Junk-Free July



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Nice that the ipad is working for you. Both days I've had a bit of a headache after my 12 minute video. Kind of sad. I liked 'Happy Hamstrings' but I'm not at all looking forward to the core workout tomorrow.

    Have a great time today with your family! You'll have to report back on how your dish goes over. It is so tasty I'm sure it will be gone fast.

    Yesterday when Joe was picking up groceries, the cashier remarked on our food, asking what we were doing that we had such a healthy cart. Joe said "That's just how we eat!" He's happy to have found that phrase...he hates having to explain our food choices, and if he says it's just how we eat and is friendly sounding, it avoids all that bs. We both decided it was much better than when we are off plan and the cashier asks if we're having a party!

    I signed myself up for a knit-a-long so that I can learn to follow a pattern with backup support if needed. We're making a boomerang-shaped scarf that doesn't take too much yarn. (http://stitchnerd.blogspot.com/2013/08/quaker-yarn-strecher.html) I know, just what I needed, another project!

    Breakfast - smoothie
    Lunch - bean burger w/ salad
    Dinner - chili, quinoa bread, garlicky lemon greens (will link if good)
    Snack - cherries

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I had to come back to post again, because man am I feeling great. I don't know if it's a coincidence or all in my head or what, but if 12 minutes of yoga will make me feel this much better, I will be signing up for the long haul.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Well done Carla! I still need to do my yoga. Just got home from the family visit. The hummus platter wasn't touched much, and the quinoa salad not too much either although those who tried it said it was good. I really liked it, although I might cut back on the cumin a little bit next time. I love cumin but it was pretty strong. There was a lot of other food though, and nobody is even close to vegan.

    What a good day though, I'm still smiling. They are all so much fun, I laughed more today than I have in months. Lots of stories and joking around. I think it would be good for me to get out more, I've turned into such a recluse over the past couple years with work consuming my life. I have to feel comfortable with people though, or it's not so much fun.

    We stopped at the farm market on the way home. I got a beautiful eggplant, couple ears of corn, watermelon, blueberries and cherries, and split a carton of peaches with my brother. Then I got home and found the first bag of produce for the summer from the neighbor's garden behind me hanging on the fence. Tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Carla, I run into that sometimes with my grocery cart. One time I was in line in front of a couple who were buying several bottles of wine and some fancy snacks, and they said our cart should look like yours! I laughed and said well, truth be told sometimes mine looks like yours! I do have the occasional cashier inquire about something I have or say "are you one of those veeegans?"

    LOL... another project? You wear me out just hearing about all the stuff you keep up with.

    I don't know if I'm going to do any work tonight. I'm really happy and relaxed, and think it would be nice to just chill a bit and get to bed early. If I start in on work I'll get all tense and stressed again, that can wait for tomorrow.

    B - a whole wheat English muffin and munched on various veggies as I was prepping the hummus platter
    L - quinoa salad, veggies and fruit
    D - not too hungry, probably just make a salad with some of the veggies from the hummus platter
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    It sounds like a fabulous day, Mihani. I am totally with you on the reclusive bit AND having to be comfortable with the people I'm with. Great score on the fresh veggies at the farmer's market! I had to add a calendar reminder for our local farmer's market. I keep meaning to go there and I forget every time.

    I forgot all about making the garlicky greens, and that was even after cleaning and chopping them up! If those poor buggers still look decent today, maybe I'll remember to steam them up! I'm going to try steaming them with the instant pot, which takes 1 minute. I hope that turns out well and I can use the IP for them from now on.

    Weigh-in day for me today. Down 1.3 lbs. Meh. I'm not surprised. I was eating all of the 'good' foods, but snacking when I wasn't necessarily hungry. This week I'm going to try not to eat after 7pm.

    B- smoothie
    L- pinto chili, quinoa bread, salad, nut dressing
    D - tofu broccoli stir fry, garlicky greens, quinoa bread
    S - fruit salad
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited July 2017
    Carla, I had the same result over the weekend. Tried to stick to my food plan, but I was at home all weekend, and I snacked for no good reason other than I was in the kitchen. Ugh. Gotta break that habit! But at least this morning I was still down .4; which is far better than a gain!! So I guess I didn't go too nuts with the snacking; but I'll need to do better next weekend for sure!!

