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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    A lb. a week is AWESOME!! keep on doing what you do, Suzy!

    I'm in a little challenge on mfp with some people in my low carb group....only two weeks left , and I can't lose one lb. and keep it off.. Not that I am putting 100 % into it, obviously. I keep eating just like I have been for the last couple of years, and I know that's not working. Have to try and do better these last two weeks, I need to win that $$ for a pedicure. We have to take shots of the scale every Monday and my toes look Horrrible , with peeling , chipping paint! lol

    Doctor visit went ok, but trigs. were still up 168 total chol. was 300 and he still wants me to do Crestor and I am still leary of it.... so they are still sitting in the fridge. I may try them for 3 months , that's when he wants me to come back and do blood work, and see if it makes a dent with no side effects ....like Lipitor did to me.

    May try the Broc and Cheese soup this weekend, Snoozie. ...but themn I never did get to making those chicken Parms...I am so lazy when it comes to cooking....
    It's like, " Oh, you guys will be fine with a sandwich and some Ramen noodles, well then let me put this chicken back in the freezer!!" lol

    Hope no one is in the path of Florence, Have a wonderful weekend y'all!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    As of this morning I am five pounds away from my ticker weight. At my worst this summer I was fourteen pounds heavier than ticker weight but that was after a vacation and the first five came off quickly due to water retention. So I’m getting there. I’m reminded of the tortoise and the hare....slow and steady wins the race. I’m trying not to think about the fact that I’m still twenty pounds heavier than my lowest weight (that was four years ago). Wow! That four years absolutely flew by! I can’t believe I’m still fighting this fight.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    A pound a week is fantastic! Faster than me, and faster than I lost during my big weight loss a few years ago. I know it's frustrating though - I feel the same! But to be honest, I think much more than a pound a week isn't even realistic.

    This is a little diversion, but back when I used the MFP "method" I worked out why a fast loss wasn't possible for me. Being shorter, older, and with a high fat %, etc., my calorie output isn't that high. Under 1500 a day. To lose two pounds a week means a deficit of 1000 calories a day. For somebody whose output if 2500, that means dropping to 1500. But for me, it would mean dropping to under 500 - not impossible, but it would be an extreme low calorie diet. Even if I set MFP to lose a pound a week, that would mean eating less than 1000 calories a day. MFP doesn't allow you to aim for less than 1200, and if I did that it would be less than a 300 calorie deficit. So eating 1200 calories (which is considered very low on the MFP forums) would mean a weight loss of about half a pound a week.

    So for me, a pound a week would be fast weight loss. You should be proud of yourself for losing so fast!

    Anyway, it's been my turn to be MIA - nothing bad, just busy! I've caught up with your posts and pictures now. Yes the weight loss programme I'm on is going fine ... the only issue is that after the first six weeks, it's toned down a lot. Instead of daily articles there are weekly articles. There is now only me and my mentor talking in the chat area, which is a real shame. I think the idea is that the you have peer support during the next few months, but that's not happening with my particular group. That would be one of my criticisms of the programme. I would like when we signed up if we had the choice to participate in a group or not, then the people who wanted the group would all be with other people who wanted the group!

    Weight wise, I've not made any progress in September. There has been more than the usual amount of social eating (and drinking!). Wine has featured. However, on the positive side, I haven't regained the weight I've lost. I just need to keep going. I have set a new goal. It feels very small. I get frustrated with the reality of slow weight loss too! Just need to keep the motivation going over the next few months! And stop finding excuses to break the diet!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited September 2018
    Suzy and Vail - before i begin to attempt a post (i'm only on my second coffee so not sure how eloquent I can be!) but i want to say thank you to both of you for your posts - I needed to see both right now!

    Suzy-I completely agree with Vail that a pound a week would be considered for us "fast" weight loss - so huge kudos to you for getting where you are now - from 14 away to 5 now? That is AWESOME!! and i know you decided not to change your ticker weight but instead to get back to where it was last recorded - and you are almost there! Well done you...

    Vail - i hope you do get a chance to critique the program and think that's a great idea to say ask the people if they want group chat before hand.. so many studies have shown that having peer support or group support in weight loss helps (i'm living proof as all the people in our group here (way back when i first started there were lots more participating) all the past and present ones helped me get to my goal weight originally - i messed up on maintenance all by myself tho lol... women here talked me off the ledge a few times when i was ready to pack it in or got so frustrated i ate an entire family size bag of potato chips!) So i'm sorry you are left with just you and your mentor :(

