Menopausal Mad Hatters "Soaring to Success" in August



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning Hatters - site keeps going down so am going to do this in stages so I don't lose anything lol

    Susan - I won't know if I reached my 10 second increase in the test til I go back Sept 4th. BUT.... I have increased my jogging intervals on my walks by almost 20 seconds....from 40 seconds to just over a minute (which might not sound like much lol - but to someone who never thought they could ever jog... i'm thrilled!! Also increased the intervals - I managed 6 this morning for a total of 7.4 minutes of jogging which is a personal best so far lol. I'm still struggling with progress in the ST, still haven't managed a full three sets of the squats or lunges but the push ups are improving. Even though its a very "light" ST program right now, I'm doing more than I ever did lol... and I'm progressing so I'm a happy camper!

    The scale has gone up slightly; about 2 lbs... but I know its not from bad eating so I'm not worrying about it... i also increased my calories as well.... and I will admit I have to fight the urge to NOT eat... there's a first!! That mental mind set of don't eat too much" gets in the way sometimes, but I know with the increase in energy i am expending i need to eat to my full calories, but I admit sometimes it's a struggle saying EAT lol..

    I am THRILLED for you having gained so much information on your stay at the ranch; and how fab about the electrolyte drink making the cardio so much better for you.. and the side benefit of pain free tootsies!!! woo hoo!! and I understand completely about the diary... sometimes we tend to forget we have to do what's best for US.. we are all individuals and as we progress, the tweaks and changes are necessary to keep us on track, so kudos to you!! So glad as well you have access to the private appts outside of the ranch!! We need to take advantage of every and any opportunity available to us so very happy you have access to it, and are doing it!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Tammy - no worries on the time crunch; going back on dayshift I ran out of hours in the day! So glad you are loving the new position, and with the added tutoring time for YOU will be even more precious, so if the only hours you have left mean a choice of posting here or getting your exercise in or healthy lunch made or whatever, you gotta use it for YOU! You are rocking the water exercise; I am completely jealous btw.. I love the water... but alas here I can only walk along side it lol.. although I do have one or two visits left on my pass to the rec centre.... and there is a pool there; maybe i will check it out!

    Tonya - so glad things are settling in your personal life.... and that the wicked witch of the west has left the office!! I love my job, and I have a great bunch of people I work with.... but being mostly men they DO get on my nerves at times.. ok... a lot lol... spevially the lazy or "bitter" ones who feel like because they've been there for 30 years they just have to show up! Well, when they slough work it ends up on my plate... so I can get crazed and *****y too! But these days I actually try not to let it get to me.. my BP doesn't need it... so instead I have become much more happy and cheerful and dont sweat it if someone else isn't doing their job anymore (as long as it doesnt end up on mine lol... then it's still GAME ON!) but I'm a lot less stressed now that I have decided I don't have to solve everyone's problems.... and better yet, I've recently discovered if I say "I don't know" when asked something?? THEY GO AWAY!! YEESH.... for decades my answer was "I don't know.. let me find out and get back to you"... LOLOL... now I just say sorry I don't know.. and let THEM find out the answer they need.. heeheeeheee.. wish I'd learned that a long time ago haaaaaaaa.. hang in there girl!!!!!!!!!!!! and super kudos for getting back to the logging; and if a reset works for you then absolutely do it!! the tools on this site are for each of us to use for our own purposes.... however it works best you do it for you!! So proud of ya!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Tonya- great idea about resetting your days and starting new with fresh motivation! I know how exhausting work can be-hope you are hanging in there . Glad to hear you are soaring and that all is positively swell in your personal life !

    Snoozie-That is absolutely fantastic about your increased time in running and increase number of intervals! You are really soaring!! I hear you about trying to make yourself eat more- I am also finding it difficult to eat my increased designated calories with healthy foods (funny thing how easy it is to do with unhealthy foods lol).

    TGIF-hope everyone has a happy,healthy, and relaxing weekend!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    LOL @ Susan.. oh yeah.. I could ROCK the extra calories with unhealthy choices very easily LOL!! But am finding occasionally for me laziness is a good thing lol.. I have learned I really can't keep crap in the house because I WILL inevitably eat it.. so when the cravings hit or the boredom of whatever is driving me to it, I'm usually too lazy to go out and get it and grab an apple instead..

    Its pouring rain here this morning; being the eternal optimist I still got my coffee and drove down to the lake.. I think in my head I believed if I went the rain would stop for me LOLOLOL... but when the lightening and thunder started I skeedadled home and had to use the treadmill. I have to admit I probably got a better walk/jog on it than at the lake as I can't "slow down" on it (well I can but it takes too much button pushing lol...) Surpringly tho.. I kept my RK app on as there are lots of windows in the gym and the GPS was good... at the end I checked and while the mileage and time were exact to the TM, the calories burned were hugely different... 182 to 263!!! I realize without using a HRM, any machines are all just based on "averages" from your weight and age entered, but I was surprised at how big a gap there was! Since RK sy nchs with MFP and downloads it automatically for me, I'll have to mentally remove 80 cals from my exercise totals lol.. as I suspect I should go with the lower TM cacluatio... but I was sweating big time when I was done so it felt good no matter how many cals burned lol!

    Today I get to spend doing all the chores around here I put off to enjoy the beautiful weather.... ah yes.... the joys of scrubbing toilets and floors and what not.... I kinda think Mother Nature is giving me a kick in the butt with the rain to say hey lady... get cracking on the housework lol!!

    Hope everyone is well and has a great week!!

