anyone interested in the whole30?



  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    advice? be very careful to not blow everything you've done after your whole30 is over. I did very well on mine about 2 months ago. I then started eating a bunch of crap and i've undone all the hard work. Keep going and stick to the whole30 principals as much as you can when you are "done" at day 30.
    this is a VERY good point!
    I did a whole 45 and fell off the wagon afterwards.
    I didn't have a plan in place.It's important to be prepared and listen to your body after the whole 30.
    Make sure to test for food sensitivities after it's over.

    Excellent point. My plan is to continue on as paleo with a weekly treat (glass of red wine and piece of raw cheese--unless my body doesn't agree with it!)
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all, just started my Whole30 today. I wasn't prepared at all (came back from vacation last night to an empty refrigerator), so I kind of starved until I got to the grocery store, but I still stayed on-track all day. Now I need to start checking out some recipes, so we don't have to eat grilled chicken/steak every day for the next month! Hope you're all doing well. Friend me if you're looking for support along the way :)
  • CaveBrain
    CaveBrain Posts: 56 Member
    I'm gonna do a restart, tomorrow, I blew it, sigh :ohwell: it's not a difficult way to to eat and totally sustainable, even after the 30 days. I just wasn't prepared enough. Lessons learned, and getting back on track. Every eating plan I've done before was a diet, I don't consider this as one.
  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    I've done the Whole30 twice, and I love it. My advice to you: Use Pinterest to search for Whole30 recipes. Variety is key to making it not just successful, but also enjoyable. Invest in a slow cooker and a cast iron skillet if you don't already have them, and source great ingredients like coconut aminos and Red Boat Fish Sauce, and other cool stuff you'll learn about in the recipes you'll find.

  • asoeung
    asoeung Posts: 41 Member
    Day 3 today! Day 2 went well - though, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not reaching for fruit too much.... just because it's convenient. Yesterday, I had some dried mulberries (no sugar added) in a 'trail mix'-type snack I made, a handful of strawberries, a Larabar, and a banana. I'm struggling with hunger, and I feel like I only have two 'snack' choices while I'm out and about- either nuts or fruit, and I think I'm really scared of too many nuts (cals and omega-6s!), so my fallback is fruit.
    I think I need to try and eat more at my meals, especially lunch. Hunger seems to be a problem between around 2-6PM in the afternoons....
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    I've done the Whole30 twice, and I love it. My advice to you: Use Pinterest to search for Whole30 recipes. Variety is key to making it not just successful, but also enjoyable. Invest in a slow cooker and a cast iron skillet if you don't already have them, and source great ingredients like coconut aminos and Red Boat Fish Sauce, and other cool stuff you'll learn about in the recipes you'll find.


    Pinterest is a great suggestion. I have a slow cooker and a cast iron skillet (and even coconut aminos, for some reason I can't remember)--what's the advantage of the cast iron skillet?

  • CaveBrain
    CaveBrain Posts: 56 Member
    Day 3 today! Day 2 went well - though, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not reaching for fruit too much.... just because it's convenient. Yesterday, I had some dried mulberries (no sugar added) in a 'trail mix'-type snack I made, a handful of strawberries, a Larabar, and a banana. I'm struggling with hunger, and I feel like I only have two 'snack' choices while I'm out and about- either nuts or fruit, and I think I'm really scared of too many nuts (cals and omega-6s!), so my fallback is fruit.
    I think I need to try and eat more at my meals, especially lunch. Hunger seems to be a problem between around 2-6PM in the afternoons....

    Glad to hear it's going well! I only eat two small servings of low glycemic fruit because too much fruit would hinder my progress. Nuts (mac & pecans) seem to do better for my body than fruit, although I don’t need to eat a whole lot of em to feel full.

    It’s day 1 for me, got my exercise in and I plan on keeping the eating very simple.
  • CaveBrain
    CaveBrain Posts: 56 Member
    I've done the Whole30 twice, and I love it. My advice to you: Use Pinterest to search for Whole30 recipes. Variety is key to making it not just successful, but also enjoyable. Invest in a slow cooker and a cast iron skillet if you don't already have them, and source great ingredients like coconut aminos and Red Boat Fish Sauce, and other cool stuff you'll learn about in the recipes you'll find.


    Pinterest is a great suggestion. I have a slow cooker and a cast iron skillet (and even coconut aminos, for some reason I can't remember)--what's the advantage of the cast iron skillet?


    I have both, and I don't think you need a cast iron skillet necessarily. However, I'm a camper and i do cast-iron cooking and the food turns out awesome with very little effort. I made some ribs with low carb bbq sauce last weekend:
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Onto day 3! Was close to perfect yesterday, despite going out to dinner (I have a sneaking suspicion there was something sweet in the marinade of my chicken skewers, which is annoying). Today, I'll have better control over all meals, so it should be easy-peasy. I didn't track my calories during the day, but I kept a list of everything I ate and put it in the tracker today to see how many calories I ended up with. Pretty much spot on my goal. I could have eaten more real food if I hadn't had the coconut milk in my coffee, and if I'd had fewer nuts--another good reason to cut down on coffee and eat veggies as snacks!

    I'm a bit worried about this weekend. We're going away for two nights, staying with my in-laws and visiting our kids at sleepaway camp. It's going to be hard to resist ice cream, let alone avoid anything at all with sugar/processed ingredients. I guess I'll bring my own food and be *that* girl. I have a feeling my hubby, who started this with me, will abandon the experiment over the weekend. He's already saying he wished we'd started in August. Oh well, I'm sticking with it. It feels so good to have a plan and a focus right now.

