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2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie!!!! I loved the video! Imagine is one of my all time favorite songs. I tend to get emotional when I hear it. My daughter’s choir in fourth grade sang it at their recital. She was attending the International School of Amsterdam at the time and to see all those young people from all over the world singing about unity and peace just filled my heart to overflowing. It must have been a joyous feeling to be in that crowd!

    I’m so sorry about the test results. Anytime we’re told that something isn’t “normal” it send our minds to very troublesome places. Reading your post though, if she doesn’t want you to come back for five months then it can’t be too worrisome, right?!?! I hope the endoscopy goes well. You have the right attitude...eat for health. I’m convinced that if we do that then a by product will be weight loss. Hopefully the new meds and healthy eating will be what you need for all the other issues.

    Gail, having to work so much at this time of year would be so stressful! Good for you for not grazing your way through the kitchen in the middle of the night! Hang in there! I hope work lightens up soon.

    Vail, was that a “new” pound loss you recorded? Even if it wasn’t, you’re doing great! This is the time of year that most people put on weight. (Me included, unfortunately).

    Susan, are you still with us? Hope you’re doing well!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited November 2018
    Gail - i don't know how you're still standing.. it seems rather inhumane to have you all working so much without a day off more often :( and yes isn't it always the way that those making the decisions have no clue about how things actually run …. every time we get a new boss (and where I am it happens often as we're sort of a training area for every new promotion) the "new broom" decides things have to change and no matter how much we tell them.. been there, done that, won't work... ahead they go.... and god forbid they would ever admit it didn't work no no must forge ahead with stupid.... sigh... hang in there girl and as suzy said huge congrats on not doing the graze at 12am!!

    I did forget to mention that the scale had been moving up at my end too.. more than I realized til I couldnt fit into any pants comfortably enuf to sit all nite last nite so I had to go with ones I swore I would never put on again.. grrrr! NOT impressed.. but hoping refocusing on healthier eating will have a side effect of making it head the other way!

    when do u go to see the tree with your niece Suzy? how cool is that your daughter was in such a prestigious show?? and while I don't normally get emotional for that song, at this time of year it really does remind us of whats really important.. i'm thinking maybe we should the heads of all our countries together to sing that !!! maybe smarten em all up at bit!! lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, we’re going to Asheville, North Carolina on the 11th. The Biltmore is a mansion/estate/castle type place built in the 1800’s. They decorate it for Christmas and it’s spectacular. You should google it. We went in the spring a few years ago when the gardens were blooming with thousands of tulips and such.

    If only we could get all the heads of state from around the world to that sing along. Just for a moment to have peace on earth.

    Funny you should mention the pants....I couldn’t even button my jeans from the beginning of the year. Thank goodness for stretchy pants!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    suzy i did google it because i'm a sucker for xmas lights anywhere - i searched biltmore nc xmas lights holy cow.. there's this one room with 3 fireplaces on one wall - all decorated - just stunning!! I'm assuming you can tour the inside as well as the grounds for the xmas trip? its gonna be gorgeous!!

    even stretchy didn't cut it for me last nite - my "jeggings" were still too tight to sit in.. then again we were standing and singing for most of the night so i might have been ok lol.. tomorrow my friend and i are going to a holiday market in a town about 30 min away.. supposed to be a nice one but only open from 12-4 so no lights to see.. Niagara Falls always has the calvalcade of lights tho so i may pop down there when i'm off over xmas .. oh right next week we are going down to the toronto christmas market so there will be lights lol

    im doing a show at the LAC tonite - called All is Calm - its the true story of the one Christmas day during world war one when all the troops on both sides put down their weapons and shared food and photos of famliies and played soccer/football... hope i get to work inside cause i'd like to see it :)
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Just catching up again, sorry! I haven't been 100% and kind of dragging myself to work and through the day - I'm sure the winter doesn't help!

