Over here !!!



  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Jamie6636 wrote: »
    • Monday morning: Build - Chest/Tris + 30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Tuesday afternoon: Build - Legs + 60mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Wednesday after work: Build - Back/Bis
    • Thursday after work: Beast Cardio + Beast Abs
    • Friday after work : Build - Shoulders
    • Saturday : Rest
    • Sunday morning: Build - Chest/Tris

    Well !!!
    Body Beast.
    I can't believe I actually am at that level. Like seriously.
    Ok so some of you have asked to hear my thoughts about it so here they are after only 2 workouts done.
    Love it.
    Of course it's hard, but not harder than H&C, just different. Different in the sense that Body Beast is a program that concentrates on daily muscle combination rather than full body workouts. I've only ever done full body workouts (Chalean Extreme, PIyo and H&C) SO the point is to activate more of the entire muscle by working it out different ways, so it hits all the regions of that chosen muscle. Definitely attain muscle fatigue and THAT'S where the candy is !
    So ladies, it's a go !
    Body Beast is a go ! lol

    Oh and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How come nobody ever told me Sean the Bachelor is the "modifier dude" for the first workout (at least) lol Sean !!!! WTF ?!??! Anyway, that cracked me up. Especially that I could do almost the same weight as him !!!! Almost.... ;)

    So BB is the plan for me for another 2 weeks exactly til vacation and then I think it will be the program I choose to start again when I return on April 1st, following the full 90 day Lean Program from the start. Yup, that's now that plan.

    Anybody feel like joining ?

    Im in! I absolutely love hammer and chisel and would continue but I think changing it up might be fun. Especially if we do it together. I have a couple more days of H/C then I will start checking the workouts out until you get back from vacay.


  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Monday morning: Build - Chest/Tris + 30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Tuesday afternoon: Build - Legs + 60mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Wednesday after work: Build - Back/Bis +30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Thursday after work: Beast Cardio + Beast Abs
    • Friday after work : Build - Shoulders
    • Saturday : Rest
    • Sunday morning: Build - Chest/Tris

    I LOVE that I am sore !!
    This thing is working me ! And I love it !!!
    Sore like fun sore not like, please help me to the bathroom sore... there's a difference lol

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Alright ladies ! (Scotty ? You here buddy ? )

    I was thinking...
    How about a name change ?
    Do we want to still be the Melting Beachbodies or can we together come up with a better suited name for our group ?

    Let's brainstorm...
  • ScottyTheGent
    ScottyTheGent Posts: 48 Member
    Hey ladies, i switched up things this week, so im no longer going to be doing p90x. Me and a friend decided to do this science based six pack program by Thomas delauer for the next couple months so I guess this is goodbye :'(:'(:'( I will still be in the other group though. Yall should check out Thomas delauers YouTube channel though, he has great videos that will help you in your journey
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Scotty - So sorry to see you go, but really happy that you found a program that you like! Will see you on the main group page!

    Krystina - If you would like to reconstitute the group, and with Scotty leaving, let me know if it makes sense for my to continue with this group. I do not want my running to be a distraction from everyone’s beach body program goals!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    Scotty - So sorry to see you go, but really happy that you found a program that you like! Will see you on the main group page!

    Krystina - If you would like to reconstitute the group, and with Scotty leaving, let me know if it makes sense for my to continue with this group. I do not want my running to be a distraction from everyone’s beach body program goals!

    Lisa, quit being ridiculous.
    Did you take your vitamins this morning ? You sayin' some pretty silly stuff geurrl !
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Krystina, you are too much (in an entirely good way)! Thanks
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    Krystina, you are too much (in an entirely good way)! Thanks

    Right back at ya ;)
    IT must be a canadian thing... :mrgreen:
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    HFM Training - Week 5

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 9 km long run, strength training core & arms
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - 4 km km tempo run
    Thursday - 3 km steady run, strength training core & arms

    Friday - 3 km steady run
    Saturday - rest
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    Monday: Off
    Tuesday: Max Hammer Strength / XStretch
    Wednesday: Chisel Cardio
    Thursday: 30 minutes Elliptical/ Total Body Chisel

    Friday: Hammer Plyometrics
    Saturday: ? Walk, elliptical, random, off?
    Sunday: Hammer Power

    Will is my favorite! I love the idea of a new name. I will try get my brain working.

    Scotty I'm sad to see you go. Best of luck with your new workout program! I'll see you in F2F.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Monday morning: Build - Chest/Tris + 30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Tuesday afternoon: Build - Legs + 60mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Wednesday after work: Build - Back/Bis +30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Thursday after work: Beast Cardio + Beast Abs (nope, will do them Saturday)
    • Friday after work : Build - Shoulders
    • Saturday : Rest (Build- Abs from Thursday)
    • Sunday morning: Build - Chest/Tris

    Holy bananas !
    Beast Cardio is no joke LOL
    Think Hammer Plyo on crack
    Thank God it's only 30 minutes.
    Dripping sweat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our new name....
    I am thinking we need to have "Fierce" in there.... cause damn, we fierce ! ;)
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited March 2018
    HFM Training - Week 5

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 9 km long run, strength training core & arms
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - 4 km km tempo run
    Thursday - 3 km steady run, strength training core & arms
    Friday - 3 km steady run

    Saturday - rest

    Maybe it is the weight loss, maybe building endurance & maybe cause spring is coming, but my runs are feeling better & better! Tonight, am travelling solo to San Francisco for a week to visit with a very dear girlfriend. Other than business trips & a few weekends with my husband, this is my first solo trip since becoming a mom (about 12 years)! Yes, we are going to Napa & also ending the trip with gala evening for my friend’s charity. Have packed an LBD that fits again! So this is where I will sacrifice a few runs. The forecast in SF is a lot of rain midweek, which is West coast rain that never lets up. So, my plan is 3 runs (9 km, 4 km, 3 km) & will have some beautiful locations for it! As for weight loss, I will keep up the diary & play it by ear. Will post my run plan Sunday or Monday when I get a better sense of the weather.

