July Accountability and Weigh-In



  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    I swear I'm getting brain fade from not working out I was so sure that I had replied to this after my last post but apparently not.

    @2tall4thisworld Thank you, hon! I have eaten pasta for maybe 5 days in a row now? And I still think of you. :heart:

    @rianneonamission Aww, bless you! You're too kind. It really helps to be able to come in here and have that week to week consistency. Maintenance itself is hugely boring because nothing happens. Doing it with you guys makes it fun.

    As for me currently, I'm working on a consistent 140.4lbs which I'm not happy about but I see my doctor again in a few of weeks to discuss how my return to training is going/when I can go back to sparring and I will ask him about it. It's one of those things where I wouldn't care if I wasn't eating but I eat constantly. Everything. All the time. Without exercise. For breakfast I had porridge with added raisins, a vanilla latte and a grenade protein bar. And I know a lot of people would kill to be in my position but it's one of those things where I didn't choose this. I liked being 146 but now I just see the scale falling and it's frustrating. Ugh, I am leaving this pity party of one right now. :lol:

    I also meant to say, that if anyone wants to add me, please do. I'm actually pretty boring on my feed which is why I never thought to suggest it but if you are down for some random updates about random things I'm your lady.
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    Height 5'10"

    June 5th- 180. lbs
    June 9th-181.5 lbs
    June 12th-183.0 lbs
    June 16th-181.0 lbs
    June 19th-181.0 lbs
    June 23rd-179.2 lbs
    June 26th-177.7 lbs
    June 30th-179.0 lbs
    July 3rd-177.9 lbs
    July 7th- 181.2 lbs
    July 10th-178.6 lbs
    July 14th-176.6 lbs
    July 17th-176.8 lbs
    July 21st-174.2 lbs
    July 24th-173.1 lbs
    July 28th-171.7 lbs
    July 31st-174.8 lbs

    WELLLLL i ate a bit this weekend. LOL I ate all the good things. Yesterday was tacos and more tacos. Quesadillas....and last night I had the biggest cup of frozen yogurt with mini m&ms on top. I haven't had a food day like that in at least a month. Saturday, I did not drink enough water, and ended up only having one large meal and my stomach really really hurt. I definitely brought this on myself. So I am not super shocked by today's weigh in. I don't regret giving myself a cheat day/days. However I do regret, not drinking enough water, and not spacing out my meals. That not only affects the scale, but it also makes for some really bad IBS flare ups.

    Overall, I think I did well this month. I am proud of myself for continuing to log for 98 days straight! Looking forward to seeing you all in the August Accountability forum. Friday will be my first weigh in of August and I will use that day's weight to set my new goals for the new month! :)@rianneonamission thanks for the shout out!!!
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    07/03: 64.4 kg
    07/10: 64.5 kg
    07/17: 63.7 kg
    07/24: 64 kg
    07/31: 63.8 kg

    GW for July: 63.1kg

    Still sick, but I weighed in at 63.3 kg yesterday so I would consider that very very close to my goal.
    Not as excited about it since I think some of the loss was muscle loss. But I've been good at eating my protein.
    Going to focus on getting better (finally feeling better today!) and eating more normally.

    Can't wait for August accountability and to reset my goals since I think weight is less of an issue for me and more about building muscle and be more vigilant with my diet :)

    @2tall4thisworld you have been such a inspiration for me this month and seeing you reach your goal last week was so amazing!! It's important to have days where you can just enjoy food, knowing that you'll get back on track the next day.

    @glassofroses hopefully you can start working out soon!

    @rianneonamission so glad you got to enjoy the hen party! And you didn't put on any extra weight! Just goes to show when you put in the hard work, a weekend of fun isn't going to ruin your progress :D
  • 2tall4thisworld
    2tall4thisworld Posts: 123 Member
    @evergreenlake thank you!! That means a lot to know other people are reading/following my progress :) excellent work getting in that protein! I hope you feel better soon. See you over at the August forum!! :)