2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    I've seen it in Stop $ Shop which is like Maryanne's Giant chain. Like Jean, ice cream is not a trigger food so if I want some, it's going to be real. And the Cape is loaded with seasonal ice cream stands. Sometimes we'll share a small cup because I don't want the calories of a whole serving. Salty foods are more my trigger foods. Today is one of DH's rehab class days. Yesterday was a gloomy day so instead of taking a walk, he did some of the strength exercises Jason showed him using my hand weights.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    I think Krogers is supposed to sell Halo but the closest one is over an hour away. The real thing rules with me.

    I got in another hour of active minutes. In one session, I forgot to tell Alexa to set the timer for eleven minutes to ensure I get the uninterrupted consecutive ten minutes of exercise. I glanced at the clock and thought I had the ten minutes in and quit, only to find I didn't quite make it to ten minutes so none of that time counted toward "active minutes." I am learning! Don't temporarily stop, etc.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    I love ice cream. I can finish off a pint with one hand tied behind my back. I've never once in my life not finished a pint in one sitting. I try to find the tiny containers of "real" ice cream. Unfortunately the flavors available are hit and miss. But I bought some yesterday. I'm going to try to continue to resist!

    I've tried several flavors of Halo Top. The chocolate almond wasn't bad but I've never found it again. The chocolate chip cookie dough wasn't bad but I've never found it again. (Are we sensing a pattern here? LOL!). I keep reading about the "Birthday Cake" being good but can't imagine what that MEANS in terms of a flavor?? Guess I should try it because that's one flavor that does seem to be readily available.

    Once upon a time I was a potato chip nut but not so much any more. I wonder why. My drug of choice now when it comes to salt is Smokehouse Almonds.

    Tomorrow is our 44th wedding anniversary. Instead of dinner out I'll be with three other crazy cat ladies setting up for the cat show at the fairgrounds. The pricing for this one is strange. Less for each space you take. So I always get three spaces and we try to take everything we own. That gives me the opportunity Saturday to go over to the storage space, poke around in the corners, and see what's there, what needs brought forward, what needs tossed, etc.

    We do have a few things that we're holding for National Capital in September. They were donated by a local person and if she sees them locally without a HUGE price tag she'll freak. But with a huge price tag taking them is just a waste of labor. But she doesn't go to National Capital.

    The other lady is feeding these days. Tuesday I unloaded all the colony feeding stuff from my van. Yesterday I went over and loaded me. Today I load Bonnie. Tomorrow we set up. Saturday I go to the storage unit. Sunday I help cover the show and pack and load. Unless it's raining I'll unload Sunday evening and load back up the colony feeding stuff.

    September is going to be interesting. We have THREE events in 4 weekends. Means I'm going to be leaning heavily on someone else to feed. And taking a LOT of Aleve!

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--I get exhausted from reading about your show activities Indeed, don't forget the Aleve or alternative.

    Well, I got my 30 active minutes in. It was really more than that, as this morning I thought I would increase my 15 minutes to 30 minutes. When I finished 31 minutes, I saw that the FitBit had awarded me only 17 active minutes out of the 31 minutes. I had made the mistake of pausing less than a minute. It considers active minutes to be continuous minutes done at a minimum rate...no pausing. At least now, I have officially done 30 active minutes by doing another session of 15 minutes.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    The gastroenterologist was sort of implying that maybe I was taking too much Aleve and that was contributing to the stomach issues. Of course he said "abusing". Unless that means taking it only as needed and never more than 2 a day, I'm not "abusing". But when we do these shows I'm standing on concrete floors for literally hours on end and if I don't take it, I can barely get out of the bed the next morning.

    I've already had to give up benadryl (increases risk of dementia) and decongestants and caffeine (heart races). Many of the drugs that were used so freely just a decade ago are now pretty much off-limits - drugs for acid reflux, osteoporosis, etc.

    I feel like folks a half generation older than us had a lot more drugs available to them.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    edited August 2017
    I think I mentioned DH is taking cardiac exercise classes 3 days a week. I go along and attend the educational part before exercise starts. Yesterday, the hospital pharmacist did a presentation on medication use. He talked about the OTC pain relievers and said years ago, they were all regular strength. Now people use the extra strength and often take more than the recommended dose. The big concern is liver damage. He also went into adverse reactions and side effects of prescribed medication. A few of the people were having problems with muscle pains while on statin drugs. The pharmacist suggested asking the doctor if they could get by on a lower dosage or asking if another drug might have less side effects. A couple of the people switched from Lipitor to Crestor because of muscle pain. One man who was having terrible pains heard the discussion and planned to ask his doctor to switch him. I'm on a generic form of Lipitor but a low dose. So far, I haven't had any problems. I found him really interesting and informative. Maryanne, do you think any of your leg pain could be a side effect of a medication you're on?

