Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @shanaber I am always looking for more ways to get protein. I eat a lot of chicken, eggs, egg whites, cottage cheese. I have protein bars and I like the premier protein shakes from Costco (I've got it in my coffee right now). I don't like protein powder. I have it but every time I use it, I get super thirsty. If I use it to make something it's not as bad. Have you heard of Flapjacked? I have their gf pancake mix and they sell these individual cups called mighty muffins. So good.

    @elise4270 I agree with @shanaber you aren't fat. I feel fat a lot so I get it. I haven't tried Arctic Zero but I've heard it's not that good. I don't mind Halo Top but I really really really love the ProYo brand. Also, Talenti has come out with a line that's supposed to be like Halo Top so I need to try it.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2018
    @RunsOnEspresso You're so kind. My pants are all getting too tight. I was hoping it was because I was adding muscle. I'm gonna look at the ice cream brands!

    Dh has bought lots of cookies. I can do this.... I think he's determined to undermine me.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Sounds like a good call @7lenny7 . If you don't have the cereal around, you can't eat it. Are you going to keep an alternative around, like fruit or rice cakes?

    I've kept cuties around the last few days for evening snacking. It helps. Although I'd advise against eating 6 of them in a day.

    @Elise4270 I bought some rice cakes today. Caramel flavored and salted. I think peanut butter would go well on both of those. The salted cakes would make a nice base for tuna salad.

    I also bought grapes, blueberries, strawberries, apples and clementines (cuties). I think I'm set for sweet.

    Currently making skyr yogurt (Siggi's) in my new Instant Pot. I need to get it made to mix with all the berries.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I do love the salted rice cakes with savory fixins' on top. I always want more than 2 rice cakes though.

    Did better last week. I've pretty much set my MFP calories to maintenance and I'm not eating my exercise calories except on long run days. It seemed to work both runger-wise and mentally.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I am thinking about going back to low carb as I had really good adherence when I did that 2 years ago (lost about 60 lbs in a year at 50-70g net carbs a day). I worry about running performance though. Anyone have any experience with low carb running or carb cycling?
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I know my short experiment with lowering carbs beneath 100g a day led me to crazy binge-fests.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I am thinking about going back to low carb as I had really good adherence when I did that 2 years ago (lost about 60 lbs in a year at 50-70g net carbs a day). I worry about running performance though. Anyone have any experience with low carb running or carb cycling?

    I kept it 100-150 a day and no (or minimal) refined carbs.

    I think it did make running difficult. But @Stoshew71 suggested fueling the run. So I allowed myself the carbs, even GU around my longer runs. So I (tried) keep it to complex carbs, fruit and veggies and it helped. I even tried the rinse and spit Gatorade to trick my brain in to giving up the energy, it did work.

    I think you can try it and probably find that "sweet" spot in your carb allowance. It slowed me down, but somehow I was able to run farther once I add a few more calories. I'd keep it low cal too, and that probably made it harder than it had to be. Same calorie goal and less carbs might have been how I should have done that.

    I plan on doing the same thing once I can return to running. I'm currently trying to eliminate all unnecessary carbs and do a light keto diet.

    The Halo top saved me on the binge. I felt like I indulged and it wouldn't set me back. If you think you're prone to the binge like @fitoverfortymom mentioned, I'd find that acceptable treat that'll keep you out of the chips/brownies/favorite "no food" food.

    You can also add walking time to your runs to keep that metabolism burning to offset those carbs. I found walking 2 hours burned off the 150g of carbs. Of course that was daily, or as often as possible and no junk food.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yes. Halo Top!!! I second Halo Top. I don't need to eat a whole pint, but a serving on a low calorie cake cone fills that void for naughty!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I've been binging the Happier podcast and they talk a lot about abstainers and moderators. I used to think I was a moderator but now I am thinking I might be an abstainer because I do so much better if the temptation isn't in the house. Or it's like a single serve portion.

    I usually eat halo top or others like it in two servings, which is still not too bad for you.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Interesting @RunsOnEspresso . I'm definitely an abstainer. It's all or nothing for me.
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Dh has bought lots of cookies. I can do this.... I think he's determined to undermine me.

    I swear dh is trying to sabotage me. I've resisted the cookies, and one box was lemon. Today he brought home pizza and corn chips and hot bean dip.... Holding strong with the last of the Swiss cheese.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm an abstainer and not a moderator. I did low carb for most of a year and didn't slip up once (aside from a few pre-determined dates where I made a conscious choice to eat cake or whatever), lost 60-65 lbs total in that time. I've been calorie counting 'at a deficit' (aka punctuated by binges) for a year since I stopped low carb without restricting any macros and I've gained about 7 lbs total over that time (losing a bit, 8ish lbs and then regaining 15). So I need to try something else.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @sarahthes I feel ya. I need to try something else too.

