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  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @girlalmighty08 so great about the event! Congrats!
    @RhiannonBecks ahh how annoying that the cycle you are anxiously awaiting your period. That's great that you'll be charting. That should help squelch some of your anxiety going forward since you'll be more familiar with when you're ovulating and therefore when you should expect your period! Even if you are usually regular, ya never know when you're bodies going to troll you. In the subreddit I get tons of info from, a common saying is "you're regular until you're not".

    I woke up this morning and did yoga before work (Yoga with Adriene on YouTube). It was only like 17 mins long but I'm glad I got out of bed. I did Day 1 of the 30-day challenge she did for the new year so I'm hoping to follow that along each morning of March. I weighed myself this morning to face the music and it ain't pretty. At least if I'm doing yoga it might help me relax and get me in the habit of waking up a little earlier. Otherwise work is still crazy and the pace is picking up. I'm continuously behind (so I thought why not check in on MFP? hehe) and will never catch up. I SO hope hubby gets the VA job and I can get out of here. Or really any full time job with benefits for him would help me get a chance to figure out what I want out of this life.

    I got my period on Saturday so not pregnant. Of course it was right after I peed on an expensive test, haha. Why wouldn't it be? My luteal phase was a lot longer than normal so I'm hoping it means our likelihood of success is higher per cycle since longer LP = higher likelihood of implantation. Kris and I both started taking CoQ10 this cycle which is supposed to improve sperm and egg health. I don't think it has any weird side effects so it can't hurt.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited March 2018
    @RhiannonBecks Gotta love those curve balls huh? =P I hope it's smooth sailing from here on out. Lots of positive thoughts sent your way! =)

    @Pezhed I'm sorry work is so stressful! My last job was like that, there was never any time to get caught up and they just wanted more and more and more and it was *kitten* exhausting. I hope thing work out so you'll be able to get out of there. I have no doubt that you'll feel 100 times better when that happens. Sucks that you got your period but yay for a possible higher success rate as you move forward! Also awesome job on the yoga! =)

    As for me, I'm still waiting for paperwork to move forward with this job. Nothing else can be done without it. The receptionist who works for them said that it took them a month to get things situated for her. I emailed the guy handling my hiring the other day to check in and sort of see where we are with the approvals and things and got an email right back saying that he is out of the office and will check in intermittently and will reply when he can. As I said already, that was a few days ago so I'm pretty sure his wife had their baby and it's their first child so I don't know if he's going to be out for a few weeks or what. I'm fine with waiting, I just get anxious. haha
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I woke up today to the emails I had been waiting for. They were actually sent at 5 and 6 p.m. yesterday and I had thought I checked my email around that time and didn't have anything so I found that odd but it's possible I only thought I did it but really didn't because I'll be honest I was tired of checking and it being empty. Anyway, I got the official offer letter and have done all the other required paperwork. Now it's just to wait for the background check and get the drug screen done. I'm a little nervous as to where I'll have to go to get the drug screen done but I'm hoping it is somewhere close that's an easy drive. My official start date is March 12th. I'm excited to start working again but mostly just want to get the initial training done and get used to the whole thing. haha
  • nmpenneau6038
    nmpenneau6038 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I’m new to the group. I am trying to lose about 70 pounds before TTC #2. I had a very scary first end of my first pregnancy so I’m trying to prevent that from happening again. I do have a healthy 21 month old girl from that pregnancy who needs me to be around.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @nmpenneau6038 *waves* Welcome to the group! :) There's a spreadsheet to track your progress on the main page, you can join it at anytime if its something you're interested in. There is also a monthly challenge thread to go with it where we share our goals and progress. We are glad to have you here! :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,931 Member
    edited March 2018
    @nmpenneau6038 welcome! I hope this group can help you reach your goals! How's life with a 21 month old? If you decide to use the spreadsheet (link on main page) I hope you find it helpful. I like that it shows weekly averages, so if you totally blow it one day, the average doesn't seem so bad haha.

