Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 Yay!!!! My Lenten goal is to "do better", just make better choices. So if I want cookies, I can do better. Apples? Can't do better so I can have the apple. I'm also going to get 30 min exercise daily.

    So far today is "acceptable". I even drank water. I have a terrible habit of only drinking water away from home.

    Lent goes by so fast.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    On the crunchy addiction.... I had a coworker tell me about the quest chips. I tried them today. 21g protein, 130 calories. Total win. They are okay. Dh didn't care for them but continued to munch them.
    They are a bit expensive. $2.50 a single serving bag. But definitely satisfied the crunch, salty craving. And since they had so much protein, I wasn't still hunting something else to eat.

    I also picked up some whisps. Which are crunchy baked cheese. Totally addictive. And even better if you pair them with the Quest chips.

    I grabbed some halo ice cream because I know I'll want something indulgent for the tv. (And apples, cuties, bananas).

    I figure if I eat for the protein, my blood sugar won't wreak havoc on my appetite and my weight will hopefully plateau.

    Well that's my plan. I'm going to hang on as long as I can.. :wink: I've accepted that I'm going to have to eat a bag of veggies too.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    I will check out the Quest chips and at least try them. It would be great if my DH would eat them instead of his typical choices...
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Down 7 pounds in 2 days!?!?! I need to get sick more often (not really).

    I'm actually wondering now if what I thought was the flu was really mild food poisoning. I'm feeling great today after feeling like hell yesterday.

    Quest chips...that makes me think of the chips with Olestra...the chips that gave folks the squirts. Probably no connection though.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I have found the Popped crisps to be a nice snack to satisfy sweet, salty and crunchy cravings. I can usually limit myself to one serving, which is rare for other similar snacks. Of course, having braces might help because my teeth usually start hurting enough that I don't want to eat anymore!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    And here I am wandering back to this thread, hat in hand. I just need to not grocery shop when I'm hungry. Valentine's cookies. Ugh. And that triggered a 4 day binge filled with carbs of all kinds. The only things in there I don't regret are my hubby's birthday cake (I may have more tonight) and the sushi we had for lunch yesterday for our Valentine's Day date.

    Back at 'er today. I think for Lent I'm going to cut back snacking (snacks on running days only, and they have to fit my calories) and make healthy substitutions. Except for cake, but I might suggest we finish it tonight (it was very small) to remove temptation.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    The struggle is real, @sarahthes , take it a craving at a time.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 Yay!!!! My Lenten goal is to "do better", just make better choices. So if I want cookies, I can do better. Apples? Can't do better so I can have the apple. I'm also going to get 30 min exercise daily.

    So far today is "acceptable". I even drank water. I have a terrible habit of only drinking water away from home.

    Lent goes by so fast.

    I really like this idea of 'can I do better?'. I'm not a lent person and don't do well with target goals (I tend to rebel against things) but this sounds like something I can achieve.

    Of course my options tonight might be - can I do better than this glass of wine?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @girlinahat You can justify a little wine. It's good for you.

    I figure if I'm gonna eat like a child, I should treat myself like one that's not able to make responsible choices. So far it's helped. I just have to keep the momentum going and wait for the scale to move in the right direction.

    @7lenny7 wow! Heck of a loss. Sounds like you were on or near the potty a lot.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Elise4270 I think it was more a case of a big bump in water weight due to cereal bingeing before I got sick, followed by a drastic cut in intake of anything for two days after it it. I only had 900 calories Tuesday and 1260 calories yesterday. I find my weight can easily swing 3 or 4 pounds over a few days, not counting my big, quite temporary, weight losses from sweating during a long run.

    I found that the less you eat, the easier it is to track (duh!).

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I was talking to the physical therapist today. I guess he noticed I'm fat and we got on the subject of low carb food options. Well, I might have expressed a slight frustration with my lack of activity...and weight gain. Maybe.

    He makes oatmeal pancakes. He couldn't tell me exactly how to make them.... So I'ma guess he's not Mr Chef. I may Google it.

