2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    After Harvey, a lot of people were evacuated to our area and many arrived with their pets. In Dallas, the main shelter that was opened is in the downtown area, and a separate shelter was opened in an adjacent area for the pets. It is within walking distance so the owners can visit several times a day which seems to be helping a lot to alleviate the stress for both the animals and their owners. It's a stopgap measure, but it seems to be a decent option until people can be relocated into a more permanent housing situation or return to their own homes.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    I stayed on the Cape 2- plus years ago during Hurricane Bob. I think it was a cat 2. We are fairly high up and a mile or more back from the beach. There are only 2 bridges to go on or off the Cape and they close them down if the wind reaches 75 MPH. We got more wind than rain from it and didn't have much damage. I was here alone. DH was still working in CT and had driven back there the day before. We didn't expect the storm for several days but it moved overnight from VA to MA. It was a little scary being alone, listening to the birch tree in the back yard slapping against the back wall. DH came back day after the storm and helped with cleanup. We had no power fr a week and there were hornets all over the place. They lived in tree rots and when trees came down, they had no home and were hopping mad. We were picking up fallen branches while trying not to get stung. I wouldn't want to go through that again plus I've 20 years older.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited September 2017
    My PR hotel contacted me via FB to let me know that they survived with minor damage and was one of the few places in the area with electricity. It is a boutique style hotel somewhat protected by high rises near by but is very near the water. PR's problem, in addition to its already economic problems, will be the power throughout the island especially the rural areas.

    I think PR survived as much as it did simply because the wobble that devloped in the eye "wobbled" to the right instead of the left when it reached the area of PR.

    I have a friend who just bought property in Fort Myers, Florida last year. This individual seems to think Irma will not affect them. Being prepared is a good idea.

    This was posted on FB, so I don't guarantee its accuracy:

    For all Florida family and friends with pets! If you are evacuating to a hotel/motel and they say they do not accept pets, don't get ugly--simply tell them that denying your pets is against the law & FEMA established that after Hurricane Katrina!

    The Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act (PETS) was a bi-partisan initiative in the United States House of Representatives to require states seeking Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assistance to accommodate pets and service animals in their plans for evacuating residents facing disasters.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,829 Member
    I've seen that posted too and don't know if it's true. It would be nice if it was. I was looking on the Lee County website earlier out f curiosity as to where the closest shelter would be for us. The nearest is South Ft. Myers High School and it's a pet friendly shelter. They keep the pets in separate rooms but owners can visit them whenever they want. That's a good plan. Some people in the shelter may be allergic to animals or be afraid. It's a god plan fr all parties. I'm hoping your friend is right since we're just off the coast from Ft Myers. I feel more confident about it missing us than I did yesterday. If your friend is down there and has a pet, you could mention the shelter her if she needs it.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Scary all around!

    I'm headed to Chantilly VA today to set up for the cat show this weekend. Bonnie reminded me of the weekend we spent there one year during the rain from a hurricane, listening to the winds swirl and the rain fall, and watching the rain drip as the ceiling sprung leaks. We aren't supposed to get Irma rain until Tuesday.

    Helene - I suspect you are right to be skeptical about the law. I would be surprised if it applied to private hotels and motels unless they are somehow getting Federal disaster relief funds. No clue if that's true.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    DH's brother is an aspiring author. He has a book on amazon (one of those publish on demand deals). He has been contacting local libraries with book clubs and asking to do a reading. One of the small town libraries told him that they just got a Federal government grant and their book club can only read books on a list approved by the Federal government. He voted for Trump. Oh, the irony....
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,935 Member
    I wonder if "The Art of The Deal" is on that government approved list, lol? I also wonder if all of the climate change deniers will start to rethink their positions in light of the hurricane activity we are experiencing this year. My DH is one of them and he also voted for Trump. We don't even attempt to discuss politics anymore. It goes nowhere and totally frustrates both of us.

    It's been a fairly slow week for me. We attended a fun wine tasting event Wednesday night at a local restaurant and enjoyed a selection of 5 Spanish wines and 5 different appetizers. This restaurant holds a wine tasting every first Wednesday of the month and features wines from a particular region or theme. I think this month was the best one yet. The group that attends these varies from 4-10 people and we always enjoy the wine and conversation. This week it was a relatively small group which was nice since it made it easier to talk to everyone.

