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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    The programme is going well, thanks. It's very low key now, and hardly anybody talks, but I like having it and look forward to new messages. I have tried a couple of recipes for spiced stews - one chicken stew, and one Morrocan butternut squash and chickpea stew. All the recipes are easy and turn out well - I'm actually really impressed by the recipe book above all!

    However, I haven't been great at sticking to it. It has been a mixture of being surrounded by unhealthy food at work, and social eating (and drinking) in my days off. Evening eating, I'm working on still, and that's improving. There has been a food festival in town and I felt obliged to support local businesses - lol! You buy a taste trail booklet for £4 and go round it must be about 30 places over the week, having tasters. The tasters included things like a piece of fried chicken, vegan fried chicken, coffee and cake at a posh hotel (linen napkins!), mini roast beef and yorkshire pudding, a glass of pet-nat (I had to look it up, but it was explained to us - like champagne but made using an ancient method) all sorts of things! I've had a great time exploring all that, but it hasn't helped with either losing weight or cutting back on sugar!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail that food festival sounds amazing - i would love something like that as i'll try anything lol.. they have a "winterlicious" and summerlicious" thing here we try to hit every year but its one restaurant at a time and lunch or dinner 3 course kinda thing .. I would much prefer the "taster" booklet!! And yes absolutely agree about supporting local; think of it as having done your civic duty LOL! Life is better with those moments so dont sweat it; its a "one off" event and you will quickly get back into the rythmn of lighter fare soon - once we get where we wanna be we'll be able to enjoy those types of events the way we should I think!
    that mini yorkshire pud and roast beast... mmmmm! I had an appy once at a british put here that was three mini yorkshire puddings with the roast beef and gravy tucked inside.. im drooling even now i admit remembering it!! glad you're enjoying the recipes and the program!

    its 430am here; up with a sore knee for some reason but heading back to bed... have my post op check this morning in a few hours so time to hit the :snooze button ! ha...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    edited October 2018
    Vegan fried chicken?!! I absolutely love yorkshire puds with gravy! Yum! I agree with Snoozie, it’s a one off. As long as every night isn’t like that then what the heck! You still need to enjoy special things in life and that usually involves food or drink. I think if we can learn how to incorporate these events without letting them derail us for days then maintenance should be easier once we reach our goals.

    I have to admit that I slacked off the last week or so. I didn’t get all my program exercises done and my eating was erratic. I’m only up a pound though. Back on it this week. I went back to yoga yesterday and am walking today. I may even go to the gym for some strength training if I can get my butt in gear. My hubby’s project team is making a decision this Friday on whether they’re going ahead or postponing. Fingers crossed for postponement!!!!

    I hope the post op appointment went well!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning peeps!

    All good from the surgeon to rock and roll... well maybe not roll hahaha.. still restricted for a few weeks to no bending and no lifting more than 20lbs.. (I did laugh at that after but inside I was like ok yes i'll make sure of that. can't remember the last time I lifted anything 20 lbs.. oh ya the day I carried those damn groceries home and thot of suzys backpack!!) ha Dont go back for a month for the next check so its back to work on Saturday for me.. i'm still kinda happy to be going back.. that could change Friday night tho!! giggle snort..

    Suzy.,,, your comment above.. "I think if we can learn how to incorporate these events without letting them derail us for days then maintenance should be easier once we reach our goals." is something I completely agree with.. having flunked maintenance after hitting my goal I know its because I just figured ok i'm done so its all good now I can just do what I want.. duh... biggest lesson I think was exactly what you said - I have to remember its a permandnet change that's required; getting back to the weight I wanna be is just part of the process its a permanent thing changing how I eat and moving more and that once there, remember its just fine to enjoy the "one off" evenings/events" but imperative I return to consisitently eating what I should be and keep moving …. !!

    all body parts i can cross are crossed til Friday for your hike being a GO !!

    Gail - hope youre ok .. know it's been a tough couple of days with all the test and results .. hugs..
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m glad your check up went well. Going back to work will be good. Yes, it’s still work but you’ll be out and about, seeing your coworkers, have more of a schedule...all good stuff.

