2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    Maryanne, why did you have to give up the Benedryl? Was it affecting your health? It sounds like not using it is having a negative health effect. Not sleeping will d a number on your pretty quickly. I hope the cat situation straightens out in the manner you want. How long will you wait if there's no owner response? Who has the cat right now? Today's a rehab day. DH just called t schedule a make up day next Thursday since there's no class on Monday. we're trying to stick to the 3 days a week so he's done by Thanksgiving. We'd like to head to FL that weekend after spending Thanksgiving in NJ. We're six hours south of home at BIL's house so we really don't drive home only to repeat that part of the drive a week or two later.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    Helene - google benadryl and dementia and you'll get an earful. Scary. Not just benadryl either. Many other drugs in the category including PPIs like what the gastroenterologist just started me on.

    It's been a week since Lil picked up the cat. They haven't put up any signs or responded to the microchip company. I suspect something happened that led them to "put the cat out". Must be a reason it was suddenly sleeping in Lil's back yard. I made the decision this morning that at this point even if the owner showed up we're going to go ahead and vet it. It needs a lot. The cat is at the vet. If they showed up I'd decide whether to insist they pay the vet bill before releasing it. Given that they obviously took no care of it anything I could do to prevent them from taking it I'd probably do.

    Pam- I have several sleep aids including time release melatonin, the new RemFresh (which I haven't tried yet) and Irwin's sleep capsules. Haven't talked to the doctor yet about a prescription drug. That would be the next step.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    I'm up and getting ready to head off for the flea market. This may be the last one. They hired a new events manager and I think she thinks the flea markets are beneath her. Just my impression, backed up by the fact that they've removed all further flea markets off their web site.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    Sounds like that last event manager didn't last long. It was less than a year, right? Let's hope this next one is better than the last. I'm guessing a lot of vendors must have complained about how difficult she made set up. We tried a new product today. Yesterday's class was on the importance of protein and stressing how most people don't get enough. J mentioned that you should have a serving of protein within an hour of exercising to help muscles rebuilt. After an hour, the effects are minimal. He also said you should have some form of protein with every meal. And remember, we're watching sodium which complicates shopping. He mentioned almond butter which we've never tried as a good protein source for when you get tired of peanut butter. We bought a jar at Whole Foods because it was on sale. There was a more expensive brand with flavorings like honey, maple and vanilla, DH had it plain on his breakfast toast. The brand we picked was bland and runny. We added a couple teaspoons of SF maple syrup to mine. It thickened up nicely and had a really good flavor. He mentioned you get protein from meats, dairy, nuts, seeds and grains. He also said some people drink a glass of chocolate milk after exercise because it's flavorful and easy. So I'll be working on upping our protein.

    Perhaps the cat owners moved from the area and never update the registry info. Whatever happened, have the vet take care of the cat.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    I tried almond butter recently. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. Since it is a lot more expensive than peanut butter, I think I'd rather have that. Of course, my favorite is Nutella, but I don't think it is quite as healthy. I did like the almond butter for dipping apple slices in it, but I can't say I loved it.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    That's what I thought when I tried it plain. It was kind of bland. Adding the maple syrup really improved the taste. I really like it after that. With Whole Foods new prices (under Amazon), I paid $4.99 which was comparable to a good peanut butter. I'd buy it again.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    Helene - I'm glad you are getting a lot out of these classes! I watch protein and calories but not sodium. I think that one would be the hardest!!

    I adore peanut butter (Skippy extra chunky) but the calories are just too high for me to use it as a protein source very often. PB2 isn't a bad sub for something like apple slices. I'd rather have chicken or turkey. One of these days I've got to try roasting a turkey breast! My fall back rotisserie chicken is probably way too high in sodium.

    One of the other volunteers was touting these new bars she found. They have 1 gm of protein. I didn't comment but any more I look to max protein at minimal calories, even when I'm not really eating right. I realized the other day I have developed a few good habits, even when I'm off the wagon. I always eat breakfast (not true for most of my adult life). I concentrate on protein. And I never drink calories. I guess that's the good news.

    Right now I'm off the wagon. I think I figured out why this also happened last July/August. It's the garden. Strange, right? Garden sounds healthy. But DH wants me to make all this stuff with what he grows and much of it is high calorie. So I slide off the wagon in other ways as well. Last year I stopped weighing. This year at a minimum I'm not going to let that happen.

    This is the new events manager. She's been there only since around April even though it feels like forever. She is telling different people different things. A few Pollyanna vendors are giving her slack but everyone else is fed up with the lies. Just be honest with us. Many of us have been very loyal; we deserve honesty. One person was getting customers to sign a petition. Apparently the Board of this place meets in a few weeks and maybe will make a decision. She told a couple people they might "work a couple into the schedule". What I don't think she gets is you can't just throw one of these on the schedule in 2 months and think you'll have all the vendors and all the customers back. We put up signs saying no more flea markets are scheduled; so if you see something you want buy it now. I couldn't believe how many people said to us yesterday "how would we know if there is another one"? The idea that it will be on the arena's web site was no help since they don't have computers. I don't think a lot of people realize how many people still don't have computer access.

