Workout check-in: You all deserve a (p)real good hand of applause! :)



  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Kittyfeliz wrote: »
    Now if only I would stop eating and drinking everything in sight... :p:#

    heh. the rest of your post was wonderful news. way to go \o/

  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout after warm up.
    Squats 54545.@108lbs.
    Bench 45555 @67lbs.
    Rows 5x5@79lbs.
    Bulgarian split squats 30 each leg @22lbs.

    Wasn't really feeling today's due on my period in a few days and feeling weepy one minute and like I could kill someone the next ha.
    The app said to deload on bench as I've failed 3 times now.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-32X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Buns, Guns and Abs challenge.
    30 squats
    Rest day push-ups
    35 leg lifts

    April move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to take 2-2 mile walks today.

    I finally dropped another 0.6 pounds today!
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    I did not get to the gym yesterday. Too much to do. Am now looking at spending the next day and a half in the car... so that's lame. But once we get to our destination, I'm making my spouse take me to the gym at least once! Ha ha.
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    edited April 2017
    Was not really feeling like going to the gym today then had to rush my workout so I could make an appointment. Arms feeling pretty hammered.

    0.6mi warmup and cooldown.
    5x5 squats 135.
    5x5 row 85
    54534 BP 70. Should start sucking up my pride and asking someone to spot me in the future.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @amyinthetardis1231 congratulations on the weight loss! I'm so happy for you.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Bench day

    band pulls - 3x15
    bench - 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 75 and 2x5 @ 95
    closed grip bench - 1x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 2x50 @ 80
    incline bench - 1x10 @ 45, 2x5 @ 70
    db side lat raise - 2x10 @ 12.5
    front single arm db raise - 2x8 @ 12.5
    treadmill for 30 minutes at 5 incline, 3 speed then a 10 minute cool down
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    oops Meant 2x5 @ 80 on closed grip, not 50.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    deload day in t-space, but i never did my 1's week bench press because Milk Injury put me on the (heh) bench. so i did it tonight.

    60/67.5/76.5 i'm pretty pleased. i think? on the one hand my form was seriously teh suck because tryign to be a left-sided cyclist has left my left teres muscles and lats super-tight [insert tedious kinesio-pedant explanation right here]. so really i should not have been left in charge of a bar that heavy. but on the other hand . . . i forgot during the middle set that it was 5/3/1 week so i did 5, and then still got three reps in for the last set. so suckiest form i've shown on bench in some months, but otoh i did get three reps. and i quit when i wanted to not, when i had to so there's that too.

    squats, well you know me and squats. i am better, actually. i just dont' remember any of the form details and in the meantime while i've been obsessed with quad stretches and i.t./tfl work, my ab strength appears to have gone down the tubes. so in the end i wans't happy with my weighted form and i just practiced the movement with the broomstick.

    mr squats is our injury this week. he dislocated a rib last friday failing at a max squat. front AND back. the argument for lifting heavy though . . . after two chiro sessions and some massage he's back at about 95% better just one week later.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    ]Stronglift Workout A
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR-1X5X 80

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-18X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Buns, Guns and Abs Challenge
    Squat rest day
    9 push-ups
    35 leg lifts

    April move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to take 2-2 mile walk today. Just getting ready to go on the first of my 2 mile walks today.

    I had to weigh myself twice this morning because I could not believe the number! Finally a drop of 2.2 pounds!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    edited April 2017
    Start a PHUL week 2, so I went ahead and tred a few tweaks to the exercises because they weren't quite doing it for me. Still not set on the lineup after today.

    Bench Press 95x5, 105x5, 107.5x5, 107.5x5
    Pendlay Rows 75x5, 80x5, 85x5, 87.5x5
    OHP 60x5, 65x5, 67.5x5, 70x5

    lat pulldown 70x10, 75x10, 80x10, 85x8
    incline close grip barbell press 65x10, 75x8, 75x8 (I was trying to target the triceps, but my anterior delts got the brunt of it. I think this duo will be chin-ups and dips next workout, and I might skip the curls and skullcrushers)

    ez bar curls & skullcrushers 35x10, 2 sets of 45x8/10

    did my hip kneeling mobility routine for the first time this week even though I was trying to do it, like, all week. >_>