    I TOTALLY spaced out on the yoga!! OOPS!! Can I still start tonight???

    That's a pretty scarf for a knit-a-long. I was tempted to do it too, but I have to finish my WIPs before I start something new. The WIP pile is getting out of control. I have 4 pair of socks, 1 t-shirt, 2 blankets, a scarf and goodness knows what else in that pile...

    I just finished my son's sweater last night:

    It's a cabled sweater, and it's so hard to photograph black, but I tried a close-up...

    My next WIP to finish is this scarf for my DD (I can't remember if I posted it here already or not)

    it's double-knit, so the image is reversed on the other side:

    I'm exactly half done; so I have a good 2 weeks of solid knitting left to finish this guy...
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    How did your garlicky greens turn out Carla? Well done with another pound down! I usually hit a bit of a plateau at week 3 or 4 too, not sure how I’m doing since I still haven’t replaced the battery in my scale. I was not 100% compliant this weekend, with the store-bought hummus and some of the pita chips, and my stomach was wondering why I was throwing all this in it lol. I didn’t feel too well today, kind of a headache and sluggish. The funny thing was that I found the hummus to be a bit too oily for my taste now that I’ve been making my own oil-free for so long. Initially I thought the homemade was kind of not truly “hummusy”, now I prefer it. That’s a win in my book.

    Karrie jump on in on the yoga! I was too lazy and tired last night to do day 2 so I will do that one tonight. This weekend I’ll double up to catch up with Carla. I love that scarf. Very cool. Way to go on your loss too!

    Starting to kind of dread the upcoming root canal, but will be glad to get it over with I guess. My tooth has been hurting more. Just one of those things, it will be better once it’s over with.

    Some of the peaches had bits of mold. I rinsed then soaked in a bowl of water and white vinegar for a bit then patted dry and left them on a kitchen towel on the counter. They seem fine now. Peaches are so persnickety.

    B – whole wheat English muffin with spinach and hummus
    L – big ol’ salad with arugula, cucumber, red pepper, carrot, chickpeas, salsa
    D – will be collards sautéed in water with shrooms, garlic and onion, and a peach for dessert

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Yes! Karrie, start the yoga! The length of the videos are perfect for fitting it into your day. Oh wow! Love that scarf!!! Is double knitting difficult? It sounds scary! The cabled sweater is wonderful. Those diamonds look so perfect.

    Funny how our taste-buds change so quickly and we notice things like oil. Definitely a win, Mihani! I've had a few headaches over the last few days too and last night I realized that I haven't been keeping up with my ginger intake. I was having it with my tofu for the first few weeks but we moved on to other food. Maybe I'll add it into my smoothie. The list of ingredients is getting pretty long for my smoothies!

    The root canal will be done before you know it, Mihani! And you'll be so happy to be able to chew normally and not have pain. Is your appointment in the morning or afternoon?

    My big win for yesterday was actually enjoying my big kale, spinach and power greens salad. I tossed it with T-Crack dressing and loved every bite.

    Lemon Tahini Dressing (AKA "T-Crack")

    This dressing has become so popular, we made it into a T-shirt!
    Author Molly Patrick of Clean Food Dirty Girl

    1/2 cup tahini 110g
    3 tablespoons lemon juice 1 average sized lemon
    2 garlic cloves chopped
    4-6 dates, 2-3 if medjool, pitted and simmered in water for 10 minutes (I skipped this for soft medjools)
    3/4 teaspoon sea salt
    3/4 cup water

    Place all of the ingredients in your blender and blend until creamy and smooth, about one full minute (make sure to drain the water from the dates before you add them to the blender).

    Use this as salad dressing, pour it over veggies, use it to roast butternut squash, use it as mayo and use it to drizzle over tacos and burritos. You can use this sauce for any damn thing and it will be delicious.

    Recipe Notes
    If making this for one or two people, feel free to cut this recipe in half. This sauce will last for about a week and it freezes well.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Carla that reminds me! I should be drinking my ginger turmeric tea. It really does make me feel good. Eventually you should patent your special blend smoothie and make millions. Root canal scheduled for afternoon, of course, and a Friday just in case I’m sore and don’t feel like going to the office the next day. You know me I’m not going to take more time off than necessary lol. That dressing sounds really good, I like the lemon-tahini one from OSG but this one sounds even better. Will definitely be trying. Yay for enjoying salads!

