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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    At least you had the courage to step on the scale. I’ve been avoiding it. I need to do it but I absolutely know that I’ll be in a new depressing set of numbers.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Well then let's change it for both of us Suzy!! NOW is good! I am gonna stop looking at the big picture of what i want to lose and just concentrate again on better choices and eating less and moving more - and just focus on one pound at a time.. so that's my current goal - lose one pound!! After that, i'll aim for one more.. etc etc !!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Sounds great Snoozie! I’ve got company staying with me for the next four days. I’ll try to make somewhat healthy choices but no guarantees. Come Friday I’ll be all in though!!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I might try that too, Snooozie. I know it's a good idea to go for bigger goals, but they can seem so far off. A pound is more in the day - if I avoid eating this right now, I might be down on the scale tomorrow (instead of, if I avoid eating this for four months or whatever!).
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - that's a great mind set i am gonna borrow it !! And I am honestly just going to work on one pound.. and im going to pick a day to weigh once a week (I know i'll hop on inbetween but that day will be the official check in as such) and I am thinking Sunday as I just finished nights last night and dont have any more til next year so that will give me almost a full week … so here's to that one pound goal ladies - whenever and however you choose to track it let's get that one gone !!! woo to the hoo!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Okay. I’m back. Company is gone and no plans for nine whole days. :D

    This year has taught me that I have serious work to do on managing my eating when my routine is disrupted. I seem to do pretty good when things are in my control but if we’re traveling or having guests then I self destruct. Just because I’m on vacation it doesn’t mean that my health is less important.

    I saw something the other day that said you can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet. I had never thought about it that way before. I’ve always thought, “I just hiked a mountain so I’m gonna have that pizza/candy/pancakes/whatever I want.”

    I’m up four pounds from where I started the year. Im really disappointed with myself but there’s nothing I can do to change the past year. I’ve got to move on and look forward. I’m going to do my best to end the year with a loss but more importantly, I’m going to start rethinking my eating habits. I can’t out exercise that cake. I need to somehow break my sugar habit....goal for 2019!!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Well said, Suzy. I'm always shocked at how few calories exercise burns and how much is in food! And yes, I'm lost without a routine too - and I keep using that as an excuse. I'm embarrassed that I'm supposedly on this free programme, and just not sticking to it. And sugar - it was never a problem for me before! But it is now! Craving it all the time! To the extent that I've been baking: I mean that is just ridiculously going out of my way to produce sweet food! There are no excuses!

    You mentioning where you were a year ago made me check too, and after all the "work" I've put in over the last year I've overall lost a total of .... FOUR pounds! It must be some sort of record for the slowest weight loss ever! I've been up higher and down lower, and currently stalling, but that's my final figure over the whole year! And the "stalling" is entirely self-inflicted. I'm just eating too much. Thank you for the wake-up call!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m having a real problem putting this new plan into action. :(

    I keep rationalizing that Thanksgiving is next week and there’s no way I can stick to my plan while celebrating that holiday of overeating! Ugh!!!! I need to snap out of it!!

    I may have to do the Whole30 program after Christmas to jumpstart my sugar detox. I’m coming to the realization that I need to do something drastic to get myself out of this rut.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    No Thanksgiving here in the UK, so no excuses for me! To be honest, although I have been struggling with special occasions, social eating, etc., I am aware that that's not the only time I'm slipping up. I am slipping up from day to day, and whereas a few years ago it used to be now and then and it wouldn't matter, if it's every other day then it's going to have an impact.

    Rationalisations ... you know, late last night I realised that I had some bread and ham that would have to be thrown away today, so of course I had a ham sandwich that I didn't even want, just to use it up! Just before bed! I was lying in bed thinking "why did I do that"? I thought I would be wasting it by throwing it in the bin, so instead I stuffed it in my mouth. Lol! As a one off, it wouldn't have mattered, but these sorts of things are happening much too frequently.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail and Suzy - am totally in the same boat with same issues - will write later today am on dayshift and its 230am and I have to get up at 4 and still awake. 😩. Promise to catch up when I get home today but omg just reading both your posts is a mirror image of me too - all except the baking because I have no flour in the house or I too would have done it and I haven't baked in probably over a year!! but I'm craving cookies right from the oven!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited November 2018
    hi ladies.. sorry im a little late replying; i was a sloth yesterday recovering from dayshift and accomplished nothing except stuffing my face. Vail your comment about how special occasions aren't the only time you are slipping up you are doing it day to day well omg that's me too and I have no idea why - like u and the ham sandwich, im not even eating because im hungry!! and im pretty sure i've used the excuse I dont want to waste it either - yet i'm happy to toss out a 1/2 head of lettuce or some dried up carrots without cooking them up and eating them... I have GOT to get a handle on this tho.. i'm hoping that the} " first snow and urge for the whole carb load/winter thing" has run its course now.. altho I realize that ultimately the choice whether to stuff something in my face or not is MINE, I do think some of that caveman "winter is coming must load up in case we starve" gene is still buried somewhere inside me and something I can't control... but I truly have to get a grip the scale is moving up and everything feels uncomfortably tight and I FEEL .. slumpy… ? is that a word? stodgy, lumpy, tired - and I WANT that feeling I had when I was at a comfortable weight and wanted to move and do things and not feel like it required too much effort - so I think that's going to be my motivation right now rather than the actual weight loss # thing.. im gonna focus more on remembering how much better I feel without this weight literally weighing me down! I am eating WAY too much even if it's "good for me" food.. and like some of the rest of us I have some social events coming up; a few lunches out, some xmas parties yada yada…so I am going to have to work really hard EVERY DAY in between those, as well as working hard at every other meal on those particular days when i do have an event... to remember that I am working towards getting to a better place for me!

