Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I'm definitely going to have to get a hold on my eating - I've been hovering at a much higher weight than I want to be. The good news is that I tend to maintain at a weight perfectly fine, it's just that actual weight is more than it should be. So I figure once I've got it down 10-15lbs or so I should be okay hovering.

    I’ve been using my fitbit to give calorie burns, but although it’s fairly accurate I find myself eating a couple of hundred calories more than I should (therefore eating away my deficit). I think it’s a mental thing, I figure I can have a few more calories because I’ve been exercising, but that is ALREADY factored into my daily eating by the changes fitbit gives me.

    So I am aiming for now to eat on average less than 1500 calories total. That is my maintenance at my goal weight doing light exercise. I can’t face eating much less and still being as active as I want to be. It gives me a very tiny deficit, so these 10-15lbs might take a year to get rid. I might start throwing in a starve myself week (ie. eat at 1200 for the week) just to get some movement, but it’s not something I could face long-term.

    I’ve been having even bigger breakfasts and lunch which are filling me up quite nicely. I have little choice but to plan meals during the day, as it’s a good couple of miles to the nearest shop and even that sells snack-type foods. There is no such thing as Subway near here and I only get half an hour for lunch so it’s not long enough to go and get something. I get quite excited at planning my lunches during the week, but I can only do a couple of days in a row of the same thing.

    I need to fill more with fibre I think. Last week I tried again going meat-free for the week, but I didn’t really replace the missing protein so felt awful by the end of the week. I don’t feel like restricting any food groups because, well I like food too much.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Yesterday was strength day so I ate to maintenance again. Fibre and protein were pretty good (45g/101g respectively). Some of that was just an estimate since my husband made supper but didn't follow a recipe.

    Today is looking good. I usually find it easy to eat at a deficit on running days as long as I eat back my Fitbit calories. I'm slowly dropping weight again, will re-evaluate if it stops.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    Been pretty good at sticking to plan with eating lately, and the scale is showing it as maintaining with a slight downward bias. Still a bit more than a pound heavier than my point target, but I'm more comfortably in my range target than I was a week ago.

    Of course, right now is when it's really important that I'm good with food discipline. I'm just beginning to run again, so it feels like I should be able to eat more; but 2 or 3 miles every other day doesn't add up to enough calories to change my baseline nutrition target. Maybe when I get up to 15 miles per week or so, I can relax a little with the food.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I had too many treats the last two days. But I logged it all. Small victory.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I spent some time reading/watching some Lyle McDonald stuff on refeeds and such. I'm not ultra-lean, but I have been in a deficit more or less for 16 months and have taken diet breaks and all. I'm working with a deficit of 250 per day (for .5 per week) with about 7lbs left to lose. I'll be eating lower carb/calorie M-Th, a refeed of higher carb/low fat with more calories on Friday/Saturday, and maintenance on Sunday with macros however I choose w/ hitting protein goal. I'll still have a weekly deficit average of 280 per day, but it averages out. This should give me some "feeling full" times to look forward to on the weekend, and accounts eating my exercise calories, which are very consistent with my training plan.

    I'm still figuring out the exact macros, but low carb to me will be fewer than 100g carb and low fat days will be fewer than 40g fat.

    We'll see how this goes. Super excited to eat more cereal, which is my favorite way to get carbs!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @fitoverfortymom Intriguing... I'm going to have to do some research on this. Thanks for the info and keep us updated!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited January 2018
    This is the video that turned me on to it. It's a long watch, but the first 15 minutes kind of turned me on to this method.

    This is how I'm balancing my calories. My logic is maintenance for me is around 1800, which is 12,600 per week. I want to have a deficit of 250-300 calories per day. I run 5 days per week, cross-train one day per week, and rest one day per week. Five days, my exercise calories are around 300. Long run days, they are more like 700, estimating somewhat conservatively.

    The idea is to spend 4 days per week in a lowish-carb deficit, 1 day per week at maintenance with a normalish macro balance, and 2 days (sort of 1.5 based on how I've structure it) in a carb-heavy/low-fat surplus. How I've balanced the calories put my intake after exercise at 10,640 for the week, which is a deficit of 1960 per week/280 calorie per day average (right on target!). So, I'm still in a deficit, but I have a few days where I get to eat more/stock up/feel full and mentally looking forward to that makes the deficit days seem less, well, runger-y. I'll have a chance every week to address my hunger with lots of yummy carbs (cereal! pasta! rice!).

