


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Chris we are a Lybia tesselata. Or otherwise known as a boxer or Pom Pim crab. That was so fun. :D

    Paula why is it we can never repeat what we wrote the first time? I say buy a couple of outfits. You need clothing that fits nice. And then continue working on making the others fit once more.

    Scales were down this morning. Pom pond up! :smiley:

    I just love that crab Chris! Might have to get me one.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    A pom pom crab, how fantastic!

    The Ilvermorny wrap-up is this Saturday, if you're interested. I suspect Wampus won the Quidditch cup. I'm hoping to have earned Wampus the "most active ghost" house points too. It was fun.

    I ate really well yesterday, and even controlled my potluck portions today, but then got home and had too many non-dairy yogurts. It is so hard to drink so much water, but so easy to eat non-dairy yogurt.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Chris upon further investigation I will not be getting one of those crabs. While sites that sale them say they are peaceful, other people say not so much. They kill and eat clown fish! And shrimp! I have both! Nopey nope.

    Thanks for the heads up Paula. :smile: I do the same thing. Eat well all day and get stupid at night. Must stop this. I have done well this week though. :smile:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,403 Member
    What pigs those crabs are! Man!

    I would do the same thing...OD at night, but now we are with the kids until 8:00. It's dinnertime when we get home then to bed. It works for now. I've done well this week too. Let's keep it up!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,698 Member
    I'm glad you're not getting those self-propelled pompoms, Shelley, they even look scary. Tempting like the witch in Hansel & Gretel "Come sweet little clown fish, we'll play with my pompoms." Nah ahh! Then they try to have you for dinner! :noway:

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,888 Member
    Paula they are so nasty! I say we stomp them!

    Chris I hard a rough day. Was still doing OK until hubby baked cookies. I had 3. But I logged 4. :( Tomorrow will tell.
