2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--Good move on making your version of French Toast. Sometimes I amaze myself with my dedication....but there are other times that I can easily talk myself out of it. Today will be a challenge as I went to the city; tomorrow will be a challenge because I'm working in the afternoon. The same on Thursday and Friday, but all day.

    Maryanne--Something tells me that you were a challenging child. Distances are relative based upon what one is used to doing I went to the city today which is over 50 miles away. We are used to "making a run to the city" but others consider that a big trip. I left at 10am, had lunch with my niece and was back at 2:30.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    Jean - yes, I was a challenging child. And I'm sure many people think I'm a challenging person period. I'm actually proud of that. I'd hate to be middle of the road. LOL!

    I admit I do 50 mile trips from time to time and also admit I think of it as a journey! The cat show we do the weekend after Labor Day is in Chantilly VA. That's one journey of roughly that length. As is the trip to Jack's internist which is in Fairfax VA.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    From all the trips we've made from Cape to CT, I think of that distance as nothing. I had my second laser eye procedure today. So I am back to two good eyes.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Love the cartoon. Middle of the road approach? Never!!!

    I worked today and I'm one tired person. I also work every day the rest of the week with the exception of Wednesday.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    The humidity has been really high the last couple of days. Good thing I didn't have to g anywhere because my shoes didn't fit. I slept with my feet on a pillow and I'm able to get into my sandals but they are still a bit tight. No salty foods fr me today. Today's a rehab day and we'll be learning the hows and whys of bypass surgery.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--It was in the low 90s with high humidity until today. It can really cause swelling. I buy sandals with adjustable velcro straps so that the entire shoe can be adjusted when swelling takes place.

    I'm working every day this week, and four days next week. We have a new principal at the middle school and it has made a remarkable difference in a positive way.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    I have sandals with velcro straps but they didn't open wide enough to get my foot in and fasten the straps. Luckily, I didn't have to go anywhere. I just walked around in my bare feet around the house. Elevating my feet while I slept helped bring it down but I still have a little bit of swelling left. At least I could get shoes n for the trip to rehab. It's supposed to be more comfortable tomorrow so maybe I'll get back to normal foot size. That's wonderful that you like the new principal. The students are probably happier which makes your job easier. Are you in the same classroom all week or are you moving around.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    I've always heard that when you are having issues with swelling feet or hands that eating watermelon helps. It's a natural diuretic, so if you like it, it's an easy way to help the issue. That may just be an old wives tale, but there is usually a germ of truth in those.

    Not much going on here except for cooking. I prepared a meal for a neighbor who broke a bone in her foot a couple of weeks ago and required surgery to place a plate and pins. And today I'm baking a birthday cake for a friend. The party is tomorrow night, but I like to get the cake made early so I'm not too tired to enjoy the party. This cake is a bit of a pain to make, so a head start really helps.

    It looks like we may have a very wet weekend. The hurricane that is heading for the Texas coast may bring us some rain, and there is a cold front coming in from the north. If the two collide, we may get drenched, lol. Of course, we won't get nearly as much as the coastal areas, but it may still be a wet weekend. Fortunately, we live on a hill so flooding is never a problem, but other areas are not as fortunate.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    Pam - hope you don't get hit too hard by that hurricane.

    Jean - wow, so much subbing so early in the year but that's good for you!

    Helene - good luck with the weather.

    Very quiet here. I had my annual oncologist visit today. He looks at my CT scan, sees that nothing has changed with my lung polyps and we talk about other things (today we re-designed the US health care system). I always feel a little like a fraud checking out. It's a religious-affiliated hospital, all kinds of crosses and stuff all over, and the nice checkout ladies get SO excited for me that I don't have to come back for a year. You know they are used to people with cancer who have frequent appointments and are thinking I'm in remission or something equally exciting.