    He also mentioned that he has a buddy that can drop weight/cut easily. His particular indulgence is that (crappy) Artic Ice ice cream and diet root beer. Eh, I may give it a try.. the PT had to cut himself off of ice cream because apparently it makes a fine float with his smokey whiskey, that he doesn't have too often.... Uh huh.. :wink:

    I indulged today in a Panera salad and a 500 calorie take home sandwich for dinner. Now I just have to get my butt on the bike for 30 minutes. I'm short on protein today... So I guess my "evening snacks" will be protein shakes.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,413 Member
    I like the popped crisps too. I don't eat many - not a full serving and I am done.
    I am not getting enough protein. I am not sure how I can get more... other than by eating supplements and I try to limit that when I can. I do eat 'protein bars' but so often they are good for recovery because they have the right mix of carbs and protein and are not really protein heavy. I guess I really need to get back to salads with chicken at lunch followed by more chicken or other meat at dinner.
    @Elise4270 - you may be feeling fat but I seriously doubt your PT looked at you and thought you are fat! You are tiny!! I used to buy Coach's Oats and they have a recipe on the package for oatmeal pancakes. They are good... I may need to make some too!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2018
    thanks for the "skinny" vote Shana! Dh asked my weight and when I told him he was "oh? That's it?" Like he expected a higher number. I think I just lack any real muscle mass. Or I'm paranoid delusional.... Well, I'm undoubtedly neurotic.. :blush:

    Maybe do the protein supplements until you get back in the swing of eating your protein goal? That's my plan. I find I'm way less snacky if I get enough protien. I can't seem to get salads back into my plan while it's so cold.

    I'm going to look for that oat pancake recipe! Then make waffles with it! Mmm!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Three times now I've opened the pantry, looked at the boxes of cereal calling my named, then remembered my commitment to no cereal and shut the door. Doing good so far.

    That big weigh loss I had when I was sick must have been a large part do to dehydration. I'm up three pounds since then and have kept my calories under budget. Still doing good though.

    @Elise4270 I used to make buttermilk oatmeal pancakes that were phenomenal but I have no idea where that recipe would be.

    My favorite sources of protein are eggs and tuna. Sometimes I'll make scrambled eggs with a can of tuna and lots of chopped veggies. with sriracha sauce and I'm in heaven.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I do like buttermilk pancakes. I'd have to add some protein powder to keep the balance.

    Which tuna do you use? I had been getting starkist albacore, then tried the bumble bee. It seems so fishy. I had some yesterday mixed with blueberry Siggis (instead of mayo) and apple cubes. It was good.

    Good luck today with that cereal.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I've done well the last 5-6 days and today I'm feeling caged. I'm not hungry. Haven't done much today. Didn't sleep well. And.. I want pie. But since I have to do better, I made a baked apple dish.

    About 8 apples, quest protein, 5 pats of butter, cinnamon, a light dusting of wheat germ on the bottom, and I couldn't resist sprinkling it with granola cereal and PB2 on top. So, definitely a better choice. I'll let you know in an hour if it's spectacular or just eat-able. Cross your fingers.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Verdict. Eatable. I thought "this would go great with some ice cream". So I added rasberry Siggis. Definitely a better, less guilty treat.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I could have done better yesterday but today is okay, I think. We had takeout Vietnamese and I put half my vermicelli bowl in the fridge because I was stuffed. Small victories, right?

    Yesterday's nemesis was fresh, homemade buttermilk waffles with real maple syrup. The recipe makes "8 waffles" but we tend to under-fill the waffle iron due to one too many overflow messes in the past and ended up with 12 waffles. I probably didn't need to eat 4 of them even if they were smaller...
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Elise4270 I buy the whole white albacore, but I'm not too picky about brand. Usually it's Starkist or Kirkland. I usually toss it in scrambled eggs or mix it up with mayo (or Miracle Wipe) and diced pickles. I've tried to come up with a lower calorie mix with plain yogurt instead of mayo but have not been successful finding anything that tastes as good.

    That baked apple dish looks like it would be pretty good. We just bought an Instant Pot and yesterday I made apple sauce. Just apples, no sugar, no cinnamon. OMG was that awesome!! I used half Honeycrisp and half Granny Smith and the flavor was perfect for me. I may start using that instead of jam.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    @7lenny7 The only yogurt I've found that can really replace mayo is 11% MF... it's higher calorie than the mayonnaise... if I use a lower fat yogurt I need to get really creative with the spicing/seasoning and maybe add a bit of onion and red pepper flakes, probably garlic too. What's really missing is the zing, so I bet a dash of balsamic or apple cider vinegar would help.