    Janet... I'm getting a little worried... haven't seen you even log in for over a week.. don't wanna be a pest if you just need some away time but concernedas its unusual for you.. sending hugs and hope everything is ok!!
  • kobiemom
    kobiemom Posts: 218 Member
    We drove our daughter to grad school in Illinois last Wed. through Fri. Just got back from dropping our son off at U. Of MD. I was supposed to start back to work yesterday, but took two days off. Our two older daughters have birthdays this week, so we're taking them out to dinner then my husband has to travel for work later tonight. The house looks like a staging area for a major disaster. I don't know where to begin. I think I'll go grocery shopping for two for starters. Then I'll go one room at a time and put the house back together. I'm looking forward to some boring routine for awhile!

    How's everyone doing?
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Long days but at least I am getting paid for the hours this year around !!! And even more important it does seem it it appreciated which means even more.

    Seehe the second job is at the school but with funded through MTS. I do 5 classes, 3 on computers and 2 homework help. Students range from 1 - 3 grade with a couple of 4th graders.

    Kobie you most be excited, tired, and at some points even a bit sad. I am sure though you are looking for to routine.

    Snoozie you had me LOL again !!! My standard line to something like simple that's not my responsibility What time is it? day Then they say I meant hour? I give up you tell me !! Sarcasm has my picture in the dictionary my family would tell ya. More times than not my answers are sarcastic much to the confusion of others who do not know me. I can so imagine myself doing exactly the same thing. Btw great going on the running intervals. So often we get to comfortable in our expectations of our self that we don't push forward.

    Have a great week everyone, Tammy
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Stopping in for a quick hello before I get ready to head to the Jersey Shore - and I promise to behave.... giggles...
    Luckily the shore we go to is not the one made famous by snookie and crew... but if I do see will say hi for ya.....

    And my favorite PITA is staying home... :blushing:

    See you soon - leaving Friday am - returning on Tuesday nite....


    BTW - anyone heard from Janet lately? So not like her to not be here...
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good morning, Girls…I miss you…
    I have been trying to read up on everyone, but haven’t had time to yet, so this is just a quick drive by until I can catch up and reply …

    I am swamped with work …

    My co-worker had surgery yesterday,again…. and is probably looking at another 2 months out … Sorry, This is going to sound MEAN….but surely she will run out of un-needed body parts at some point?? Seems that she has something major done every year for the last six or seven years…..looks like a pattern….I don’t know maybe, I’m just tired and not thinking straight….but I do know another lady that used to work here and she had the same pattern…she loved the attention of hospitals…Hmmmm….3 months does sound enticing….just kidding…I need all my spare parts..LOL.
    Sorry to rant…..

    I am doing better with my sugar, seems more stable…less sweets and sweet tea at night…just occasionally…mostly water..

    Hoping you all are doing great…
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Hello all,

    How I have missed being here. It's my own fault, not taking enough time for me.

    With us being down 3 people at work and in the hiring process, I am so tired by the time I get home. I think Cassie has determined that since she is buying a house she can just skip all her duties so I am picking up slack there.

    They have delayed their closing again until Sept. 15th. I had a conversation with her last night so hopefully things will be better until then. When they first put in the offer, Rick and I told them they wouldn't have to pay rent until closing. That is when we thought it would be in August. That would have been only 1 1/2 months. Now it has been almost 3. If they don't close by October 1st they must pay rent again....does that sound mean? It really isn't their fault that they haven't closed but OMG, I am so ready for them to be gone.

    i have lost 4 lbs this month but not the 5 I wanted. I have been eating better but honestly haven't taken time to enter anything into MFP, not even the loss. I have a moment or so in the am when I get to work that I peruse the messages here and then its off to the races for the rest of the day.

    I truly care about each and everyone of you and enjoy reading your posts even though I am not responding much at the moment. Even my Facebook friends have admonished me for not responding to them so please know it is not you, its me...lmao. Wasn't there a movie that said that somewhere?

    Have a wonderful long holiday weekend my friends!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Morning everyone!

    just popping in for a quick catch up;

    Kobiemom - should we send out a search party to make sure you didn't get inundated by the cleaning room by room? I was exhausted just reading it lol.....

    Gail - lordy that woman you work with does indeed seem to always be out for a surgery - hang in there!

    Tammy - hope you're finding the new hours enjoyable; even tho you took on the extra tutoring i know you loved the idea of getting out around 130 - so glad you're happy in the new position!

    Tonya - "I lost 4 lbs but not the 5 I wanted to"....... OMG you lost 4 pounds?????? thats awesome!! especially considering all the havoc at home and work and the time constraints.... HUGE CONGRATS!!!!! AND no, IMHO its NOT mean to ask for rent!! They are adults; capable of taking care of themselves and you've already been super generous with letting them stay with you for so long... I understand that they are trying to save for the house, but we all had to do that... and pay our way in all other areas as we did so.. so there's absolutely nothing wrong with asking for $$!!

    Susan - so impressed with your diligence to the exercise; and know the new numbers will work out for ya!! I honestly came close to panic when I gained 3 lbs after upping my cals LOL... I almost caved but I know I need more with the increased exercise so hang in there - it's pretty normal at first from what I've read so just give it a few more weeks!

    Janet - thank you so much for checking in... we were just getting a little worried about ya cause we care! Most covered in the PM I sent, but just know we ARE all here for you anytime!

    Carol - hope you have a fabulous vacation girl!! Frolic in the water and enjoy!!

    Not much new at my end; diligently working on my beginner strength training moves and my walk/jog .. still struggling but getting more comfortable with the routine so I know I'm making progress and that's the important thing for me right now..

    Still on vacay for another week and hoping to connect with some old friends; had a great week weather wise so can't complain... altho rain forecast for the long weekend holiday (of course.. that's a given here lolol)!