Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @7lenny7 Have a great race! I hope that ITB doesn't give you fits!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I had to let hubby just make his own choices and come around to things on his own. It took him a while, but he's getting there. He still won't track like I do on MFP, but he's stopped believing a lot of diet woo and is learning his eating behaviors. He's a modified IF'er. He eats first thing in the AM a small meal of about 200 calories, then only eats one other very large meal at dinner time. Seems to work best for him. I'd get hangry.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @fitoverfortymom Mine is the same way. He can skip breakfast and just eat lunch and dinner. Or eat breakfast and dinner. And then I'm over here like I need to eat every 2ish hours. FEED ME! It's hard on vacations since I always get hungry before him.

    Also, he can eat way more than I can at one sitting. Like buffets seem like a waste to me because I never feel I can eat what I pay. LOL
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @Elise4270 - yes it is definitely up to him what he eats or doesn’t. I try to cook and buy as healthy as possible but he circumvents with what he wants. It makes me crazy because he knows what he needs to do and knows the impact of diabetes (he worked for Kaiser Permanente and has seen so many studies on it).
    I am just hoping to cook more in line with the diabetic requirements for both of us at least for dinner. He is on his own the rest of the day.
    @RunsOnEspresso - thanks! I will give that a try and also suggest it to my DH as an easy, quick low carb breakfast!
    @7lenny7 - have a great time and a great race!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    We bought the instant pot. The largest one they had in stock was the 6 quart. It's cooking roast, carrots and leek. No room for taters, oops. 6 pounds of roast. Smells good already.

    I'm hitting restart on my "do better" goal.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    edited February 2018
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I'm hitting restart on my "do better" goal.

    Me too! I ate all the food last night. (Tasty though. I regret nothing.)
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    Yesterday I had a great start to the day with the DH making eggs and Aidell's chicken and apple sausages - yum... unfortunately I didn't have much more protein the rest of the day :( I didn't eat poorly just not enough protein, again. I make my own spaghetti sauce with ground turkey and Italian sausage and you would think it would have a ton of protein but in a 1/2 there just isn't much, Oh well...

    Today I had a great run but again, didn't eat enough of anything. I ate before my run and took the Skratch Labs energy chews I bought to try. They were great and didn't make me thirsty at all. I used one of the hydration mixes when I got home - taste was ok, but I felt great after having it. Then I wasn't hungry at all so just had a string cheese. My DH and his brother were waiting for me to go car shopping so we ran out as soon as I showered and I had nothing to eat. By dinner time I was starving and ready to eat the entire bowl of chips, all the salsa and the table at the Mexican restaurant. I moderated on the chips, but really only because they wanted some too. I had chicken and carnitas fajitas but only ate about 1/2, a bit of the beans and none of the rice... now I am starving again!
    I need to "do better" too!

    @Elise4270 - how was the roast? How long did it take to cook? I see on Amazon they make an 8QT but that might be too big.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber The roast came out good. I should have trimmed the fat off. I cooked it on the default setting, I could have cooked it a bit longer, but it was sufficiently tender. The carrots we're exceptional. They weren't orange mush flavorless bits like the crock pot. They tasted like fresh carrots. So I plan on cooking some veggies, not sure which ones yet.... Ohh maybe some beets! Or a potato leek soup!

    I think the 6 quart is a good size to replace the crock pot. We have a 3 quart rice cooker that works like the crock pot, about 2 hours to cook raw meat to falling apart. I like the smaller size for everyday meals.... But the larger one is going to be good to freeze meals and roast/brisket. It will cook cake, so I gotta watch dh. He was excited that it does that. This one was 79$ at Walmart.

    I do love anything that allows me to throw it all together and push one button. It still need to be washed though.... :blush:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @Elise4270 - sign me up if they ever develop self washing ones! I hate washing the crockpot pan. It is just so big and awkward.

    I saw this on IG from my nutritionist this morning and I thought it worth posting here for us all to consider:

    "Do you know anyone who says things like, “I was bad the other day and had {insert seductive delicious food here}”. Or, “when I’m being good I’ll have {insert trendy health food}”.
    Judgmental thoughts about food (i.e. the “good vs bad” mentality) put a negative spin on what should be a positive experience.
    The emotional stress of eating the “right foods” and avoiding the “wrong foods” can suppress your immune system, slow fat loss, contribute to poor digestion, and even lead to binge eating.

    If you’re constantly criticizing yourself for making “mistakes” about your food choices, you’re always going to have fear and anxiety around eating. .
    That’s exhausting! And not helpful for your overall health and well-being.
    Instead, think about aligning your food choices with your values. Do you value the speed of your recovery or healing at this meal? Or perhaps you value fat loss or simply a new taste experience or the pleasure of something really delicious!
    Foods are neither “good” or “bad”. They’re just foods. And we eat them for a variety of reasons: for health, for community, for healing, and for pleasure."
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Sunday is feast day. Means during Lent, all bets are off :smiley: I took advantage of this, embracing my German heritage, and had brats (on buns) with kraut and a zero coke. Now if I can only find a hockey game...