    And finished off with an 8 min AMRAP of
    1/2 TGUs @20lbx x4/side
    superman alternating reach and row x8/arm
    (4 rounds and 6 reaches/side)
    + 2 min of hollow body hold, managed 75s or so of time under tension

    Now I'm ready to work my chore muscle. Whoop.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    After 4 weeks:

    Squat 45kg (99 lb)
    Bench press 32.5kg (71.5 lb)
    Overhead press 20kg (44 lb)
    Deadlift 55kg (121 lb)
    Row 30kg (66 lb)
  • chichidachimp
    chichidachimp Posts: 109 Member
    I am pretty sore from squatting yesterday, mostly in my lower back which is a bit concerning but I am 95% sure it's in my back muscles and not the spine. Went to a 1h yoga class this afternoon to stretch out and discovered I need to go back to yoga because all this strength training + running has been making my muscles tight.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Deadlift day

    10 minute warmup on the elliptical
    deadlift - 2x8 @ 135, 1x8 @ 185, belt 1x5 @ 205 and 1x5 @ 225
    sdl on 35 plate - 1x8 @ 155
    yates row - 2x8 @ 95
    clean - 1x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 1x8 @ 75
    assisted wide grip pull-up - 1x10 and 1x8 @ 7
    one arm db row - 1x10 @ 37.5
    30 minutes on treadmill at 4 incline and 3 speed then 10 minute cool down

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    it's been a gross, cold day spitting with rain so chilly you could almost convince yourself that it's half-melted snow. dafuq weather?

    in celebration, i went to my final (scheduled) massage and did NOT go to the gym. instead i caught garden/retailfever and toted three sacks of potting soil . . . and a pressure cooker XD.

    and i'm eating rowntree's fruit gums for food.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    edited April 2017
    Easing my way back into SL after my mysterious hip injury. The DOMS from my first soccer game is insane - it's been five years since I've played and my body is confused. My abs hurt, calves, hip flexors, almost everything!

    Squat 2x5 @ 45, 1x5 @ 55. No pain!
    OHP 5x5 @ 45
    DL 2x5 @ 65

    Then ran 1 mile on the treadmill at different speeds in an attempt to begin slowly conditioning for soccer.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-6X5X 35
    Russian kettle bell swing-36X7X 35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Buns, Guns and Abs challenge.
    Rest day squats
    9 push-ups
    35 leg lifts

    April move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to take 2-2 mile walks today.

    I dropped another 0.6 pound today!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    PHUL lower power, week 2 back at it, and mucho progress going on! (although for a 5 exercises workout, it takes a while :!). Not gonna list warm-up sets, would take so much space, lol

    Squats 100x5, 110x5, 115x5, 120x5 (from 115x4 as a last set last week!)
    (added in submax push-ups straight after the squats, 8 / 7 / 6 / 7)

    Trap bar deadlifts 140x5, 170x5, 185x5, 195x5 (grip almost gave out, but again, an improvement on my 190x4 top set!)

    And lo and behold, there was already 45 minutes gone by O_o

    Leg press 90x15, 135x15, 180x15, 205x14

    Lying leg curls 30x10, 40x10, 45x10, 50x10

    donkey calf raises 90x10, 135x10, 160x10, 170x10 (... I don't really need calf work twice a week at this point (if at all. I have reeeaaallly "good" genetics on that part xD), so maybe I'll just skip this from now on? Do it on hypertrophy day only? eh)

    Hoping for an hour-ish hike this afternoon at some point, and some more hip mobility work. I don't know how long I'll stick with PHUL. I like being able to add a little conditioning/KB work at the end of my workouts, and they take like an hour and a half on their own already. Maybe just long enough to build back my base of strength properly, then move back to the true and tested 5/3/1.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats-1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    OHP- 1X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL- 15X 95/105/115/120

    Kettlebell Swing
    GobletSquats- 3X5X35
    Russian Kettlebell Swing- 18X7X35

    40lbs loss by May 27 Challenge
    Buns, Guns and Abs 30 Day Challenge
    4x10 Squats
    10 push-ups
    4x10 leg lifts

    April move your @$$ Challenge
    I am going to take 2-2 mile walks today.