Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    @seanevan10 I am the same way. I've done this before but I have problems following through. Right now I am focusing on logging everything, even if it's an entire package of cookies. Yup, did that on day 2 of the year.

    @RunsOnEspresso Yes...I started this a couple of times so far since Christmas. I get to about 3pm and then all hell breaks loose. I'm down 50 and I am getting complacent and not sure why. Granted, this is the lowest weight I have been at in over 10 years but not goal. Oh well, refocused...have some accountability and WILL get my butt in gear!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2018
    I had some blood work done to check my hormone levels. I think it's a scam. They only tested estradiol and testerone. My estrogen is normal, testerone zero.

    I went 75 days with out a period. I figured menopause was here. Now I'm not so sure. Maybe this is how it starts? Irregular, right? But my estrogen shouldn't have been normal?

    So now I'm considering that it could be, 1) a low calorie issue, or 2) my doc took me off the cymbalta, which messes with my cycle. But I was only taking like 5-8 mg/day, not the prescribed 30. And had no issue at the low dose.

    I still made the appointment for the hormone pellets, because it's just gotta be low. Maybe I should see my real doctor- not the gynocologist that's selling the pellets?

    ETA Does this sound like it could be a calorie issue?
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @seanevan10 I am the same way. I've done this before but I have problems following through. Right now I am focusing on logging everything, even if it's an entire package of cookies. Yup, did that on day 2 of the year.

    That's the major issue with food discipline, it's more mental and behavioral than educations. It's pretty easy to learn what we need to do to lose/maintain weight. Actually doing it is considerably harder.

    On another forum, I followed a discussion of "things that come in single serving packages, regardless of package size." One of the consensus items for that list was Girl Scout Cookies. One box = one serving. Another was potato chips. One bag = one serving, regardless of bag size. I can leave the potato chips alone, but I'm better off not talking to any Girl Scouts during cookie season.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I know my triggers: job stress, which I knew when I grabbed the box of cookies. I just shut that voice out.

    When I work on my photog business I'm the opposite... I forget to eat. I have to set timers for lunch and snacks.
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @seanevan10 I am the same way. I've done this before but I have problems following through. Right now I am focusing on logging everything, even if it's an entire package of cookies. Yup, did that on day 2 of the year.

    That's the major issue with food discipline, it's more mental and behavioral than educations. It's pretty easy to learn what we need to do to lose/maintain weight. Actually doing it is considerably harder.

    On another forum, I followed a discussion of "things that come in single serving packages, regardless of package size." One of the consensus items for that list was Girl Scout Cookies. One box = one serving. Another was potato chips. One bag = one serving, regardless of bag size. I can leave the potato chips alone, but I'm better off not talking to any Girl Scouts during cookie season.

    @MobyCarp me too. I can leave the chips, but don't get me with a package of Girl Scout cookies. At least the Thin Mints come in two sleeves now. LOL
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso you have a photog biz? I used to. I did it for years, but now work at a job that takes more time and I make more money, so I stopped. I still do some for fun and have a wedding I am actually doing for a friend in Mar.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @seanevan10 I am trying to have one. I mean I have it, but so far I am struggling. Because I'm a weirdo and want to do landscapes and documentary family sessions (which people don't *get* and don't want to pay for - I hate selling digitals and want people to have prints and albums and stuff).
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    @seanevan10 I am trying to have one. I mean I have it, but so far I am struggling. Because I'm a weirdo and want to do landscapes and documentary family sessions (which people don't *get* and don't want to pay for - I hate selling digitals and want people to have prints and albums and stuff).

    OMG @RunsOnEspresso !!! So why I got out of most of it. 1 - there are a ton of "cheap" get what you pay for photographers that give away rights, files, whatever. 2 - I still had to work a full time job and take care of a house, hubby, 2 kids, animals. And then be gone most weekends to shoot. Too much time away. 3 - Everyone wants their stuff "RIGHT NOW". We are such an instant satisfaction society and just like processing film, processing digital takes time. And then people would want the most ridiculous fixes. Like "can you move my brother over here?" um....nope. I mean, I can, but I'm not going to in post. I can rant on and on. So, anyway, I take some for fun and friends and stuff now and do it on my time. Then I don't have to have the expense of a website and paying taxes on the business that isn't really making that much money. I wish you the very very best! I do have friends that are very successful photographers and do very well. I am super happy for them.

