2017--This Year is Our Year!!!



  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Good morning, everyone. I took a friend to an appointment with her specialist about 100 miles away yesterday.

    Today, I am off to sub; the school year has officially begun for me.

    Poor Midnight, he will have to get used to being alone during the day sometimes.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Helene - I'm with you in being surprised that spouses wouldn't show up - especially if they aren't working.

    Jean - I can NOT believe you are subbing again already. Doesn't the last day of school seem like yesterday?

    I'm off to the storage unit to unload Bonnie from last weekend. Then to the grocery store.

    Jessicat got a fairly good report from the oncologist yesterday. She continues to lose little bits of weight which is puzzling to them given her results. I'm going to hit up the treat section of the store and see if I can't find something she'll love.
  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    There was a story in today's newspaper about a man who had a heart attack on the streets of Hyannis. It happened as he was walking a few blocks t the ferry dock t meet his wife. It happened in from of an agency that works with homeless people. Staff had recently been certified in CPR. They jumped in and started CPR until the ambulance arrived. He had no heartbeat when EMS arrived. Some of the people served by the agency started praying. The man was taken t the hospital which was abut a half mile away. The same cardiologist who saved DH's life cleared a 100% blockage in the man's widowmaker artery. The man survived and is going home from the hospital tomorrow. Several things happened in his favor. He dropped to the sidewalk in front of people who knew CPR, someone called 911, the fire department was just blocks away, the hospital was so close, the ER had been trained in how to prep critically ill patients fro the cath lab and a world class cardiologist was there to unblock his artery. The man had no previous signs of heart disease. He had a guardian angel watching out for hi that day. It's so nice to read a story with a happy ending. DH's exercise classes are right next to the hospital so we're very familiar with the area and of course the doctor and the hospital.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Helene--that man was fortunate to have his heart attack in the location that he did. Timing makes a big difference in recovery as well as the immediate treatment provided before getting to the hospital.

    Tuesday, I took a friend to a specialist about a 100 miles away. Yesterday, I subbed. Both days interrupted the exercise mood as I was too tired to do it extremely early or in evening. As a result, I am now tempted to let it go another day, so I am going to force myself to exercise and try to get it back in. According to the FitBit, a day of working and walking every hour at work just got me a little over 5,000 steps.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    I was busy today baking a chocolate birthday cake for one of the ladies at the place where I volunteer. I'll deliver it tomorrow, but wanted to get it baked today. Tomorrow I will dip some strawberries in chocolate to go on the top of it and do a little decoration to make it pretty, which is why I wanted to have the cake already done. For now, the frosted cake is resting in the refrigerator. DH has been warned to keep his grubby paws off, much to his chagrin, lol!

    My oldest niece had surgery today to place a plate, pins and screws in her wrist. She was making her bed Saturday night and somehow had one foot propped up on the bed frame while she was trying to wrestle the mattress pad onto the mattress. She lost her balance and fell backwards and reached behind her to break her fall. Instead she broke her wrist. The surgeon said it was pretty much crushed. He thought he was going to have to do a bone graft, but apparently was able to put it back together with hardware instead. Anyway, she's back home now, but it's been a tough day for all concerned. She has resolved to never make her bed again.

    It's been a slow week for me, but it's also been really hot so I've stayed indoors in air conditioned comfort for the most part. Next Monday I'm taking dinner to my neighbor who has a broken bone in her foot, then on Friday we have a birthday party for a friend for which I'll need to bake a cake. She's already placed her order for her favorite flavor, lol! After that, I'll start getting ready for our trip to the beach. We are leaving the Thursday after Labor Day for a week in Orange Beach, Alabama with DH's sister, mom, and aunt, who just had knee replacement surgery almost 2 weeks ago. It seems as if people all around me are keeping the orthopedic docs extremely busy this summer! Thankfully, I am not part of that trend this summer and I hope to keep it that way!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--It is good that you are not part of the orthopedic trend; you have had enough of that. The chocolate birthday cake sounds great and I am sure that your volunteer friend will appreciate it. I do hope your niece's surgery goes well. Accidents do happen in the least expected places.

  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    With the impeachment rumors (not that it will happen), I found this funny:

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    edited August 2017
    Jean - great meme! I'm hoping his ghost writer is right that he'll resign. Of course the result would be Pence. Ugh!

    Pam - ouch for your niece's wrist! Wrist is just one of the many bones I've broken. Broke it roller skating, fell backward, landed on it, heard it crunch.
    The local doctor kept saying it wasn't broken so my dad kept yelling at me to use it. 10 days or so later when it finally became obvious to others that it was broken they took me to the hospital. For some unknown reason they put me in a room where someone was donating blood. I started to faint, got up, staggered out a back door, and down some stairs. They're lucky I didn't do more injury. Anyway, they had to re-break and set my wrist. All because no one believes a 12-year old.

