2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Today's weigh in revealed a two-pound loss. I see there is a movie out called "Split" which deals with a man with over 20 multiple personalities who abducts 3 girls. I might like to take this in as Rotten Tomatoes has given it decent reviews. I thought about today but I'll be in the city on Wednesday to get my hair done so that might be better.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,791 Member
    We're re having a quiet day today. After church, we stopped at the farmer's market to stock up on fruit and tomatoes for the week. My plans are reading and watching the Patriot's football game tonight.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Today's weigh in revealed a two-pound loss. .

    That's great!!

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I went to the city with a friend and ate at the Outback, where I had the Tilapia with crabmeat. So, so good. Afterwards, she went shopping for groceries in WalMart. The big spender here picked up a package of coffee filters I had forgotten on the last visit.

    I work tomorrow and Tuesday. Wednesday, I have a hair appointment in the city. I have to do something about the color as it has grown out.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
    Tilapia wiht crab sounds good!

    It's a miserable, windy, cold, rainy day here. Perfect for packet day which includes high protein pancakes, hot chocolate, chicken noodle soup, etc.

    I always have a little trouble nuking the dinner packet so I made it this afternoon so I could concentrate (sad, yes...LOL!) It's spicy cheese and pasta. Such a tiny little portion. 130 calories. I'll sprinkle RF Parmesan and have a huge plate of broccoli. Most of the packets are low calorie and fairly low volume but overall with all the protein it's a day not to be hungry but also not to have too many calories.

    Lost 3 pounds last week.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Ditto on the weather conditions here. Congrats upon the weight loss; you are back with a vengeance!

    I am hungry as I didn't have an opportunity to have my protein snack in the afternoon.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,791 Member
    Maryanne..Great job on your loss. You do so well on the weeks you add in the packet days. We had the stormy weather Sunday night. it was a real tropical downpour with heavy wind gusts. It cleared yesterday but was still pretty breezy. I used the day to do errands. I had to mail back my audio books that we listened to on the drive down. I went over to the mainland for a mani/pedi. It had been 7 weeks because of travel. My nails were so long, it was hard to type or use my phone. But I had not a single chip. I didn't know if the place I went to last spring did the dipping polish for the mani. if not, I would have done gel and gone more frequently. They are doing the dip so I was all set. It's a bit more expensive than gel but the longevity makes it cheaper in the long run. So I now have sparky fushia nails. The manicurist was trying to get a color close to the toe color and asked if I minded sparkles. I actually love sparkles so it was a win/win.

    DH is next door at town hall looking at plans for how our house was built. I had him drop me at the library so I could post on their computer. We hope to find out where the bearing walls are from the plans. We want to take a short wall out in the kitchen if it's not load bearing. It would make a much more open concept when we remodel it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
    edited January 2017
    Helene - sparkles sound like fun! But with the colonies and the heavy labor with CROM I have no nails. I clip them very short and ignore them.

    As if the Pet Expo wasn't enough, my dad called. His brother died. Not unexpectedly but the funeral is Saturday. Luckily I wasn't planning on being at the Pet Expo Saturday so I can go.

    We are a little up in the air right now as Bonnie's van had an issue yesterday and is at the garage. They promised her by noon today we'll see.

    The tentative schedule for me is today, load me and Bonnie; tomorrow, set up; Sunday cover the show and pack; and Monday pick everything up and return to the storage unit. I've got subs covering the colonies so I can take the colony feeding stuff out of my van and load with inventory. I have my paws crossed for the weather forecast to remain clear.

    Between the trip to PA and the pet expo, eating will be catch as catch can some days. I have a bunch of lunch packet type things ready to take so at least I won't be eating fairgrounds food.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,905 Member
    I typed out a lengthy post this morning that suddenly vanished, and I'm just now following finding time to come back. It's so annoying when that happens!

    Jean and Maryanne, congrats on your losses! I hope the trend continues for both of you.

    Helene, about ten days ago I also did a dipping powder manicure and I really like it. I've gone to the same manicurist now for more than twenty years and she does a type of gel manicure that I've been happy with, but now that I've tried the dipping powder I'd like to keep doing it. However, I don't think she will be willing to do those as she is a solo practitioner and I imagine it would be very expensive for her to purchase all of the different powders, or enough of them to offer enough variety for her clients. She's had some sort of family crisis and has been out of town for several weeks now, which is why I went to someone else this time. She was so kind to me last year when I was injured. She came to my house several times to do my manicures and would not allow me to pay her for her travel time and trouble in coming to me. I would feel very bad about leaving her at this point, but I really like the dipping powder. After ten days, my manicure still looks perfect, despite my doing a lot of cooking over the past few days. That's usually pretty hard on my manicures.

    It seems like I've been in my kitchen non-stop lately. DH needed something to take to a breakfast function at church on Sunday, and something else for his home Bible study group Sunday night. Yesterday we took dinner to a neighbor who recently had foot surgery, and today I took lunch to a friend who just had her second knee replacement. Tomorrow I need to start on a birthday cake for a friend's party on Friday, so I'm not done yet. For the two meals we delivered I was able to double up on the salad I made and use that for both, and I made apple tarts on Monday that I took to each of them for dessert, so that helped. And for today's delivery, I used the frozen lasagna that I had made at Christmas for us. My recipe makes such a large quantity that I was able to make 2 8" square pans instead of the usual 9x13" pan, so I had that all made up and ready to bake this morning. I bought some garlic bread at the store and warmed it, so today's meal came together pretty quickly. Yesterday I made a shrimp and corn chowder soup for my neighbors. She had indicated that neither she nor her husband like casseroles, so it's a little harder to come up with a menu for them. This is the neighbor whose husband was in the bizarre accident in Spain last year and suffered a brain injury. He's doing well now but may never be able to return to work as a pilot. For now, he's at home, which is handy since she needs a lot of help right now.

