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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Oh, and well done on the kitkat, Snoozie! I would probably have eaten it, just to "tidy it away". After dinner is my danger time too. Actually last night wasn't too bad, but the rest of the day was a write-off. I'm going to mark it and move on and do better today!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - love the mousse recipe and so simple indeed! and I love the idea of adding some cereal for the crunch.. (not bran flakes for me I admit lol.. I have thrown out more boxes of bran flakes or bran bud cereal than I can remember .. sigh.. I tried.. I really did.. ha... but a handful of Kashi or my oatmeal almond crisp cereal would be luffly - another reason to experiment lol!

    I can totally get your day being a write off as my last 3 weeks.. or more if i'm being honest. have each been a write off. Yesterday was honestly my first "good" day eating wise.. and it was harder than I thought it would be.. those evening cravings were bad and every bloody commercial on TV seemed to be for junk food! If I hadn't made that goal for yesterday I KNOW I would have caved and eaten the choc because I came awfully close a few times! cause yep i kept going and looking at it!! But each time i did look i decided I wanted to be able to say to myself DONE more than i wanted that choc! But it kinda scared me how hard it was to just get thru one day without crap...

    so my "Approach the start of each day with one goal and end the day with one word: DONE!" today is going to be to NOT overeat.

    The reason I'm choosing that one is because a friend is coming down to take me out for a pity lunch LOL - get me out of the house for an hour and to catch up a bit.. he's actually my ex best friend's ex husband.. hmm ya ok figure that one out ha... I fixed them up originally over 30 yrs ago lol.. ok easier...he's the ex son in law therefore of my senior friend Betty who I looked after for years..... he was decent enuf to keep helping his ex MIL Betty out with stuff like i did (he did her taxes, moved stuff around, came to see her at Christmas, etc.. which is pretty decent considering his wife (being my ex best friend and Bettys daughter) moved to England 25 yrs ago) so he and I have kept in touch over Betty.. she passed away just after her son moved her out west to a retirement place at the end of July this year; Dan and I had taken Betty out for a farewell lunch at her favourite restaurant a few days before she moved and he took a wonderful photo of the 2 of us which he had framed and gave both Betty and I a copy.. so I have a lovely memento of her thanks to him. so we'll have lunch and a toast to Betty and then prob will only stay in touch via FB here and there..

    But I KNOW me... and we all know restaurant size meals are huge.. and I haven't been out to lunch or dinner in over 5 weeks LOL... so today's goal for me will be to STOP eating when i'm no longer hungry... and IF necessary ask them to doggie bag the rest.. I have said I would do that a few times before and ended up eating the whole darn plate or platter of food.. so that is my goal today. Doesn't sound like much maybe but its gonna be a biggie for me!!

    I also read an article last night that reminded me for T2D, walking after an evening meal can really help lower the blood glucose level from the carb load rather than crashing on the couch after which is my usual pattern.. but that's not a goal just a choice i'm going to try to make today..

    Have a great day Hatters!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ok , playing catch-up on the last few pages of posts. Still a ways to go, but
    I like the yummy yums....gotta try them

    My goal is going to be to get in more steps.....at least over 5000, for starters.
    So starting now........Bye
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I didn’t know that about walking after dinner. Good to know! That helps motivate me to do it more consistently.

    If you haven’t already left for lunch...ask them to split your meal in two and to put the other half in a container to take home.

    My goal for the day: stay busy cleaning house instead of couch surfing the day away.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I wish i had read your post before I left Suzy lol... my friend was early … but I won't be able to say DONE today now.. I didn't do too badly, but I ate a few pita chips with spinach dip because he ordered it... sigh... and I did NOT need them.. the restaurant was one of those chain ones so I ordered fish and chips - the one piece at least... and the coleslaw was a vinegar one at least not a creamy.. but I ate the whole piece of fish and most of the fries.. no dessert or wine tho.. dinner will just be a salad later on and I will absolutely be going for a walk after dinner once it cools down a little.. its pigging hot here (not complaining as the dreaded "s" word will be here soon enuf!!) anyway will also spend the rest of the afternoon moving rather than couch surfing.. and push the water big time for the rest of the day. Slightly miffed I don't get to say done tonite but not a crisis lol.. i'll have to spend the afternoon also thinking about tomorrow's goal!!

