Over here !!!



  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Totally !!
    I totally get what you mean. Training for an event and trying to lose weight at the same time can be quite tricky. Needing the right nutrition to perform versus aiming for a constant calorie deficit to lose weight... I've been there too. That's why I am not setting any challenging events this year (ie The Marathon ;) ). I am obviously on a weight loss journey but also one to create a body that I want to maintain for the rest of my life afterwards. That, is my priority right now and that's the only reason I had to make a choice and let go of the Races until I get to where I want to be. THEN, of yes, THEN and not IF, Then I'll move on to the next challenge that very well could be the Marathon.
    Life is a series of choices right ? We just can't do everything at the same time with the same intensity.

    That's why I'm so happy to have gifted myself with a treadmill. I am bringing the fun back into running as opposed to hitting times, paces, numbers.. (God I was becoming pretty intense there...)
    Anyway, bla bla bllaaaaahhh lol

    I get it. I get you. I'm so glad to have found you !

    I could go on forever !!! lol

    Yup, this is why I let go of pace, times etc. If you are goal oriented, it can be really hard not to compete. I love the freeing side of running. For me, getting outside, thinking, listening to music, seeing different things. So that is my focus. With a busy life, I can make myself a priority and also kind of meditate through it. Also love the “runners high”, those endorphins!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    It's medicine
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Monday- chisel cardio. Done
    Tues- off
    Wed. Iso speed hammer. Done
    Thursday-hammer cardio. Done
    Friday-yoga day 1 on the 3 week yoga retreat
    Sat-a walk and day 2 yoga
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Monday- chisel cardio. Done
    Tues- off
    Wed. Iso speed hammer. Done
    Thursday-hammer cardio. Done
    Friday-i didnt get this one in. Ive been in more pain than usual in my hips so im resting them a bit. I have ankylosing spondlitis but ive been slack on my anti-inflammatory due to my lack of insurance last yr. I just got reestablished at the drs and will give them some time to kick in before i start week 5 in the calender. Im thinking maybe walks and yoga for a few days.

    Jenn, I had to google ankylosing spondlitis
    Doesn't sound fun at all. I agree that a week of yoga might be beneficial as well as those anti-inflammatory of course !!
    Adapting is a key part of the journey right ?

    Its no fun at all but ill be back at it soon. I think i will not be using the bench though. Ill follow the person on the floor. See if that was agrivating my hips.
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    Ive been in more pain than usual in my hips so im resting them a bit. I have ankylosing spondlitis but ive been slack on my anti-inflammatory due to my lack of insurance last yr. I just got reestablished at the drs and will give them some time to kick in before i start week 5 in the calender. Im thinking maybe walks and yoga for a few days.

    Jenn - This condition can be quite painful & difficult (my father-in-law has it). Modifying your routine makes perfect sense and hope that the anti-inflammatory kicks in soon. Take care

    Thank you. My dad and sister have it also. Its a family trait;)
  • jlburns2005
    jlburns2005 Posts: 331 Member
    Monday- chisel cardio. Done
    Tues- off
    Wed. Iso speed hammer. Done
    Thursday-hammer cardio. Done
    Friday-yoga day 1 on the 3 week yoga retreat. Done
    Sat-a walk and day 2 yoga. done
    Sunday- day 3 yoga and a walk done
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    HFM Training - Week 5

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 9 km long run, strength training core & arms

    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - 4 km km tempo run
    Thursday - 3 km steady run, strength training core & arms
    Friday - 3 km steady run
    Saturday - rest

    Had to change long run to today based on my schedule and weather. I never do strength training the same day as a long run, but had no choice today. At least the long run is done this week.
  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    Hello all!

    I was away for the weekend and am back on schedule today. I am completing week 8 of the Hammer and Chisel calendar and I can’t believe it! I have come a long way these 2 months and I can’t believe I am actually feeling ready to move on to the next one.

    My plan for the week.

    Monday- off.
    Tuesday-Chisel cardio and 15 min leg hammer
    Wednesday-Hammer plyometrics or the master cardio and 15 min leg hammer
    Thursday-Total body chisel or power chise and 15 min chisel
    Friday-Hammer power and 10 min ab hammer
    Saturday-A yoga session

    Have an awesome week everyone!
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey guys, I am no longer part of F2F and I can't find the group anywhere? Any idea about what is going on?
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    Monday: Off
    Tuesday: Max Hammer Strength (uses ever last bit of available energy in the body)? XStretch

    Wednesday: Chisel Cardio
    Thursday: Hammer Plyometrics
    Friday: Total Body Chisel
    Saturday: ? Walk, elliptical, random, off?
    Sunday: Hammer Power

  • bianca616
    bianca616 Posts: 295 Member
    Jamie6636 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I am no longer part of F2F and I can't find the group anywhere? Any idea about what is going on?

    That’s weird. Do you have to sign in again to MFP? You can’t find the Melt Aways forum?
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    bianca616 wrote: »
    Jamie6636 wrote: »
    Hey guys, I am no longer part of F2F and I can't find the group anywhere? Any idea about what is going on?

    That’s weird. Do you have to sign in again to MFP? You can’t find the Melt Aways forum?