    I loved the video, Snooozie! You all sounded great and it looked like such fun! I smiled at "sisterhood"! I'm sorry your results weren't great, but it's great that you can see the positives, and I hope the new drug is helpful. I understand you worrying about kidney function, so hope that turns out to be OK. I don't have great kidney function tests either, and have chronic kidney disease, have had various tests and so on, but I'm lucky that it does not seem to be much of a concern. I hope all goes well with your endoscopy. I'm glad that this is all being monitored and treatment adjusted. I hope you got to see the show and enjoyed the Christmas market!

    Gail, you do sound so busy - I hope you get some time to rest. And well done for not eating when in the kitchen at night - lol!

    Suzy, yes, kind of a new pound, thanks! But due taking antibiotics which affected my appetite and also had to be taken on an empty stomach. My appetite is coming back now, although I'm trying to hold on to some of the loss! I have been baking again - I really need to stop that. I think I'm roughly about 10 pounds lighter than I was back in the summer, which isn't too bad. I just need to get below my previous lows and into new territory and that isn't happening! The Biltmore looks spectacular! I hope you have a wonderful time!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Vail i'm sorry to hear you've been under the weather yourself... but glad you appear to be feeling better at least appetite wise! LOL @ the baking... seeing as I depend on home made baking being supplied to me by all my friends over the holidays, I don't think I can help with telling you to stop yours :) omg on being 10lbs lighter than you were in the summer?? THAT is awesome .. well done YOU!! and I know exactly what you mean about wanting to be in new territory.. that WAS my goal but with the recent gain I have to focus on the health part more and just hope that doing that will have the side effect of weight loss..

    I have noticed tho… that is it so much harder now to lose weight than even 5 years ago... the middle age spread seems to be going wild specially round my middle... grrrr
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    It's definitely harder. It's so frustrating!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Yes it is. I’ve read a huge debate in the forums about whether it’s harder for women after menopause. I know what I believe but there are others who claim that menopause has nothing to do with it. I completely wholeheartedly vehemently disagree! Lol!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    im guessing a lot of those saying menopause has nothing to do with it.. are under 30 LOLOL! But whatever anyone's beliefs I personally am convinced that the hormone upheaval, sleep loss, anxiety, and all the other goodies that accompany menopause DO make it harder - physiologically our bodies are changing same as they did at all the other milestones in life.. it changed during puberty, periods, pregnancy etc... so nobody will convince me that all the changes going on inside us during the average 10 yr span of pre/peri/post menopause dont affect our attempts at weight loss. I'm not saying it can't be done, im just saying I DO believe it's a whole lot harder now.. and since I DID it 5 yrs ago I KNOW it's harder now... so I stick my tongue out at the non believers lol...

    I planned getting together with all my non work friends during this vacation time, which of course has involved wine and almost daily lunches and/or dinners out... so my only weapon at the moment is trying to order healthier options which aint always possible, and to be careful with my other meals every day... I have resorted to hopping on the scale daily to help make sure I keep an eye on the "cumulative" effect. i've done a fair bit of walking the past few days while out at holiday markets and festivals but its definitely a slippery slope and i'm just trying to keep my footing as I go..! one day at a time! and as suzy said about finding the happy balance from one extreme to the other with our relationship with food, i'm not stressing big time over any of it because the time together with friends is a gift - but I am just trying to be mindful of not going overboard either just because i'm getting together with friends isn't a licence to pig out …just to enjoy :)
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, girlz!!
    Awesome updates from everyone. read rather quickly......

    sorry , if I made it sound like they were making us work straight... We did have to support ,the first month of October, but the rest of the time was our decision to work to get to the goal date... We only work a few hours on Sat or Sun or both, but it still gets tiring.... not too much left to do though.

    hope everyone is doing well...

    Our brand new G-baby girl should be here soon!! at least by the 23rd.
    So excited, and I got to buy some tiny baby clothes......can't wait to bombard y'all with pictures and antidotes.... lol Besides my work mates, you are my best virtual friends! lol

    Break time is over, so back at it....bye
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Ooooh...a Christmas baby!!! Yay!! That’s so exciting!