    Good job on the cleaning - I think I shared a show I watched a year or two ago where they tracked 3 couples doing various activity levels in a day.. one working out for 2 hrs, one doing housework all day and I can't remember what the other one did.. but in the end the couple doing housework ended up burning more calories than the other two - mainly because when doing housework you keep going... so you are continuously burning cals whereas the workouts they peaked but then got exhausted.. so didnt end up burning much and whatever the others were doing - oh ya they were assigned to be couch potatos all day... they were dead last lol... but the house cleaning peeps won the total cal burn so you go girl!!

    Gail - awesome goal for today - can't wait to see your DONE tonite!!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited September 2018
    Just sat down so I’m going to say DONE! In more ways than just my daily goal. :D Yesterday morning I found a HUGE dead spider that may actually be a brown recluse IN MY BED!!!! We’re having a lot of work done on our basement and crawlspace so I think that’s driving the bugs into the upstairs. So today I cleaned my bedroom from top to bottom...picked up the king sized mattress to clean under the bed and even vacuumed out the box springs, took down drapes, emptied the closet and vacuumed that! I was on a mission!!! I have an exterminator coming on Friday. Anyway... I believe that housework burns more calories. I just spent six continuous hours walking, bending, squatting, lifting....so yeah...much more than an hour at the gym!

    I think we’re having pizza for dinner though but I’m having a personal size thin crust chicken and mushroom. That’s got to be better than pepperoni pan pizza! Or at least that’s what I tell myself.

    Snoozie it sounds to me like you did pretty good! I’m not sure that you can say you actually overate, especially if you’re just having a salad for dinner. Look at your whole day not just the fries and fish
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Suzy!! I am wore out just reading it all, but I fully understand. Spiders!! ugh!

    Didn't quite make my steps by looking at y phone, but I know I made it close, since there were times I forgot to take it with me when I went to the gym a couple of times to walk the stair machine and leg press...I got in two sets of each... I am TIRED. SO I am saying DONE! and whooped! lol

    Snoozie, Thanks for the "kick "in the habit. I need to get back to it.
    Making it an early night.
    Goodnight all.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Well done on the stair machine! I'm convinced that's the hardest machine in the gym. I suppose it's similar to the leg press in a way (straightening your legs against resistance) so no wonder you are tired - I bet it is doing wonders for your strength, though.

    Wow, you sound busy, Suzy! Maybe I need a dead spider to motivate me - lol! I'm sure I heard about the housework versus exercise thing before - maybe it was here? But such a good point. I'm going to bear that in mind as I always have plenty of housework I need to do!

    Great choice with the pizza! That's where I would tend to go wrong, thinking - if it's takeaway pizza, it's off the diet anyway, I might as well have something I like, preferably the most calorific thing because I'm not going to do this for a while and don't want to "waste" the experience, etc. etc. etc. I'm sure your choice is a LOT better than the pepperoni pan.

    Fish and chips isn't too bad, Snooozie, especially if you only ate a few chips. It could have been worse!

    I'm doing my usual yoyoing about, not gaining, but not losing either. The evening eating is a big thing for me. I'm not talking about huge amounts, but it all adds up. A few nuts here, a bit of cheese there, an apple - it's not every night, but if you added the calories over the week, I bet it would be a significant amount. On the diet I'm on, I'm not supposed to eat after my last meal, so it's something I really need to sort out - can't expect it to work if I'm not following it properly!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited September 2018
    Morning Hatters - i'm still on my first coffee so let's see if I can form complete sentences yet..

