2017--This Year is Our Year!!!

KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
edited April 2017 in Social Groups
Another year has begun full of promise for each of us. We are the "captains of our own ships, so we are responsible for the outcome of this year when it comes to things we can control. Obviously, food choices is one of those. This is the year to continue to choose wisely!


  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Goals are said to be great motivators; things that keep us on course. I also think that it is easier sometimes to set a goal than to achieve it simply because we overestimate how likely we are to achieve the goal. Is the goal reasonable, believable and achievable? The goal may be reasonable for most but do we as individuals believe that we can achieve it?
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited January 2017
    I am carrying over to this thread the posts made January 1 on the old thread:

    Pam said:

    Happy New Year everyone! I'm hoping for a much happier and healthier 2017, with much less pain and much more fun than 2016.

    Jean, I'm OK with just continuing on the same thread. Like Maryanne, I always just go to the last page anyway, so I don't see a need to start a new thread periodically. But I'll go along with whatever the rest of you want to do.

    DH is starting a three week Daniel Fast today, which is basically three weeks of a vegan diet. His church does this every January. I don't adhere to it as closely as he does, but I try to cooperate on the meals we eat together, usually dinner. Last year he was unable to do it due to my injury because our many friends were bringing us meals and we didn't want to impose the fast's rules on them, so this year he is determined to do a better job of it. I get bored with it pretty quickly, unfortunately. I'm such a carnivore -- a vegan or vegetarian diet would never be my choice long-term.

    Maryanne said:

    I see QVC's today's special value is a nutrisystem plan. Pretty chintzy. Fast 5 and 15 other days of meals.

    Jean - we're pretty prolific in posting aren't we? Quarterly is fine but if starting a thread is a hassle make it longer! I always go to the end anyway.

    DH is off to visit his siblings (or at least the ones still living) with their Christmas gifts.

    My day will be a lot less exciting. Feed the colonies and then work and do chores.

    I do plan to stop at Petsmart to get a couple things for Indy. My expectation is that our new daughter will be here Wednesday. She'll start off in the "big cage".

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I'm here! Maryanne, waving madly
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm watching the Nutrisystem presentation on QVC. The QVC program was how I was introduced to NS. The materials that came with it were better at explaining the program than what came from NS when I switched. The only negative with the QVC program is that you can't choose foods. I lost over ten pounds the first month I was on the QVC program of 5 days of NS food and 2 days eating other food according to NS guidelines.

    I reluctantly got on the scales this morning since it had been 3 months since I had quit weighing in with all the running around and eating out or grabbing fast food on way back from PT. I gained 5 pounds, so I'm relieved it wasn't worse.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    I had checked my weight just before I left MA. I don't have a way to check again until we get to FL. I was back at the point I was before Thanksgiving. I had gained a few pounds then on BILs delicious cooking. Since we were alone at Christmas, I didn't have the types of food around that I would have had at his house and I lost the Thanksgiving gain. I'll have to look back at my profile to see how it compares to last January.

    Pam..I hope you have that healthier year in 2017. You went through so much pain and struggles that I'm sure you were ready to kick 2016 out the door.

    I brought a few NS items left from my last order before I discontinued. They're packed in a box in the truck but I'll have them in FL. I also ordered some Fit and Free pizzas today. They were having a sale so I put in an order which will ship shortly after we arrive.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    I went back to check and I was 3 pounds less last January. Considering all the stress of DH's surgeries and recovery, I'll take it/ It could have been much worse. I'll be starting fresh when I get to FL with eating better and walking. I'll also re-join the Rec. Center and start taking some of their water classes again. I actually enjoy water exercises. Other forms of exercise, not so much.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Jean - always nice to have that kind of surprise on the scale!

    Helene - considering everything you two have been through this year, I'd say you've done fantastic!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--It sounds as if you did a good job of maintaining despite all the stress involved with DH's surgeries. I'm sure you will do well in Florida.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited January 2017
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    That video was adorable. I was expecting the little dog to drag his dish. I was amazed he could pick i up. Very cute.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Great video! So cute!!

    I'm off to the city to take some donated items as well as meeting a friend for a late lunch/early dinner. I see tilapia in my future.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    I'm catching up on laundry. This should hold us until we get to the house in FL. I ordered some Fit and free pizzas which were on sale yesterday. They'll be delivered a few days after we arrive. I like having them in the freezer for an easy dinner on a night I don't feel like cooking. I keep bags of frozen peppers on hand and slice up some fresh veggies (broccoli, mushrooms) and top the plain cheese pizza. We're heading to my sister's house tonight for game night and dinner.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I'm changing litter boxes. I'd like to get them all washed up before Indy takes over the laundry room.