    I finally got into the foot doctor after a few weeks of mix ups over my referral. I thought my doctor sent one in and she thought I was going to call if the antibiotic didn't clear everything. It helped but I still had redness and pain. The referral was made and I was waiting for a call for an appointment. Turns out his office waits for the patient t call in. He cut toe and drained the infection. That was the quick fix. The ingrown nail can return and if it becomes chronic, he can do a more permanent treatment which removes a thin strip of the nail. He left it up to me which one I wanted. I believe doing the simplest treatment first.. We had a nice chat while we waited for the lidocaine to numb my foot. I asked DH if he was surprised I find out so much info about the doctor, his training and family while we waited. He was surprised. The doctor was very easy to talk to and I'd have confidence in him if I have t do the more permanent option. My toe should be back to normal in a week.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Happy Friday. It is dreary and I am sleepy. Don't want to exercise.

    Helene--Great that you were able to see the foot doctor who sounds like a winner.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Helene - sounds like you found a winner.

    I don't think my leg pains are related to the statin. The chronic pain predates that medication and can be pretty directly tied to several broken bones. The acute pain only flares up when I stand for hours on concrete floors like I did today. I take aleve and wear compression socks and Spira shoes all of which helps but it will still be painful getting out of bed tonight.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--That sounds very painful. Concrete floors can be a killer on legs and knees. Have you thought about getting one of those yoga balance pads to stand on when you have to deal with concrete? They are made of about 2 inch thick sturdy foam. They are made to absorb shock. Amazon sells them or did when I got one. I use it when I do the marching in place exercises.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Lost 3 pounds since last Saturday.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Unfortunately I am moving constantly during set up. Yesterday I was on my feet moving from around 11:30 to 3:30. But thanks to aleve, special socks and my Spira shoes, it wasn't too awful last night.

    Today I'm going to work on the next newsletter.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Lost 3 pounds since last Saturday.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--You definitely get your exercise in from setting up for the shows. Today, is a "rest" day from that activity so hopefully the pain will be less tonight.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    Jean, that's great news about your loss. Whatever you did, keep doing it.
    Maryanne, what about getting a couple f those gel pads you see advertised for people who stand in kitchens? They look fairly long. You could arrange them end to end or parallel teach other for more width while setting up. You could rearrangement of the pattern as needed. Wear the socks and shoes as well We used to use a special mat behind the library check out counter. The floors were concrete under carpet and the staff stood most of the time. The mat helped. When we built the new library, we used a special sports floor that they use in gyms. It had some spring to it and it helped the staff avoid leg fatigue.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--That is a good suggestion. Concrete floors are killers.

    As to what I did to get that loss, today makes Day 15 of exercise averaging 45 minutes a day according to the summary. I also have been logging the food. The only difference I can see is the exercise. The first week, I didn't see a change so I guess the second week was catch up time. I don't expect that type of loss for this week but hopefully there will be some loss.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--This is a short video of CatCon 2017 that was posted on Facebook:

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Welcome to Moan-Day! Just finished 17 minutes of exercise. Hard to get in the mood to exercise. The infamous oatmeal with blueberries awaits me.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    The endoscopy results are back. The biopsies were all negative so no cancer or celiac disease. He wants me to try omeprazole for a month. Don't know if I should hope it helps or not. I know I've read you can't stay on any of these. Maybe it's supposed to help even after you stop taking it. I'm to give up the Zantac and Pepto for now.

    We had a fairly successful cat show (at least in today's terms). It's amazing though how fast cat shows have disintegrated. Vicious cycle - no money to advertise so they have less attendance so they have even less money. I've always said that their job is to get people walking by our booth. It's my job to sell them.

    The news is super depressing these days. As someone who grew up in Pa Dutch Country (i.e. surrounded by German culture) I've spent a lot of time over the years thinking about Nazi Germany, wondering how it happened, and wondering if I'd have had the courage to stand up and be counted. I always thought that was a cerebral, theoretical exercise. Couldn't happen here. Now I'm not so sure.

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    KonaKat wrote: »
    Maryanne--This is a short video of CatCon 2017 that was posted on Facebook:


    Cool! Those are small small booths!

    Our booth this weekend was 10 x 30 so set up was many hours of me continuously walking around about a 15 x 30 foot area. Unfortunately WAY too big for floor mats.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    I just had a birthday lunch with a friend. Her birthday was Sunday but she had a heavy weekend of pet sitting. She's the one who cared for the cats when we were in Fl. Prior to that, DH and I had our monthly chiropractic visits. My joints and back were pretty tight. It's probably from driving to Hyannis 3 days a week for DH's rehab classes. He's got 6 sessions completed and so far, so good. I go with him to the educational part of the classes and read magazines while he does the exercise part. I'm surprised that I'm the only family member attending the classes. We've had 7-8 patients in the classes and none of their support system comes. I doubt that most are working because all the patients are retirement age. Several have mentioned being married but I guess their spouses don't think it's a priority. We're heading over to the auto dealer to have our car serviced. We're leaving mine for repairs and annual inspection. DH will have the inspection done when we go back to pick up my car. We're working everything around the days Dh doesn't have classes.