    Suzy... I did read your post before I went to bed last night (much to my dismay cause every shadow I saw became a freaken spider!!!) while i dont normally have too much of a prob with spiders, I have to say i'm impressed you didn't faint when you found that thing in your bed - dead or not I doubt I would have been able to sleep there last nite! I bet you burned a gazillion cals in your cleaning frenzy yesterday!!

    As for the pizza? we have to remember pizza is NOT a 4 letter word - people who are NOT overweight eat pizza without guilt, because they know its an exception rather than the rule for them, so there's no guilt and no "omg what have i done" moment.. I personally think that's how we have to look at it too no matter where we are in our own journeys.. i think once we are able to get to the place where the 80/20 rule kinda kicks in - where we know 80 percent of our choices are good, we will be able to stop worrying about what we choose for the 20%...

    I know right now i'm not there YET... like Vail as you can see from my previous posts, the evening time eating has been out of control for a while for me - and i discovered just how much trying to do just one single day without any junk... i was like a caged animal that night pacing and thinking about what i couldn't have ... kinda freaked me out a bit i'll admit that it was so hard to not graze during the evening, even tho i honestly was not hungry at all.. it just snuck up on me to the point where i now realize it's just become a habit.. i will always allow myself the after dinner "dessert" type thing because i LIKE it.. so i'll make sure i incorporate that into my cals.. but its everything else i need to put the brakes on NOW. I'm absolutely realizing what Vail said is true and i had forgotten - that change takes work and actual effort; if i'm honest tuesday was the first day i actually worked at it... and it felt pretty good at days end i must say. Even yesterday, i didn't feel too badly about my lunch; portion wise it wasn't huge, but i couldnt claim the "done" because of the pita chips and dip - i didn't need them, i actually didn't even really want them but i ate it just because it was there on the table.. and i did just have a salad with a bit of leftover chicken thrown in for dinner later so i'm ok with the actual calories i consumed.

    Gail - HUGE kudos on making the steps, because i'm absolutely sure you made it too with those gym trips and not taking your phone you actually probably went OVER the 5000! Well done you!!!!

    So... about today...

    I was updating my wall calendar last night, and looking ahead I realized that a new season starts in 2 or 3 days .. the official start of fall here is Sept 22 or 23, depending on the equinox... and i thought to myself hmm.. that means there's about 3 months left to the end of the year.. (so I counted - there's about 14 weeks left in this year.. 14 weeks. hmmm..

    and then i thought.. well.. a new season seems like a good time for me to start a new project.. and i have about 14 weeks to get it started...so i decided that project is going to be - ME.

    It's a big project. :)

    I haven't figured out the entire project as yet - but I have begun figuring out some of the parts - I want to lose weight and I want to increase my physical activity, but I also want to worry less about "stuff" and just get back to enjoying the small things; I want to become a little more selfish in some ways, and a little more generous in others. It's a big project.

    but I can do a lot in 14 weeks.

    I can start breaking bad habits, refocus my attention on ME and what I want for myself, and every day put the effort into identifying what I want, what will get me there, and actually DOING the things that will get me there. And as for the weight aspect, to rid myself of any negativity I have associated with losing weight - instead I am going to remind myself every day that what I am working towards is a reward, not a deprivation or a pain in the *kitten* - but a good and positive project - ME!! And part of the project will include me deciding i want to lose 8 pounds by the end of this year. That's just one part of the project - but it's obviously a big part of it and the easiest part to define. It will definitely be a work in progress, but there's no reason I can't start "Project Me" while I figure it out - and it will be a work in progress for sure lolol!! But i'm ready for it...

    "Approach the start of each day with one goal and end the day with one word: DONE!"

    My today goal - is to walk an extra kilometer at the lake, with an increased pace today.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Gail, I bet you made your goal on steps. They really add up and that stair machine is no joke!! Good for you!!

    Evening eating is the biggest challenge I think I face. It absolutely is mostly habit, not hunger. I think when I rely on just willpower to break a habit then I’m setting myself up for failure. There’s always going to be a weak moment where I just give in. I have to find alternative routines/habits to replace the ones I want to stop. It’s a struggle for sure.