    Took Jack to the vet today and she was happy with how he sounds. My mission is to track down the answer to two questions she didn't know.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--Enjoy the Fit and Free pizza. I've never tried it despite hearing much about it. I like to buy the Lean Cuisine Supreme Pizza which is ready to nuke with no additions needed.

    Maryanne--I'm in search of a new litter box big enough for Midnight. Not only does it have to be bigger than the average litter box, it also needs tall sides.

    I work the next four days and also four days at this point next week. Where did Christmas break go?
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    edited January 2017
    Jean -

    High sided/big litter boxes tend to be about 21/22 x 18/19 x 10/11

    If you need bigger, some people use large plastic containers from somewhere like Walmart that aren't sold as litter boxes (make sure they are flat surfaced on the bottom or the litter will get stuck in crevices and drive you crazy).

    Litter box wise -

    I have several of these (without the hood) and no one seems to have any issues with them: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=3261+1926+19119+21133&pcatid=21133

    Basically the same size as the ones I have:


    I've always looked at these and thought - does a cat really use this? Maybe without the lid?


    another big one:

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    Maryanne..Where do your cats come from and how many do you have on average? Do some move on to other forever homes or are they your's for life? We've had three cats over the years. The first was adopted from a neighbor who was moving cross country. Midnight was already bonded with us and I don't think she ever missed the neighbors. After she died, we adopted Cagney and Cheyenne from CLAWS, a cat rescue run by the town's animal control officer. She would get calls about homeless cats so she'd bring them to her house and try to find them forever homes. She did flea markets, newsletters, etc to raise funds to help support the cats. She did it about 10 years before she burned out and had to stop. There's a cat rescue one town over from us. I don't know much about them but they do a weekly column in a local newspaper that features some of the cats that are looking for homes.

    I liked the last set of litter boxes we got for the girls. Petsmart and Petco carried them. There is a pull out tray at the bottom that has a pad to absorb the urine. The top layer had a special pellet that the urine would pass through while the solids stayed on top. It was easy to clean and odorless. The girls might track a few pellets out but they were easy to clean up because of the size. I'd usually get the supplies when they went on sale and there was a coupon inside the littler box package. When I bought the first one, the clerk opened the box and used the coupon for me. My cat sitter took care of lots of pets and she thought this was the best design she'd seen. It's pricier than a regular box but I think the cost of supplies would be closer to litter in the long run with the coupons. Plus I wasn't lugging bif pails of litter anymore.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Our first cat Linus came from a litter than a friend of DH's had photographed. We adopted her right before we moved to Baltimore. Looking at the photos now I can see how sick they were but what did we know?

    When I decided she needed a friend, DH came home from work and said "Penny says the farmer where she keeps her horse has a cat we can have". That was our beloved Beethoven. She and Linus hated each other at sight and never got over it.

    Our third cat Reggie Jackson I found out walking one evening. We found a home for his brother but no one wanted Reggie. He was a great cat.

    Our fourth cat Schultzey showed up at my in-laws. DH wanted her so she came here. She eventually died of multiple myeloma which was ironic because that's what took my MIL.

    After that it was mostly rescue related.

    Many of our cats since that time have come from the colonies I've tended.

    Others have come from other folks' colonies or calls we've received.

    A few more showed up at my in-laws over the years.

    One showed up here.

    One came from from the York SPCA via the Penn kidney transplant program after donating a kidney to our late Gordy.

    We had about a decade when we had 13-16 at all times. I really, really miss those days. The house feels empty. But I know since we're getting older, and we aren't rich, we need to let our numbers drop.

    Indy when I bring her home tomorrow will be #7 but my sad expectation is that neither Jessicat nor Jack will be with us next year at this time.

    At one time I fostered a lot but not so much in recent years. I get too attached and of many turn out to be unadoptable. If we're going to let our numbers drop I can't be doing heavy duty fostering.

    More than you ever wanted to know, I'm sure.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,790 Member
    No, that's exactly what I wanted to know. My friend June, who had the cat rescue, must have had 15-20 cats at her house at a time. She had her own cats upstairs and kept the rescues in the basement. We went over to get two cats. Cheyenne picked DH. He had a cat on his lap and she gave that cat the evil eye until the first cat got down. Cheyenne hopped up, settled down and gave of the vibe that DH was taken and she wasn't moving off his lap. She went home that day. I wanted the second cat as a companion. Cagney was very skit tush. June had t chase her around the basement and drag her out from under the workbench so we could meet her. She had ear mites so June kept her a week to treat her. That gave Cheyenne enough time alone at the house to decide she was Alpha cat and had first dibs on everything. That lasted about 12 years until Cagney stood up to her. It knocked Cheyenne's socks off and after that, she was afraid of Cagney, So they never were real companions.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Why should we eat nuts each day? One reason is that it might help with weight loss as well as in other health-related areas:

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Off to work again, but here is a link to a recipe that even I think I can do:
