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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Milove lovely to hear from you - we've missed hearing from you as well! Merry christmas to you and yours !

    Carol - family traditions are lovely especially over the holiday season

    Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday; i actually did okay SO FAR *yes notice that was in caps.. it aint over yet* but as i'm on my own and was too lazy to bake anything i havent eaten too crazy.. i did have a bit of treats last nite at a friends; i popped by after their xmas dinner for dessert and to see them all... funny tho i really only wanted a piece of the home made lemon meringue pie .. but i felt obligated to try bits of everything that had been made and brought by people there.. so i ended up with a slice of cheesecake on my plate as well and some lemon pudding... which i honestly didnt want but yep i ate it... at least they were small bits!

    I got cancelled from serving xmas dinner at the salvation army church this year; they sent me an email xmas eve saying they had mixed upthe volunteer lists and had too many... so that was a bit of a bummer. but in the end i decided was better they had too many volunteers lol went to the lake for a walk and then made my turkey breast; and i cheateda nd used a box stuffing mix... blech lol... next year ill make my own little stuffing just for me for sure!! i'm stilling having a few probs iwth the joint pain and stiffness in my back and hand but im mobile and can type so not complaining (much); but since im back to work tomorrow i hpe it is over and done with today! am going to try for the lake again; i havent been in months since my surgery and have missed it so goign to try to get back to that as much as possible - its my mental health walk haaaaaaaa.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Milove, welcome back! It’s good to “see” you!

    Carol, my mom still has all the ornaments from when I was a child on her tree. She said I could have them this year when I decorated her tree for her, but I know she loves to look at them and remember her children as little ones. I’ll get them one day.

    Snoozie, sorry to hear about the joint pain. This time of year isn’t kind to all of our old joints. My hands are so stiff in the mornings that it takes awhile to be able to hold my cuppa! I guess it’s good the Salvation Army had too many volunteers but that’s short notice for you to make other plans! I’m glad you’re getting back to the lake though. The weather here was beautiful today so we got to walk by the river. There were so many people out. I needed to walk off some of the food I ate yesterday.

    My “one day at a time” approach hasn’t been working for me. I was okay until I baked cookies. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day and another chance to get back to healthy choices. I haven’t been this heavy since 2013....very disappointing but I know I can get this weight off!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Love the angel, Carol. I don't really do Christmas decorations, but it's funny that I can clearly remember decorations from my childhool. They are very evocative. I suppose it's a special time for children and a yearly routine so it sticks in your memory. It's lovely that you are keeping it going.

    "I was okay until I baked cookies" - so funny, Suzy! I can identify with that!

    Snoozie, I "cheated" with Christmas dinner too, with frozen and pre-prepared veg. There is just me and my son on Christmas day, and I don't want to spend too much time in the kitchen. Using the readymade stuff is my Christmas present to myself - lol!

    Anyway, I have been absolutely terrible at the one day at a time thing, and I've been piling on the weight! It's partly the alcohol -decided to break into some of the good bottles of wine that I have put away, but ... it seems to be too many. I had different bottles with different courses, and now I have five opened bottles on the go (fizz, white wine, red wine, dessert wine, port). What to do? Lol! I'm just hoping some of my weight is water weight!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited December 2018
    Good morning all.. i'm back to work today for the next week but at least its evening shift so i have my mornings to myself and can sit and enjoy my coffee in jammies; its the small joys right? ha..

    Vail - its just me on my own so absolutely agree on the frozen cheats and I even used envelope gravy... but next year I am absolutely going to make my own stuffing LOL.. that box of stuffing was vile so someone remind me next year will ya?

    As for the booze.. well my suggestion is to have a glass of something every night to use it up LOL.. or maybe cook with it? I have a good recipe for wine chicken - well good in that its main ingredients are butter and sherry... oops! I used to add some amaretto to a fruit salad.. maybe you could do that with the dessert wine? that's all I got for ideas but im only on my first coffee so I might get more later!

    Suzy so glad you were able to do a river walk - hey did ya do a river dance ??? ha.. sorry I couldnt resist.. remember the river dance troupe that used to perform on stage? all those flying feet.. anyway i digress.. hope you had a lovely Christmas!! ouch on the stiff fingers...and you're right seems some days the ouchies are worse than others.. I swear some of it is weather related sometimes!