    Funny you should mention the whole CICO thing - when i first did the calculations i put in completely sedentary for activities - because i am such a couch potato.. and mfp as you said put me at 1200 as that's the minimum it will go. and while i got the theory that if you burned off cals with exercise you could eat more.. that was not for me. so i did the 1200 for a while and nothing was happening. A long story just a wee bit shorter - i ended up discovering around 1400 cals was the "sweet spot" for me THEN... where i was losing weight steadily .. but that was 4 yrs ago and im going to have to experiement a bit to see where i need to be now to get that steady loss because my body has changed; whether it be hormones or age or whatever I suspect its going to take a lot more work at figuring out what works for me now - and i am still going to look for it without adding in exercise - the reality being for the next 8 weeks anyway i wont be able to do anything but walk ( not that i did much more anyway!! lol) but i truly do believe that weight loss is 80% what you put in your mouth and only 20% from exercise (not taking away from the fact we all know exercise is necessary for our overall health) but for weight loss.. it's all about the fork for me.

    I have been sitting around here bored out of my mind and as a result, stuffing my face and watching the scale go up - and found myself falling back into the old mindset of "well i've blown it already with this pizza today so i might as well have that ice cream bar" ... yada yada...

    but reading your posts this morning Suzy and Vail has really truly helped me get my head back in the game... i'm going to ignore the "big" number of how much i have to lose.. and simply get back into the head space of only focusing on one pound gone at a time.. i know they'll eventually add up and get me where i want to be so i'm not gonna worry about or think about that place.. one day at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time. So thanks to both of you for sharing!!

    Gail - i can completely relate to the not putting 100% in - i haven't been doing that either. I do hope you are able to reach your goal and get that pedicure from the challenge tho!

    I've been on Crestor for about 3 years now.. i admit i wasn't happy when my doc put me on it either; still determined i could change things by myself.. but decided i didnt want to further the risks having high cholesterol poses; so like the metformin I now remind myself both drugs are "helping" me, not hindering me. I hope you do decide to go on the meds for the same reason and that if you do, that you are able to tolerate the Crestor. I haven't had any probs with it personally but as we all know, everyone reacts differently to all meds. Just as an FYI my doc put me on a Coenzyme Q10 supplement when i went on Crestor - it "can" cause muscle weakness and since your heart is a muscle, the C0Q10 helps protect your heart. That said - don't go out and buy it if you start the meds, just because im passing on that info.. talk to your doc first :)

    ok.. i better get off my ever widening *kitten* and get dressed... todays excitement is cleaning out the laundry/storage room area i think... my condo is only 1000 square feet so you would think after all this time stuck at home it would be spotless huh? ya.. no lol.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    One pound at a time - I like that! I was a bit fed up when I put my "realistic" goal into my app and realised how long it's likely to take to get there - with a half pound loss on the weeks when I do everything perfectly, and no loss the other weeks - lol! But you're right about one meal at a time too. It's so easy to think that one meal doesn't matter, or one day doesn't matter in the scheme of things - and maybe it doesn't, but if it slows down weight loss and demotivates us, then maybe it should at least be an informed decision to have pizza (or whatever it is)!

    I'm glad our posts got you thinking. As you can see, your post has got me thinking too! I know we keep saying it, but it's all about the mindset in the end. I think I am missing the daily checkins on my programme. There was quite a lot about challenging thinking and so on.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - I totally absolutely get the "fed up" bit looking at the long term goal time frame - when you do the math and it tells you how long it's going to take to get rid of it all it can totally do a number on you mentally and emotionally... and yes exactly what you said about so easy to think one meal doesn't matter or one day … but consisitency really is the key as we know.. steadily staying consistent with better choices and moving our parts.. one meal/one snack/one day at a time... and I have to admit I find it weird they would cut back to weekly checkins in the programme now.. you would think this far in the daily ones would be far more useful and effective as we tend to get more frustrated as we go on... perhaps you could email your programme coordinator and mention that the daily ones would be more helpful now (and maybe throw in the whole where is everyone in the support group thought?)

    so for me right now, from reading the posts here and realizing right now it's all about just focusing on one day at a time.. not thinking about today.. and yes you all got me thinking.. i know.. here it comes right? lol

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Righto... so... i spent a bit of time going back through all the discussions over the past 3 years in our group... (no, not all of them.. lol just the first few pages of each year) At first I thought rut roh.. this is a BAD idea because all I could see were all these goals and projections I had made and have not achieved yet... but as I read everyone's posts, including my own.. it also helped me see when I HAD succeeded... reminding me I CAN accomplish the weight loss I want for myself. And I think I needed to be reminded of the fact that I CAN do it.. and I just need to focus on one day at a time right now.

    I found this little nugget in one of the posts from a few years ago and decided to bring it back for me now..

    "Approach the start of each day with one goal and end the day with one word: DONE!"