    Our flea market chair is retiring in a year and moving south. She stores everything in her garage. We don't make enough to justify a second storage unit (and no room in the current one for all the flea market stuff). So my guess is that the flea markets will end in a year anyway. Probably not horrible since at age 67 I'm one of the youngest in the group.

    Rained really hard yesterday (remnants of Harvey got to us) so I know I'm going to have muddy dishes at the colonies. I've got clean bowls, scot towels, etc. ready to go. I'm starting to hate rain. I don't remember this from "my" colony. I don't know if I repressed it or what the story is/was.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    I'll share some of the points about protein that Jason talked about in class. I'll do it over the next few days so I don't end up with mile long posts. I enjoy the classes and think it's important to share knowledge where I can. He gave us a formula to figure out how much protein you need. He said multiply your body weigh by a range of .5 to .8 to get your daily requirement. someone asked if you can eat to much protein and the answer is yes. Your body can't store excess protein so it leaves as urine. You can overtax the kidneys if you eat too much more than that range. Jason stressed the importance f breakfast which we probably all eat. He said if you don't snack, split your protein equally over 3 meals. If you snack between meals, put part f the protein into the snacks. For someone who snacks, breakfast might be whole grain cereal 6 g, banana 1 g and milk 8 g. Jason said if he has cereal, he adds a scoop of protein powder to boot the protein.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    edited September 2017
    He doesn't literally mean multiply your body weight by .5 right? E.g. if I weigh 180 pounds I'm not going to eat 90 pounds of protein (I don't think). LOL! Maybe 90 grams of protein?

    Just googled it. It's .8 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight. So first I convert my 180 pounds into kilograms and then I multiply by .8 grams. That's 81.6466 times .8 = 65 grams of protein.

    Got it!

    (Yes, the former seventh grade math teacher comes out at the strangest times)
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    Maryanne, for the non-math person, what is the conversion formula for pounds to kilograms?
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    Never mind. I googled it too.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    PamS53 wrote: »
    Never mind. I googled it too.

    I didn't even look up the conversion factor. LOL! When you search pounds to kilograms the little converter just pops up. What did we do before Google?
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    Before Google, we didn't know as many strange facts. LOL. It's beautiful here today after the remnants of Harvey blew through. I bought a large container of plain yogurt yesterday (Jason's protein suggestion) and will add my own fruit. In addition, that way is lower sugar and sodium. I should have been a nutritionist with the interest I have in this topic. Since I was actually a librarian, the research side of my skills tends t still kick in.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm watching Irma. I go to Puerto Rico in November. Puerto Rico has not had a major hurricane since the 1930s. They either go north of the island or are of low intensity.

    The director of Puerto Rico's power company predicted that storm damage could leave some areas of the U.S. territory without electricity for four to six months.But "some areas will have power (back) in less than a week,"

    The last time I was there, we experience a mild storm and the wave height was tremendous with the water coming up into the street near our hotel.

    The island with cloud cover to the left is Puerto Rico; Irma is to the right.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    Jean - here's hoping Irma doesn't destroy Puerto Rico!
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    The Weather Channel reports sound like Puerto Rico is in for tough times. I'M glad you're not down there now. It must be very scary for anyone in the Islands. We're concerned about my sister and brother-in-law in Florida. Last fall, they evacuated to our house on the west coast. They live on Lake Ochobee so they'll leave if Irma comes up the east coast. We're just as likely to be hit as them so our house is probably not an option to go there. A neighbor has a house in Central Florida and has told them to go there. Plus they can bring the dog. Most shelters don't take pets. I'M sure they put themselves at risk if the dog couldn't come.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    I don't think I could leave my cats. I know someone who left her cats during Katrina. I don't think I'd want to go on. Thanks to a federal law after Katrina there are many more options for pets now than there were that time around.

    I touched base with my two Florida colleagues today. One is in Sarasota. She has several young children and several cats and she and her husband are waiting to see which way the storm heads. She says she would head to a pet friendly motel in TN. The other is in Palm Beach Gardens with a wife and dogs. He says they won't leave. Isn't that what the people always said that end up getting rescued from their roof (if they're lucky?) Maybe his wife will bring some sense to the decision.

    I probably shouldn't talk. We were in central PA during Agnes (that may sound land locked but it's actually a flood plain - we even had flood insurance). We were ordered to evacuate and didn't. Luckily we just got a few feet of water in our basement. That wasn't actually as scary as Three Mile Island.