    Super weird, I couldn't find it anywhere. I ended up finding it by searching my discussions but I had to rejoin. I didn't think I did anything to get kicked out. LOL Must have been a glitch.
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    • Monday morning: Build - Chest/Tris + 30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Tuesday afternoon: Build - Legs + 60mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Wednesday after work: Build - Back/Bis
    • Thursday after work: Beast Cardio + Beast Abs
    • Friday after work : Build - Shoulders
    • Saturday : Rest
    • Sunday morning: Build - Chest/Tris

    Well !!!
    Body Beast.
    I can't believe I actually am at that level. Like seriously.
    Ok so some of you have asked to hear my thoughts about it so here they are after only 2 workouts done.
    Love it.
    Of course it's hard, but not harder than H&C, just different. Different in the sense that Body Beast is a program that concentrates on daily muscle combination rather than full body workouts. I've only ever done full body workouts (Chalean Extreme, PIyo and H&C) SO the point is to activate more of the entire muscle by working it out different ways, so it hits all the regions of that chosen muscle. Definitely attain muscle fatigue and THAT'S where the candy is !
    So ladies, it's a go !
    Body Beast is a go ! lol

    Oh and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How come nobody ever told me Sean the Bachelor is the "modifier dude" for the first workout (at least) lol Sean !!!! WTF ?!??! Anyway, that cracked me up. Especially that I could do almost the same weight as him !!!! Almost.... ;)

    So BB is the plan for me for another 2 weeks exactly til vacation and then I think it will be the program I choose to start again when I return on April 1st, following the full 90 day Lean Program from the start. Yup, that's now that plan.

    Anybody feel like joining ?
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Another thing....

    I am telling you guys this here, and now before I post it to the MeltAway thread.
    I am stepping out of the Meltaway team and F2F Challenge as a whole.
    I emailed Bianca yesterday to explain and Captain Jackie today to inform her as well.
    It's just where my journey is taking me.

    I ABSOLUTELY want to stay HERE with you guys, with our workouts, with our chats, with the accountability and encouragement. This group is what I want. You guys :)
    So I'm staying !

    I'll be writing up my announcement today....
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Another thing....

    I am telling you guys this here, and now before I post it to the MeltAway thread.
    I am stepping out of the Meltaway team and F2F Challenge as a whole.
    I emailed Bianca yesterday to explain and Captain Jackie today to inform her as well.
    It's just where my journey is taking me.

    I ABSOLUTELY want to stay HERE with you guys, with our workouts, with our chats, with the accountability and encouragement. This group is what I want. You guys :)
    So I'm staying !

    I'll be writing up my announcement today....

    Big hug Krystina! You have to do what is right for you! Will miss you great energy as a motivator, but glad you are staying on this thread!
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    HFM Training - Week 5

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 9 km long run, strength training core & arms
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - 4 km km tempo run

    Thursday - 3 km steady run, strength training core & arms
    Friday - 3 km steady run
    Saturday - rest

    Forgot to pass on this week’s quotes from Coach Steve:
    Achievement without struggle isn’t rewarding. Heather Fuhr (champion triathlete)
    Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. – Kenny Rogers

    Krystina, if you tell me that either Heather or Kenny were your neighbours, I will faint!!
  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Cafelelia wrote: »
    HFM Training - Week 5

    Sunday - 4 km tempo run
    Monday - 9 km long run, strength training core & arms
    Tuesday - rest
    Wednesday - 4 km km tempo run

    Thursday - 3 km steady run, strength training core & arms
    Friday - 3 km steady run
    Saturday - rest

    Forgot to pass on this week’s quotes from Coach Steve:
    Achievement without struggle isn’t rewarding. Heather Fuhr (champion triathlete)
    Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great. – Kenny Rogers

    Krystina, if you tell me that either Heather or Kenny were your neighbours, I will faint!!


    Actuallyyy ...


    But Kenny Rogers is a definite major part of "the soundtrack to my childhood"
    Mom LOVED him so now, of course, so do I.

    Don't faint. Not good for runners.
  • Jamie6636
    Jamie6636 Posts: 107 Member
    • Monday morning: Build - Chest/Tris + 30mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Tuesday afternoon: Build - Legs + 60mins Treadmill Netflix
    • Wednesday after work: Build - Back/Bis
    • Thursday after work: Beast Cardio + Beast Abs
    • Friday after work : Build - Shoulders
    • Saturday : Rest
    • Sunday morning: Build - Chest/Tris

    Well !!!
    Body Beast.
    I can't believe I actually am at that level. Like seriously.
    Ok so some of you have asked to hear my thoughts about it so here they are after only 2 workouts done.
    Love it.
    Of course it's hard, but not harder than H&C, just different. Different in the sense that Body Beast is a program that concentrates on daily muscle combination rather than full body workouts. I've only ever done full body workouts (Chalean Extreme, PIyo and H&C) SO the point is to activate more of the entire muscle by working it out different ways, so it hits all the regions of that chosen muscle. Definitely attain muscle fatigue and THAT'S where the candy is !
    So ladies, it's a go !
    Body Beast is a go ! lol

    Oh and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How come nobody ever told me Sean the Bachelor is the "modifier dude" for the first workout (at least) lol Sean !!!! WTF ?!??! Anyway, that cracked me up. Especially that I could do almost the same weight as him !!!! Almost.... ;)

    So BB is the plan for me for another 2 weeks exactly til vacation and then I think it will be the program I choose to start again when I return on April 1st, following the full 90 day Lean Program from the start. Yup, that's now that plan.

    Anybody feel like joining ?

    Im in! I absolutely love hammer and chisel and would continue but I think changing it up might be fun. Especially if we do it together. I have a couple more days of H/C then I will start checking the workouts out until you get back from vacay.