    That's about all I can remember of this morning's post. Hopefully this one won't vanish into the ether, or result in a double post.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
    Pam - you have been cooking non stop. How can someone say they don't like casseroles? That's such a generic term that covers a wide swath of foods. Plus it's not like saying I'm allergic to peanuts (which you'd have to know).

    My sister is flying in for the funeral but it's a very rapid round trip so I won't get to see that much of her. Darn it anyway! Of course being pet expo weekend it would have been difficult in any case.

    I'm afraid that taking a round trip to PA in the middle of pet expo weekend is going to take a lot out of me. But it must be done.

    I'm actually looking forward to February. No doctor visits and only two vet visits. No CROM events. I have to count out one mailing for volunteers to pick up to assemble but that's no biggie.

    Should give me a chance to get caught up on some stuff like filing and also settle even better into a diet and exercise routine. Let it snow - I won't care!

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,791 Member
    Pam, since I have so much trouble posting on this site, I've gotten into the habit of copying any long posts before I hit post. Then if I lose it, I just paste it into the box and try again. It saves frustration. Perhaps your neighbor might like a stew that you could make in the crock pot. When she says she doesn't like casseroles, I'll bet she means the things you add a can of cream soup to. I like a broccoli cheese stata that I used to make. You line the bottom of of pan with slices of bread minus the crusts. You put layers of ham, broccoli and shredded cheese and top it with slices of bread that have the centers cut out with a biscuit cutter. You put the cut circles back inside the bread slices and pour a mixture of egg and milk over it. it sits in the refrigerator over night so all the egg milk gets absorbed by the bread. It gets baked until the egg is set. When done, the bread cutouts make a fancy touch on top and it looks more gourmet than it really is. Cut into squares, it looks nothing like a casserole. I love that you're paying it forward for all the meals people brought you when you were recovering.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,791 Member
    Maryanne, I'm sorry for your loss. And I'm glad your sister is able to come, even if it's a quick trip.
    DH finally got the scale we have here working. I have no idea how it compares with the scale at home so I'll just consider this the first weigh in of the quarter. It was a lower number than home but who knows how accurate it is. Anyway, I'll just track the difference week to week and not worry about the actual number. I've got a follow up with the chiropractor in a few minutes so I've got to run.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
    I always ignore when doctors weigh me because I know their scale and mine at home could be two very different things. Plus I've always eaten before I go.

    I'm not going to the pet expo today so I can grocery shop and hopefully get some work done.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I am tired and fighting a sore throat. Out of the 30 days in January as of January 30, I will have worked 15. Basically, I have worked nearly all school days with perhaps one or two days off.

    Maryanne--I weigh myself on the morning of going to a doctor's office. Yes, the clothes and food eaten before the appointment add to the weight there. l determine the difference to project how much the doctor's scale might reveal if I were being weighed there.

    Pam--It is hard to switch manicurists. I do a simple American manicure that lasts a month to five weeks. I'm not a fancy cook so I have no suggestions for you.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    We are having a snow day so school is closed as are the schools in the adjoining counties. I was to have worked today but hopefully that will be made up later. I lost a pound the past week. For breakfast, I had the Quaker Weight Control oatmeal with some ground flaxseed added, and one of those individual serving cups of sugar free fruit added to it.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,791 Member
    The day off also gives you another day to recover from the sore throat. We're going to be heading into town, over the bridge. We thought we had paint left over to paint the bathroom door. When DH opened the can, the top said the right color but inside was the gray paint we used on the front porch. We must have used the wrong cover when we put it away last year. The off white paint must have been empty.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
    Jean - I hope you get a little rest on your snow day. We were supposed to get snow last night but it didn't happen.

    We made it through the pet expo, leaving me, anyway, quite tired. Financially this show doesn't make much sense so added to the weather uncertainty I think this was our last year. Probably wouldn't have done it this year if they hadn't credited us from last year when we didn't go because of the snow.

    I was almost late to the funeral on Saturday. Sort of forgot how long it takes to get there and I didn't rush. That anxiety on top of the concern about the weather and the pet expo sent me looking for food. For once I KNOW I was stress eating. Luckily thanks to the physical labor of the show I only gained 1/2 pound. Not good but should be "losable" (if that's a word).

    It was good to see my siblings but going to that funeral was like stepping back in time about 50 years between the church and the relatives.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,598 Member
    I'm well known for the (over)use of spreadsheets. And I LOVE business cat. So this meme was purrfect. It's now hanging in my kitchen.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,791 Member
    Business cat is new to me. Thanks for the introduction. DH is painting the bathroom door while I'm at the library picking up requests. He planned to do it yesterday and when he opened the paint can from last year, the paint was light gray instead of off white. We had to make a trip off island to get the brand of paint he uses. I personally think he put the wrong lid on the paint when we were leaving and perhaps w'd used all the off white. The color on the porch railings is similar to the color in the can. He asked the paint clerk if the lining of the can which was gray could have tainted the paint color. The clerk looked at him like he was nuts. I explained my theory and the clerk said that was more likely. After all, who remembers what we did last March? Today was the last day to get my books so I figured I'd log on because this site gives me problems on my own computer. other than that, nothing much happening here.