    Reading your comments about time with friends and trying not to overindulge...you saying that it’s not a license to pig out...got me thinking, Snoozie. That’s exactly what I do...I interpret social get togethers as “free for all’s” when it comes to eating. Like those calories won’t count because it’s a party or a special occasion. THAT is the thinking I really need to change. For example: I’ve been doing great for three whole days (doesn’t sound like a huge accomplishment but getting my butt back on this wagon has been a huge struggle) and my niece gets here in five days. I’ve been looking at her visit as a forgone conclusion that I’ll be over eating because “it’s a special occasion!” I need to be looking at it as a continuation of my healthy eating with a few glasses of wine added in. It’s NOT about what I’m going to eat, it’s about spending time with her, building memories. Five years from now I won’t remember what I ate but I will remember what we did and saw and said. How do I make myself stick to this when I’m faced with a menu of incredible food or desserts? I’ve got to try to instill a new way of thinking: it’s not about giving myself permission to eat what I want, it’s about feeling good about making healthy choices and enjoying the company around me.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited December 2018
    Suzy i am the same with the licence to eat thing .. and honestly yesterday I yet again met friends at 3pm for drinks and of course they wanted to eat dinner too... now admittedly I planned all these social get togethers over these two weeks im off with my friends while im on vacation because its the only time I really get to see everyone...

    but when I sat down in the restaurant I honestly felt like an oompah loompah.. I thot if I eat anything I am going to just explode... I have eaten so much this week with all the outings that I was seriously uncomfortable - my pants were so tight and my belly protruded over them and I couldnt find a loose enuf sweater or shirt that wouldnt show it... I actually slumped in the booth a bit cause it was more comfortable.. and I actually ordered just an appy of 2 little chicken sliders .. i really didnt want anything at all ... and everyone was like "have some of my fries" etc.. and of course I ate some of the guac and chips and some fries... even while the whole time I felt physically like i was going to explode.. blah... I swear if I could bottle that feeling and bring it out at will I would have no problem not mindless eating! i have lunches mon/tues/wed next week... and i have decided i will be qutie happy just ordering an appy or a soup and concentrating more on the people im with than the food on my plate .. altho one is a chinese buffet type so i will deal with that at the time.. but for the next few days i am going to WAIT for hunger before i eat anything at all, because i can't remember the last time i actually felt hungry.. definitely needed this wake up call!!

    and as for your post above:

    "For example: I’ve been doing great for three whole days (doesn’t sound like a huge accomplishment but getting my butt back on this wagon has been a huge struggle) and my niece gets here in five days. I’ve been looking at her visit as a forgone conclusion that I’ll be over eating because “it’s a special occasion!”

    I need to be looking at it as a continuation of my healthy eating with a few glasses of wine added in. It’s NOT about what I’m going to eat, it’s about spending time with her, building memories."

    I loved THAT last paragraph (and 3 days is amazing btw!) but i took a pic of that last paragraph and am going to make it a screen saver on my phone!!!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’ve often thought that if I could only remember that over full, uncomfortable feeling then I would never over eat again.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Love this!!

    ...and yes to wishing you could remember it...especially at super!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I hate being overfull and uncomfortable! But it's very, very rare for me ... I have creative ways of managing to eat too much, and it's mainly by nibbling, spread out over time, so I don't ever get "full", but can pack quite a lot of food in in total. That's partly why I've tended to go for diet methods which involve limiting when I can eat, rather than what. (Fasting, not eating outside mealtimes, etc.). I have been really bad at sticking to mealtimes recently - I've had the "excuse" of not being well recently, and then being at work and being surrounded by food - not actually valid excuses.

    I've still been baking, despite saying that I need to stop. I had a packet of dried cranberries that would be past the best-before date in a couple of weeks. So instead of ignoring the date, or throwing them away, I soaked them in brandy, and made a stollen out of them. It was so delicious, and I have to tell myself over and over that homemade does not equal healthy! I'm going to take it into work so that I don't end up eating the whole thing. There is no way all that butter and sugar is good for me, and Xmas isn't an excuse!