    Vail, you may be yo-yoing but at least you’re not going up and staying there! I know it’s frustrating but hang in there! It will happen!

    Snoozie, great idea on making yourself your end of year project. I think we’re all so eager and happy to help others, to make their needs our project, but for some reason we think that making ourselves a priority is selfish and self centered. Well what’s wrong with that?!?!?!! We are worth our best efforts and care! Good for you!!!

    My goal for today is pretty much the same as yesterday. I can’t go to yoga because I’ve got contractors coming to the house. So I’m making my daily goal to get off the couch and stay busy all day.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Wellllllll....today did not go as planned. So I can’t say “Done.” Eating was okay but I was derailed on the house cleaning.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited September 2018
    Morning Hatters!

    I fell asleep on the couch so didn't get in to post before bed but I didn't get to the lake yesterday so no done for me, but I did a lot of house cleaning and dragging furniture around ( I think hearing about your massive clean inspired me to get into those nooks and crannies Suzy lol).

    Today's one goal is to clear my dining room table - which I currently cannot see as it is covered in paperwork LOL.. I dragged out the mounds of it from various places to sort it all and organize it and dig out some insurance stuff to submit yada yada.. and its been sitting there for CLOSE to a week to today that's my goal! (And not means not just stuffing it back in the various drawers and cupboards - but dealing with every piece one way or another LOL)

    Suzy - how did it go with the contractors? its friday the exterminator comes right? Are you still a bit spooked now and then looking for spideys?? You and Vail are SO right that a lot of the night time eating is nothing more than a bad habit (for me anyway). I KNOW i'm not hungry.. but that has no bearing whatsoever on the after dinner munchies :( It was a bit shocking for me that one day I set my goal to no junk food and discovering the hardest part was the few hours after dinner.. I think I even went to bed early just to avoid eating! But I have broken bad habits before and I can do it again!! Project ME!!!

    I totally agree with you that finding something else to do is the right idea.. its finding that something I know will be a struggle for me.. and right now i'm actually looking forward to going back to work next month! (yes i'll start whining the minute i'm back lol.. but right now it would be a welcome distraction!) I am actually looking forward to November when I should be able to start pickleball and my volunteering again, so that and the shifts should help.. but that's a long way away yet so its important I figure out what is gonna work for me NOW..

    One of my friends who lives in another suburb about an hour away - their senior centres there start at age 55 for their programs.. where I live it's 65... (senior centres vs community centres which is all ages) but the senior one is obviously less $$.. so she has signed up for cardio classes a week and a weekly healthy eating class. ('m happy for her but i'm also a little jealous lol - so I may spend an hour or 2 googling "exercise classes 55 plus in Toronto" and see if there's anywhere that offers us "in betweeners" a reduced cost program!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Yes, the exterminator comes tomorrow and yes, I’m paranoid about spiders!! Last night I kept imagining that I felt something on my leg while under the covers. I had my phone and would turn on the flashlight and look under the covers. Good thing my husband is a heavy sleeper. He probably would have me committed with how crazy I looked! :D

    I had to get up early and head to my parent’s house. I took mom to her hearing aid check up. All this time I thought that she couldn’t hear my dad talking when she would start talking over him. Come to find out, she just doesn’t care that he’s talking or about what he’s saying so she starts talking. Lol! Ain’t life grand?!?!!

    I don’t tend to eat much when I’m at their house so I’m starving right now but I’m going to have a sensible dinner and not rationalize that I deserve extra food because I didn’t eat much today. Oh the little mind games we play!

    Snoozie, I’m not sure how things run there but it doesn’t sound very fair that just one hour away you can be ten years younger and get better services. I hope you find some classes that are discounted. I pay quite a bit for my YMCA membership every month. I think once I’m 65 I get a discount though. I know you’re probably going stir crazy...just remember this feeling for when you’re two months into working again!