    Hope you're all doing well, and that it's not as hot where you are as it is here in NY.
  • CaveBrain
    CaveBrain Posts: 56 Member
    Day 2 for me and feeling really positive about it! I plan my food for the day each morning, so there is no reason to deviate.

    Dandelion, good luck on your weekend and I hope your hubby doesn’t leave you hanging. My hubby is doing the Whole30 with me too and we made sure for the next few weeks we have absolutely nothing planned.
    Sorry to hear about the heat. I’m in Southern Cali, near the beach, so the weather has been pretty nice.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Hope you're all doing well, and that it's not as hot where you are as it is here in NY.

    I'm in Connecticut, so no such luck :grumble:

    On day 18 of the Whole 30. Well, technically I made myself some paleo pancakes today, but whatever.
  • asoeung
    asoeung Posts: 41 Member
    It's day 4 for me today! I have stayed on track so far, no (known) slip ups! I'm getting control of my hunger by eating larger portions of meat at my meals. The sugar cravings (particularly after a meal- i.e. "dessert time" in my mind) are getting stronger and I'm having deceptive thoughts of "oh, just one little bite of dark chocolate won't ruin it". So far, haven't given in, though. Let's keep it up!
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi all! Well, we made it through the weekend with our Whole30 (and marriage) intact. It was NOT easy at times--especially when we were in the bakery with the world's best oatmeal cookies... But, we survived and I, at least, am feeling great on day 7. I'm heading to Whole Foods after work today to get some specialty ingredients (can't decide if I should make ghee or just buy it) because we really need to expand our snack/side dish options. If anyone has any favorite Whole30 lifesaver ingredients, please make suggestions! Hope you all had a great weekend.
  • maigsy
    maigsy Posts: 5
    Just came back to MFP after a long hiatus. Went back weight watchers for a time which I kind of regret? Anyway, Started whole30 yesterday. Came back to find support here for it as I know MFP'ers are awesome! I feel pretty good - but what do you do AFTER the 30?

    I finished my whole30 about month and a half ago. About 3-4 days before I was finished with the whole30, I made a plan and said "what was I going to do after the whole30? What did I REALLY miss?" Turns out I didn't miss a whole lot, except coffee with creamer and sugar in the morning (I couldn't drink it black and had tea for my whole30 and it just wasn't the same). I also missed alcohol, but had found out through the whole30 that after work I really wanted a "treat" and turns out a little 100% cherry juice in a wine glass with ice, a twist of lime and a lot of seltzer water served that purpose.

    So anyway - when you near the end of your whole30, come up with your plan for after the whole30. Mine was "stay whole30, only drink on the weekends WITH a meal, and if you have treats, ask yourself if they are special and don't do anything else with them except eat them (no multitasking)". Your plan will be different :)
  • maigsy
    maigsy Posts: 5
    If anyone has any favorite Whole30 lifesaver ingredients, please make suggestions! Hope you all had a great weekend.
    I highly recommend going to nomnompaleo and checking out her 2 Whole30 sets of posts (60 days of ideas!) for help - that's where I went and it was invaluable
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    If anyone has any favorite Whole30 lifesaver ingredients, please make suggestions! Hope you all had a great weekend.
    I highly recommend going to nomnompaleo and checking out her 2 Whole30 sets of posts (60 days of ideas!) for help - that's where I went and it was invaluable

    Thanks! I'll do that right now. Also, great advice to have a firm plan in place for post-Whole30. I can imagine it would be really easy to slide back into old habits otherwise.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Back again. Day 9, and I'm doing really well. I sort of wish my husband hadn't jumped on the boat, too, because while he's sticking to the program he HATES every second of it, and that's stressing me out, big time. I guess I just have a different relationship with food than he does. I definitely over-eat emotionally at times, but doing something like this is a test of willpower, for sure, but it's not an emotional challenge at all. Other than battling cravings and having a hard time at some points in figuring out what to eat, it's really no big deal. Funny how different we all are.

    I did go to Nomnompaleo and pick out a bunch of recipes. Of course, the hub hated the first two I tried. Sigh. But I thought they were pretty good, and I'm definitely enjoying experimenting with different things. I wish like hell I could find some "compliant" bacon (I really hate that word "compliant" makes the program sound so Fascist!). Lara bars are awesome, btw. As a once-in-a while sweet treat, they rock. And I definitely think I'll keep cooking with ghee after this is over. Eggs scrambled in ghee are amazing.

    Hope you're all doing well!
  • mirandaeaston
    Starting whole30 Aug 1st been paleo since Jan 1st but time to kick it up a notch have a goal of being 200 or under by the first of the year
  • kts1988
    kts1988 Posts: 108 Member
    i love catching up with how everyone is doing!

    i will definitely take the advice to have a plan in place for after my whole30. i want to stick to a paleo diet, but love the idea of having one "treat" a week, like a glass of wine, piece of cheese, etc.

    i'm on day 13 and feel amazing. my digestive issues and mood have both improved, and i think my hormonal imbalance is even getting better. honestly, this feels like a godsend. i've been pretty fortunate that my fiance is supportive and hasn't hated the food i've been making. i wish he would consider a whole30, but we'll see, haha.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Morning all! Day 10 and all's well in Whole30 land, except that I seem to be getting a cold. Yuck. Question: What are you all eating for breakfast? I'm getting really sick of eggs, eggs, eggs! Yogurt is definitely something I miss. I guess I should get some sausage or something meaty and breakfast-y.