    I love the actual shooting and lighting and all the set up part. I hated the business part. I guess that is why I ultimately shut it down. Just keep doing what you love and don't let the haters get you down!!!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @seanevan10 I belong to a ton of Facebook groups and I've decided to never do weddings because OMG. Brides. Or Mom's. Nope. No. Never. I have in my contract that additional edits (not color correction and basic skin touch ups) are $75 per photo. I keep wanting to make it higher every time I read someone tell me what their customer asked. But I love the business side so I already have all this in my contract, website and price lists. Where as a lot of these people seem to be just winging it as they go. (Plus documentary is all about keeping it real).

    I also want to add film back in but that's an even more obscure/weird. I still have my little rebel I bought in high school and some film I need to get developed (and one roll I started shooting this summer & need to finish).

    I assume at the rate I'm going I'll either keep the full time job or just make photography a hobby but it's my where my heart lies.
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    @seanevan10 I belong to a ton of Facebook groups and I've decided to never do weddings because OMG. Brides. Or Mom's. Nope. No. Never. I have in my contract that additional edits (not color correction and basic skin touch ups) are $75 per photo. I keep wanting to make it higher every time I read someone tell me what their customer asked. But I love the business side so I already have all this in my contract, website and price lists. Where as a lot of these people seem to be just winging it as they go. (Plus documentary is all about keeping it real).

    I also want to add film back in but that's an even more obscure/weird. I still have my little rebel I bought in high school and some film I need to get developed (and one roll I started shooting this summer & need to finish).

    I assume at the rate I'm going I'll either keep the full time job or just make photography a hobby but it's my where my heart lies.

    YES! I actually love weddings! They are my favorite. I love capturing the moments that mean so much. I have a friend that does birth photography for the same reason. I love weddings because it is probably the only thing from that day that they will actually keep.

    I want to go back to film too! I have an old Minolta that was my great-uncles and would love to get back into shooting that again. My heart was in it, maybe just not enough time. You definitely have a good start on me that you like the business side. I used to have in my contract that I had to have a list of requested shots before the wedding or I take creative liberties. The funny thing about weddings, especially small ones, you end up kind of directing the whole day. It was fun.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @seanevan10 and @RunsOnEspresso - 1st I think the two of you need to go into business together... one loves the business side the other one dislikes... one likes to shoot weddings and the other wants to do documentary! Just sayin, between the two of you, you have it all covered :)
    The photographer at my daughter's wedding in September was amazing. It was a husband and wife team and they do everything on film only. They then process it to digital but all of the prints and albums are direct from the film. They also did a documentary style 'engagement' photo shoot that showed all the favorite places in Seattle where my daughter lives and of course lots of pictures with her chocolate lab who totally stole the show - cmon, he knew it was all about him anyway!

    @Elise4270 - it could be lots of things... Low calories can definitely have an impact but I think it has to be pretty severe calorie deprivation to disrupt your hormone cycles. Yes, it typically starts with irregular and missed cycles. I think you should ask your regular doctor to run a full hormone panel to see how the levels of everything are in comparison to each other. Your estrogen may be close to normal but lower than it was before and your progesterone levels could be way low. Testosterone is also important and shouldn't be too low either. I do know it can cause all kinds of physical issues with muscles and tendons and of course things like osteoperosis.
    I thought this was a pretty good article too from Runner's World -
    I don't know anything about the pellets or how they work. I was not a candidate for any kind of HRT because of the cancer risk (BC survivor). But if there is no reason you shouldn't use them I would say try it and see if they help. I definitely would have if I could have.

    So back to eating - I forget to eat... I need to eat... especially breakfast and lunch that seem to get lost in the morning shuffle, work and running schedule. I am trying but I think I need to set alarms too... one to get me out the door earlier for my run so I can then eat breakfast when I get back and not at lunch time or later...

    I am not a chip eater typically but I do love cookies, especially homemade. So I do bake them and then I freeze them (out of sight out of mind). If I want some I have to first find them in the freezer, take a few out and then wait for them to defrost and by then my interest has usually greatly diminished. It works for me and I don't feel deprived because I could have had them...frozen.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber @seanevan10 I love the idea of weddings (from a documentary stand point) and think smaller ones would be fun. I'm sure most brides are great, seems the bad are just really bad. I've been thinking a second shooter role where I'm not responsible would be better. Dogs always steal the show. LOL My parents had a minolta when I was younger and started my love of photography.

    I set alarms and build in food breaks during the day. Weekdays are easier because of my day job structure and I have built in 15 min breaks so I eat after those. It's days off when I have to make my own structure.
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    edited January 2018
    @shanaber I have never forgotten to eat. But I do get not eating due to being busy. I definitely prepare things ahead of time. Like having egg muffins ready in the fridge. Easy to reheat and eat on the way. Things like that. And if we lived closer, I would love that idea of @RunsOnEspresso and I having the business together.

