Like Minded Lushes - April 2017



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Meg I can't tell you how many times I have started C25K but I have never gotten past week 3.

    Still plodding along. I have way to much on my plate at work. I am looking forward to Disney World. Only a week and a half away!!!.

    Vodka cran again last night. I think I had 3.
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    Well tomorrow is week 4 day 1 of C25K so I will let you know how it goes...

    Solid week for me - no drinks since Saturday and I have done my 30 minutes of yoga every morning. One more day to go...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Mon - 0
    Tues - 4 glasses of white? We were going to go out to dinner and ended up walking over a mile and got takeout Skyline Chili and a bottle of wine and took it to the park. On the mile walk home, I remembered why I don't eat that crap. Bowling ball stomach.
    Wed - glass of wine before concert, 3 Smirnoff seltzers, a beer and cider there, and a glass of wine at home. I opened a cider but fell asleep.
    Tonight is dinner with the girls, but I am driving separate and my BIL from San Fran may be coming over, so I hope to get home at a reasonable time and not drink a ton. We'll see.
    This weekend is packed full.
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    5/5 days of 5:00AM yoga nailed! Proud of myself today. No drinks either. I have a 2 hour Hot Yin Yoga workshop tomorrow at noon, followed by a 2 hour meditation workshop so I doubt I will have any drinks tonight. I'm not really interested in sweating out booze while I am trying to get into a good headspace. Not sure what Saturday night will bring. I have an exam on Monday so I will probably be studying and keeping drinks to a minimum if not zero.

    Have a great weekend, everyone.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    This has not been my week.... I finished that cider when I got home and had a Smirnoff seltzer and then probably a bottle of wine at dinner. Another seltzer when I got home that I did not need. I would say maybe next week I'll do better, but it's Derby and I live in Louisville and am only working two days next week sooo....... I may not drink tonight since Eric is running a mini marathon tomorrow.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Meg - I have started and re-started the C25k workouts....last time, just two months ago I made it thru week 5 but something with the 20-minute run REALLY hurt my foot so I had to take a break so now I've lost any gains I had from it so I may try one more time.... :p Good job on the yoga/no drinking!

    I had a pretty good week this week:
    Mon - 2 glasses red
    Tues - 0
    Wed -0
    Thurs - 0
    Friday -2 Kahlua Espresso Martini's
    Today - not sure, should go for a zero but ???
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Hi everyone. Went from the beach (which was so amazingly wonderful) with lots of food and drinking to the hospital where I wish I could drink and the food is horrible. Trying to at least get in my steps by walking the halls. I haven't got near a scale but I feel fat and know I'm up.
    MIL not doing well. Tumor was more invasive than we thought and her kidneys shut down after surgery. It was supposed to be an outpatient procedure...shes been here since Thursday. We've gone from taking things by the hour to there has been some improvement. All positive thoughts are much appreciated.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Sydney - praying for your MIL and you & your hubby!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Sorry to hear that Syd. Will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    I am lush. That is all. I drank heavily Wednesday and Thursday so was hungover Friday and only had one drink. Saturday I started drinking around 3:00, mostly because I was at a kid's birthday party. Had a seltzer at home, one on the way to the art fair where I had a glass of wine and I am assuming 4 beers since we came home with 7 cups. I had a glass of wine at home and went to sleep pretty early. Yesterday there were two jugs of margaritas at family birthdays. I don't know how many I had. Then I had a couple glasses of wine and a cider at home.

    I'm going to try for a 0 tonight and then all bets are off. It's Derby week and I am only working two days!
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    Lushy weekend for me too. I made my way through a two-six of gin between Friday & Sunday. Other than Saturday, I kept my cals in check though. The gin made me eat nachos on Saturday night oops. Was still up for my yoga this morning, week 4 day 2 of C25K after work. On a pretty tight budget until my vacation in June so that should help to keep the boozery to a minimum.

    Sydney - I'm sorry about your MIL. I hope she is able to continue to improve.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Lushy weekend for me as well. Our son and his new girl friend spent the weekend with us and she is one as well. We will get along just fine! Leaving Wed for a family reunion in Arkansas. Haven't flown in years, we will be on a United flight. Ohhhh boy. :#
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Monday - I got a 0! There will be no more of those this week. I turned down tickets to the track this afternoon and now I'm sort of regretting it. Unfortunately weather is going to be pretty crappy for Derby week. :(
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    edited May 2017
    <- Wedding in Sedona 5/2/2009
    Syd, I am sending White healing light and energy your way. Doug was doing well but yesterday sent him backwards a bit. It is a rollercoaster of feelings when it happens to you. Disney World this Sunday Yay. in the mean time Doug's surgery is Thursday. BTW today is our 8th wedding anniversary and our 18th year together. Some libation will be had this evening to celebrate.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Happy Anniversary Robin!!

    Thank you all for your good wishes. MIL still in hospital. Day 6. It feels like things get better with one thing then a new problem pops up. First was a mild heart attack. Then fluid in her lungs. But the main issue is still her kidneys. Hoping to see some improvement soon since we have managed to stabilize other symptoms. The cancer hasn't even been addressed yet.
    I stepped on the scale and am only about a pound up. Stress has taken over to help me drop my vacay weight gain. I walk the halls of the hospital every day to get in my steps but I haven't formerly exercised in what seems like forever. I'm usually too tired to drink much when I get home so I'm not much of a lush either.
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    Happy Anniversary!! Disney World sounds like so much fun :smile:

    Good week so far... no drinks, yoga in the morning, run scheduled after work. WK4 D3 of my C25K. I think I have figured out the best way for me to do this run program. I haven't been watching a timer like I have the last 2 times I tried this plan. I downloaded an app that tells me when it is time to walk or jog. Also, I don't look to see what the interval times are before I start my walk/jog. I just tell myself that it will be what it will be and that I am strong enough to do whatever the run time is. So far so good... completing WK5 D1 this Friday will officially be the furthest I have gotten in this program... feeling strong and motivated!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Lit a candle last night for you Syd.
    Way to go Meg
    I bought Jameson so I drank Jameson. 'nuff said
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Syd, all the love and prayers!!!!!!

    Happy Anniversary Robin!!!!!

    In laws made it back safely to the main land yesterday...back to reality, sort of, my brother is coming in on Sunday and Lenny picked up a cold!
    We had an amazing time on Big Island. Lots of drinking.
    I haven't had much exercise but did walk a lot while I was away...not feeling too terrible!
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Still thinking about you and your family Syd!

    Happy Anniversary Robin!!

    Pretty good week this week:
    Monday -0
    Tuesday - 2 glasses red
    Wednesday - 0
    My youngest daughter found out today she got a promotion - she is a team leader for Bravo Cucina Italian Grill. She has been trying to get a manager position for about a month and today she found out she got it :) The only bad part is that it is in Lansing, which is about an hour and a half away from my house, so she'll be moving away. Right now she lives about 5 miles away and I hardly ever see her so I'm sure now it will be even more infrequent... :'(
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Wednesday-1 margarita
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Doug survived his surgery. He is now pretty doped up so he isn't giving me too much grief. It has been a long day.