    The biggest excitement today is two trees coming down across the street. I find it so SAD! But the power company comes along and chops and chops and pretty soon the homeowners have no choice. I'm glad the power lines are not on our side of the street. These trees are around 70 years old. No way any of us will live to see replacement trees get that big. The squirrels and birds lose more habitat. When DH wants to get me going he talks about taking our trees down. Over my dead body.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    We got a robocall about a lost cat. Never heard of that before. From this outfit: https://www.findtoto.com/pet-alert-services/
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    I never heard of that either. It's not a bad idea thought. It would get the word out further and quicker than signs on telephone poles. I'm just heading out to DH's rehab classes. He's not 25% through the classes. Three times a week makes it go fast. I'll stop at TJs on the way home. it's very near his class. Pam, stay safe in the storm!
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    I appreciate the well wishes for our safety, but we are far enough north of the coast that we are not in any danger from the hurricane. The most we may get from it is some rain, but even that is not a sure thing at this point. We may have an influx of people fleeing the storm, however. I know our children's hospital has already received ten NICU babies and the military bases have flown their aircraft up to the Naval Air Station in Fort Worth to wait out the storm. This hurricane is unusual. I just watched the noon news and they are saying after it makes landfall it is expected to do a u-turn and head back out to sea and possibly race eastward along the Gulf coast toward Florida. That could do a lot of damage and cause a tremendous amount of flooding.

    I just finished the birthday cake for tonight's party and now I'm resting for a bit before I head to the shower to start getting ready. Not much planned for the weekend, which will be nice.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    I needed an antidote to this week's particularly gross "Friday news dump". This sweet "we adopted a dog from the shelter" cartoon hit the spot: http://cheezburger.com/3156997/this-comics-perfectly-captures-what-its-like-to-adopt-a-dog
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Maryanne--Love the cartoon. It is so true that perhaps an adoption can't change the world but it does change the world of the adopted animal.

    Pam--I am so glad that you are not being threatened by the hurricane. I did hear this morning that everyone can expect an increase in gas prices as a result.

    I am frustrated. I've completed week 4 of this exercise regime of over 300 active minutes a week, often over an hour a day. In 3 weeks, I have lost zero pounds despite eating what was supposed to be my calorie allotment. It has been down, up, down, up and now back to the lowest point achieved after the first week. I'm about to tell the exercise where to go.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    Jean, that must be so discouraging. All I can say is keep chipping away at it. As I recall, you've always lost slowly. That's probably what's going on. It will come but not in the time frame you'd like. It's easy to give up when it looks like nothing is working. But that will just keep you where you are now. Keep working it and your reward will come. Do any of your medications have weight gain as a side effect?
    Pam, Glad to hear you're out of harms way. I think Katrina or maybe Rita had that weird behavior of circling back t the Gulf and making landfall a few times.
    Maryanne, is this a cat show weekend?
    We're having a quiet weekend after 3 days of rehab and one day of driving my friend around for appointments and errands.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--Glad you are having a relaxing weekend. I can remember easily losing ten pounds in a month.

    The first week I did the exercise increase, I lost 3 pounds. I had such hopes for this exercise. That loss is exactly what I have lost in 4 weeks as the 3 weeks afterwards have been up, down, up down, etc. despite eating the right calories.

    Those active minutes are not as easy as some would think. It has to result in a certain minimum heart rate for a minimum amount of time. It is far easier to accumulate steps as they don't necessarily result in active minutes or just do a commercial time of exercise without the impact.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,603 Member
    The raffle mailing is ready for the printer. CROM mail is caught up. Jessicat's latest claims are ready to submit. I am (very) temporarily somewhat dug out of paper.

    I'm trying to ignore the rest of the world. Trump has just plain gone off the deep end. Texas situation looks horrendous. My husband's SIL has been diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis and given 1-10 years to live (these are PA folk who voted for Trump in spite of the fact that their kids are on Medicaid and the only health insurance they can afford is Obamacare). I just want to hide and pet a cat (or 7).
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    We are ok here in north Texas, so far. A little rain, but nothing compared to what my SIL is getting in Houston. So far she's ok and not experiencing any flooding or loss of power, but getting tired of the rain. She's had almost 30 inches of ran since Friday, and it's not done yet.

    DH developed a head cold during the night, so he's not feeling very well. And we all know how men turn into whiny babies when they're sick, lol! He is taking cold medicine this time, so I know he really does feel bad. Usually he prefers to just sneeze and blow his nose and use his netipot to clear out his sinuses. I hope he feels better soon because he gets pretty irritable when he doesn't feel well.