    @WifiresGettingFit congrats on your new job!! I hope you transition well. It's scary to leave behind something known for something new, but can be totally worth it. I probably missed it, but what kind of job did you get now?

    @pezhed I also use Yoga with Adrienne when I do yoga. She's great for beginners. I've never heard of CoQ10. hmmm!

    Chris and I keep bouncing around the idea of trying for another baby. I'm in the mindset of "It would be nice to go back to work pregnant so that I could be out of there ASAP so I'd get more time with Keith, but oh my goodness I will NEVER be able to take care of 2 babies and I'm terrified I don't think we should have more babies but babies... are cute..." i.e. I'm all over the place (which makes sense. My baby is way too young to be thinking of more for me right now lol).

    Man I can't type... so many typos. I'm losing my skillz! I'm so proud of myself. I actually logged food 3 days in a row (today's is total hooey though since we did a buffet. It's probably super wrong but I don't care lol).
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Thank you! =) I'm definitely hoping this is worth it. I don't do change very well. haha This job is for a customer service representative, they have a fancy title for it but that's what it is. haha. My last job was mostly clerical work.
    Are you bouncing around the idea of being a stay at home mom or is that not something you guys would be able to do? I mostly ask because you said "so that I could be out of there ASAP" . Awesome job on logging 3 days in a row! That's great! =)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    @nmpenneau6038 welcome to the group! Hopefully you can help yourself have a better experience with your second. We have a lot of different goals around here (some losing weight before trying, some trying to stay healthy while pregnant, some postpartum, and some trying to stay healthy while trying to conceive). I find the spreadsheet really helpful for accountability.

    @VeryKatie that sounds so hard to decide! When are you supposed to go back to work after Keith again? Gotta say your leave makes me want to reproduce in Canada!
  • nmpenneau6038
    nmpenneau6038 Posts: 4 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit thanks for the info. I might look at the spreadsheet soon. I haven’t had a chance yet.

    @VeryKatie life with a 21 month old is crazy. She is active and hates sleep. But I still love it. I’m also recently a stay at home Mom so that has presented new challenges I didn’t have before.

    @pezhed Thanks for the info! I want two more but I had pre eclampsia and an emergency c section. I know losing weight isn’t guaranteed to prevent that but it’s helpful. I’m also 30 and want two more so I’ll probably use the spreadsheets for goals to hold myself accountable so that I can lose the weight more quickly, but still in a healthy way.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,931 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit I feel like part time work would be the perfect fit for me. I am not homey enough to be a full stay at home (hate cooking and cleaning and know I'd not pull my weight). And I am going to be a giant stress ball if I work full time since house work was never 50/50 before we had Keith so I don't really expect things to change on that front. We could afford for me to stay home for 5 years pretty well... But we wouldn't be able to save at all during that time. Right now the plan is to go back full time and reduce hours/quit if I can't handle it or hate it.

    @pezhed I go back August 14, which is actually 2 months late. My work has a policy that allows for 8 extra unpaid weeks off after parental leave stops. I think you SHOULD come reproduce (And live) in Canada haha. Because... even 12 months doesn't feel like enough time off to take care of a young baby.

    @nmpenneau6038 what are you finding challenging about being a SAHM? If I go that route, I'd love to do it with my eyes open. My kiddo doesn't love sleep either lol. Totally get you there. He got better after I got him on a fairly strict schedule but still isn't the easiest. Not that I have other babies to compare to.
  • nmpenneau6038
    nmpenneau6038 Posts: 4 Member
    @VeryKatie it’s just a big change. I worked full time from the time she was 8 weeks to 18 months. I feel more pressure to have everything clean and she’s a full blown toddler. My daughter hates sleep so it’s a fight so nap time is a struggle. And I also feel like I’m not contributing enough because I don’t make any money and I don’t get breaks. It’s what I want to do. But it’s been a hard transition period. I also moved to a place where I don’t know anyone so I think that’s added to it. It’s what I want to be doing. But it is hard.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Hopefully your work is willing to work with you and reduce your hours to suit your needs, if not maybe you'll be able to find another job that will. It'll all work out eventually.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hey guys, I've been MIA for a long time- no good news to report.
    We've been TTC for over a year now, with no identified issues. I meet with our second reproductive endocrinologist in 2 weeks to talk about treatments and look into endometriosis, I think I might have that.