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    Maryanne, what an incredibly horrible story about the poor care you got for the broken wrist. Didn't they have x-rays in that hospital to see it was broken. And falling down the stairs to boot. It's a wonder you ever willingly set foot in another hospital.

    Pam, the story abut your niece is also bad. How often do we hear most accidents happen at home? I guess it's true.

    Jean, I too found that graphic pretty funny. We're pretty good about not talking politics but who ever imagined a president like Trump. Talk about not having the temperament to lead the nation. It would be laughable if it was someone else's country. Remember the Mayor of Toronto that was ridiculed for his drinking and drugs? This feels as embarrassing as that must have been to Canadians.
  • PamS53
    PamS53 Posts: 1,906 Member
    edited August 2017
    Wow, Maryanne! Times have changed so much. Nowadays, parents rush their kids to the ER for the most minor accidents, it seems. My niece is doing pretty well today, but had to go to the doctor's office this morning due to a lot of swelling in her hand when she woke up. He removed the splint and replaced it with a smaller one that will make it easier for her to keep it elevated. I told her mom last night they needed to keep it elevated, but I'm not sure they followed through. She said they didn't tell her to do that when she was discharged from the hospital, but she also said she hadn't had time yet to read through all of the written instructions. I suspect they forgot about it and that's why her hand was so swollen this morning. I resisted the urge to say "I told you so".

    Here's a picture of the cake I made and gave away today. That's one I would have loved to have kept for us, lol!


    Those are chocolate covered strawberries on top.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Helene - they had x-rays at the hospital but the local doctor didn't think I needed to go there and of course his word was law. Once he had spoken my dad decided I was just being obstreperous. Of course since we were scared of him I didn't keep saying out loud "but I heard it break" but I definitely kept thinking it. LOL!

    Jean - that's a gorgeous cake!!
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    Pam--That cake is beautiful; you are very talented. You are right about keeping the hand elevated as that helps to reduce swelling.

    Helene--Sometimes I think this nation is one big TV show with the president yelling, "You're fired" anytime someone provides another opinion. Perhaps they do but can't things be done in a more dignified and presidential manner?

    Maryanne--What a story on your wrist! Sometimes it is difficult to tell a break from a sprain but that doctor should have done an x-ray to immediately tell the difference before the wrist was further aggravated with more damage.

    I could easily sit here. I have a goal of 5 days of exercise and have met that, so it is tempting not to do anything but that goal was set with the idea that I might not be able to get it in on some days I worked. So far this week, I have gotten in 277 active minutes of exercise; last week, 309 minutes; and, the week before that, 338 minutes. Notice the trend? These FitBits reveal everything!
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    OK, I pushed myself to get it done. 37 active minutes and 4315 steps; my average daily active minutes is 45. I still have some minutes to go to beat the first week.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    edited August 2017
    OK, I met my goal of 60 minutes a day or 300 a week. This makes the third week; I can't believe I'm doing this!

    In the meantime, a little humor.....The title with the pic said, "This statue offends me; remove it!"

  • Helene610
    Helene610 Posts: 2,793 Member
    edited August 2017
    Yeah, I find that scale statute offensive as well. LOL. Jean, that's great that you were able t talk yourself into competing with your first week exercise total. Making yourself d it is what will get you to your goal. I made mug French Toast for breakfast today. DH wanted something special like pancakes so this was what I offered. It's a Hungry girl recipe. I made mine with a sandwich thin instead f 2 slices of bread which cut the calories in half. Pam, your cake is gorgeous! Maryanne, what did your dad say weeks later when the broken wrist was confirmed? And did he ever confront the doctor abut his poor decision not to x-ray? In today's world, the doctor would have probably been sued for malpractice.
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
    Jean - let's take down all those cheap mass produced scale statues!!!!

    When I grew up the doctor's word was gospel. Keep in mind we're talking a town of 500 or so people with two doctors in the same office as the sole medical care. I'm sure no one ever confronted him about my wrist (or anything else). It was the same two doctors my entire childhood (and for many years thereafter).

    It always amazes me how relative distances are - past vs present. We were only 8 miles from Gettysburg but we almost never went there. I'm sure there were doctors in Gettysburg. There was a hospital after all. But our world view saw that as a journey. Today of course that's ridiculous.

    One of my favorite stories about those doctors. When I was a baby, my mom took me in. The doctor laid me on a chair and my mom protested. The doctor said "Louise, babies that age can't roll over". If you can't guess what I did next......

    I think the number of broken bones I have had just solidifies my title as the black sheep of an athletic family. LOL!

  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member
  • mdubbs1
    mdubbs1 Posts: 6,601 Member