    So, I’ve been thinking about that whole 80/20 thing and while I agree that it’s mostly what you put in your stomach that leads to putting on the pounds, there’s another issue besides weight. I know I’m not telling any of you something you don’t already know but I’ve been contemplating this a lot lately. I know it’s because I’ve been faced with helping my parents so much this year. It is imperative that we build as much strength as we can, while we can! My dad was always active, he did a good job at strength training, he wasn’t one to sit and do nothing. He’s almost 88 and is doing pretty well all around. My mom was never active, never exercised, was content to sit in her recliner and let dad wait on her (still is). She has so many health issues and her quality of life is not what I want for myself in my final years. While exercise is only 20% of weight loss there are other ways it affects it; like keeping you busy so that you aren’t eating, motivation to not overeat and undo all that hard work, that overall good feeling of doing something positive for yourself! I just want to go into my final stage of life strong enough and active enough to have a good quality of life not sit in a recliner and wait to drift away.

    Okay....off my soapbox! Hahahaha! Just what’s been on my mind lately. Carry on!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited October 2018
    oh my gosh suzy your timing is perfect i was just having this disucssion with my friend who drove me to my apt this morning.. she is my age and just retired in July and is working on getting as healthy as she can in retirement.. and we talked about how it isn't really the number on the scale that's important anymore, its more about being where you FEEL good with your weight,but more importantly - making sure you start building strength to be able to do the things you want to do as we age!!! at this stage we've already lost so much muscle and it is just going to keep going that way .. even my doc feels the ST is the most crucial aspect for women as we age!! and you get to see close up with your parents the difference it can make and how important it is.....

    I honestyl dont know where to start with the ST tho.. I really dont... except I DO know the classical stretch series at least uses all the muscles and I can do that right now... so im def going to try to figure out how and what to do to make that a priority!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Internet is out after power outage and spotty access in my phone - Wil be back once we are up and running again lol
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    quote: [ It is imperative that we build as much strength as we can, while we can! ]

    Yes!! this!! and agility...or is it fluidity...... if we don't get to moving, we will be wheelchair bound.

    Had lipids done at another doctor and at work through a health fair and both of them had my total cholesterol at 240 ish...which is where it always stays normally. not the total 300 the "smash 'em spread 'em" doctor had it at..
    I know that is still high, but not like 300 high... lol

    Extremely busy few weeks coming up...so just doing a quick post and run when I can.

    Be good to yourselves!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I'm glad the new cholesterol results are encouraging. Not that I understand them = mine is 3 or something, so it seems like there are two measuring systems!

    So true about strength and activity. I'm a big fan of exercise - I honestly believe it's one of the most important things you can do for your health and with so many benefits for different aspects ... of course, I still struggle to motivate myself to do it. I really need to get more regular with the strength training. I did it all through my initial weight loss, but it's even more important now.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m going to go back to the flippingfifty site that you shared with us awhile back, Snoozie. I seem to remember that she had some great videos and such on strength training. I just want someone to tell/show me what to do, how to do it correctly and how often....for free. Is that too much to ask? :D
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Thanks Suzy I forgot about her!

    I also found this today - #3, #5 and #6 in the list are ones i may look into once i'm allowed to bend again and do more thank walk; hopefully just another few weeks before I get the all clear for that!


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Youtube has some strength training videos. This video doesn't have many moves, but I like the way she explains them, and that they are simple bodyweight exercises that can be varied according to ability https://youtu.be/XT2Xb5ul_kc .

    Of those apps, I've used You Are Your Own Gym, and the 7 minute workout ones (and C25K, but that's not strength training). YAYOG is great, and you can download videos, but the problem for me was that I used his other women-orientated programme, and the app didn't work with that. It's also a little bit complicated. The 7 minute workout one I used was not the one that's linked to - to be honest, I ended up using a printout of exercises, or sometimes a youtube video. At the moment I've been using the exercises on my weight loss app. I still have to find the perfect app, I'm afraid!

    I'm still going to my walking book group and have now been asked to be one of the leaders!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    i really like as you said how she explains each move - specially the knee thing with the squat.. im still scared of planks cause of my shoulder … but I remember now that was one of my goals during physio - to be able to do one plank! its funny I also remember those are pretty much the 4 basic moves the kiniseoligist gave me to do years ago... with a couple more thrown in... its definitately a place to start tho and that's my biggest prob - so maybe I should stop talking the talk and start doing the walk!!