    Yup. That's it. I'm going to approach the start of each day with one goal and end the day being able to say DONE - I think it will not only help me stay focused on just a day at a time, but will give me that self satisfaction at the end to be able to say DONE.

    So if anyone else wants to join in, would love to see your "done" post each day.. (that said, i realize this may not be everyone's cup of tea so to speak lol so no worries if it doesn't work for you!)

    So my one goal for today - is to avoid all " junk" food choices today. :) That's it.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hmmmm...just one goal? Okay. My one goal is to go walking after dinner tonight. I’ve been slacking on the exercise lately.

    It is so easy to rationalize that this one cookie/pizza/drink/whatever won’t matter. You’re right about that. I definitely get on the “well I already ate the pizza so why not have ice cream” carousel. I’ve been really trying to not fall into that mindset lately by planning what I’m going to eat well in advance so that I can be prepared. The other big thing I’m doing is completely avoiding eating anything after dinner at night. That’s when I usually hop on that carousel and reach for the brass ring. So far so good though.

    I think it’s weird that your daily check ins have stopped as well. My coach said that the fifth week is where you start seeing people get complacent or just fed up so you have to become more diligent for the next few weeks until the inspiration and motivation return because you start seeing real results. That made sense to me. Other participants have started joining in on conversations lately. So that’s good to see.

    Okay...I’m off to my stretch session and then yoga class. I’m not feeling very excited about either. I’m tired and want to veg on the couch all day but I’m going anyway. Have a great day!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Yay you for going to the stretch and yoga today even tho you don't feel like it Suzy! And that's a great goal for today because it addresses something you said you have struggled with lately = looking forward to seeing your DONE tonite!

    And while my one goal may not seem like a biggie, I chose it for today because the "after dinner" junk food fest has been raging the past few days so I want to get through one day without any crap going in my mouth. Brekkie was late so I had a bowl of oatmeal almond crisp cereal with fresh blueberries and rasperries; I wanted to get a peach to make one of those "single serving mug peach crisps" but they had none so got the mixed berries instead. I do have a few apples so I may make one of those for after dinner.. lunch is going to be some leftover chicken in a salad with mandarin oranges, a few cranberries and greens and dinner the rest of the leftover chicken (its the chicken that never ends lol) as a "cold plate" - tomato and cucumber slices with the cold chicken and probably the rest of the greens. I absolutely want to be able to say DONE when I go to bed tonite! :)

    And I am also going to remember its NOT about restrictions - I know I will make some less than stellar choices here and there - but my goal is to get back to having them occasionally rather than daily .. or hourly !!

    Have a great day Hatters!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Tell me more about these single serving peach/berry crisps.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited September 2018
    LOL Suzy!! I normally only make these in the winter when I want something gooey and warm and yummy - but when you really want something a bit sweet and tummy filling omg its the easiest thing in the world to put together... takes maybe 2 minutes total to prepare... and it honestly does cook in one minute in the micro!! (it might need 90 seconds if you slice the apple a bit thicker than I do...

    (and I usually throw in a handful of frozen bluberrys if I am doing a peach one) but if apple i do slice my one apple pretty thin.. and I'm not too fussy about peeling it most times I take most off but it aint pretty when im done!) actually you could prob just use a microwave safe bowl too instead of a mug but I dunno.. I like the mug!

    anyway basically ya just slice the fruit, throw it in an oversized mug,

    then i open a envelope of instant oatmeal (i use both the steel cut and regular ones) and mix maybe 2 tablespoons of the oatmeal with cinnamon and about a teaspoon of brown sugar … or brown sugar twin... oh and if I have any pecans or slivered almonds I toss them in on top of the apple too.. then I add a teaspoon of butter or margarine to the oatmeal and cinnamon and mix with a fork for a sec til its kinda crumbly.. and dump it on top of the apple and nuke for one minute...

    it honestly does cook in just one minute! let it stand about 30 seconds after or you'll burn your mouth tho…. and I usually end up mixing it all around in the mug eventually anyway lol..but it gets warm and gooey from the teaspoon of brown sugar and the juices all mix in and its sooooooooo good!! you could skip the teaspoon of the brown sugar if you want if the fruit is sweet enough and of course you can add anything else ya like …some people throw a teaspoon of flour into the oatmeal mix or add nutmeg or whatever but i dont... but experiement away.. but its SO fast and easy and hits the spot for that bit of dessert or post dinner thing.. and its just the right size!! My personal favourite is the peach and blueberry.. but the apple will do for tonite - and I have a few slivered almonds left from my salad at lunch so they'll go in too!!

    I suppose it would be considered more of a "crumble" than a crisp because it doesn't get crispy in the nuker.. but it IS warm and gooey and oh so yummy !! and I don't really measure anymore as I've made it often enuf I just eyeball it... let me know if you decide to give it a go!

