Following Fuhrman in February!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,955 Member
    edited March 2018
    Breakfast and lunch same as yesterday, except I added a big handful of arugula to my salad. Dinner was water sauteed turnip greens with garlic and balsamic. I wasn't thrilled. They were very bitter. I'm just trying out different greens to try to expand my tastes a bit beyond the usual kale, collards and chard. I stumbled across this the other day and thinking it's time to add watercress to the rotation.

    I also made some tofu that turned out well. I just cubed it and "fried" in a non-stick skillet until browned, then added a little coconut aminos and no-salt seasoning and cooked a few minutes longer. Simple and tasty.

    Really wanted to get on the scale this morning to see how I'm doing. I can already tell a difference in my clothes, but I am making myself wait until Monday. I don't want to get into that mindset where the scale is my reward, because the scale is fickle.

    ETA: also had a pear after dinner with a wasa cracker and a dab of natural peanut butter. The pear was so good!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    It was a gorgeous day out today and Joe got home early enough that we had time to fit in a walk before dinner. It feels like spring! Dinner tonight was a mushroom barley bowl with creamy basil dressing.

    Yesterday marked a full month of eating on plan, and no snacks in the evening. I'm feeling so good about that.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hi, Eating is all off. Soup and green smoothies. Still sick. :(
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,955 Member
    Tasty looking bowl Carla... I haven't made barley in a while should have some soon.

    Donna, sorry to hear you are still sick. Probably don't feel like cooking right now but I swear by this soup: It's one of my favorites and it always makes me feel better when I have a cold. Just leave out the oil to make it ETL compliant.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 128 Member
    Feel better soon, Donna! No fun to be sick. :/

    Carla, the creamy basil dressing looks tasty!

    I dropped my salad spinner lid on my foot last night. Couldn't bear weight on my big toe this morning. Since we're leaving for the weekend I decided I should get it checked. No broken bones, just a nasty deep bruise. No walking for exercise for 1-2 weeks but I can do stationary workouts. I've got veggies & hummus packed, as well as some vegan bites (chocolate oatmeal peanut butter and coconut chocolate date). These will at least keep bad snacking to a minimum. Planning to eat salads when we go out. Oatmeal at the hotel.

    Have a great weekend!