    there's about 6 weeks left in this year.. which means i have about 42 days still left for me to work hard and make em count. So that's going to be my "goal" as such - to remember that by the end of the year AND moving into a new one, I want to feel better physically and to do that, i'm gonna have to put the effort into getting there every single day. So I may have to impose on some of you for an *kitten* kicking now and then if I start to whine... feel free to say "read your own damn post woman", k???

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Day 52 working straight since Oct. 1st!! I am sooooo tired. lol Should have a couple of days off....then start it again, until we get it all transferred to the new company.... I can't say I will miss it any, but I will miss my room. It has been wonderful working with only myself and one other employee for so long...after this I have to work with a multitude of people....ie...women! YES, Drama!! Love each individually but not as a whole... they are so jealous and worried about someone not doing as much or them doing more than someone else... ok rant over! lol

    I want to try to push forward these last few weeks, too ,Snoozie....

    Seems like we are here every year trying to prove to ourselves that we will get to where we want to be... in the short time left, but I feel we can do it this year and keep it off next year!!

    I plan on working on my" afternoon till bedtime "eating....It is the demon that keeps me FAT!! I do fine through out the day...but there is something about that timeframe that hates me!!! lol
    I think I don't have anything to do with my time...(if you could see my house you would see differently), haha, I wish I had something to volunteer my time too, but it is such a small town, I'm not sure what that would be... I'll have to think on that one...

    I hope you all have a great weekend! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it,
    Funny, I never thought much about y'all not celebtrating it, Vail....hahaha.....I forget a lot about what we learned in school lol like I had to google it...(" the Pilgrims hosted the first Thanksgiving dinner after their successful exit from England.) " I can't be held responsible for them though....lol

    talk later,

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Gail - i totally understand your "afternoon til bedtime" eating... and i agree completely that a lot of my eating then (or the equivalent time frame with my shifts) has to do with being bored... or not exactly bored but having nothing to do .. and that doesnt count as housework for me either!! I could easily be doing chores around here but have no interest in that, instead i'd rather plop on the couch and then I start grazing for food... im not even hungry most of the time.. and I swear watching those commericals for hamburgers and chips and stuff is part of it... like a trigger in my brain! so I am working on that too.. I think that's one of the reasons i looked for the volunteer thing (but admit i didnt want anything depressing right now - i wanted something fun for me ... and why im trying to play as much pickleball as i can.. if i can find things to keep me busy that i enjoy (and let me make this clear.. scrubbing the bathroom floor does NOT count as fun) .. then my head isnt in the fridge or cupboard during those times. and i know its gonna be harder to motivate myself as winter lands.. today its freezing out gak... i am going to get my brakes done this morning and may hit pickleball on the way home at noon.. then i have a gig at the living arts tonite from 7-11.. and back to work tomorrow.. but i only have a week of evening shift then im on vacation for 2 weeks so that will be a challenge time i know.. icause i have a efw lunches with friends booked for then.. but i plan to be down some weight by then and hopefully that will keep me from going crazy at the feedings!

    Happy turkey day to my lovely friends in the U.S. Vail you and i will have to settle for PB and J sammichs hahaha..
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hello Hatters! Just checking in. Thanksgiving was wonderful! Lots of family and games and food! I’m dreading the weigh in when we get home on Sunday but there’s not much I can do about that today. On the road today and tomorrow and then I’m home for four whole weeks before we drive back to Kansas City for Christmas. I’m hoping 2019 will start out with a few months at home to get back into a good schedule for going to the gym! Have a great weekend everyone!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    So.....my niece just contacted me and she wants to come visit and the two of us take a trip to Asheville to see the Biltmore all decorated for Christmas. It looks like I spoke too soon and I won’t be home for four weeks. Oh well...2019 will have to be my chance to get back on track. I’m not complaining; I love spending time with my niece! I’ll just have to do the best I can!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Suzy... I thought i replied here after your TG post... apparently im losing what little there is left of my mind lol.. i'm so glad you had such a wonderful time - that's what TG is supposed to be all about, not worrying about the number on a piece of plastic! Too funny on the home for 4 weeks.. oops no i'm not! But how awesome that your niece wants you to go with her to see the tree - time with family and memories made rank at the very top of the "scale" in my opinion - and that's really the far more important scale in our lives, right? So have a wonderful time and perhaps try to get a pic to share with us!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Ok i'm on a second cup of coffee; i took the day off work even tho after tomorrow i'm on vacation for 2 weeks lol.. there's a dinner at the LAC tonite for the volunteers and I figured what the hell... I was going over my calendar for my vacay and realized I have booked a lot of get togethers with friends - which is a good thing but they are all of course lunches or dinners or wine therapy :) but i've decided i'm not going to stress over food; i'm just going to remind myself I don't have to eat the entire buffet and that the real reason i'm there isn't the food but the friendships and time together - just switch my focus! So now that i've freed up my mind from any stress or thoughts about the food aspect I am free to enjoy and be happy I am going to get to spend time with them!