    I did so great, kinda and got so close to goal weight. Now I'm moments from being back at square one, er -5 if I can't figure this out.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I abstain from certain triggers unless I know I can eat all of them. For example, say someone orders a large pizza. I know one slice fits my calories, but I will eat as many slices as are available to me. If I make a pizza at home with premade crust or frozen or whatever, I will make sure that I have the calories to eat the whole thing, because I know I can't leave any behind. Otherwise, I won't have it at all. I can have chips and cookies in the house, but I won't eat them, because I can't stop eating them. I tend to avoid those more than anything else.

    So, I guess I can moderate until I can't.

    I can plan and eat the meals I've planned and follow my calories to the letter. I've gotten pretty good at bulking up my calories so I'm satisfied and know what snacks I can lean-to if I really do need to eat more. For example, a protein bar = good whereas a candy bar for the same calories = bad.

    I will literally go months of diet perfection and then just tank myself for 1-2 weeks.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Between breakfast and what I've brought to work I'm sitting at 58g net carbs for the day so far. I will be having dill baby potatoes with supper but because I've got a medium length run scheduled for this afternoon I'm also thinking about adding a bit more carbs to my afternoon snack. I am leaning towards 100g net carbs on non-running days and more (TBD) on running days, avoiding overly refined carb sources. So potatoes okay, potato chips on special occasions only.

    I think the reason low carb worked well for me is it just removed entirely chips and crackers and cookies and cake and candy. Halo top isn't available here but I did find a store brand of no sugar added ice cream that was okay. I don't do well with sugar alcohols so that helped me moderate (serious negative reinforcement if I ate too much of it!).
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I must be doing something right. Though my weight is on a roller coaster right now (10 pound range over the last 25 days) I'm currently sitting just a half pound above my "new me" low weight, and just 6.5 pounds above my ultimate goal. I don't know if it's my boycotting of cereal, better food choices, more activity, or a faulty scale, but I'm very happy. This progress is good motivation to keep it going and finally...FINALLY get to my 200 pound goal, and beyond. Hell yes!

    Maybe it's our new instant pot. I've used it quite often so we're eating real food, not processed. We've only had it for a week and a half and I love it. Last weekend I made homemade skyr yogurt (Siggi's) and it turned out much better than when I made it on the stovetop. So good! Last night I experimented by mixing up some of my plain skyr with Sriracha sauce and OMG it was heaven!!! Think of a Sriracha aoli. I will be making this quite a bit. I'll have to try my skyr as a base for tuna salad too.

    Speaking of cereal, I've abstained from it for a week now. Not one flake, crispy, crunch or cluster.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Ugh I typed out a big long response and hit the damn done button. I wish they'd change that stupid thing to like leave.

    Anyway I basically said we all sound like abstainers. Its about knowing your triggers & abstaining from those, not everything.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    What have you done with the IP, @7lenny7 ? I just got one and am eager to try lots of things. I made steel cut oatmeal with great success, but a ground chuck roast and chili with marginal success. I'm super good with a slow cooker, so I hope the learning curve is quick on this one.

    How did you get the calorie count for skyr in the IP? That's the one thing about trying to make Greek yogurt and the like is getting accurate calorie count.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Way to go @7lenny7 !!!! When we use our rice cooker, we lose weight. I do a small portion of rice quinoa mix, lots of veggies and lean turkey. Sometimes I add coconut milk/pineapple bits and it's so good.

    @sarahthes I think low carb works for me for the same reason you mentioned, eliminating the chips. Before daily I'd come home and have nachos.. weigh or bother to count out the chips? Nah... Just pile it on and a hand full of cheese. When I was single, it came with beer. Mmmm....

    @fitoverfortymom If I even keep it in the house, I'll eat it. The second I think about it, it's over. I may put it off an hour or so but I alwaya give in. Dh bought 2 large containers of Walmart bakery sugar/lemon cookies. I've not even looked at one. I've got the will power, I guess sometimes I just don't want use it and want that dumb handful of cookies. I've caught myself looking at then lately. So the plan is, if I find myself in them... I'm throwing it to the dogs because it's not food. My dogs love cookies.

    I also think in the evening I'm thirsty and really need to drink some water. That has helped too. I kept a cup from Panera to fill with ice and water to encourage me to drink it. It works. I can even add frozen berries for a treat.

    I'm not off to a perfect see start. I had one piece of pizza today. Just one. I did have only one last night. I'm getting good at this! all have to do is plan. I noticed a few of the Olympic athletes mention that they we're glad it was over so they could eat (the sibling ice skaters) and shaun white mentioned watching his foods. I figure they expend so much, they'd never have to watch their choices. That's been inspiring for me. That's what dedication looks like. I'm not helpless in my food choices. :wink:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Ugh I typed out a big long response and hit the damn done button. I wish they'd change that stupid thing to like leave.

    Anyway I basically said we all sound like abstainers. Its about knowing your triggers & abstaining from those, not everything.

    I've done the same thing several times. What I'd that done even for?
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Those who have Instant Pots, do you get a lot of use out of them? We were torn between getting one and getting an Immersion Circulator (for sous vide) last fall and went with the immersion circulator. We are having a roast done sous vide tonight for supper to go with the dill potatoes. We do almost all of our meat sous vide now. It takes a long time for larger cuts but the taste and texture are amazing.