    Gail - hope all is well; hope you can check in and let us know all is ok!

    As for the holiday post debrief.... well I honestly think that we should all just let any guilt or remorse about any excess eating and drinking over the holidays ..go... just toss it out with the wrapping paper . We are all here for the same reason; to lose weight, get healthier and to learn new better habits and examine our relationships with food to help us accomplish our goals - and part of that is realizing its okay to idulge sometimes - like with family and friends at holidays. We're here because We are all working towards getting to the place where the occasional indulgence won't bother us at all - people who are healthy and at a cmofortable weight dont worry about times like Christmas because its the exception to their normal - and i think that's where we'd all like to be?

    So we aren't there yet.... big deal.... we aren't perfect. And that's ok!! Just because we aren;t there yet, there's no reason we can't be there down the road! We've all made huge strides over the past few years in making changes... And while we start working towards whatever goals we want again, we don't need any extra "weight" along with us .. that being "mental weight" carried from any guilt or remorse from any over indulgence; and so what if we over indulged.. honestly.. it was a couple of days out of the whole year .. big picture it really is immaterial right now... just remember the fun times and great memories made with the family and friends you celebrated with (that's good weight!) and just drop the other "stuff" by the side of the road.. or toss it out the window or in the garbage bin... wherever is handy lol.. we don't need it as we move forward!!

    And speaking of moving forward... need a bit of brekkie first and another coffee before venturing into that topic LOL
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    So... in a few days it will be a brand new year - im not normally one for making any new year's resolutions, but i do think it's a good time to re focus on changes I want to make in the upcoming year, in all aspects of my life. Since we're in this group for health and weight loss, i'll just share what I am planning on accomplishing in 2019 for myself in that area.. notice I said planning on because i'm going to use these last few days of this year to tweak said plan!

    The one thing I have down pat so far is that i've decided i'm going to weigh in on the morning of December 31st - not Jan 1st this time.

    I will weigh myself on the last day of this year so i know where i'm at ending this year... and will update my ticker and set out my goals for 2019 then, so that when i wake up on NY day, it will really be a "new day" for me on Jan 1st.

    I decided to do it all on Dec 31st so this way so I won't be STARTING the new year mentally with perhaps what may be a discouraging weigh in; I don't want to start my year being discouraged. By doing it on Dec 31 instead, i'll be ending the year knowing exactly where I stand, and where i need to go, and can start fresh on Jan 1st itself and only look forward :)

    i ALSO know enuf about myself that i can't just "wing it" when it comes to weight loss and healthy eating. I have a pretty good idea of what steps I'm going to take to get what i want for myself, but i need to be brutally honest with myself over the next few days about what i have to do if i really want this for me.. im very good at talking myself into straying from my path.. ok making excuses is really what it is... and i know that about me.. i know my triggers and i have to plan for those and have a plan for the excuse moments.. at the moment the broad plan is going to be to restricting calories, making better healthy choices and cutting sugar intake. But i know for me i need some "structure" to make that happen, so i'll be working on that for the next few days to get everything in place. So that's my plan for the start of the new year... and if anyone wants to share any of theirs i'd love to hear them..

    As well, if anyone has any ideas to start off a new thread for 2019 - a working title as such please feel free if you're up and about after midnight on the 31st to start a new one for us!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    OMG!!! I took your approach and weighed in this morning instead of starting on the 1st. It’s worse than I thought. I’m working on my strategy and measurable goals.

    There is absolutely no dang way that I’m staying at this weight one day longer!!! I’m uncomfortable in all my clothes and refuse to buy bigger sizes.

    It’s on!!!!! Challenge accepted!!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    LOL Suzy.. i wasn't really issuing any challenge just sharing my own plan - i'm sorry your scale moment was worse than you thought, but hopefully by doing it now instead of on the first, you'll find like me starting off the new year on day 1 with a plan to make changes will be better for you as well rather than hopping the scale on the first day of a new year and starting off a little discouraged!

    I know exactly what you mean about being uncomfortable in all your clothes - I am literally living in my jeggings as they are the only things that aren't uncomfortable right now! And im fine with that being part of my motivation - not just overall health and my T2 but I want to be able to put on my jeans or anything other than pajamas!! without feeling like im going to explode!!!

