What is up with this trend I'm seeing???



  • anewlifeat40
    anewlifeat40 Posts: 179 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @anewlifeat40, that's a beautiful blog! Very nicely presented and beautiful food pix.

    Congrats - you're clearly on the path to success: a lifetime of better health.

    Thanks! You just made my day! :smiley:
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    Carbs are bad for me.

    It would be like cycling poison and somehow thinking it is good to cycle carbs.

    The lower carb body management system works. It isn't a diet. It has been a 3 year body transformation and completely new lifestyle

    Cycling the old failed way of living in with the new successful one is crazy to me.

    Just my opinion and if it works for others, rock on.

    But no, so much no.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @anewlifeat40, that's a beautiful blog! Very nicely presented and beautiful food pix.

    Congrats - you're clearly on the path to success: a lifetime of better health.

    Thanks! You just made my day! :smiley:

    My pleasure! (But you did all the work.)
  • Majcolorado
    Majcolorado Posts: 138 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about the vlogs if they don't line up with your way of doing things. Everyone will find a different way that works best for them.

    There are likely just as many if not more sites that don't advocate partial keto weeks or cheat days, follow the ones that appeal to you. No need to understand why others don't do it that way, like someone else mentioned the science of long term studies on nutrition are still few so no one really knows the one true best way to do this, their likely isn't one. Everyone is just trying to find their path, it's unfortunate to see others being judged for their diet choices not meeting certain standards.

    I'm not judging people finding the way that works for them, I just don't like bad science. It's also impossible to overstate the impact individual psychology and belief systems impact people's eating habits.

    If people are cycling junk food and carbs and getting results, I'm happy for them. However, it's 97-99% likely that five years from now they will be just as heavy or heavier than they have ever been, precisely because they didn't address their ineffective psychology and belief systems.

    It's like the alcoholic that insists on hanging out in bars. A few can do it, the huge majority cannot.
  • Zenwenner
    Zenwenner Posts: 166 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @anewlifeat40, that's a beautiful blog! Very nicely presented and beautiful food pix.

    Congrats - you're clearly on the path to success: a lifetime of better health.

    Thanks! You just made my day! :smiley:

    I totally agree! I've put you on my favorites list and will be keeping an eye on that really nice blog! Thank you for sharing :) Now, off to buy ingredients!
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    I still struggle with binge eating issues and never choose to have cheat days but know they are going to happen every so often, if I were to plan them in, I would end up on longer binges I am hoping to get to the point where I am happy and not bingeing this is my ultimate goal
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited August 2016
    I still struggle with binge eating issues and never choose to have cheat days but know they are going to happen every so often, if I were to plan them in, I would end up on longer binges I am hoping to get to the point where I am happy and not bingeing this is my ultimate goal

    One clever counter-cheat maneuver I've heard folks attest to here is to log the cheat foods ASAP (and while you're there, maybe steal a quick peek at your remaining macros...).

    If you're not happy, hard to see how a binge is going to help much.... but then, if you log your cheat and then stop, you'll have something to be proud of: finding the emergency brake!

    Good luck - hang in there, and imagine how nice it will be to look back in 1, 3, 6 months and marvel at your progress!
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    Cheat days? Yeah I've had two of those and my digestive issues flared up. So what's the point of having them when I'll be in pain each week? Lol
  • dmariet116
    dmariet116 Posts: 530 Member
    I could never plan a cheat day or carb refeed. I have struggled with binge eating my whole life and I am definitely an emotional eater. I just had a really bad stressful week and decided to have some low carb beer to help me relax. Well that led to 3 beers, a donut and and 2 ice cream sandwiches last night!!! :'( Now I have to keep my head straight so not to turn a 1 day binge into a complete derailment.

    I personally need to stay the course 100%.
  • Shadowmf023
    Shadowmf023 Posts: 812 Member
    Wanted to add, I am having a chicken wrap tonight for dinner. However it's still low carb. Something like 35g net carbs and 49g total carbs for the day.

    I somehow effortlessly manage to keep my carb intake at 5-15g a day. So, it's well within my carb budget to have 1 wrap or 1 slice of bread or whatever. Hoping this doesn't screw me up again (digestive wise). LOL. :confounded:
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    "Refeed" sounds eerily like recycling, i.e., snacking on your own puke.

    I won't even get into what "carb refeed" sounds like......
  • anewlifeat40
    anewlifeat40 Posts: 179 Member
    Zenwenner wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @anewlifeat40, that's a beautiful blog! Very nicely presented and beautiful food pix.

    Congrats - you're clearly on the path to success: a lifetime of better health.

    Thanks! You just made my day! :smiley:

    I totally agree! I've put you on my favorites list and will be keeping an eye on that really nice blog! Thank you for sharing :) Now, off to buy ingredients!

    Cool! Thanks... Now I'll be more motivated to try new recipes and keep posting. :smiley:
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    Zenwenner wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    @anewlifeat40, that's a beautiful blog! Very nicely presented and beautiful food pix.

    Congrats - you're clearly on the path to success: a lifetime of better health.

    Thanks! You just made my day! :smiley:

    I totally agree! I've put you on my favorites list and will be keeping an eye on that really nice blog! Thank you for sharing :) Now, off to buy ingredients!

    Cool! Thanks... Now I'll be more motivated to try new recipes and keep posting. :smiley:

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    It doesn't work for me and has triggered the return of bad habits and bad attitude. I'm struggling to get back to my former keto successes, and won't be fooled again.
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    I use them....but then for me keto is not a WOE. I need the variety and as i dont' like a lot of low carb foods (veggies...anything from the sea) I get bored quickly so the cheat meals give me that variety. I am fortunate to be able to control it and get right back on the wagon for the next meal so it's no additional risk.

    I have also personally found cheat days to break weight loss stalling. I have seen repeatedly over the past 17 years I've used LCHF and keto that I can break through a plateau quickly and because I'm not patient by nature it's a win win :)

    For me life is too short not to enjoy foods that I enjoy..but I respect that my situation is unique.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    To me it seems like they are taking carb ups or carbcycling to an extreme. I've heard that one day of adding more veg, or a sweet potato or something then going back to strict low carb high fat promotes more weight loss. I don't do it but I think that's what's going on. People are misunderstanding what it really is.
    A lot of Strongman athletes will use pre-workout carb-ups, as will many powerlifters. These usually include a LOT of fast digesting sugars, like dextrose, and various refined sugars. This is because of their volume and intensity. Keto is great for endurance. It's *kitten* for intensity. When every move you make while training is an explosive one, loss of explosive performance won't do.

    Jeff Volek is a powerlifter and one of the longest-running keto advocates. He might take issue with your *kitten* theory.

    Volek probably would take issue with it but that doesn't mean Volek is correct.
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    @anewlifeat40 I cook pretty darn good food but I have to admit it never looks so pretty
  • RowdysLady
    RowdysLady Posts: 1,370 Member
    I've learned that even a bite of something carb laden will send my gut over the edge. I made broccoli slaw and took one bite - it has sugar and was miserable almost immediately. That's happened a couple of times which makes it a pattern which means I just won't now. I can't even imagine eating oh say a Reese's Cup. GADS!
  • karebear5891
    karebear5891 Posts: 141 Member
    What derailed me on my low carb go around I first tried when in my teens, was someone advising me to have one cheat day a week. I wasn't gorging on junk. Just allowing whole grains or some rice or wheat pasta. Unfortunately, it wound up derailing me totally. Now, if I want a little cheat, it has to be for a real reason (i.e. One time since I started, I had some fried dough that comes around once a year for the Italian festival in my hometown- then hopped right back in and haven't been off since. One item for one meal.)