    DH broke his shoulder 2 weeks ago and has been in pretty bad pain, he will start physical therapy in about a week. Hoping he didn't tear his rotator cuff too. Time will tell. My back condition has worsened, and I bought a cane to use today to help while standing- I'll need to go back to strickt pt schedule and try and lose weight too. I got spine shots in February again and they didn't help really at all. I've been taking Vicodin regularly since then.

    I hope you all are doingwell, I read your updates but won't comment about each of them. Congratulations on the new jobs, and welcome to our new members! I hope you get to a healthy weight and have a safe pregnancy :-)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 I hope you get some answers soon about what's going on. I'm sorry to hear about your husbands shoulder, hopefully therapy will help. I'm also sorry to hear that your back has worsened. Hopefully PT and losing some weight will alleviate it some. Let us know how your appointment goes! Positive thoughts and lots of hugs sent your way!
  • nmpenneau6038
    nmpenneau6038 Posts: 4 Member
    @Kirstie155 I’m so sorry about everything. I hope you get answers soon and you and your husband heal quickly.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Pro tip: narcotics and an empty stomach don't mix. Eat breakfast friends or end up naseated and unable to focus at work!

    Eating crackers and sipping water and hoping this passes soon...what a rookie mistake!
    I did have a lovely 90 minute massage last night, and she focused on my on my back and legs, so feeling a bit better in that regard today. Oh, and I'm logging my food today! :)
  • pezhed
    pezhed Posts: 777 Member
    Ahh @Kirstie155 so sorry about Chris's shoulder! Your luck hasn't been great lately. I hope you find some answers with the 2nd RE. Unexplained infertility is THE worst :( Glad your back was feeling better after your massage.

    I was doing so well weight-wise last week/weekend but this week was awful. I had training for 3 days and there were huge bowls of snacks in the room all day so I ended up pigging out almost every day. They brought in catered lunches that I could have made healthy choices for but I did not. And I haven't exercised all week. I really need to figure out how to get myself to bed earlier and get myself out of bed earlier. Ahh. At least it's Friday! Hopefully I can get some activity in this weekend along with some meal prep. I really need to do this because each night Kris and I have had very unhealthy dinners on top of my unhealthy lunches. And I know it seems shallow but I want to lose a few pounds before a climbing trip to Moab with a bunch of women in a month. Hope everyone has had a healthier week than I have! Happy Friday!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,931 Member
    edited March 2018
    @Kirstie155 im sorry to hear your bad news as well. I know i dont post often but i am still here for you. A pm usually does the trick. I hope the next appointment helps out and that Chris heals quickly. This is all stress you do not need. But you are strong and have done so well handling everything!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @pezhed were you able to meal prep? How are you feeling about this week? Just take it one day at a time, you'll get there!

    How was everyone's weekend?

    I spent all day yesterday with my parents and Andrew and then when we left we decided to get our shopping done instead of waiting until today so we got a few things I needed for work. It wasn't the best of shopping trips though because literally most everything I tried on was clingy and uncomfortable - it's given me motivation to get my *kitten* in gear well at least I'm going to try to use it for that. haha. We didn't get home until after midnight and then with the time change, I didn't get to sleep until after 4 a.m. and I ended up sleeping in today. Started laundry right away to get that done and relaxed most the day after. I got my stuff ready for my first day of work tomorrow and the nerves are setting in a bit. I just hope I like it.

  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Good luck at the new job today Kayla! Let us know how it went!! <3