    Love the post @shanaber! The foods aren't bad, only I am good or bad :naughty: I did get some Artic Zero "ice cream" for my evening snackie.

    I also renamed my meals in the mfp diary by times. I suspect I'm eating 78% of my calories after 8PM. This I shall watch because it's just snacking. No hungry is involved.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2018
    I went over today by 1000 calories :blush: no surprise, right? I indulged in brats.

    I have a fat cat and an old underweight cat (and the "baby" that is my rat catcher). I got high calorie food for the underweight guy and my Royal fatness can't stand that she can't have any! Haha! She's getting plenty of exercise checking to see if I left his bowl out! Oh poor thing... I'm not alone, she's like me back and forth in the kitchen. :smiley:

    Everytime someone walkes into the kitchen where we feed Goober, she comes running! Poor poor thing :grin:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I learned this weekend that right now even healthy snacks are triggers for me so I'm thinking I just need to keep pre-packaged stuff out of the house. Sigh.

    Or I need to add a 5th day of running to my week. LOL...

    Anyway, started today off right with my normal yogurt breakfast: 1.5 servings of All Bran Buds on the bottom (bet that's a cereal nobody is tempted to binge on), a full serving of fat free Costco plain Greek yogurt and just over 100g blueberries. Chased with coffee with frothed milk and cinnamon.

    Not sure what lunch is today (hubby packed it for me) but supper is leftover Chana masala. I have no idea what the calorie count is there but it's yummy...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    So... yesterday I had a serving of girl scout cookies (gf trios). Left them in my purse and found them today in time for my afternoon snack. Umm... I ate the rest of them! It was 3 servings. :s
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2018
    I threw all the ingredients for chicken cacciatore into the instant pot... So awesome to push a button and walk away. Dh claimes he's never had it. I plan on skipping the pasta.

    Friday I plan on making clam chowder.. not sure if it'll be instant pot or stove top.. never made it before.

    ETA I haven't had goulash in a while, that may be on the menu for next week. I really want kfc fried chicken and mac and cheese casserole that's slightly over cooked on top.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    mmmm @Elise4270 - love baked Mac and cheese with the crunchy top!! Now I want it!

    I am really trying to do better and eat more and more better. Talked to the trainer some more about it last night and he, again, reiterated that I need to eat more not less and be on top of my macros... more protein, better carbs and more fiber. I will do this!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    Also, you all have me pretty convinced I need an Instant Pot... Going to visit my daughter on the 11th, maybe I will buy one for her and test it out while I am there :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited February 2018
    shanaber wrote: »
    mmmm @Elise4270 - love baked Mac and cheese with the crunchy top!! Now I want it!

    I am really trying to do better and eat more and more better. Talked to the trainer some more about it last night and he, again, reiterated that I need to eat more not less and be on top of my macros... more protein, better carbs and more fiber. I will do this!

    I've never made it... I'm so bad at waiting for anything to be done it'd all get eaten before I got it into the casserole dish :blush: There wouldn't be leftovers if I made it. Maybe I can find some protein pasta and lable it "better". Mmmm.

    ETA regarding the instant pot. It is dishwasher safe. Idk about the lid though. I'm tempted to drop it in there. So lazy. Anyone know if I can put it in there?
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I threw all the ingredients for chicken cacciatore into the instant pot... So awesome to push a button and walk away. Dh claimes he's never had it. I plan on skipping the pasta.

    Friday I plan on making clam chowder.. not sure if it'll be instant pot or stove top.. never made it before.

    ETA I haven't had goulash in a while, that may be on the menu for next week. I really want kfc fried chicken and mac and cheese casserole that's slightly over cooked on top.

    IP Goulash

    @Elise4270 I've never had to do more than rinse mine off, but from the IP website:
    The lid is top-rack dishwasher safe. It is best to remove the sealing ring and the anti-block shield so that the lid may be thoroughly cleaned. One way to prevent the lid from retaining odors is to place it upside down on the pot until it has completely dried or you are ready to use it. Verify the steam release valve and float valve, and make sure there is no food or other debris that would block them, and prevent your cooker from coming to pressure

    @shanaber I find it easier to eat better with the IP since it's easier to make real food rather than processed convenience food. I made a salsa chicken a couple of nights ago, from frozen chicken breasts. Chicken, salsa, chicken stock, corn, and brown rice. It was supposed to have beans in it too but my son wouldn't touch it if I did. My son, btw, LOVES the way chicken turns out in this, and he's a super picky eater.

    I'm cooking up a venison pot roast in it this weekend.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @7lenny7 I think we use a different goulash recipe... Mines more
    I think the caccatorie came out lovely. I forgot the white wine... I forgot they probably sell single serving bottles and had no reason to buy a whole bottle. We have some cooking wine, and I forgot about it too.

    DD doesn't like mushrooms, I didn't leave them out. We're different parents @7lenny7 ! Haha! She is 22 though. I did give her 4$ because I forgot her chunky peanut butter. That counts, right? And I'm paying for car maintenance...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    We always made goulash similar to @7lenny7 's recipe.

    Went to the store. Bought donuts, ice cream, and reeses pieces. I couldn't help myself!