    Today was totally messed up. Death of a client who had become a good friend over the years, and meeting with another client who is going through a very tough time and we ended up crying together, kind of wrung me out emotionally. Plus I forgot my lunch. When I went to run to the courthouse, I found my car battery had died. Had to have Triple A to the office to replace it. I am indulging in 2 glasses of wine tonight, but back at 100% tomorrow.

    B – oatmeal with blueberries and oat milk
    L – ate pita chips, an apple, and some pistachios throughout the day, not even close to ETL. I am definitely going to make sure to restock my frozen veggies and such at work, so I have options when all hell is breaking loose.
    D – 2 glasses of wine, but will try to salvage the day with some sauteed kale, peppers, mushrooms, topped with balsamic glaze

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I'm so sorry about your friend, Mihani. It must have been a really rough day.

    The only way I'd be able to make millions off of this shake is by selling it to those millions before they actually taste it :D Yesterday's smoothie was incredibly odd as I decided to add my ginger for the day as well. Gingery greens in almond milk with gooseberry powder and tumeric and flax seeds, mangoes and blueberries. I can't say I recommend it for the flavor and I love ginger in both savory and sweet things.

    4 days of yoga done! There's something magical about those 12 minutes of torture. Mostly that they only lasts 12 minutes! I do wish I was doing them in the morning instead of the evening though, so I'm toying with the idea of doing it once first thing in the am and then at night with Joe. I like yesterday's routine for good posture. I think I will keep a few of the winners in mind for when I want a quick pick up after we're done with the challenge. (Sorry core workout Pbbbt! :P not going back to YOU!! haha!)

    Yesterday for lunch I enjoyed a huge salad with that t-crack dressing. Last night I got a little carried away with prep work and ended up making a tofu broccoli stir fry and some pinto-broccoli burgers and t-crack. The bean patties are a great side for a salad and they are pretty convenient for Joe to pack for work.

    I'm starting to have trouble fitting everything I'm supposed to into my day! I guess because I'm trying to do Fuhrman's g-bombs and Greger's daily dozen. It's those 3 servings of grains that I'm not used to.

    Breakfast - smoothie! what will find it's way in there this time?! stay tuned ;)
    Lunch - humungo salad with t-crack, bean patty
    Dinner - leftover stir fry, salad, quinoa bread
    Snack - blueberrie, goji berries and a few walnuts in oats with almond milk

  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    Ahh hope today was a better day for you, Mihani. When it rains, it pours, right? Today, I went to the dentist this morning for two fillings. My teeth are hurting now too, but I'd been putting it off for so long, I'm so glad it's done. When is your appointment for? This Friday? I'm in the office this afternoon, also for an estate/death of a friend's father, and it feels like I'm out of my work groove!

    Karrie, OMG that scarf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's amazing. Also LOVE a cabled sweater. SO beautiful. I was just thinking, if someone were to come up to your son and say "I love your sweater, where's it from?" and how cool that he could say his mother knitted it. But then maybe that doesn't happen as often with guys lol. A client actually recently brought me three knitted baby sweaters and matching baby hats for this winter. I can't wait! So cute.

    Carla, I like your idea of morning and night. I probably won't do both lol, but I like your idea!! Also, then you can see how much better you are at night. I have been insanely stiff lately so I'm really hoping they help, even if they're only 10 mins.

    I really need to crack down on my diet. Still vegan but I visited a vegan bakery last week and lost some momentum since then (I'm the worst...). Back to a healthy day yesterday though. I made this potato stew on the weekend and it was delish (although probably even better in the winter). I've been trying to have a big salad each day too. It's the snacking that kills me! Wish me luck. I also think I need more water ... <3

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    That stew looks awesome Lia! Will definitely be keeping that one for winter. I really am not enjoying cooking right now, although it has cooled off a bit this week thank goodness. How did it go back to work? Sorry about your friend's father. Hope your teeth are feeling better. Yep, this Friday. Honestly I just can't wait to get it over with at this point.

