Sandy's OMAD Journal



  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    barbheart wrote: »
    THAT IS SOOOO AWESOME Sandy!!! You will be a happy non smoker by monday!!! hurrey!!! Your life will change, you wait and see... breath is so important... and the smoke creates a false protection around you that isolates you from others on an energy level plus your aura gets all smokey LOL:.. I am really happy for you!!!! my health improved so much when I quit smoking!!!! my skin rejuvenated!!! that is a bonus!!!

    Thanks so much for the recommendation! I was going to just go cold turkey, but I'm glad you chimed in about the book. I love it! I'm looking forward to those benefits myself and am thrilled for you at the results you've had from quitting. :-)

  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I had two fabulous meals today. It's impossible to eat loads of fibrous foods along with whatever else and try to get in enough calories--my breakfast lasted hours! Held me until almost 6:15! I had snacked on carrots around six, before dinner and had the 60% cacao chips around 3pm. My breakfast was cashew butter on toasted organic whole grain and seed bread topped with a whole cut up banana and cinnamon, a huge orange, and 4 egg whites scrambled with baby kale and onion. Dinner was a 5oz grilled chicken breast with some homemade sweet and spicy bbq sauce, green beans with garlic and onions, and a baked golden potato topped with hummus, and a glass of red wine. I almost made getting in all my calories for the day, just shy 81 calories, so I'm good!

    I would really like to stay in touch with everyone I've been on the OMAD journey with, but I feel it wouldn't be right to post my meals when I don't think I'll be able to eat all I need in just one sitting, not with 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, each, needed--fiber is very filling! So this will be my last meal photo unless I have a true to OMAD day. I feel like continuing to do so would discourage others who are just starting out. Right now, getting my cholesterol levels down in 8 weeks, so as to avoid being put on statins, is the most important thing, and if takes breaking up meals, that's what I'll have to do. So back to 16/8 intermittent fasting I shall go.

    OMAD has helped me overcome so many bad eating addictions, and I know the lessons I've learned from it will carry with me, forever. I'll still be popping in check in on you guys though and cheerleading for all! :-) I'm friends with most of you on MFP so you'll see still my weigh in updates. :-)

  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    You will totally get those levels down!! My cholesterol levels are perfect and I eat masses of veggies and beans etc. I also have blood pressure reading that are well under 120/80 - last one was 113/72. I'm not sure if it's the food or genetics or what, but I'm fat and old, so I'm presuming it's the food!!!

    Anyway - don't leave!! I will miss you... :'(
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    minigrrll wrote: »
    You will totally get those levels down!! My cholesterol levels are perfect and I eat masses of veggies and beans etc. I also have blood pressure reading that are well under 120/80 - last one was 113/72. I'm not sure if it's the food or genetics or what, but I'm fat and old, so I'm presuming it's the food!!!

    Anyway - don't leave!! I will miss you... :'(

    Aww, I'm not going anywhere. I'll always check my OMAD peeps! I just don't want new people to be confused since they're starting.

    I'll be incorporating more beans, whole grains, etc., as well. Just haven't done my heart healthy shopping list, yet, using what we have. I'm hoping I can get it down. Statins have horrible side effects and I refuse to depend on meds if I don't have to have them. I'm so glad you have great levels and great BP! I was so happy when mine was 118/75. Here I've gotten all these awesome health benefits the past several months and now this. Who knows, maybe 190 is down from what it was when I started. I wish I knew, but it is what it is regardless, and 190 is beyond way too high. Lol
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    PLEASE keep posting over here and come visit us often! All the best on doing what you need to get healthier!
  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2017
    was just reading the new development about your blood work, I think this may be a good time to come over to the dark side and go plant based vegan, eating animal products in moderation is not gonna reverse the heart disease you already have,

    your diet now is pretty good for an omnivore, but the damage of decades going ham on the standard american diet did a number on your arteries

    so yeah, give it serious consideration because statins won't do jack, that's just a gimmick
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    was just reading the new development about your blood work, I think this may be a good time to come over to the dark side and go plant based vegan, eating animal products in moderation is not gonna reverse the heart disease you already have,

    I appreciate the lure, but plenty of people have reversed their heart disease while eating animal products in moderation. I'll be adding in plenty more good whole grains and beans, legumes, etc., but for the time being, I'm going with Pritikin Diet food recommendations which allows for one meat a day, so long as it isn't high in fats. It has 100 peer reviews and is known for greatly reducing bad cholesterol and raising good cholesterol by a lot in just 2-3 weeks. I still have my FOK app, still follow rebel dietician, and other vegetarian and vegan sites because I love those foods as well as meat. ;-)
  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    Pritikin diet is like the poor man's version of what other plant based doctors recommend haha, I think it allows like 4 ounces of meat a day? that's like half a chicken breast, I'd rather go all the way plant based, just my 2 cents
  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sandy, I hate to see you go. As stated before I am in the same boat as you with my cholesterol and I go back in ten days to have mine rechecked. So far I have just reduced my saturated fats and added beans and more fiber back since I didn't eat them when I was doing Keto. If my levels are still up, my next step will be to drop red meats and see how that goes. I don't feel the need to add additional meals right now and am doing OMAD. I add spinach and berries to my smoothies to get additional fruits and vegetables. You have done so well on OMAD and I hate to see you go.