    I had no goal for the day but managed to eat okay and got all of mom’s magazines sorted through and mostly thrown out.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    and DONE - got all the darn paperwork sorted, thrown out or filed away! as usual, it didn't take that long once I started - so if I hadn't left it there for a week it would have been gone long ago lol. oh well!

    I made a "lightened up" pasta primavera tonite; super easy as you just toss the veg in with the pasta to cook during the last 3 min .... I had a little veggie tray I was munching on so I just matchsticked a few baby carrots and tossed the broccoli and cauli pieces in as is.. I also cut a few of the cherry tomatos in half and was going to add them when I threw the veg and pasta in the sauce but I forgot them. .and yes there were sitting right in front of me!! DUH..

    the sauce was just a bit of garlic sautéed in 2 teaspoons of olive oil, then a few splashes or wine to deglaze, and 1/4 cup of chicken broth and 1/4 cup of the pasta/veg water... u dont have to use the wine u can just use the broth.. then you toss in some cream cheese - I used 3 of the laughing cow wedges and whisk it around then dump the pasta and veg in and mix it around, cook for a minute and add a bit of parmesan in the bowl and voila.. it was very good I must say and with all the veg its very filling. certainly good enuf I didnt miss the extra 1000 calories for a cream alfredo sauce lol.. and almost no prep so ya know.. my kinda dish!

    Suzy - i have to admit i laughed out loud at the discovery your mom's hearing is fine... she just doesnt care if your dad is talking!! omg TOOO funny!! i dont blame you at ALL for the flashlight under the covers thing.. im sure if a sheet brushed my leg i would WIG thinknig the same thing!! bet you can't wait til tomorrow so you can get a good sound sleep!!

    I got a walk in at the lake this morning but it was a bit cold had to wear a hoodie.. but still just nice to get out ..

    hope all the hatters had a good day with at least a few laughs here adn there!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sounds delish, Snoozie! Kudos on getting your DONE!! .....sorting stuff is not my favorite, I find it hard to throw away , which is why I am a beginning hoarder. I am afraid I will need it....now junk mail is not so tough to toss, I just never do it...

    Got my Done in....7977 steps that I caught . No gym trips. My knees are feeling it, so took a few days off until next week.

    Suzy, I thought about you last night. Young Son and wife are sleeping on our couches until their room gets re done. The ceiling in the bedroom in the closet area and a bit of the room itself came crashing down a while back ....the air conditioner had sweated and caused water damage. The person who put it in did not use thick insulation around the pipe.....
    anyway, his wife told him ,before going to bed, that she thought she saw a spider behind him and he brushed it away , no big deal.....well ,sometime that night his pajama belt must have moved across his belly top, and he said he jumped up so quick!! And was like ..." NOPE, Not having it!! No spider in my bed!! ok, what do I do now, do I wake up my wife, she's on one couch, to see if there is a spider in my sheets, Do I stay awake?, it's 4:30"...finally he put on his big boy drawers ....LOL and sat down on the couch, no cover, tried to sleep, got cold, decided he had to quietly tried to shake out the covers... so he gently shook them for about 30 minutes and probably around 5:00 he made it back to sleep... Spiders!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    So funny about your mom talking over your dad, Suzy! I suppose they have been together a long time.

    I love your recipe, Snooozie. I do the same thing with putting vegetables in during the pasta cooking. The tomatoes, I also split the skin and drop them in while the pasta is cooking to loosen it, then take them out to skin and deseed. That's if I can be bothered, and only with big tomatoes, not cherry ones! I add them in right at the end, so they're barely cooked. I'm not a big fan of laughing cow cheese I've got to admit, but maybe I would like it with the other flavours.

    Evening eating is improving for me, but it's still and issue. I can talk the talk, but then the urge comes over me! And there's always some excuse. Like tonight, I'll be thinking it's the end of the week, it's Friday night, time to loosen up a bit, etc. The thing is, I feel pleased with myself when I don't eat, so I should concentrate on that, maybe. I'll try thinking about how I'll feel later in the evening and whether I'll feel better if I'd eaten that food or not - lol!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, doesn’t it feel great to throw junk out? Pasta sounded delish! I’ve never thought about putting the veggies in to cook with the pasta! Brilliant!