    I admire your attitude, Suzy. You are quite right. I have taken on board the fast/feast mentality and the idea that it's fine to break diets for social celebrations. But the thing is, that's supposed to be for rare social occasions, a few a year, not finding an excuse to do it every other week. I know that sometimes I'm eating because I feel I should, socially, and other times I'm using social occasions as an excuse to not worry about what I'm eating.

    Very exciting about your grand-daughter, Gail! Only a couple of weeks to go, hopefully!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited December 2018
    Hiya hatters!!

    Well the food fest is over as of yesterday; and while I did eat way too much over the past 2 weeks, i got to see absolutely everyone I wanted to before the holidays which is a gift in itself for me. The two I met yesterday - we met in 1981 and 37 years later, we still get together at least 2 times a year. We've been through most of life's ups and downs together over the years and although we're miles apart now; the friendship has such deep roots it doesnt really matter the distance. So I am a happy camper, albeit a fat and stodgy one right now! I got on the scale this morning just to know where i'm starting.. it wasn't pretty but I am not stressing over it just wanted to know my starting point. I'm back to work on Saturday and I deliberately left today and tomorrow free of commitments so I can get caught up on the cleaning and groceries (the cleaning around here should burn a million calories lol). Anyway.... that's me!

    Suzy - I think you are in NC with your niece right now enjoying the beauty of the gorgeous xmas - i looked at the online pics again last nite of where you are - cant wait to hear all about it ! and I stole your "jeans/leggings" picture for my facebook page - it was just too damn appropriate for me right now and yes.. i did buy a new pair of "jeggings" to get me thru in comfort !!!

    Vail - my friend gave me a little tin of home made cookies knowing its my favourite thing - a few shortbread, gingersnaps and snowballs so I can't say anything bad about your baking LOL.. my sister has been baking up a storm but giving them all away to neighbours and/or freezing them to keep from temptation... she's a better woman than me!! i have all the stuff to bake my favourite cookies but i have so far resisted, probably because i'm too stuffed to move to be honest … but i will have to have a few on hand for xmas eve so I may need a care package sent to this side of the pond please??

    Gail - how excited are you for the arrival of the new GB?? talk about the best xmas present ever :) I hope with all the time you've spent at work you will get some time off over the holidays to enjoy the little one's arrival - and we can't wait to see the pics believe me!!

    ok.. i'm going to start making my list of everything i have to do.. but i am going to go to pickleball this morning because i haven't been able to go for a few weeks and it shuts down next week til after the holidays.. on wards and upwards!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    So, still here
    142 ishh days (show up) for work

    Jamaica in February
    Key West in May
    Va beach in July

    Working on not being the biggest girl on the beach
    Wish me luck

    Talk to you soon
    Go Team Go

    Carol in Jersey
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hello Hatters! We’re back from Asheville. We were really worried whether we’d be able to go because of the terrible winter storm that dumped a foot of snow there over the weekend but it worked out just fine. Biltmore was even more beautiful with snow on the ground. I managed to not over indulge in food or wine and we did tons of walking, so hopefully it evened out. I’ll know tomorrow when I climb on that scale. We had a great time no matter what the scale says; building memories that will last a lifetime.

    Hi Carol!! Your plans for 2019 sound awesome! I guarantee that you won’t be the biggest girl on the beach. You’re working towards a goal and have time to make some progress. Regardless, you’ll have a fantastic time!

    Ha! Snoozie, your onwards and upwards made me laugh....I hope my weight isn’t going any more “upwards” than it already has! How wonderful to have friends from 37 years ago that you still see!

    Vail, I may not bake at all this Christmas. I’ll just eat it all...even though I make a killer ginger molasses cookie! Okay....maybe just those. Lol!

    I’m sending a picture of me and my niece in front of a small tree at Biltmore.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member