    I'm refining my plan as i said; and i know what i DONT want to do which is log my food for the rest of the my life.. but i also know i need some rules and guidelines so that's my current challenge - but i HAVE decided i'm going to focus on low carb for january.. i'm not ever going to cut out all carbs but i'm certainly going to really cut back on the white ones.. more veg and protein and i'm going to be searching for some recipes using foods i love. I stopped at a little market on the way home from the lake today and they had a hot food table.. so i got a piece of salmon and some sauteed mushrooms and onions and a few pieces of asparagus.. it was so good and just the right amount.... i would never make that sort of thing for myself at home and now my tummy is full! Last night at work was goodie night - omg the back counter was literally loaded with stuff and people brot me my tubs of treats i had been begging for lol I had a slice of chocolate cake one of the guys wives makes for us every year and enjoyed every bite... and then i brot home the tubs and literally threw everything out... i have a few hershey almond kisses on hand for those moments but for the first time in a long time, i don't really want sweets.. i really want to just focus on good food. I was looking back thru my profile and check in numbers and realize i hit my goal weight in 2013 - 6 years ago!!! then i regained the 25 lbs of the 60 lost back.. and i have been at that regain weight since... it kinda blew me away its been that long - i shoudl have known but honestly - it was a slap in the face. I KNOW i havent been putting the work into getting rid of the weight but i didnt realize how long i had been cruising at this weight... so for sure like you i am NOT going to stay at this weight in 2019 - one day at a time, one pound at a time i WILL get back to a comfortable weight for me!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    It's scary to look at it over time! I weigh every day, and MFP shows a chart for the last year. Well, you know, over the past year I've had various losses and gains, but amusingly, I'm actually almost EXACTLY the same weight I was a year ago. Which coincidentally (or not!) happens to be my maintenance weight for the past few years. So funny, after a couple of periods of illness where I lost weight, and then 6 months on this weight loss programme with the app, only to be exactly where I was a year ago! I don't know whether to laugh or cry! However ... at least, AT LEAST, I'm not significantly heavier.

    The slightly good news, is that I have gained quiet a lot recently. Quite a few pounds since November. So I'm hoping that quickly gained means quickly lost. It has been lovely having my son at home, and sadly he is moving out again in January, and I'll miss him a lot, BUT on the bright side, I will have more control over what food is in the house.

    The more bad news is that I feel so guilty about being on this weight loss programme, only to have not lost any weight. I DID lose weight. Then I gained it back, and it was all purely my fault, much as I'd like to blame it on other people not talking in the group, or the equipment not working or whatever - none of that was a barrier to me just getting on with the programme. I have to book in for a weight check and a blood sugar check, and I feel so bad - I've been eating more sugar recently than I have in years. I'm hoping I can delay it at least long enough to adjust my diet and get a couple of pounds off again.

    TLDR (too long, don't read): have gained and lost over the year, but ended up at just the same point!

    Anyway, Snooozie, your point about "winging it" really struck a chord. I've done this too many times and stopped, but I think I might go back to keeping a food diary. I don't log on MFP any more - the database is a mess and doesn't lend itself to home-prepared foods - but I think it is helpful to write down what I eat, whatever method I'm using. I'm also going to try to be stricter about just eating at mealtimes. That's something that has really helped me before. Where I have gone off track is recently mixing and matching and methods and making excuses - for instance using an "eating window", when I KNOW that doesn't work for me! Back to basics for me.

    The only title I can think of for the 2019 thread is "Here we go again!". lol! I promise to think of something more inspiring if I'm here first on New Year's Day!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - I understand you feeling a little iffy about being on the programme and it not showing any loss in the numbers, but as you pointed out you DID lose weight while you were on it, so you have nothing to feel guilty about. If they had asked for the final numbers during that period you would have no guilt at all, so the fact that it happens to be coming in now is nothing more than bad timing, so pls dont feel guilty. They will probably appreciate your honest feedback about your experience during the entire length of it... im sorry your son is moving out but glad that it may help you control what food comes in and out … I can't even imagine how hard it is living with any other people for all of you - I am just me and still struggle! I'm also glad you are thinking about ways to challenge your own struggles with winging it... by considering journaling your food and getting back to basics; it sounds like you're getting your mind set all geared up for whatever changes you want to make for yourself!