    Gail, spiders are evil!!! I’ll be so happy when the extermination is done. Here’s a tip that you all probably know already....make sure your bed isn’t touching the wall. That’s supposed to help, although my bed isn’t so I don’t know how valid that advice is. Lol!

    It’s so funny that you mention how you feel pleased with yourself when you don’t give in and eat, Vail. Last night I ate a bit more than I should (long story about a chicken bone and needing to eat bread :D ) and I started feeling down. Then I noticed that I really was having negative thoughts and was feeling defeated and blah. I have really felt in control lately so this was a drastic change for me. I tied it directly to exceeding my calories and at that point I wanted to eat more!!! It was such a huge eye opener for me. I’m still feeling a bit down and I think it’s because the scale hasn’t moved my weekly one pound yet, in fact I’m up a tiny bit. If only knowing all this could keep me from emotional eating!

    My goal for today is to stay busy, listen to good music while cleaning and get myself out of this funk (maybe while listening to some Uptown Funk!).
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Apparently exterminators can’t guarantee that their products will work on spiders. :#
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited September 2018
    OMG Suzy !!!! what the hell.... (sorry there's no ACK emoticon for your post!)

    was is the spiders you called them about originally? or for something other??? if it was the spideys, why wouldnt they tell you that before they came? omg.... we're here for you - if you want us to google home hacks for spider probs you let us know k?? Hugs!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    Gail - i filled a bag with empty envelopes and ad crap; i don't know why i even put that stuff in with my "paperwork" i just need to ditch it the minute i look at it! i DO have a bit of a tendency to hang onto things like paid bills, yada yada but i was brutal yesterday and pitched a lot! like you its not my favourite job which is why i probably just shove everything away til the doors on the cabinet wont close and forces me to deal with it lolol..

    When are the kids set to move back into their own place? is it going to be far from you? will it just be you and hubby then at home?? Huge congrats on getting those steps in and beyond!! well done you!!

    Vail - thanks for the tips on the tomatos - never thought of that!! and yesssssss love the one pot throw everything in lol... brilliant hack! And the recipe actually called for regular cream cheese - i just didnt have any so figured i could substitute the LC...
    huge kudos on improving on the night time eating! its still a huge struggle for me and last night i did cave and ate a bunch of junk (cheesies).. the whole time i was stuffing them in my face i was thinking why are you doing this? and after..? omg i felt awful mentally AND physically... and had a fewe moments of that "i messed up" mentality.. started to get a bit down on myself too for having "caved" as i saw it.. but this morning i reminded myself.. i AM suceeding at breaking that habit.. i have done MUCH better the fast few days than i have the past few weeks... much better! and that's progress... so i'm not perfect.. oh well.. !! But its done and over - and i will absolutely channel that experience of how crappy i felt next time i get the urge. Habits arent broken overnight so im not gonna worry about what was - just gonna focus on moving forward and the fact i am doing much better!!

    So i hope you do the same - cause you realize how much better you feel when you DO choose not to have anything.. so you are definitely making progress and shoudl be very proud of yourself! And jsut the fact you are far more conscious of when those moments hit and have that discussion in your head when they hit is one of the things i think that will help us overcome those moments so yay you!!

    Suzy - sent a PM re your post so for here i'll just say the fact that you identified what was bringing you down and why - is huge.. And whatever happened with the bread - today remind yourself you climbed a mountain..... so a few extra cals aren't even on the radar.. and altho you may be seeing a wee bit of fluctuation on the scale, it doesnt mean you've gained weight its just fluctuation that can be caused from everything and anything - in a few days you'll hop back on that sucker and will see that pound is really gone! So my little mountain climber - maybe today remidn yourself of all the changes and progress you have made and continue to make .. and that you climbed a freaken mountain.. did i mention that? lol

    Susan - hope all is well in your world and that your WW is going good!