    One of my friends and I have also decided to get out and about more - so we're going downtown next week to one of the open air markets to wander around and see the big tree in the square etc - even tho I travel downtown Toronto every day for work, I just go there and back; so we're going to play tourist in the city a few times lol... Thursday night we're going to a show at the LAC called "choir choir choir".. if you've never heard of the group, they make choirs out of audiences everywhere.. they did a big one in times square with 1500 people..and have done a lot of that sort of thing.. and its supposed to be a really funny show in between them teaching us to sing one particular song LOL.. and neither my friend nor I can carry a tune btw... not one note.. but we figure a few glasses of wine before hand and we won't give a damn haaaaaaaaaa.. so should be a fun night (and the tickets were free from the LAC so win win!)

    Anyway... I hope everyone is doing ok and Gail I hope to god you get a day off at some point!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I sometimes wonder what it would be like to not think about food so much. There must be people who eat without any concern about how much or what they’re eating and still have healthy lives. Right? I have a nephew who’s metabolism must be like a high speed train. He eats all the time, never exercises and is skinny as a bean pole. I’ve spent my entire life fully aware of what I’m eating and beating myself up for it. Then there’s my niece (by marriage) who’s extremely OCD and sets timers for when to eat, measures and weighs every single morsel and spends two hours a day exercising. She’s in great shape but it completely rules her life. There’s gotta be a happy medium.

    Have a great time with your friends Snoozie! Sing your heart out! (Wine makes everything and everyone sound better!)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hi hatters....
    just back from pickleball .... overdid it a little bit but it's all good lol....

    omg last night at the Choir thing.... was such a hoot!! we had SUCH a good time... and it only took them 2 hours (and several glasses of wine for me and my friend) for them to turn us into something half decent LOL.. these guys are hysterical and so frigging talented.. the one guy in the hat was teaching each section their parts (the harmonies and such) and using his hand to go up and down to remind us which notes we were supposed to sing) and at one point he was leading all 3 different sections at once.. and the other guy.. holy hell he could hear a wrong note sung anywhere in the place - in 700 people lol... they were hysterically funny while teaching us too... i'll post the link to the youtube video (it went live for our final performance lol.. its long and blurry but if you're bored take a look - we learned john lennon's "Imagine" - and for a whole bunch of people who can't sing, we did pretty good


    So... yesterday i had my doc appointment - it didn't go well... A1C still up so she is goign to change my meds from metformin to something else.. cant remember what its called.. so that bummed me out.. then discovered that even with an iron supplement my iron is way too low.. (red blood cells) so she is sending me for an endoscopy (camera down the throat.. yuck) cause since i no longer have a period i shouldnt be this low, especially with having taken the supplement for the last 3 months..) and then for some reason i appear to be leaking protein from my kidneys.. my last # was 0.5 three months ago.. and it was something like 3.7 this time??? huge jump... and i've never had any kidney problems at all... so WTF... omg.. needless to say i was not a happy camper... and it kinda bummed me out the rest of the day..

    but i thought about things in bed last nite... and decided that i wasn't going to let it freak me out... oftentimes with this sort of thing i prefer the "ostrich" method.. what i don't know doesn't exist.. but.. now i do realize that its better to find out whats going on with the kidneys and blood now.... and the new diabetic med should according to my doc, bring down my A1C much better... so its a positive. of course my mind did go to the kidney thing being from the diabetes.. but she doesn't think its that... she may decide to put me on a bp drug next time if its still high (cause even tho my bp is fine the med helps the kidneys function) so i go back in 5 months by which time i should have had the endoscopy and hopefully the A1C will be down too.... so im in a much better head space today!

    That said it's still a bit of a wake up call with regards to my eating habits .. so i think im going to fous more on the eating better for my T2 and less on the weight aspect for the moment..

    ok i've babbled enuf and i have to go get some groceries as mother hubbards cupboard are actually bare lol..
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    So excited about the choir night!! I know you will love it.

    Finally had 4 days off!! Would you believe we may have come back to work more tired than ever. It was like we didn't get enough time to really unwind and relax...so this week has been rough. Last night I went to bed at 7 and woke up at 12:30 , luckily I was able to go back to sleep after wandering around the kitchen...no food eaten then I swear!! but I did think about it....lol

    Biltmore sounds lovely. I know you will enjoy that time with your neice , Suzy.

    We are still working like crazy to complete this part transition by Christmas time. They say it has to be finished by then. I think it is a case of "them" making decisions that have no real idea about how long something takes.
    Hope all is well with every one else.