Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    The new couch was delivered today. So now I imposed a "No food or drink" rule and I'm gonna beat some cats if they even look at it funny.

    So I sit here at the table like a human being from the 1950's with my soup and can't help but wonder, how much less snacking will I do if I can't lay on the couch and eat all the cookies or a whole bag of chips?

    So, does anyone eat exclusively at their table? And do you think it helps associate an eating place? Like the bedroom is only for sleep, not reading or surfing the net.

    I would like to eat all the time at the table - it's something instilled in me growing up, we ate at the table, meals together as a family ALL the time (except when Doctor Who was on, I got to eat in front of that).

    Mostly I DON'T eat at the table. My housemate and I tend to eat together, and it's usually in front of the TV.

    But I don't eat more sat in front of the TV. I guess I've never understood the concept of watching something = must eat. So I don't usually have popcorn at the cinema, and watching sports tends to be at the pub (therefore beer). Snacking mindlessly in front of the TV just isn't a thing, and I dish up in the kitchen so only have that portion. My downfall then is too big plates.

    Eating at the table brings another issue - invite friends round for dinner and then food is dished up at the table. And cheese for afters...... so we're sitting there, chatting away for an hour or so, and you can nibble on an awful lot of cheese during that hour.....

    In preference I would still eat at the table. It means I can focus on my food or on the company, not what's around me. I can eat mindfully and really appreciate what i am putting in my mouth.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @elise4270 @girlinahat Our kitchen table is used as storage for bottled water, diet coke, and LaCroix. We don't have much storage so that's where it goes.

    We eat in front of TV. We even bought a fancy coffee table that lifts up to table height. I dish up dinner and the leftovers immediately go into a storage container so we don't go back for more. If I have a snack it's portioned out and fits in my calorie goals (except reese's stuff because I have a hard time just eating a serving).

    Maybe if I had kids I would eat in the kitchen but even when I was a kid and we ate together we always had a tv that could be seen from the kitchen. We usually watched the 6 pm news or whatever was on after that if dinner was later.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited January 2018
    If there's 2 or more people eating meal, it's at the table, TV off, phones put away. Unless the kids (I guess just have homework or someplace they have to be, they have to stay at the table until everyone is done eating.

    If it's just one person, anything goes. In front of the TV, in your bedroom, on the deck, whereever.
    I also don't care for yogurts with flavoring - they all have SO much sugar. I use Greek and add my own fruit instead.
    @shanaber check out Siggi's. One of the reasons I love it (other than incredible taste and creaminess) is that it is very low sugar. I'm eating a cup of the 4% milkfat Mixed Berry flavor and it has 4.5g fat, 8g sugar, and 12g protein per 4.4 oz cup. This you can eat guilt free. It is DIVINE! The 0% milkfat version has 0g fat, 11g sugar, 16g protein and it's the standard 5.3 oz cup. Try some, if you don't like it, I'll finish it for you.

    For comparison, Chobani Mixed Berry has 2.5g fat, 16g sugar, and 12g protein per 5.3oz cup. Yoplait original has 2g fat, 18g sugar, 6g protein per container.

    @sarahthes I *LOVE* hummus! nearly every work day I have adult carrots and hummus for lunch. That, a couple of hard boiled eggs, and an apple are my standard work lunch.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Dh has already complained about the not eating on the new furniture rule. And I busted him having found corn chips on it. He thinks we need tv trays. @RunsOnEspresso I like the sound of your coffee table! @girlinahat CHEESE! Haha! Freebe though if you look at protein and fat! No carbs, unless you get sucked in to some good crackers, or hafta make nachos!

    @shanaber I agree with Lenny. The yogurt is very unsweet. Dh won't eat it because it lacks the sugary flavor. It's dense and indulgent. Read up on it. I think it needs granola for texture tho :wink:

    I like the idea of making your own granola. I posted recipe for the fig bars earlier in this thread. They were good. I just need fruit with no preservatives. I may make a batch.

    I have a ton of things to do and you'd think I'd have all the time in the world to do it being off. But we're back to the basic problem of having no motivation. Haha!

    Today's a new day! Eat healthy!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I have never had Siggi's, but I am definitely going to check it out. I usually eat Fage 2% because I love its creamy texture. It's almost like a mousse. I add my own fresh fruit and sometimes a dab of honey or maple syrup, but I honestly could eat it just plain out of the container. I also love Noosa, but I avoid it because of the sugar. My husband likes the sickly sweet low fat vanilla yogurts like Simple Truth. I can't even. They are so thin and just fake tasting.