    Edited because I don't remember where I saw the original recipe for this but there are loads of recipes for one minute fruit cobblers/crisps whatever on the net..

    I found this one and I notice they suggest tossing the apple in the mixture of oatmeal and stuff... (I would never use 2 tbs of brown sugar myself just the teaspoon is enough for me) but I may try this tossing one below tonite to see what its like lol

    and I don't use granny smith.. or a "large" apple I just use whatever apple I have!

    1 large granny smith apple
    • 2 Tbsp brown sugar, divided
    • 2 Tbsp quick oats, divided
    • 1 1/2 Tbsp all-purpose flour, divided
    • 1/4 tsp cinnamon, divided
    • 1 tsp lemon juice
    • 1 Tbsp butter

    1. Peel and thinly slice apple. Toss apple slices with 1 Tbsp brown sugar, ½ Tbsp quick oats, ½ Tbsp flour, ⅛ tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp lemon juice. Place in a microwaveable dish (ramekin, bowl, etc.)
    2. Using a fork, combine the remaining ingredients with butter for the crumb topping. (1 Tbsp brown sugar, 1½ Tbsp quick oats, 1 Tbsp flour, ⅛ tsp cinnamon, and 1 Tbsp of butter.) Sprinkle over apples.
    3. Microwave for 60 to 90 seconds until apples are tender

    oh and while I was trying to find the original recipe I used? look what else I found...


    and there's supposedly a no sugar brownie in there!! gonna check it out lol

    ANDDDDDD I did and tomorrow i'm buying cocoa powder LOLOL

    Single Serve Brownie Cake
    gluten free, vegan, low fat, grain free, sugar free

    3 tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
    1/4 cup Unsweetened Applesauce
    1/4 tsp Baking Powder
    Pinch of Salt
    1 tsp Vanilla
    1 tsp-1 tbsp Maple Syrup*

    In the microwave: Cook for 1 minute and then cook for 30 second intervals or until your brownie is cooked.
    In the oven: Cook for 20-30 minutes at 180°C/350°F or until the brownie has cooked and the edges are pulling in from the sides.

    Serve warm or allow to cool.
    *Depending on how sweet you like things - I like dark chocolate so I use a single teaspoon whilst my family like things sweeter, so I use more. Alternatively you could use honey or a sweetener of your choice.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited September 2018
    OK THIS IS what comes from having too much time on your hands....

    I went thru a few of those mug ones... and THIS one....a banana breakfast one? and it comes in at UNDER 100 calories... !! 93 TO BE EXACT!


    this is the nutritional info for this breakfast cake


  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited September 2018
    So there’s no flour or anything in the brownie? Wow! I have such a sweet tooth that I still like some kind of sweet after dinner. I’ve been eating a sugar free pudding cup but I need more low calorie choices. Thanks for the link!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member

    I posted the actual recipe for the brownie above … does it not show here? it doesn't show any flour or sugar just applesauce cocao powder vanilla etc... ?

    the link has it and the other one mug recipes tho
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Yep. I was just surprised that there was no flour or oats or anything. You can bet that I’m trying that one soon!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    i'll be trying the brownie one as soon as I get some cocao powder in!! lol had my apple one tonite and it hit the spot, but i'm not going to lie its been a tough 3 hours since dniner!! I almost caved when I discovered a tiny halloween size kit kat lost in the fridge - but I SO absolutely want to make my goal and be able to say DONE for today that I refuse to give in... I truly didnt realize how much junk i've been eating after dinner for the past week..

    SUZY!! yay YOU on making your today post dinner GOAL!! well DONE !!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Bedtime for bonzo here - and DONE! 👌😛
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Those single serve deserts look fun! I love fruit crumble and sometimes make one in a little ramekin dish. Normal crumble topping of flour and butter, but a small amount. I do add sugar, and crushed bran flakes (for crispness, sweetness and fibre!). I have not tried making it in the microwave, though. I make it in the oven, but it's a waste of money heating the oven for one little ramekin!

    Sadly, my diet doesn't include sugar. So I'm posting one of the deserts - one portion - hardly a recipe as it's so simple!:

    Dark Chocolate Mousse
    1.5 tbsp cocoa powder (no sugar)
    50ml whipping cream


    Just whisk the cream and cocoa powder. The recipe says an electric whisk which I don't have, so I use a milk frother which takes ages but is fine for that small amount. Whisk until it forms soft peaks. Add cinnamon if using and whisk some more. Serve with berries if desired.

    I find with the berries it's fine that it's not sweet, and I do quite like that dark chocolate taste.