    Yesterday I delivered cookies to the place where I volunteer for a graduation ceremony they were holding for some of the residents who have completed the program and are ready to start the next phase of their new lives. As I was leaving, the school bus arrived and I saw a mom greeting her son at the bus stop. I saw her ask him a question and he answered with a big smile and gesture, then she grabbed him up in a huge hug and both were laughing. I couldn't hear any of the exchange, but it made me think how much healing has taken place in that family for them to be so free and joyful in that moment. I seldom get to see any of the residents in person, so that was a nice moment for me and I found it very affirming that my small contributions do help in that healing process.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Pam - that must be so hard. I know DH and I were at serious odds after the second George Bush attacked Iraq. DH the Army veteran was all gung ho and thought my opposition to the war was seriously unpatriotic. We've still got some of the little flag decals on the windows that he put everywhere (I guess to counteract me? LOL!). This many years later he's finally agreed I was right and he was wrong. And luckily we're on the same page about this administration. But that wasn't a fun period.

    I'm very worried about my colleague in Sarasota. The storm seems to be headed their way now. She's a brilliant, sweet lady with a husband, three young children and several cats. I know several days ago they had identified motels in TN that permit pets. I hope they've taken off.

    Our local weather is showing less and less rain from this. I guess the model now has it mostly missing us.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited September 2017
    I have a friend who just moved to Ft. Myers a little over a year ago. They were planning to ride out the storm in their house but if it got bad, they would evacuate to a neighbor's two story home. I personally think they needed to get out to an evacuation center and told them that. I now see that Ft. Myers is under a mandatory evacuation.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    edited September 2017
    I thought Irma was to hit yesterday? Maybe this delay will let people have time to re-think their foolishness and evacuate. Here's hoping! DH checks on his former boss who has evacuated with hubby and cats. I don't think being stranded on the second floor of a house is a great plan at all.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Irma is supposed to have landfall late Saturday/early Sunday. As I write this at 5:43pm, the outer bands are now just reaching Key West. The Governor just said again for people to get out. If they leave the house, then where are they going to go? Did you see the lines waiting for the evacuation centers to open this morning? The Miami curfew begins at 8pm tonight.

    I read about the "cruise to nowhere." Apparently all these people were on a cruise when the ship decided to return two days early for Florida based people to take care of homes or get flights out. Those unable to get flights or make Florida connections were taken back on board with the ship cruising out of harm's way with no destination in mind.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    Trying to evacuate that many people is mind boggling. I'm avoiding all articles about people abandoning their animals. I just can't handle reading about that. All I can do is donate. We got a bunch of other people's mail the other day. Apparently I'm not the only person in this area to donate to the Houston SPCA because we got EVERYONE's thank you post cards. Of course we put them back in our box in hopes they will get delivered.

    Cruise to nowhere? Bizarre.

    I'm off to Chantilly VA today for the cat show. Apparently we sold a TON of stuff yesterday. Lil called me last night and wanted to know if she should take some of the money with her. We'll need to hoard these funds as I'm sure the TX and FL disasters will impact the response to our next newsletter.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    My mini-panther got me up at 4:30am, so I've spent part of the time decluttering while watching the Weather Channel. Right now, I'm watching this weatherman trying to keep standing up as he reports what is happening in Miami as Irma hits the Keys.

    Maryanne--This combined hurricane hit along with the fires out west are going to be a challenge to the financial resources of everyone. I think it might be a good idea to hoard the funds.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    I remember one other disaster directly impacting one of our mailing. Maybe Katrina. Anyway at least I won't be surprised this time around.

    I'm so very tired! I need a few hours to myself but every time I turn around someone wants something from me.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Love the graphic!! So true!!

    I worked today and will everyday this week except Thursday....and that is up in the air. The mini-panther is demanding my attention, so I "meowed" back at him. I'm sure he is thinking I'm a bit daft pretending I can meow.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    We don't even care about children any more? First DACA. Now the Supreme Court ruling upholding, at least temporarily, any immigrants from Muslim countries, even children who already have adoptive or foster families. Just makes my heart sick. Anyone who hurts a child or an animal is lower than dirt in my world view.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Children are a low priority unless they fit the right profile. Neither are the elderly. That story about the nursing home or rehab center in Florida that delayed doing anything about the heat until 8 people died is so tragic, especially when there was a hospital nearby. I'm beginning to wonder if there will be a time that they will line us up and shoot us.....or do something like they did in "Logan's Run."
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,645 Member
    I feel so helpless about everything going on. Between the horrid politics and the tragedies. I donate what I can afford but that's about it other than signing petitions. I did sign the ACLU's petition to Congress about DACA.

    Today, in addition to working, I need to feed the colonies, go to the bank with the cash from the cat show (I've got bills that won't go in the ATM - a $2, a couple $50 and a $100), drop the raffle mailing off at the vet for volunteers to pick up (DH helped me count it all out yesterday to minimize my time off work (usually I wait for a weekend but I'm under time pressure on this one), and drop a box off at the office on my way out of town.