    Oh, another favorite thing to do with yogurt: 1/2 c Fage 2%, 1/2 c canned pumpkin, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, 1/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice. Yum!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    If you all want the granola recipe I can post it here.
    I will definitely try the Siggi's and I will put some of my granola on it :)

    As a kid we almost always had family dinner at the table and talked. Most of the time it was great just to have everyone get together for a bit and share their day, talk about world events, etc. There were 5 of us and both my mom and dad worked. We were allowed at times to take our dinners into the basement, typically on the weekends, and watch TV if something special was on. We always tried for this when dinner was something we didn't like so we could feed it to the dog w/o my mom knowing. Although I am pretty sure she was aware of what was going on.
    With my daughter we also sat at the table, no TV, until she was in HS and pretty much in and out all the time. If she was home we had dinner together but otherwise if just my husband and me, we would sit in the family room with the TV. This is still pretty much the case if she is here or other family we sit at the table, no phones, no TV.
    Like @girlinahat - neither of us feel compelled to eat or snack because we are sitting there. It is just easier to have dinner and watch the news and talk about it. We also both work at home so we see and talk during the day so its not like we need to catch up either.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @lporter229 - I used to only eat Fages until I discovered Costco's Kirkland brand yogurt when I was in Seattle. I asked for it at our Costco and they just recently started carrying it. It is so good and maybe even a little thicker than the Fages.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    We have a new-ish couch, also, and there's no eating on it. We do eat on the floor in front of it (no coffee table) and spread out picnic style and watch TV together a few times a week. Otherwise, it's at the counter/eat-in kitchen but the seating is kind of wonky. Also no devices at the table.

    It took me a while to warm up to Greek (and Icelandic) yogurt. I've stuck with flavored until recently, and now I am considering venturing into sweetening my own. It's a little tricky because I'm attempting to eat lower carb during the week and higher carb/lower fat on the weekends. It is helping with the runger, but choosing where I stick anything sweet like fruit can be a chore. I think some sugar free maple syrup with sliced almonds would be good in plain yogurt, yes? Gonna give it a whirl.

    Also heading to Costco this weekend. I've heard good things about their Greek yogurt. Not sure that I've ever looked for it. For some reason, other people's Costcos get stuff way before us. I've never seen Halo Top there (and I live within 10 minutes of two different Costcos). I've heard delicious rumors about Halo Top at Costco, but that's all they are to me. Nasty, nasty rumors.

    I just ordered a *kitten* ton of GS cookies. Not sure what I was thinking.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @fitoverfortymom My Costco had the Halo Top a while back but I haven't seen it recently. I have never seen the Costco greek yogurt. I was complaining last night about the yogurt selection & didn't end up getting any. Come to think of it I didn't see the large, plain Fage I usually get, just a new chobani (I dislike chobani).
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso I also dislike Chobani. It smells funky to me.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @fitoverfortymom - I don't do anything 'sugar free' unless it is naturally. Otherwise you are just replacing the carbs with chemicals and those are worse for your body and its ability to adjust your glycemic levels for the sugar it thinks is there but isn't really. I have found a small drizzle of honey, not much needed really, makes plain Greek yogurt taste wonderful and is only 6gms of sugar (figuring a tsp). A handful of fresh berries is very low on carbs and great on the yogurt or if you can fit in a few more carbs, the granola I make only has 9gms of carbs in a serving with only 3 of sugar.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @lporter229 - I used to only eat Fages until I discovered Costco's Kirkland brand yogurt when I was in Seattle. I asked for it at our Costco and they just recently started carrying it. It is so good and maybe even a little thicker than the Fages.

    I will have to look for that. Do you know if the protein content is comparable? I rely on yogurt for a good portion of my protein.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @lporter229 - They are exactly the same other than the Kirkland has a little lower sodium and it is organic :)
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    My Costco didn't have the Kirkland brand, only a crapton of Chobani varieties.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    @fitoverfortymom - I am sorry. It comes in a large container... maybe ask for it? I had no hope but asked anyway and one day I was there!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I started the day with newfound determination. Why not today to dig in and get serious about my food choices.

    1.Starbucks. Check.. Americano with almond milk
    2. Bake sale cookies. Passed up. *Way to go me!
    3. Pit stop on long way home. A bit hungry. Dh said "wanna corn dog?" Ohh.... Insert Error, I did not pause to think. Then he didn't even have a jalapeno cheese corn dog with me.

    Ok ok... Not a great re-start. Onwards and Upwards today.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I have had an okay past 4 days. What seems to be helping is eating close to maintenance on non-running days and taking advantage of post-workout appetite suppression on running days to have a higher deficit on those days for a decent weekly deficit (target is to lose 1 on/week but I'm okay with it being slower as long as I don't go backwards and gain instead...).
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    it seems being sick has helped me keep on track. Down 3 pounds this week, but that could be water weight...who knows. I had a two hour run yesterday and I know I didn't eat all those calories back.

    I'm getting really lazy with logging though. I may start out the day logging, but then fail to later in the day. Probably because that's when I get into the bag of clearance Christmas chocolate I bought. I'm trying to limit that to one piece per day, but with varying degrees of success.

  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I didn't log dinner last night and had a few more chocolate chips than I'd have liked for dessert. Plus two vodka drinks. I'm not going to worry about one night, especially since the rest of the day was good. I had over 900 calories left for dinner so I should be *ok*.