
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    edited November 2016
    @MissionEnforcer here are my colors
    1. Monday-Red apple green Salad greens
    2. Tuesday- green salad greens yellow banana, red tomatoes pineapple, wine
    3. Wednesday- greens yellow banana
    4. Thursday- Green, tomatoes pear
    5. Friday-Green red and yellow Spinach and greens and red cabbage pears from our tree
  • niesjojo3
    niesjojo3 Posts: 45 Member
    @MissionEnforcer Challenge 3 colors
    1. Monday- Green celery & Red tomato
    2. Tuesday- Brown beans & Yellow peach
    3. Wednesday- White onion & Red watermelon
    4. Thursday-Orange carrots & Purple blackberries
    5. Friday-Red pomegranate & Orange clementine
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    Color challenge
    Monday Coconut/white and Apple/red
    Tuesday Carrots/orange and Kiwi/green
    Wednesday Jalapeño/green and butternut squash/orange
    Thursday Broccoli/green white and Apple/red
    Friday Mushroom/white and Raisins/blue purple

    Also on most days there was lemon/yellow, onion/white, and lettuce/green.
  • tarpguys
    tarpguys Posts: 140 Member
    Color Challenge
    1. Monday- Purple/blackberries, Brown/oats, Red/apple, Orange/pepper & carrots, Green/celery, lettuce, broccoli & okra, Yellow/Lemon juice, White/Banana
    2. Tuesday-Purple/blueberries, Brown/oats & pecans, Green/avocado, lettuce, cucumber & cabbage, Orange/carrots, Red/tomato, White/Banana
    3. Wednesday-Purple/blackberries, Brown/oats & pecans, White/Banana & coconut, Green/broccoli, okra & mixed greens, Red/apple & tomato
    4. Thursday-Purple/blueberries, Brown/oats & pecans, White/Banana, onion & coconut, Red/apple, Green/celery
    5. Friday-Purple/blueberries, Brown/flax, cashews & pecans, Green/avocado, celery & lettuce, White/onion
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 331 Member
    Did I read somewhere, something about how to count smoothies for the color challenge? Can someone post the answer please.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    I really like the color challenge. I wrote down all the colors I ate everyday and it made me proud to see the rainbows I eat :)
    Orange - carrots
    White - onion

    Green - celery
    Red - bell pepper

    White - banana
    Blue - blueberries

    Orange - pumpkin
    Yellow - lemon

    Green - spinach
    Purple - eggplant
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    I finished the jump roping and I've done each of the arm videos once. My arms are kind of like jello today, so I'll get the last one in tomorrow!
    The jumping rope kills me though, glad it's over.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Looks like we're tied with team 2 for third place this!! Let's kick it into high gear, finish up those challenges and get some miles in! We've got lots of blank boxes on that spreadsheet, reach out to your teammates to make sure they don't forget to fill it out!!
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,922 Member
    @MissionEnforcer here are my colors
    1. Monday-orange carrots, purple cabbage, green kale
    2. Tuesday- yellow banana and corn, red tomatoes
    3. Wednesday- orange carrots, blue blueberries, purple grapes
    4. Thursday- red tomatoes, green spinach, green broccoli
    5. Friday-green spinach, red apple, purple cabbage

    @fitbug92 - thanks for the tag and @SmashleyM914 - thanks for the pm. It's been a crazy week!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    Hi all-

    Finished the jump rope and arms challenge.
    @Fitbug92 - you are correct in that the one without the weights was the hardest one.
    I believe I have also finished my colors. I just have to type it up. Looks like we are doing very well as a team this week. Congratulations to everyone!
  • tinacuso
    tinacuso Posts: 4,265 Member
    Here are my colors for Challenge #3!
    Monday – yellow –banana; green - romaine lettuce& spinach; red - tomatoes
    Tuesday – green - green beans; red – strawberries; blue - blueberries
    Wednesday- green - romaine lettuce& spinach; red - tomatoes
    Thursday – yellow – pineapple; orange – carrots; blue – blueberries
    Friday - yellow – pineapple; blue – blueberries
    Saturday - blue – blueberries; orange – carrots
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    1- Monday: Banana (yellow) Spaghetti Squash (Yellow) Cabbage (white-green)
    2- Tuesday: Kale (Dark Green) Tomato (red) Onion (white)
    3- Wednesday: Spinach (green) Red onion (red)
    4- Thursday: Okra (Green) Sweet Potato (Orange)
    5- Saturday: Blueberry (purple) Blackberry (blue) Avocado (green)
  • livvie25
    livvie25 Posts: 62 Member
    @MissionEnforcer Monday red tomatoes green lettuce, Tuesday orange orange yellow bananas Wednesday red strawberry green sprouts Thursday purple eggplant orange pumpkin Friday yellow raisins orange tangerine purple raisins
  • mckeon11
    mckeon11 Posts: 42 Member
    Yay team! we are doing great! Thank you @tinacuso for helping me when I don't have access to a desktop! (the spreadsheets and discussion forum don't work on my old phone)
  • Scherzie
    Scherzie Posts: 1,190 Member
    Monday: Red- tomato, Brown- fennel, Yellow- Banana
    Tuesday: Brown- Whole grain bread, Green/white- broccoli, Red- Tomato
    Wednesday: Red/Purple- raspberries, Green- spinach
    Thursday: Green- Spinach, brown= whole grain bread
    Friday: Orange- carrots, Yellow- squash, green- avocado, cilantro
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Just stopped in to say awesome job team! I didn't exercise today, my body needed a rest,but I will make up for it tomorrow
  • darcijojo
    darcijojo Posts: 194 Member
    I need to do the arm workout without the weights and 15 more minutes of jump roping. I'll get them done tomorrow. My arms are tired tonight. My husband and son were goofing around with some boxing gloves so I put them on and took out some aggression. :smile: Then I did the longer arm workout. Now I have noodle arms. The jumping rope is hard. Amazing to think how much of that I did when I was a kid. Then it was just fun, not a workout. I'm glad to see that we are moving up in the rankings. Good job, team! I hope we can keep it up.
  • AshleyMFitness16
    AshleyMFitness16 Posts: 545 Member
    Finished the arm challenge this morning, plus did some yoga. I'm so dang sore, so stretching and yoga were much needed. I may do yard work today, aka raking leaves, aka I'm already sore so may be dead tomorrow. Plus my hubby promised me a nice long family walk today, hopefully it actually happens! I should be able to add a good amount of minutes to the spreadsheet either way today.
  • novten82
    novten82 Posts: 24 Member
    Mon- Blueberries, Tropical Fruit
    Tues- Mandarin Oranges, Apple Cider
    Fri- Carrots, Celery
    Sat- Super foods smoothie (strawberries, kale, apples, broccoli...)
    Sun- Super Foods smoothie