    I have also looked up high cholesterol and found that you can have high cholesterol and it not be related to your heart at all. Inflammation is a great factor in high cholesterol. There is a test you can take to check your bodies inflammation level. If it is high and you get it under control, cholesterol levels will go down.

    The article below recommends Magnesium over statin drugs. I will be picking up some magnesium tomorrow.

    They say that high cholesterol is a symptom and the inflammation is what should be treated but is often not because all of the attention is given to the cholesterol.

    If my cholesterol is still high when it is rechecked, I am going to have my doctor look into why it is high and see what test can be done to deal with what is causing my cholesterol to rise. Fix that and the cholesterol will return to normal.

    There is a lot of information. Google cholesterol and inflammation
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    Pritikin diet is like the poor man's version of what other plant based doctors recommend haha, I think it allows like 4 ounces of meat a day? that's like half a chicken breast, I'd rather go all the way plant based, just my 2 cents

    Well, he's not plant based now, is he? ;-)

    Difference between me and you is that I'm not you, I'm not ready to jump in with both feet right now, so that's that. Besides, all food recommendations for veggies and whole grains, fruits, etc., go well with Forks Over Knives and all that.

  • ArizonaToast
    ArizonaToast Posts: 231 Member
    The breakfast you posted today looks absolutely delicious. It's your diet/way of eating... do it your way. :)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Sandy, I hate to see you go. As stated before I am in the same boat as you with my cholesterol and I go back in ten days to have mine rechecked. So far I have just reduced my saturated fats and added beans and more fiber back since I didn't eat them when I was doing Keto. If my levels are still up, my next step will be to drop red meats and see how that goes. I don't feel the need to add additional meals right now and am doing OMAD. I add spinach and berries to my smoothies to get additional fruits and vegetables. You have done so well on OMAD and I hate to see you go.

    I have also looked up high cholesterol and found that you can have high cholesterol and it not be related to your heart at all. Inflammation is a great factor in high cholesterol. There is a test you can take to check your bodies inflammation level. If it is high and you get it under control, cholesterol levels will go down.

    The article below recommends Magnesium over statin drugs. I will be picking up some magnesium tomorrow.

    They say that high cholesterol is a symptom and the inflammation is what should be treated but is often not because all of the attention is given to the cholesterol.

    If my cholesterol is still high when it is rechecked, I am going to have my doctor look into why it is high and see what test can be done to deal with what is causing my cholesterol to rise. Fix that and the cholesterol will return to normal.

    There is a lot of information. Google cholesterol and inflammation

    Thanks, Tracey, the inflammation related information into how it affects cholesterol was not something I was aware of yet. I will do the same if mine is still high. I've actually been taking magnesium for about a month, ever since the bowel movement thread. Lol

    I promise, I'm not going anywhere. I just won't be posting about my meals in my thread. I'll still post weight shed updates and check in with you guys on your journals. I just don't want to confuse those new to OMAD while doing what I feel needs to be done at this time. You guys know me enough in the group that I've been true to OMAD since the get go, and you guys understand why I'm switching up at this time. But a new person coming in and seeing me posting two meals a day, they'd be like, "Wth?! Why is this woman posting in an OMAD journal when she's not doing OMAD?!" Lol

  • minigrrll
    minigrrll Posts: 1,590 Member
    That's pretty interesting about the inflammation. One thing I do take regularly is turmeric pills (we actually make our own, as the spice costs like $3 for a big container and the pills are super expensive here) and they are supposed to be good for inflammation, among many other things. It certainly wouldn't hurt to try turmeric as well. (If you haven't already had enough suggestions of things to try!!!!).
  • mikseyniha
    mikseyniha Posts: 442 Member
    Sandy I am sure you will get better with your new plan. I will still be looking forward to your updates. Do keep sharing your weight loss progress with us. We won't let you go anywhere :smiley:
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 2017
    This whole thing kept me up last night. The more I read, the more I am attributing my cholesterol to my nasty smoking habit. I've read that quitting can up my HDL by as much as 30% in 3 weeks and lower my ldl significantly as well! Even worse, I was having insomnia for three weeks in a row and the ugly truth is, when I was up at 1:30-3:30 am... for the rest of the day, I was smoking more than normal. :-(

    Still listening to my audiobook, I'm confident that by the end of the book, I'll be a non-smoker again. 30 chapters to go, we're going to our son-in-law's mom's home for a gathering this afternoon. Probably won't have book finished by then, definitely will be finished sometime tomorrow though :-)

    Thinking I'll focus on quitting smoking, add additional beneficial foods to my diet, and may be able to continue on with OMAD. If it's not down by quitting smoking, then I'll make more dietary changes. But, I really think it will go down by axing this cig *kitten*. :-)
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    edited July 2017
    Yay for quitting! I'm sure you will experience so many other benefits as well. I'm not a smoker, but I do battle addictive behavior, so free to PM me if you need support. I may not be all that helpful, but I am willing to listen! That also goes for anyone else, of course.