    I did second shooting for weddings for awhile and yes smaller weddings are SOOO much better. I only shot one "big" one with a wedding planner and all that and it wasn't fun. Not as much freedom to move around and really catch great candid shots.

    And I love engagement shoots. The couples are so in love and we go to their favorite places and incorporate their personalities. So fun. And sometimes get some great landscape/environment shots. @RunsOnEspresso come up on Mar 10th and be my second shooter for my best friends wedding!!! Seriously! I have plenty of room at the house (if you don't mind crazy animals and twin boys) and it's a great little country (out in the forest) type of wedding!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks for the info @shanaber . I had read that article. There's just not much info online. Least not exactly what I'm looking for. Which is probably blood work answers, like you said. :smile:

    I scheduled an appointment to test my resting metabolic rate in a few weeks. This constant upwards gain is killing me. Figured that'll help me find a better calorie goal. Something is wacked.

    IDK if I'll see my regular doctor, if I complain about the weight gain, he'll likely just say eat better, exercise more- fact of aging.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber I think I figured it out what's going on! Yay!!! I think my estrogen is high, progesterone and testerone low. Why? Age. So I'm gonna do the testerone and progesterone replacement as planned and beg to not add any estrogen, least until I do another blood work analysis in a month.

    Yay! So happy! I'm just old.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @seanevan10 Where are you located? I don't think I'd be able to make it the 10th due to finances but that's very sweet of you to offer! And I don't think my skill level with people and equipment is near wedding level yet. I've only seriously started in 2017 and did 3 or 4 shoots for friends/family.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @Elise4270 - so glad you figured it out! I am really surprised your OB/GYN didn't run a full panel because just estrogen and testosterone give an incomplete picture.

    It's just like when I had those tests for the nutritionist that showed my cortisol too low, nonexistent really, with no variation (along with other hormonal inconsistencies) that I really started to question my doctor. For months I was complaining about how dizzy I was with no energy to run anymore and all they could tell me was don't run, it is probably hypoglycemia (no medical indication though), etc... I love my doctor but she never really put it all together until I showed her the results from the nutritionist...

    I do think I am going to start setting timers - timers to get out and run and timers to eat... This week and today especially I did terribly! Then I want to eat everything at dinner...

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2018
    @shanaber Timers sounds like a good idea. I may go see my regular doctor and show him my weight gain chart and overlay average calories.

    I don't think there's any way I should be gaining consistently at 1300-1400 average calories. Even if I'm not exercising, which is probably why I'm gaining.

    I'm up 6 pounds in 9 weeks. That's an extra 2330 calories/week, or 333/day. So I need to cut my calories back to 1000-1100... That's kinda hard without exercise. The pool finally opened. So maybe I'll be able to get some exercise and stabilize my weight. Of course, I should get serious about adding weights.

    I've never been not able to stop this upwards trend. It's running away and I have got to get serious. It's fairly nice today. Maybe I can tolerate a long walk. And cut carbs back.

    ETA my diary is open. I stopped running, and stopped eating salad at lunch. Easiest explanation.
    I have a plan, now I gotta implement it.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @Elise4270 - Sometimes the weight moves for no reason I can identify. Sunday through Thursday, I weighed in at the precise same level 4 days of 5 (and 0.2 lb. heavier on Monday). Then I lost 0.8 lb. to Friday, and again to this morning. The only thing I know is different is I got a new coffee maker and I'd drinking more black coffee than when I was brewing it one cup at a time.

    So as of this morning, I was back down to about where my weight was before the disaster binge day I had Thursday December 28. Just have to keep watching it, and control my food while I can't run. Except I managed a short run today, and I'm optimistic that I won't need to wait a week for the next one.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @Elise4270 To me, those numbers seem really low. Everyone is different but I wouldn't survive on less than 1500 on a regular basis. If you are short and older (assuming so based on menopause questions) you may have to eat less.

    I do think strength training could be beneficial. I am one of those oddballs that loves her long distance running and throwing weights around. I think more women could benefit from even just body weight exercises.

    Cutting carbs could help as well. Increase protein/fiber to help you feel fuller longer and more satisfied? If you can walk it's not a bad idea. I know I hate walking but I do it anyway especially when I can't run.

    I can relate to the fast weight gain. It happened when I went gluten-free and it was so depressing after having worked my butt off to get to a happy point with my weight. It sucks.