    The trick is the low carb while in deficit and low fat while in surplus to get the leptin > glycogen > fat burning balance to possible maximize weight loss. Now, even with CICO, I'm still looking at .5 per week, so any extra loss is just a bonus. I'm doing this mostly to help with runger and the psychological part of having dieted for 16+ months (and I've had diet breaks).


  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited January 2018
    I will add after putting in the custom calorie goals, the macros are a little different than what's on this chicken scratch, but the idea is low carb for me is less than 100g carbs per day and low fat for me is less than 40g fat per day, and always aiming for 124 protein (based on .8 bodyweight guidelines).
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    On my rest days, I am supposed to cut my carbs by 25% and therefore eat less. In theory. I'm really bad at following it. I guess I will make this phase 2. Phase 1 is current log everything.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Ok, so I found these pizzas at my grocery store this past weekend and had one today. Tasted a bit salty (I'm not a salt fan) but overall I liked it. Only 4g carbs and 25g protein! I bought the breakfast pizzas and today had the pepperoni. I'd buy again and try their other products. The crust is chicken (which I have done at home before but this is quicker LOL)
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    This is essentially what I'm doing:

    Coming of a weekend at surplus/maintenance hasn't left me too hungry today. Keeping it lower carb during the week and higher carb/lower fat during the refeed window, but still netting out to a nice deficit. We'll see how it goes. I sure did like feeling full this weekend.

    My issue isn't so much rate of loss, it's the runger that has me feeling so so so so hungry.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    On my rest days, I am supposed to cut my carbs by 25% and therefore eat less. In theory. I'm really bad at following it. I guess I will make this phase 2. Phase 1 is current log everything.

    I had a coupon for one of those and got the cheese pizza. It was good! A little pricey, but I really enjoyed it!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Well it finally looks like my weight gain has started to plateu. I've cleaned up my foods, some... I still need to plan dinner because I eat too many bad foods. Pizza mainly.

    I have added strength exercises and am trying to get to the pool as often as I feel comfortable, not trying to over do it, just easing in to a 5 day/week schedule. I've focused on glutes, abs, quads and chest. Think I'll keep it that way until I feel I've mastered them. I can tell a difference in r/l strength in my legs/hips.

    I need to try to get on the bike trainer or stationary bike at the gym. I'm not sure, currently my IT band will tolerate it. But I should try. My Garmin says I'm "detraining"... Poop.

    Weight unrelated. It's 4f here. Uncharacteristically cold and, of course 2/4 heaters at work is out. Thank goodness for smart wool.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2018
    This article found on RW seems to fit my situation. I'm glad I decided to up my protein.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,414 Member
    @elise4270 - I know I need to up my protein but lately all I want is carbs... even now when I am sick and have basically no appetite, the only thing that sounds even a bit interesting is....carbs. Maybe it has to do with not working out.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I always just want carbs :s
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I did the hormone pellets the 16th and am already down 1.7 pounds. I can't say that it's the reason. I have been doing a bit of exercise. I can't imagine enough to burn 6000 calories plus the 1700-3500 in weight gain I was seeing each month.

    I'm waiting on the RMR now. Yay! Will update asap.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2018
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I did the hormone pellets the 16th and am already down 1.7 pounds. I can't say that it's the reason. I have been doing a bit of exercise. I can't imagine enough to burn 6000 calories plus the 1700-3500 in weight gain I was seeing each month. week

    I'm waiting on the RMR now. Yay! Will update asap.

    My RMR is 1253.
    Daily activities 375 (Garmin shows about 144 calories in daily activities).
    And I get 156 calories burned for 30 minutes of moderate activity

    Totalling 1783 daily.

    It's suggested that I eat 1003 on non work out days and 1253 on work out days for a 1lb/ week loss. (Medically supervised below 1003/ maintenance is 1253 to 1658).

    Ya, I already knew all that by logging foods and weighing every day. But least it jives with what I'm seeing and I'm not underestimating my calories. And my metabolism is "normal" for my age, height, weight.

    ETA I got my hair cut short because I couldn't stand the bad perm. Dh is calling me "Ralph", I look like a dude.. haha! I don't care. It's not that wild Ronald McDonald fd Annie look. :tongue:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Here's my print out from the RMR

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 Interesting! I looked at their website but they don't have a location near me.