    I've been giving some thought to some potential titles for our 2019 thread as well... and my head hurts from all that thinking LOLOL... but I was thinking for me this year, I want to focus on positive thoughts, because I do think your body believes what your mind thinks! I don't want to focus on thoughts like deprivation or diet or doing without (hmm... ok "D" words are apparently out for me LOL..

    This year I think I want to focus more on making the CHOICE to eat better .. choosing to move more and making better choices because I CAN, not because I have to... I want to be able to know that I don't "have" to go without potato chips.. I simply choose not to.

    For me I think it will be far more empowering and less stressful to focus more on the choice being mine... and knowing the choices I make will determine my success.. so I'm thinking maybe something about "Today I choose" as a title … ? and leave it open... Or maybe " This year I choose to be healthy" Perhaps we could each post a choice daily that we made.... whether its I chose an apple instead of a cookie.. or I chose to walk at the river today.. Anyway that's my 2 cents worth for a potential title lol... but i'm perfectly fine with any title or idea anyone has, believe me!! And more than happy if someone is conscious at the start of the new year and can kick us off with a new thread - i supsect i will be sound asleep LOL.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    this is kinda the idea i'm thinking

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I like the “I choose...” idea because it is all about choices. I choose what I’m going to buy at the grocery store, when/what to eat, to go to the gym or walk/hike. I’ve made bad choices this year and I fully own up to that. 2019 is about choosing my long term health over the instant gratification of some food or being lazy. I have to keep my long term goals more in the forefront of my mind to block out the fleeting desire of sweets...use it to motivate me to move more.


    I choose to not give up on me!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    i love the "i CHOOSE not to give up on me" line Suzy.... and i agree - its more of a positive motivation (for me anyway) in that i'm not being forced to give up something, or being denied it... i'm choosing to make changes.. choosing to make those small changes every day that will get me what I want for myself...

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited December 2018
    actually Suzy - i'd like to use that pic you posted as our title page for the group if that's ok?

    hmm ok I couldnt figure out how to replace the 7 dwarves of menopause picture so I made your pic our 2019 "group announcement" instead!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome back.

    I decided a few days ago to reset my ticker and its up there but still 20lbs less than my original weight but I have gain 30lbs over the three years I guess 10lbs a year hmm.

    Anyway, I decided to weigh in once a week. I was going to give up my cup of coffee in the morning and my glass of wine before bed, but I have choosen not too because I enjoy it. However, I do choose to eat a lot more vegetables, like you Snoozie cut down on the carbs, and Suzy, like your sign, I choose not to give up.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’m resetting my beginning weight. I’m starting completely fresh. 2019 will be a whole new start for me. I just want to put the past behind me and go forward with a renewed determination to get (and stay) healthy!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    You brave resetters! I still haven't found the courage! I'm still clinging to my 60lb loss from about five years ago! Nobody can make me do it! Lol!

    I love "I want to see what happens if I don't give up", Suzy!

    Milove, I understand not giving up the coffee and the wine - I have managed to diet successfully while still drinking wine in small amounts. I think it makes it harder to lose because of the calories, etc,. BUT I think what I have difficulty with is sticking to things and anything that helps you stick to it is good.

    I need to find my own way of sticking with it. I've downloaded a habit tracker app, and have put in a couple of simple achievable things - one to do with eating and the other to do with exercise. I'm still getting to grips with the app, but I thought it might be a simple way to get some motivation. (The one I am trying is called Habitbull. It's not a recommendation as it's the only one I've tried!). I know I wrote just yesterday about logging everything I ate and so on, but as it's almost a guarantee that I'll forget to do that, maybe the simple "yes/no" habit tracker will work better? Of course, I could use the habit tracker to track whether I log food and so on, but I'll maybe keep things simple, at least for a day or two!

    Yesterday was quite successful. I experimented with a new vegetable, and had two small balanced meals with protein and snacking. I'm back to my old trick of drinking herbal tea in the evening when I get hunger pangs. I went to bed hungry last night and realised that it's first time I've done so in a long time!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail - i TOTALLY understand not wanting to reset - to be able to SEE that loss you already achieved, believe me... and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!! and you SO don't have to do anything you dont want to LOL.. none of us do...!! WOO HOO!! my response to many people these days is "i'm all grown up.. you can't make me (insert whatever here.. in my case its often "you can't make me eat kale") haaaaaaaaaaaa..