    Suzy.. no its not too much to ask lol.. zackly what I want!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Gail - re the lipid tests and numbers - i'm assuming the 240 was the overall chol number? did they give you the individual HDL/LDL/triglyceride numbers as well? I'm just curious if they do that in the U.S. with the test? I can't remember if you had ever started the statin they wanted you on; (sorry i'm old and forgetful lol) did they talk to you about the statin again either way when they gave you the results? Again just curious.. while my sister was here we were comparing our statin doses.. she's on 5 mgs daily and i'm on 20mgs daily...she was put on 10mg but decided she wanted to start at 5.... I started at 10mg but cholesterol wasn't going down enough so they upped it.. i've had no adverse affects from it myself so was just wondering if you had decided to start taking it. Again just curious as I know cholesterol tends to increase with age in general, and with our T2 of course it complicates things even more..

    Last time I was in to see my Doc in July she wanted to add another T2 drug to the metformin because my blood sugar is just not going down and I flat out refused; with the plan being before my next 3 month apt I would get that sucker down.. I wasn't planning for the 6 weeks of sitting on my *kitten* before surgery tho, and the 6 weeks after with nothing more than walking.. so I may have another fight on my hands come the end of November ha!! But I am gonna work that *kitten* off to get it down anyway before then!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Quick note:

    Tried this recipe tonight and it was delish! I had to cook a bit longer than it said but not much.


  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    That recipes sounds great, Suzy! I almost always have to cook things longer than it says. I think my oven might not be at the right temperature.

    The discussion about strength training got me thinking about how I keep missing workouts, despite having access to lots of material (apps, printouts, youtube, etc.). I had a bit of a revelation yesterday when I realised that I know enough exercises, and just need to get on and do them! It doesn't matter how many reps of this or whether I've got a timer for that, or what order. It's just better to do some than none at all.

    I know this is glaringly obvious! While the times and reps and great for monitoring progress and being consistent, I don't know if they are actually needed. If I do a plank for as long as I can, does it matter if I time it? If I do pushups until it's getting too hard, does it matter how many? I won't have done it any more or any longer just because I have a set number. And I realised I've been faffing about looking things up on the app to see how long to do things for, finding I don't have a timer, asking Alexa and her not understanding, etc., when I can just get on and do the exercise! There are several I know quite well, for instance, squats, lunges, planks, pushups, bridges, bird dog, superman, crunches, deadlifts, various exercises with dumbbells, etc. - I just need to a do a few of them and then get on with my day! No apps, timers, videos, printouts, etc. needed!

    I'm hoping this new strategy will mean I do it more often :smile:

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Vail, you are so right! If I spent as much time doing those exercises as I do making excuses on why I can’t then I’d be strong as an ox! There’s nothing stopping me from doing fifteen minutes of weight bearing exercise a few times a day....nothing but myself, that is.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes, 240 total …. Haven't started the Crestor....tomorrow I will...

    Working through all week and weekends for a couple of weeks, so I am drained. Will catch up later. Nite
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’ve been noticing lately that I’m having mood swings when I didn’t have them at all while going through menopause. What’s up with that?!?!! I’ve figured out that I’m more of an emotional eater than I thought I was and these moments/hours/days of moodiness are not helping! Have any of you experienced this phenomenon and how do you deal with it?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hi guys!! Well i've been back to work for a few days now and lucked in going back on a holiday weekend (It was our Thanksgiving weekend) cause no bosses around so I had time to catch up on kinda figure out what I do again LOL.. and I didnt pig out on any turkey or stuffing or what not cause my tummy was off lol... im sure i'll make up for it down the road tho!!

    Suzy - re the mood swings... umm yes I can totally relate; for a while there I could literally go from normal to rage in a heartbeat, and usually over something trivial... in retrospect anyway.. it kinda snuck up on me to be honest.. til I started to realize I was kinda insane now and then lol.. someone at work would say something or do something that annoyed or pissed me off and instead of just being that.. I would over react something fierce.. and the moods would swing in a heartbeat too... I didn't realize it til I read your post but that has pretty much disappeared now (I think...) but mind you i've been off work and pretty much on my own for about 7 weeks now.. and it's hard to get moody with yourself lol. But I was having really big "lows" and then sudden highs too.. I DO know I actually started doing the breathing thing.. the 4 second slow inhale thru the nose/hold for 7/and the slow exhale thru the mouth for 5 seconds.. I aimed for 5 of those breathing moments when I could sense I was getting angry/crazed whatever.. and it actually did help.... so hopefully yours will pass too at some point? which I know is no help now but at least... weirdly I had some hot flashes for a while... real ones lol.. where I would break out in a sweat literally dripping down my neck and face. (which I know is nothing compared to what some people go thru).. I think that lasted about 2 yrs or so... then disappeared... but I had one or two again over the past year or so.. only 1 or 2... but I was like what the hell I thot I was done with you lol...