    Krystina - I am up for any name with the word fierce in it! In terms of a theme, maybe along the lines of what you have written about your life being the journey & how this is not temporary, but an overall change in living, lifestyle etc. Having been a serial fluctuator, I want this to be the last time that I have to lose this amount of weight, & am dedicating my energy to the people & things that I love, making this journey & maintenance (when I get there) my way of life. I don’t have a name for it, but there is the idea.

    Have a great weekend!
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    Alright ladies ! (Scotty ? You here buddy ? )

    I was thinking...
    How about a name change ?
    Do we want to still be the Melting Beachbodies or can we together come up with a better suited name for our group ?

    Let's brainstorm...


    I think a name change is a great idea. What direction should we go? Will we stay Beachbody based with an open door policy to others who are simply committed to consistent workouts?

    Beachbody and Beyond? Commit To Be Fit? Can’t think of anything. Any suggestions?
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Ok i have been lazy this week. Ive only done a few yoga days and a walk. I start week 5 of h&c today with total body chisel. I think i will do 5 days instead of 6 though and add in a yoga or stretch x day.

    My husband wants to do body beast next also. He actually wanted to do it first but i convinced him to do this one instead.

    I love the beachbody and beyond name idea. Im horrible at coming up with names myself.

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    HFM Training - Week 5

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 9 km long run, strength training core & arms
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - 4 km km tempo run
    Thursday - 3 km steady run, strength training core & arms
    Friday - 3 km steady run

    Saturday - rest

    Maybe it is the weight loss, maybe building endurance & maybe cause spring is coming, but my runs are feeling better & better! Tonight, am travelling solo to San Francisco for a week to visit with a very dear girlfriend. Other than business trips & a few weekends with my husband, this is my first solo trip since becoming a mom (about 12 years)! Yes, we are going to Napa & also ending the trip with gala evening for my friend’s charity. Have packed an LBD that fits again! So this is where I will sacrifice a few runs. The forecast in SF is a lot of rain midweek, which is West coast rain that never lets up. So, my plan is 3 runs (9 km, 4 km, 3 km) & will have some beautiful locations for it! As for weight loss, I will keep up the diary & play it by ear. Will post my run plan Sunday or Monday when I get a better sense of the weather.

    Krystina - I am up for any name with the word fierce in it! In terms of a theme, maybe along the lines of what you have written about your life being the journey & how this is not temporary, but an overall change in living, lifestyle etc. Having been a serial fluctuator, I want this to be the last time that I have to lose this amount of weight, & am dedicating my energy to the people & things that I love, making this journey & maintenance (when I get there) my way of life. I don’t have a name for it, but there is the idea.

    Have a great weekend!

    Have a great trip Lisa !!!
    I love San Francisco ! I was there in 2012 for 4 days on a lovers trip and it was fabulous.

    The new name idea is pretty challenging... I love the ideas you are bringing... it is true, it's us.
    Gotta figure this out...
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Ok i have been lazy this week. Ive only done a few yoga days and a walk. I start week 5 of h&c today with total body chisel. I think i will do 5 days instead of 6 though and add in a yoga or stretch x day.

    My husband wants to do body beast next also. He actually wanted to do it first but i convinced him to do this one instead.

    I love the beachbody and beyond name idea. Im horrible at coming up with names myself.

    Yay Jenn !
    Does that mean you and your hubby are in to start the Body BEast 90 day calendar on April 1st !?!?! :mrgreen:
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Monday morning: Build - Chest/Tris + 30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Tuesday afternoon: Build - Legs + 60mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Wednesday after work: Build - Back/Bis +30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Thursday after work: Beast Cardio + Beast Abs (nope, will do them Saturday)
    • Friday after work : Build - Shoulders + 30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Saturday : Rest (Build- Abs from Thursday)
    • Sunday morning: Build - Chest/Tris

    I am realllllyyyy liking this program guys !
    It's very different to focus on only one region (or 2) per workout.
    Can't wait to see what you guys think come April !
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    OK i think I've figured it out... with the suggestions we all had...

    What do you think ?
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,417 Member
    edited March 2018
    OK i think I've figured it out... with the suggestions we all had...

    What do you think ?

    Krystina, YOUR brilliant, I LOVE it! No matter what strength plan your doing THIS fits, :)<3:)

    “Ok i have been lazy this week. Ive only done a few yoga days and a walk. I start week 5 of h&c today with total body chisel. I think i will do 5 days instead of 6 though and add in a yoga or stretch x day.”

    Jenny, I love your plan....

    Now, I need to get my rear in gear and figure out my plan for th week...

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    OK i think I've figured it out... with the suggestions we all had...

    What do you think ?

    Krystina, YOUR brilliant, I LOVE it! No matter what strength plan your doing THIS fits, :)<3:)

    “Ok i have been lazy this week. Ive only done a few yoga days and a walk. I start week 5 of h&c today with total body chisel. I think i will do 5 days instead of 6 though and add in a yoga or stretch x day.”

    Jenny, I love your plan....

    Now, I need to get my rear in gear and figure out my plan for th week...

    Cool !!
    Thanks Jackie !

    GREAT to have you back !
    Looking forward to see your plan for the week ;)