    I echo Sarah as well. When I experience inflammation (usually my sinuses) turmeric works wonders, as does ginger. I usually make tea from the roots, or add them to a smoothie, or make a really nice curry. I often infuse my water with ginger as well. I absolutely love ginger, though. I am one of the people who really uses my cucumber and avocado rolls as a vehicle for the pickled ginger. But the essential oils work wonders as well! Sometimes I will put them in my humidifier for relief, too, and maybe that will be really helpful for you.
    I haven't taken medication of any kind for years since using lots of herbs, roots, and oils. I also don't get sick much anymore either since I have begun using them more frequently. The earth around us does really provide some awesome sources of healing!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited July 2017
    I quit smoking when I was 17. 1st day of senior year in high school, just finished smoking a cigarette and the high school cross country team walked by. A friend invited me to run with them, I did, a two-mile run that turned into a little race for everyone to see who was who. I kept up with them for the 1st mile and then about died. I walked, jogged for the next mile trying not to get beat by the freshman girls (sorry was a little sexist as a 17-yr old boy). I was dead-last of the boys. After the run, I was hacking up black stuff and felt very sick. The thought of smoking after that made me nauseous. I think I forced all the tar in my lungs into my system and it was like od'ing in the stuff. It was like when you eat too much of something and get sick on it and never want it again. That was the last day I smoked and eventually by the end of my senior year, I was running a 4:48-mile and a 2:04-880y and was the fasted boy on the team in those events. Not bad for a new quit smoker. Could run a bout a 4:2x-mile next year in college. I had jitters for about 2-weeks after quitting but then those went away. Running helped me quit and stay quit.

    I'm not advocating going out and running yourself into oblivion. I do hope though that this little experience will help you with an attitude to stop smoking. A little walk before lighting up I think is good to get into the proper mind-frame to think about what is going on before smoking and might help. Good luck!
  • x3nomorph
    x3nomorph Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2017
    if you wanna quit smoking, I've heard that doing an extended water fast can help with the withdrawal period, also you mentioned insomnia, caffeine has a 17 hour half life in the body and plays a big role affecting quality of sleep, not sure how much you are ingesting but an intake reduction might help

    so you are not doing OMAD anymore?
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 2017
    blambo61 wrote: »
    I quit smoking when I was 17. 1st day of senior year in high school, just finished smoking a cigarette and the high school cross country team walked by. A friend invited me to run with them, I did, a two-mile run that turned into a little race for everyone to see who was who. I kept up with them for the 1st mile and then about died. I walked, jogged for the next mile trying not to get beat by the freshman girls (sorry was a little sexist as a 17-yr old boy). I was dead-last of the boys. After the run, I was hacking up black stuff and felt very sick. The thought of smoking after that made me nauseous. I think I forced all the tar in my lungs into my system and it was like od'ing in the stuff. It was like when you eat too much of something and get sick on it and never want it again. That was the last day I smoked and eventually by the end of my senior year, I was running a 4:48-mile and a 2:04-880y and was the fasted boy on the team in those events. Not bad for a new quit smoker. Could run a bout a 4:2x-mile next year in college. I had jitters for about 2-weeks after quitting but then those went away. Running helped me quit and stay quit.

    I'm not advocating going out and running yourself into oblivion. I do hope though that this little experience will help you with an attitude to stop smoking. A little walk before lighting up I think is good to get into the proper mind-frame to think about what is going on before smoking and might help. Good luck!

    Thanks, Blambo, I quit for 7 years from age 30-37 and felt awesome! I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I lit up thinking I could have just one while out listening to my husband's band at the time at a bar. Yes, actually, I do know. I told myself, "Oh, I've quit for so long now that one cigarette won't kill me...." Um, so that didn't go well, ten years later and here I am still puffing away. lol

    My husband is out golfing so I've got my headphones plugged in and have about 2 1/2 hours left of the audiobook. I am feeling super positive that I'll be a non-smoker before late afternoon. :-)

    If I fail, which I don't think I will, I'll try what you've suggested. :-)
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    x3nomorph wrote: »
    if you wanna quit smoking, I've heard that doing an extended water fast can help with the withdrawal period, also you mentioned insomnia, caffeine has a 17 hour half life in the body and plays a big role affecting quality of sleep, not sure how much you are ingesting but an intake reduction might help

    so you are not doing OMAD anymore?

    Thanks for the idea of an extended water fast, that's a great idea as well. Hopefully I won't need to, but it's good to know, regardless. :-)

    I'm probably still going to do OMAD, as well as keep adding in more vegetarian/vegan foods. I'm just trying to figure out how to get all the good stuff in a few hours with main meal and some grazing. Fruits are very filling and funny enough, all the fruit, veggies, nut butter, and grain I had yesterday did not make me feel bloated or gassy, in fact, it's like my bowels decided to clean out real good. hahaha, not in a bad way, just nice and healthy and regular for HOURS! I had 31 grams of fiber. I didn't mean to go so high. lolol

    TMI, I know, but I really feel good today! :-)