    Carla, I haven't checked out Gregor's thing, still need to do that. I did enjoy the E2 7 day rescue, and all the starchy carbs. I think for me, whole grains are fine. I avoid breads mostly (even whole grain) just because I can't control it. I want more and more. I was never hungry at all with all the potatoes, oats, quinoa, rice, etc. The big thing they stress is greens at every meal, lots of them, so you really can't overdo the starches so much that way, but more staying power than just greens. How was your smoothie? I am enjoying the yoga too! Although I am not quite as enthusiastic since it hurts at the time. I am quite enthusiastic when I'm done lol.

    When is the 6 weeks up? I need to get a new battery for my scale so I can see how I've done. I've had too many indulgences this past week and I don't think I lost any, but I would bet overall I'm down 12 pounds or so, which is great considering I'd lost 11 in the weeks leading up to starting the 6 week plan. I should be at least close to my prior high range weight and be able to keep going to get back into my low range. So many clothes just waiting for me to wear them again!

    B - leftover collards/mushrooms/peppers
    L - an Amy's pad thai, it was not nearly as good as I remembered, not much flavor and kind of greasy feeling... won't be trying it again
    D - more leftover collards/mushrooms/peppers
    S - ate a few kale chips, bunch of cherries

    I blame yesterday's wine for my poor choices today. It does snowball lol.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I've had a rough couple of days. Stomach bug or something, and last night I felt terrible and went to bed at 8:30. I NEVER do that.

    So I haven't started the yoga yet. But I did sign up and I did reply to the email about my goals. I'm ready to start day 1 anytime now. Tonight if I'm not feeling run over again...
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    I didn't do the yoga yesterday, so I'll do 2 today to catch up. Today is day 6 of the yoga challenge if anyone has lost track. Sun salutations!

    Mihani, we're on week 5 and August 6th is the last day. I know I feel much better after following the plan, but I'm still looking forward to getting the lbs lost total.

    Hope you feel better & can join in soon, Karrie. I don't remember getting an email about goals. I'll have to check.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hey guys if you don't have a good system for keeping track of online recipes, I suggest www.copymethat.com The basic functionality is available for free - copying, storing, and printing recipes.

    And Mihani, I forgot to let you know about the garlicky greens...instead of making that recipe, I just steamed the chard in the IP for 1 minute, and then topped with one of the nut based dressings I had on hand. Turned out good, and since I usually have a dressing on hand, I'll probably do it that way most of the time. I have 2 more bunches of local organic rainbow chard to eat this week.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Just a head's up...day 5 sounds innocent but it nearly killed me. Longest 12 minutes ever. Followed by Sun Salutations. Both beastly for me. I hope they don't keep getting tougher! Also my knees are killing me. We lost our mats in the move. I ordered some nice thick ones from Amazon and a couple of blocks to help through the harder poses. Good luck everyone! Namaste!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    My night was hijacked last night by my kids and my hubby. Other than washing dishes and doing laundry and then running all over town for everyone, I didn't get a thing done. Still no yoga. :cry:
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Karrie, hope you are feeling better, and that you get some “Karrie Time” this weekend! I didn’t see the email about goals either.

    I remember you mentioning copymethat Carla, I used it for a while then kind of forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder. Hope your mats and blocks arrive soon.

    I did not do yoga last night (working late) and probably won’t today since just a bit ago I leaned down to get the water bowl and refill it for the pets, and it caused pain in my tooth when I leaned down. I think I am going to take it fairly easy tonight. I’m half thinking of starting completely over on Monday with Day 1. This has been a bad week. I’m going to be working all day tomorrow then a day trip planned for Sunday.

    B – oatmeal with blueberries and a few walnuts
    L – subway veggie sub (no cheese or dressing)
    D – thinking boiled potatoes or rice, and some steamed broccoli, need something easy on the tooth, and watermelon

    Right now, I think a nap is in order. The root canal itself was not so bad, but now the numbing is wearing off I'm feeling it and I was so tense during the procedure that I feel a bit worn out from it.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I hope you're feeling better, Mihani!! Take it easy for sure!! A nap sounds absolutely divine right now!!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    The goals email came when I signed up for the free account. Maybe you don't have to sign up to do the challenge?? I have already even gotten a reply about my goals, too, so someone read it and replied; how'bout that?!?
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    I will have to check my emails. I really didn't read them. I moved all the doyouyoga emails to a folder so I bet it is in there. Thanks for the heads up Karrie. That is cool they replied.