    I loved reading your paragraph about trying the habit tracker - and about changing your mind about hte logging because it means you're thinking about moving forward and figuring out what you want to do, and taking the steps that help you do it. I'm been using the few days to try to figure out what my own plan - as i mentioned i dont want to log for the rest of my life but i know i need some "rules" of my own and i have been exploring too.. i think the app is a great idea; it fits with what you want and dont want to do; i'll definitely be looking forward to hearing how it's going..

    And congrats on yesterday...well done!! when i read that you felt hunger for the time time in a long time i realized how true that is for me as well... since mid December i've been trying to just eat .. less i guess.. going back to things like eating 1/2 my sandiwch at work then waiting until i was hungry to eat the other half... eating an orange instead of grabbing toast and pb etc.. part of my challenge wil be finding that fine line between waiting too long and then pigging out... but not eating just because it's "time" or i'm bored or whatever..

    As for the coffee and wine... i love my mornign coffee... with cream and sugar and i cannot honestly ever see giving up that joy, or wanting to.. BUT.. i have cut back on the actual number of coffees i have a day.. when i'm working i often have 5 or 6, some of which are just habit, some of which are necessary (like at 3am on midnights lol).. so for me i am not messing with my perfect morning coffee lol... its a small joy but like you said above, i'm keeping it and nobody can make me give it up hahahaha... so I'm with you there Milove!! But we each have our own "coffee" thing we CHOOSE not to give up because it brings us pleasure and there's nothing wrong with that either IMO... there's a whole lot of other things i can give up instead ha!

    So my plan is still to weigh in tomororw morning and change all my check in numbers etc.. so i can start Jan 1 on a clean slate.. i have lost a bit of weight since my last check in Dec 13th, when i started trying to make some changes.. not much but over the past few days i've been moving ahead with the lower carb plan.. i still take a sandwich to work and i took a very small brownie for dessert last nite... it was the last one of my one baking attempt over xmas lol.. i'm not cutting out any food group just trying to get most of my carbs from veg and fruit... i know the first 2 weeks of january are going to be tuff cause i'm on days off then midnite shift where i usually exist on toast and peanut butter for 7 days!! so i'm going to have to come up with a better plan for that way ahead of time.. i have been kinda repeating that mantra in my head tho a lot.. the "i choose healthier" and it seems to be helping .. i dont feel deprived most times but its early days so i'm not getting cocky.. but i really like the idea for 2019 of making it about choosing to be healthy.. not having to .. but making the deliberate choice to do whats best for me :)

    Gail - i'm getting a little worried we havent' heard from you in a while .. I hope all is okay in your world and hope to hear from you soon my friend!

    ok... we actually had our first snow last nite apparently lol.. i looked out the window this morning and thot what the hell?? i didnt catch that in the weather report!!! but its really just a dusting so i wont complain - i know there will be worse to come ha!! and I need to go get a few groceries before work.. i've had stew every nite for 3 nites in a row (i will definitely be freezing down another batch on days off tho its been a god send for grabbing lunch to go) but i defnitely need a change today .. haaaaaaaaaa.

    I'm proud of all of us for getting ourselves in gear and making plans to get what we want for ourselves in 2019...
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Vail, that’s so funny...I went to bed last night and was lying there trying to go to sleep and wondering what that strange feeling was... I was actually hungry! Not starving, just a little empty feeling. I thought to myself, “huh...that’s okay..that’s good.”

    I wiped my starting weight clean in 2016, thinking that I had rested on my weight loss laurels for too long, considering that I had gained back about 20 pounds of the 45 I had lost on MFP. I admit that there have been times that I wished everyone could see that I had really lost more than the measly 8 that was showing. Lol!! I just want a fresh start...a new beginning to get it right this time.

    I’m going back to basics...measuring, weighing food, logging everything. I started just saying, “close enough” instead of weighing my food and I think my serving sizes were way out of whack. A handful of nuts here, a spoonful of peanut butter there, my serving of wine was nowhere near 4 ounces! Ha! I’m going to record my weight every Friday morning. I’m also going to make sure I’m drinking my water every day.