so I'm trying to come up with ways to use it because it was expensive. haha I tried doing this strawberry smoothie (that is supposed to have the texture of a milkshake) just the other day and it was a disaster. Not because it tasted bad but because I hadn't used the blender in a long time and I had trouble getting it onto the base so I subsequently unscrewed the bottom and it went everywhere! It took an hour to clean up. It was gross. And if the smell had any indication of the taste, I wasn't going to like it anyway. I plan to try the recipe again though just in case I'm wrong. haha
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    blender disasters!!! those are always such a mess!!!

    I usually just use unsweet cashew milk, plus some pineapple, plus whatever protein powder...not sure when the new ones will arrive, but hopefully SOON...I got plain, vanilla, and packets, so if I hate them I can give them away, but it's cheaper in the big tubs, so if I like it I'll end up getting the bulk version...

    I tried eating more, but I just can't seem to eat enough, it's too filling!!! Who knew that could ever be a problem!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited March 2017
    This is the recipe I was talking about. (I also have milled flax seed I need to use up so another reason I wanted to try this one haha I did it without the wheat germ as I don't have any of that and I wasn't going out to buy it either. haha)

    Well hopefully you like them. I hate spending money on something I end up not liking. It sucks.

    What about eating smaller meals more often? Yeah, I never have that problem. haha
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    I like eating big meals and feeling full...I just seem to be eating less and less as I get older, and maybe this alternate day eating more will help offset that and I will be able to eat more before I feel stuffed.

    At least I found a way to make it less of a pain to track...I created a meal named "rest day offset" that has all the carbs and calories I'm not supposed to eat on a rest now I can just add that meal and then use MFP as usual...I will keep working to get the protein up!!!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Well hopefully it helps.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Friday went well, got in some of my planned exercise, and even had a salad when we went out for dinner. It was super delicious and kept my calories under though it didn't do anything to boost my protein.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday went really well except for being hungry off and on all plenty of exercise, kept the food under control...had a house full of teenage girls and no one died...

    Sunday was amazing...exercise DONE plus some extra walking, AND, the best part, I managed to get within 20g of my protein goals...YAY!!! That's the closest I've been yet...I would have met goal, but I just couldn't eat all my dinner...I ate about 2/3 and that was a challenge.

    And my weight is down again today...I expected it to be up with weights and the extra food, particularly extra carbs and tons of cheese...but no, it was down...don't know how that happened, but I'll take it!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Saturday was measuring day, I added a host of new measurements per the Leangains plan, but here's my progress (or lack thereof) on the existing measurements...apparently March was not really working in my favor:

    Chest - 1"
    Waist + 1/2"
    Belly Button + 1/4"
    Hips + 1 1/2"

    The hips one did not surprise me, I can feel that my booty is getting tight in my jeans...and my chest is so variable depending on the time of month, I don't really even pay any attention to that one...however, I was surprised to see a gain on the waist and belly because visually I look slimmer in the mirror...I did mostly neglect my abs in March, so maybe it's just things shifting...or maybe the "look slimmer" is a bit of an optical illusion since my butt is bigger???

    I'm glad I had already decided to change things up because not only am I bored of the whole 6 weeks of deficit and 2 weeks of maintenance, but obviously it's not working for me either...3 months of something new sounds like a great idea!!!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Monday was mostly good - exercise was totally on was on point until after dinner when I just had a super strong sweets craving - this is why I quit carb cycling the last time I tried it, because it just brought back all the terrible cravings that low-carb got rid of...I was hoping with the calorie boost on high carb days maybe that would offset the cravings side effect, but I'm guessing NOT. So, I managed to stay out of the chocolate in any case and opted for a big can of pineapple instead...if I'm going to cave into the sweets craving at least I can get something of actual nutritional value instead of just junk. If I had any dark chocolate laying around I would have opted for that, but I'm out at the moment. Anyway, overall it was an ok day, not super great, but not terrible.
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Tuesday was mostly was a training day, so extra calories and carbs -, it was a food day at work, and happy hour so the timing of the extra calories and carbs was SUPERB...protein was too low though...I just had to reach for the potato instead of the fish at happy hour - totally a desire to eat something new and delicious, should have made a better home to find out that the sun warrior plus protein arrived, and I was expecting 5 packets per box based on the web pictures, but it's actually 12 packets per box, so that brings the per shake price down considerably...with the help of a protein shake, today I'm planning to actually meet my protein goal for sure!!!

    Oh, and I DID all my workouts yesterday despite happy hour - though I did skip the last 5 min of warrior, the wine gave me heartburn and I just couldn't take it any more...I won't order that brand again.